УДК 796.01:378.17 ББК 75
DOI 10.47475/2500-0365-2021-16310
V. D. Ivanov
Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
The article grounds the necessity of teaching students the methods of self-monitoring in the process of physical activity by carrying out independent research and evaluation of the functional state of various organs and systems of the body. An experimental study was conducted and the effectiveness of the organization of self-monitoring in the process of independent training was proved.
Keywords. Physical education, health-improving impact, self-monitoring, self-assessment of physical condition, subjective indicators, objective indicators, self-assessment of functional state.
Introduction. The effectiveness of students' physical education directly depends on the physical activity that is appropriate and necessary for their health. One can determine an adequate training load if one listens to his or her body, realistically assessing one's physical capabilities. This information is a reliable guide for determining training loads [1; 4; 8; etc.].
An integral part of the process of physical education in higher education is the students' individual training activities [3; 4; 5; 19; 20]. The health-improving impact of physical activity has a positive effect on all systems in the body. Physical activity has a positive effect on: the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, metabolism, the central nervous system. However, it is also worth remembering that excessive strain is harmful to the body. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to one' s well-being, as well as the overall condition of the body. The approach to the load determining should be competent and based on self-monitoring. Self-monitoring is a method of assessing the state of one's own body in the process of preparation for the training in order to adjust physical activity to one's condition [2; 11; 12; 15]. The most common form of fixing the results of self-monitoring is a diary [6]. Its regular updating will help the student to monitor
his or her progress, failures, loads, required rest for the body and efficiency of training. A diary helps to reduce the risk of injury or overtraining.
To start a self-monitoring diary, you need to start a notebook and make pages in the form of tables, where each physical training standard has a separate column.
The diary helps to deal with tasks such as:
1. Problems with determining the norm of training intensity.
2. Detecting dangerous diseases.
3. Identifying effective methods for training.
4. Determine the time needed for the body to recover [6].
For example, it would be very useful for students engaged in physical education to keep such a diary, in which they would record from 5 to 20 indicators that track the functional state of the body.
Every day one can monitor the number of hours of sleep and its quality, general well-being, pulse, blood pressure, bowel function, disruption of habitual routine. Self-monitoring during training: weighing before and after training, monitoring heart rate, breathing rate, perspiration, pain sensations. Also, it's worth remembering to control the load during your workout, whether it's the time allotted for running,
the weight of the barbell, or the time of the workout itself. For self-monitoring, once a month you should measure your body parameters: the total circumference of your chest, waist, hips, leg, biceps and triceps. Systematic control of a person's body condition will help to adjust the duration of training and it's load. Regular use of the diary will help identify points of overexertion [6].
One of the most pressing issues of higher education institutions was and remains the problem of physical education of students, especially the organization of individual physical training and its management [13; 14].
The urgency of this problem is due to the close relationship between theoretical, physical fitness and the overall health condition of the student [2; 7; 10; 13; 18].
In this regard, there is a need to organize physical education sessions with an emphasis on solving the health-related problems of physical education, while not violating the educational component of the process. In acquiring knowledge in physical education classes, the student should build a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities and aptitudes of his or her body, the state of health and methods of preserving health [2; 7; 9; 10].
It is necessary to teach the student the skills of self-monitoring of the functional state of the body: measuring pulse, pressure, the use of diagnostic tests. Knowing what your body is capable of helps to change your attitude toward physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
During the students' training in the classes of physical education in higher education institution the teacher carries out comprehensive control. Comprehensive control is the measurement and evaluation of various indicators in the process of training to determine the level of fitness of students (using pedagogical, psychological, biological, sociometric, sports-medical and other methods and tests). The objects of control are both the content of the training process and the state of the trainees. Comprehensive control in most cases is implemented in the course of testing or by estimation tests results. Test (from Lat. test — a task, probation) — a method of studying the personality, which is built on its assessment by the results of a standardized task or trial with a predetermined reliability and validity [2, p. 406; 21]. There are three groups of tests [16; 17].
The first group of tests are tests performed at rest. These include indicators of physical development (height and weight of the body, thickness of skin and fat folds, length and girth of arms, legs, torso, etc.).
At rest, the functional state of the heart, muscles, nervous and vascular systems are measured. This group also includes psychological tests.
The second group of tests are standardized tests, where all students are asked to perform the same task.
The third group of tests are those in which you need to show the highest possible motor activity result.
The problem is that in modern curricula 50% of the curriculum is devoted to students' individually organized work and, consequently, it is up to the student to monitor his or her functional state. It is important to cultivate the knowledge and skills of self-monitoring during lectures and practical classes of physical education.
The purpose of self-monitoring is the independent regular self-observation of the physical development, the state of one's body, and the influence of physical exercise or a particular sport on it, in simple and accessible ways. Self-monitoring tasks:
— to realize the necessity of taking care of one's health;
— master the simplest self-observation techniques available;
— learn to analyze self-control indicators and apply them in practice;
— to develop a conscious attitude to physical activity [17].
Self-monitoring is aimed at more precise control of the personal condition and at the correction of applied exercises in the educational and training process and in autonomously organized training sessions.
The aim of the study is to improve the quality of mastering the theoretical material and the building of important techniques and methods of self-monitoring of the physical functioning of the body during independent autonomously organized training sessions based on the competence approach to the general physical education of students.
The objectives of the study are to form the following competencies in students:
— master the methods and techniques of self-monitoring of the state of one's body;
— the ability to correct their motor activity on the basis of the results of self-monitoring, to ensure the safety of training;
— the ability to maintain and improve the physical fitness necessary for life, academic and social activities and successful mastery of the discipline of Physical Education in senior university years.
Organization and methods of research. To
improve the quality of the educational process at Chelyabinsk State University in the lecture course on physical education for first-year students a module "Methods of control and self-monitoring of the functional state of the body in the course of physical culture and sports" was included. This module gives a theoretical description of the methods of self-monitoring of the functional state of the body. Theoretical knowledge develops students' motivational and value-based attitude to physical culture, attitudes toward maintaining a healthy lifestyle, self-cultivation and enhancement of their bodies and encourages to conduct self-monitoring during individual activities of physical culture and sports. During the practical classes in the 1-2 university years, students practice the methods of self-monitoring under the guidance of the teacher. The teacher ensures that the self-monitoring techniques are clearly and correctly performed so that the data obtained are valid, reliable, and objective. Students keep a self-monitoring diary when doing self-guided physical education activities.
The experimental work involved 156 first-year students and 131 second-year students of the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation in 2020-2021 academic year which were the experimental groups. The control groups were first-year (182) law students and second-year (135) mathematics students, in which classes were conducted according to the traditional scheme.
Knowledge of the subject theory was tested with the help of testing in the Moodle system in the Inter-
net. The maximum score for the test was 100 points. Correctness and effectiveness of the practical application of self-control methods were recorded in the protocol during practical exercises by the teacher.
Students kept a diary of self-monitoring of the functional state of the body. Consultations on the content, diary keeping and the data received were conducted monthly by the teacher. At the end of the academic semester, students handed in a diary of self-monitoring of the functional state of the body (personal data were deleted, i.e. information about the owner of the diary was depersonalized).
The data obtained during the study were processed by using the methods of mathematical statistics.
Results of the research. The results of mastering the theory of control and self-monitoring in the field of physical education and sport by first-year students are presented in Table 1.
The data obtained indicate a good knowledge of students about control and self-monitoring in physical education and sports. Learning in both the experimental and control groups is at the same level, there is no statistical difference.
Testing of physical fitness and functional state of second-year students of the experimental and control groups was conducted at the beginning of the experiment and at the end of it. The results are presented in Table 2.
Discussion of the research results. The results of the study show that the theoretical knowledge of the organization and conduct of control and self-monitoring of physical fitness and functional state is not
Table 1
Theoretical competence of students in control and self-monitoring in physical education and sport
Tests The level of knowledge based on the test results in points
CG (n = 156) EG (n = 182)
Control, Types of control, their characteristics, 79,3 79,5
Self-monitoring, Types of self-monitoring 81,0 80,6
Assessment and standards of physical development 77,5 78,0
Methods of monitoring the functional state of the body, 66,8 67,1
Assessment of the functional state of the respiratory system 75,0 74,6
Assessment of the functional state of the cardiovascular system 77,0 77,0
Orthostatic test 65,7 65,3
Stange's test (timed inspiratory capacity) 73,7 74,0
Quetelet index 70,6 70,3
Assessment of physical work capacity 78,5 79
Methods of studying motor activity 81,0 80,5
Comprehensive health assessment 55,6 55,8
Integrative indicator of theoretical readiness 73,48 73,48
P > 0,05
Table 2
Physical fitness and functional condition test results (n = 148), M ± m
Tests At the b of the ex eginning jeriment P At the end of the experiment P
Rope jumps, number of jumps in 1 min 105,78 ± 26,7 107,17 ± 27,13 > 0,05 108,04 ± 26,06 127,96 ± 26,48 < 0,05
Arms flexion and extension in the prone position, number of times 2,98 ± 2,88 3,28 ± 3,5 > 0,05 3,28 ± 3,5 6,74 ± 5,05 < 0,05
Lifting and lowering the torso from the prone position, bending the legs, times in 1 min 36,54 ± 5,31 37,11 ± 5,8 > 0,01 37,11 ± 5,8 44,59 ± 7,58 < 0,01
Bending forward from a standing position on a bench, cm 13,7 ± 3,18 14,15 ± 3,69 > 0,01 14,24 ± 3,82 18,61 ± 4,77 < 0,01
«Plank» on the forearms, sec 65,96 ± 20,51 71,61 ± 35,39 > 0,05 71,61 ± 35,39 99,7 ± 52,06 < 0,05
Orthostatic test 16,98 ± 4,22 15,98 ± 4,23 > 0,005 15,98 ± 4,23 14,17 ± 5,33 < 0,005
Stange's test (timed inspiratory capacity) 45,46 ± 13,1 50,98 ± 13,07 < 0,005 50,98 ± 13,07 57,00 ± 13,54 < 0,005
Quetelet index 346,91 ± 43,94 346,78 ± 44,91 > 0,05 346,78 ± 44,91 337,61 ± 32,22 > 0,05
enough for students to use self-monitoring in their physical education and health-improving activities.
Mastering the practical skills of self-monitoring under the guidance of a teacher during practical classes in physical education, applied and recreational physical education gives a significant progression in physical fitness and functional status of students. Students in the experimental group of the second year showed a statistically significant increase in all indicators in the test (Table 2)
Analysis of students' self-observation diaries showed that in the experimental group all students kept a diary (100%), and 51% in the control group.
A significant difference is found in the structure and in the diary records. In the experimental group, records were more detailed and observations were made not only on physical parameters, but also on the psycho-emotional state. In the control group, attention was paid only to physical fitness and physical state of the body. Many from the control group kept a diary not systematically, but occasionally.
Conclusions. An essential role in the awareness and systematic self-monitoring of the physical form and functional state of the body by students is played not only by theoretical knowledge, but primarily by the ability to methodically correct it. The competency-based approach can help address the challenges facing the discipline of Physical Education. It is aimed at mastering the basics of knowledge and skills for physical improvement, the development of abilities for the application of physical education knowledge, skills and competencies necessary in the educational situation and everyday life.
Self-monitoring in physical education is a conscious activity of the student aimed at:
— studying one''s own organism and its capabilities;
— on recording, analyzing and making corrective decisions;
— on the health improvement of the body;
— on the scientific organization of self-training in physical education.
The core is an adequate self-assessment, corresponding to the real abilities of a particular person, conditioned by an analysis of one's own capabilities. If one has a high self-esteem but does not have a high body capacity, one can harm one's own health. Self-monitoring in the process of individually organized physical training contributes to the development of an adequate self-esteem.
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Для цитирования: Ivanov, V. D. Self-monitoring in the process of physical education of students / V. D. Ivanov // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2021. — Т. 6, № 3. — С. 64—71.
Сведения об авторе
Иванов Валентин Дмитриевич — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания и спорта, Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2952-3222. Author ID: 229821. E-mail: [email protected]
2021, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 64—71
Самоконтроль в процессе физического воспитания студентов Иванов В. Д.
Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия
В статье обоснована необходимость обучения студентов методам самоконтроля в процессе физической нагрузки путем самостоятельного исследования и оценки функционального состояния различных органов и систем организма. Проведено экспериментальное исследование и доказана эффективность организации самоконтроля в процессе самостоятельной работы.
Ключевые слова. Физическое воспитание, оздоровительное влияние, самоконтроль, самооценка физического состояния, субъективные показатели, объективные показатели, самооценка функционального состояния.
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