Научная статья на тему 'Lexical and stylistic analysis of proverbs and sayings in media texts'

Lexical and stylistic analysis of proverbs and sayings in media texts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Vavilova D.O.

The article considers the lexical and stylistic features of proverbs and sayings in the language of modern Russian-language media The objectives of this study are to consider the concept of proverbs and sayings, as well as analyze proverbs and sayings in the texts of Russian-language media. The subject of the research is proverbs and sayings in English. It is noted that the central concept is Intertextuality, that is, the use of idioms undergoing transformation. In addition, a classification of these transformations is given.

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В статье рассматриваются лексико-стилистические особенности пословиц и поговорок в языке современных русскоязычных СМИ. Задачи данного исследования заключаются в рассмотрении понятия пословицы и поговорки, а также анализ пословиц и поговорок в текстах русскоязычных СМИ. Предметом исследования выступают пословицы и поговорки на русском языке. Отмечается, что центральным понятием является интертекстуальность, то есть использование идиом, претерпевающих трансформацию. Также представлена классификация этих преобразований.

Текст научной работы на тему «Lexical and stylistic analysis of proverbs and sayings in media texts»

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18454/RULB.2020.21.1.24


Научная статья

Вавилова Д.О.*

Российский Университет Дружбы Народов, Москва, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (eva291196[at]mail.ru)


В статье рассматриваются лексико-стилистические особенности пословиц и поговорок в языке современных русскоязычных СМИ. Задачи данного исследования заключаются в рассмотрении понятия пословицы и поговорки, а также анализ пословиц и поговорок в текстах русскоязычных СМИ. Предметом исследования выступают пословицы и поговорки на русском языке. Отмечается, что центральным понятием является интертекстуальность, то есть использование идиом, претерпевающих трансформацию. Также представлена классификация этих преобразований.

Ключевые слова: пословица, интертекстуальность, виды трансформаций пословицы.


Research article

Vavilova D.O.*

The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia

* Corresponding author (eva291196[at]mail.ru)


The article considers the lexical and stylistic features of proverbs and sayings in the language of modern Russian-language media The objectives of this study are to consider the concept of proverbs and sayings, as well as analyze proverbs and sayings in the texts of Russian-language media. The subject of the research is proverbs and sayings in English. It is noted that the central concept is Intertextuality, that is, the use of idioms undergoing transformation. In addition, a classification of these transformations is given.

Keywords: proverb, intertextuality, types of proverb transformation.


People strive to pass on the accumulated knowledge and life experience to future generations. The historical features of the development of a nation, its lifestyle, moral character and rich traditions are only a small part of what proverbs and sayings are able to reflect. In different languages there are sayings and proverbs that are completely identical or very close in thought. But there are such turns that in other languages have no analogues. The latter are of particular difficulty for the translator.

Every day in speech, we use various idiomatic expressions. They give speech expressiveness and imagery. How versatile the mind of the people can truly be seen in the proverbs, since all the proverbs were composed by the people. You can quite easily understand how the country developed, consider the features of everyday life, worldview, traditions of one or another people. The language and style of the modern press seek to soften the restrained and dry tone of the official letter, to replace it with colloquial forms. Also in the language of the press you can see a tendency to search for new means of expression. Such is the nature of the use of proverbs and sayings [5, P. 93].

The language of the media quickly reflects changes in society. At the same time, intertextuality is becoming the central concept of a rapidly changing language. It is this fact that determines the use of proverbs to create the so-called "fragmented" discourse [3, P. 86]. Proverbs and sayings become a way of expressing the cultural experience of a people, but moral or categorical imperatives can change under the influence of political, social or economic shifts. Consequently, proverbs and sayings change.

The functioning of proverbs and sayings in the language of the media is characterized by their formal transformation. In this case, the components of the proverb can be replaced. Most often, this technique is used in online media: В семье не без героя; Лечению время - потехе час; Еда не приходит одна и т. д. [1, P. 280]. A special case of component replacement is the proverbial contamination context: Сила есть - закон не писан; Либо рыбку съесть, либо голова в кустах и т. д. [1, P. 208].

For example, the case of the author's interpretation in the proverb «Вот тебе, бабушка, и ВТО!» («Рабочая газета», №176, 5.10.12, P. 2) also becomes the replacement of the structural component with another token. In this case, the initial form of this expression («Вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев день») used to express extreme sadness or surprise from a sudden event [7, с. 35]. The same stable expression is transformed in this case: «Вот тебе, вуйко, и книжная столица» (Рабочая газета, № 214, 2.12.11., P. 4). The phrase is again replaced by another phrase of a different thematic plan, however, in this author's interpretation there is also a national Ukrainian component.

You can also observe the process of expansion or, conversely, reduction of the structure of the proverb. The expansion of the structure of the proverb often occurs due to the introduction of a previously absent opposition: Лежачего не бьют, а помогают подняться; Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать, а тем более прочесть и т. д. [1, P. 209]. In turn, the reduction is reduced to omitting the component of the proverb: Честь - смолоду; Только могила исправит и т. д. [1, P. 209].

For example, as a result of ellipsis, the contradiction between the isolation of form and the coherence of the integral meaning of the phraseological unit is eliminated [2, P. 22]. It is worth noting that such a reduction is possible only if the proverb or saying is well known, and the use of only a fragment will be enough for the reader to understand the meaning of the


statement. So in the abbreviated phrase «Терпение и труд» («Известия в Украине», №162, 30.08.12, P. 4) the reader will easily recognize the original version of the proverb «Терпение и труд все перетрут» with the meaning «patience and perseverance in work will overcome all obstacles» [7, P. 96].

The language form of proverbs and sayings is determined by their folkloric origin, the colloquial sphere of use. It should be noted that not only the proverbial form changes, but also its pragmatic meaning. So, expressiveness, as one of the most important properties of a proverb and a saying, determines the strength of its impact on the listener. Moreover, this expressiveness is achieved due to the tropes [4, P. 2].

Many notorious transformations that reflect typed situations quickly acquire stability, begin to play actively in a new design, are repeatedly fixed by different sources, that is, they can become normal, and some (including those that we study in this article) can be considered as individual, occasional transformations tied to specific individual situations [6, P. 455].

To confirm that this specificity is universal, we will also consider proverbs and sayings in the German media.

The general model, characterized by expressiveness, relevance of the logical and semantic content, is the replacement or substitution of the lexical components of the proverb. In most cases, one or two words are replaced: Stille Wasser sind teuer (Mitteldeutsche Zeitung - further MZ. 2008.31.07.) - Stille Wasser sind tief. The deformed proverb is used as the heading of the text, which refers to the prices of mineral water offered to the guests of the fashionable Atlantic Hotel in Hamburg [5, P. 93].

The following type of proverbial deformation in the German media language is characterized by cutting off part of the proverb and adding a new proposition: Fruh ubt sich, der besser fahren will (MZ. 2007.13.07.) - Fruh ubt sich, was ein Meister werden; Ende gut, alles gut. In both cases, the general meaning of the source proverb is preserved, since the source keywords are not replaced. The change in the meaning of the source proverb is usually associated with the replacement of keywords, which is very popular in commercial advertising as a means of creating original advertising slogans: Preise gut, alles gut - Ende gut, alles gut. With the replacement of the keyword, the general meaning of the source proverb has changed, but the newly formed idiom sounds like a well-known saying, and the consumer believes it [5, P. 94].

A characteristic feature of almost all examples, providing recognition of the source proverb, is the preservation of its syntactic structure and alliteration with the source word. So, the headline of newspaper publications on the theme night of open doors in churches Nachts sind alle Kirchen auf! (MZ. 2006.18.08.) has a syntactic proverbial structure In der Nacht sind alle Katzen grau. In the anti-spelling as the title Liebe geht durch den Wagen (Presse und Sprache. 2009. Februar.) alliteration takes place with the word Magen in proverbs Liebe geht durch den Magen. The consequence of replacing a keyword in a traditional proverb is to change the meaning of the original. The text refers to the big love of men in Germany for cars [5, P. 95].

As shown by the lexical and stylistic analysis, today it is not the fact of transformation of Proverbs and sayings in the texts of the media that attracts attention, but its scale. Previously, this process could be observed only in the humorous sections of Newspapers, but today the transformation of stable expressions (including phraseological units) becomes almost a separate genre of journalism. This fact allows us to evaluate the updated form of idioms differently-both external and internal. Today, these expressions in the language of the media can be regarded not only as a means of creating expression, but also as a way of expressing additional lexical and stylistic nuances.


The main feature of Proverbs and sayings in the texts of the modern press is their strict moralizing. It is these expressions that express the totality of cultural and historical experience developed by one or another people. Through the author's interpretation of proverbs and sayings, occurring at the lexical and stylistic level, the expression becomes ironic. Such a proverb or saying can help the author not only to present the facts, but also to demonstrate their attitude to the events described.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

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