THE HYDROGEN CIVILIZATION SAGA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Текст научной работы на тему «THE HYDROGEN CIVILIZATION SAGA»



одородная экономика

hydrogen economy

История водородной энергетики

History of hydrogen energy


T. Nejat Veziroglu^

^^ Honorable Editor-in-Chief

President, International Association for Hydrogen Energy Clean Energy Research Institute, University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA

After having my elementary and middle school education in Izmir, Turkey, and high school education in

Istanbul, I attended the Istanbul Technical University for one and a half years. Then I entered the Imperial College London to complete my university education, where I received the Associateship of City and Guilds Institute «A.C.G.I.», B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Diploma of the Imperial College «D.I.C.», and in 1951, Ph.D. Degree in Heat Transfer from the University of London. After my graduation, in Turkey I did my military service in the Ordnance Division, worked at the Office of Soil Products, first as a consultant and then as the Deputy Director of Steel Silos, and in the management of a major construction company.

In 1962, I joined the University of Miami Engineering Faculty as an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. My first research project involved the Investigation of Two Phase Flow Instabilities in Nuclear Hydrogen Rocket Engines for Travel to Mars. Dr. Alan Stenning, Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was the Project Director. We discovered three different instabilities in boiling two phase flows, and also the precautions to be taken to eliminate them. This study lasted five years — 1962 through 1967. During that time, I became quite familiar with the properties of liquid and gaseous hydrogen. It was the lightest fuel, and the best fuel for long distance journeys.

In the 1960s, air pollution in cities had become an important issue hurting the health of people. I became interested in environmental issues in general, and air pollution in particular. I started studying possible vehicle fuels, with a view of determining the fuel which would cause little or no pollution. Particularly, I studied methanol, ethanol, ammonia and hydrogen, as well as the gasohols (i.e., mixtures of gasoline and methanol and/or ethanol).

My investigation of fuels for transportation lasted five years, 1967 through 1972. The result was that hydrogen was the cleanest fuel, and it was also the most efficient fuel. It would not produce CO, CO2 SOx, hydrocarbons, soot and particulates. If hydrogen was burned in oxygen, it would not produce NOx either. If it was burned in air, then there would be some NOx produced.

Early in 1973, energy crisis started. Petroleum producing countries in the Middle East stopped exporting oil. The world economy almost came to a standstill. Some factories stopped and/or worked part time. Transportation was adversely affected. There were big lines at gas stations, few cars on the roads, and air traffic was curtailed.

As I always believed that engineers and scientists should strive to find solutions to the problems facing the humanity and the world, in 1973 I established the Clean Energy Research Institute (CERI) at the University of Miami. The mission of the institute was to find a solution or solutions to the energy problem, so that the world economy could properly function and provide all of the humankind with high living standards. It was also the mission of the institute to find clean forms of energy, so that they would not produce pollution and damage the health of flora, fauna and humans, and the environment of the planet Earth.

CERI started work in earnest. We quickly looked at all the possible primary energy sources, including solar, wind, currents, waves, tides, geo-thermal energy, nuclear breeders and thermonuclear energy. They were much cleaner than fossil fuels. They would last much longer than fossil fuels. We began using fossil fuels with the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1860s. First we used coal, and then we started using oil, and later natural

Статья поступила в редакцию 08.01.2008 г. Ред. per. № 199. The article has entered in publishing office 08.01.2008. Ed. reg. No. 199.

International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 12 (56) 2007

© 2007 Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

gas. Petroleum companies expect that most of the fluid fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum and natural gas) will have been used by 2060s. Coal, tar sands and shale oil might last another 100 years, if a solution to CO2 emission problem could be found. However, renewable energy sources will last as long as we have the sun — another five billion years!

Although, the new primary energy sources would last much longer than the fossil fuels, although they were much cleaner than fossil fuels, they were not practical to use. They were not stor-able or transportable by themselves, except nuclear. They could not be used as a fuel for transportation by themselves, except nuclear for marine transportation. In order, to solve the problem, it became clear that we had to manufacture a synthetic fuel using the new primary energy sources. As a result of my ten years of research and investigation (i.e., 1962 through 1972), I already knew that the best synthetic fuel was hydrogen. It was the lightest fuel, the most efficient fuel, the cleanest fuel, and the best fuel for transportation. I decided to call the resulting energy system «Hydrogen Energy System» or «Hydrogen Economy», since energy is the economy's locomotive. I was quite sure that this was the best solution to the depletion of fossil fuels and the global environmental problems they were causing, such as the global warming, climate change, ozone layer depletion, acid rains, air pollution, oil spills, etc. I was convinced that it was inevitable that the Hydrogen Energy System would replace the present fossil fuel system sooner or later.

In order to inform the scientific community about the proposed solution and get their reaction and input, I decided to organize an international conference, to be named The Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy (THEME) Conference. I went to Washington D.C., and explained my idea at the National Science Foundation. They gave the Clean Energy Research Institute $70 000 to organize the conference. We sent letters and brochures to all the scientists around the world, who were interested and/or would be interested to solve the energy and environmental problems facing the humankind. We worked overtime to organize the conference in the shortest possible time, in about eight months.

The landmark THEME Conference opened at the Playboy Plaza Hotel in Miami Beach on 18 March 1974, with the participation of more than 700 scientists from some eighty countries. At my Opening Address, I described and proposed the Hydrogen Energy System as the permanent solution to the depletion of fossil fuels and the global environmental problems being caused by their utilization. After my opening address, we had a refreshment break. Some ten scientists from around the world came up to me. They said «Dr. Veziroglu, we agree with you, the Hydrogen Energy System is the best possible system to replace the fossil fuels». That evening eleven of us met at the Penthouse of the

Hotel, which was my residence as the Chairman of the Conference.

The eleven scientists, who were later known as «Hydrogen Romantics», represented almost all regions of the World. They were Hussein K. Abdel-Al of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, John O'M Bockris of United Kingdom and Australia, william J. D. Escher of U.S.A., Cesare Marchetti of Italy and Austria, Anibal R. Martinez of Venezuela, Tokio Ohta of Japan, walter seifritz of Switzerland, william D. van vorst of U.S.A., T. Nejat veziroglu of Turkey and U.S.A., Kurt H. weil of Germany and U.S.A., and Robert M. Zweig of U.S.A. At the Penthouse meeting, there was a passionate, yet deliberate debate. It was agreed that the Hydrogen Energy System was an idea whose time had arrived. It was the permanent solution to the depletion of conventional fuels. It was the permanent solution to the global environmental problems. Then, the discussion turned to whether there was a need for a formal organization. It was Anibal Martinez of Venezuela (incidentally the one who took part in establishing the petroleum cartel OPEC), who urged the founding of a society dedicated to crusade for the establishment of what seemed to be to the gathering, and which later proved to be, the inevitable and universal energy system, the Hydrogen Energy System. It was ironic that he was proposing the establishment of an organization, which would make OPEC obsolete. As a result of the Penthouse meeting, the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) was established by the end of the year 1974. I was elected President of IAHE, William J. D. Escher was elected Secretary, and most of the Hydrogen Romantics served on the Board of Directors.

IAHE started working enthusiastically. In 1975, we published two newsletters. I negotiated with Perganon Press to start a scientific journal on Hydrogen Energy, and CEO of Perganon Press, Bob Maxwell, agreed to be the publisher. The first issue of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy — of which I became the Editor-in-Chief — published in January 1976. For the first three years, IJHE was quarterly. Three years later, in 1979 it became bi-monthly, and after another three years in 1982 it became monthly. This year IJHE will publish 18 issues. Starting in January 2008, IJHE will become forthnightly, in keeping up with the growing importance of Hydrogen Economy.

In order to provide a platform for Hydrogen Energy scientists from around the world, we decided to organize the biennial World Hydrogen Energy Conferences (WHECs). The first one was held in Miami Beach in 1976. Thereafter the WHEC conferences were held in Zurich, Tokyo, Pasadena, Toronto, Vienna, Moscow, Honolulu, Paris, Cocoa Beach, Stuttgart, Buenos Aires, Beijing, Montreal, Yokohama and Lyon, every other even year. The forthcoming WHEC conferences will be held in Brisbane, Australia, in 2008, Essen, Germany, in 2010, and Calgary, Canada, in 2012.

Водородная экономика История водороднойэнергетики

Of course, no technology can take roots without standards, and no universal technology can be established without international standards. Gustav Grob of Switzerland approached the International Standards Organization (ISO) based in Geneva, Switzerland, requesting ISO to consider preparing International Standards for Hydrogen Energy Technologies. A meeting of interested ISO Members was organized in 1990, which I attended as the Head of the U.S. Delegation. As a result of this meeting, ISO/TC-197 Committee was established to prepare the standards. For several years, Switzerland hosted the Secretariat of this committee. Some six years ago, the Secretariat has been moved to Canada. The Committee has already prepared nine International Standards for Hydrogen Energy Technologies, and are working on several others.

Because of the growing interest in Hydrogen Energy, IAHE Board of Directors decided that we should have technology oriented meetings during the odd years. First, World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC) was held in Singapore in June 2005. The second WHTC was held in MonteCatini, Italy, in November 2007. They will be followed by WHTC 2009 in Delhi, India, and WHTC 2011 in Glasgow, United Kingdom.

It was clear that the Hydrogen Energy System was inevitable. Through the research carried out around the world, through WHEC conferences and through the papers published in IJHE, the foundations of the Hydrogen Energy System were being established. The time had arrived to start implementation. I decided that a United Nations Centre would be the best organization to implement the establishment of the Hydrogen Energy System throughout the world. In1988, I proposed such a center to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), for which organization I was the consultant on Hydrogen Energy System.

The UNIDO Officials liked the idea. Now, it had to be approved by the UNIDO General Assembly. I together with UNIDO representatives visited many countries (including USA, Japan, China, India and EU) in order to explain the center proposal and get their agreement, which we did. The countries which we did not visit, including Russia, Ukraine, Brazil and Argentina, were invited to a meeting in Istanbul, organized by Engin Ture (who later became my deputy in the center) on behalf of the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Organisation. At the conclusion of this meeting, the countries participating also agreed to the center proposal. In 1996, UNIDO General Assembly unanimously approved the establishment of the center in Istanbul, Turkey, because of its central location between the developing countries and the industrial countries. After that, negotiations started between UNIDO and the Turkish government for the final agreements. Yilmaz, Ecevit and Erdogan Governments, as well as the National Security Council, approved them. In Oc-

tober 2003, the Minister of Energy and Natural resources, Hilmi Guler, who strongly believes in the importance of Hydrogen Energy for Turkey and the World, signed the agreements with UNIDO in Vienna.

In April 2004, I took a three years' leave of absence from the University of Miami, and was appointed the Founding Director of the center, and started working vigorously in temporary facilities. In the ensuing three years, a truly international center, UNIDO International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET), has been established, consisting of scientists and staff from many countries of the world, including Turkey, USA, UK, France, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Kir-gizstan, India, Pakistan and Egypt. The center has been working to establish Hydrogen Energy pilot projects around the world. It is also organizing international conferences, training courses and workshops. As my leave of absence from the University of Miami has ended on 1 May 2007, I left the Associate Director Professor Engin Ture in charge of the Centre. He is doing admirably well to fulfill the Centre's mission to help convert the world to Hydrogen Economy.

It was not always smooth going. There were obstacles on the way — some of them formidable. When eleven of us established the IAHE, the petroleum interests became worried. They labeled eleven of us «Hydrogen Romantics». They said that we were dreaming, it could never happen. After the 1973 energy crisis, a bill was being discussed in the U.S. Congress to support electric cars, alcohol cars and hydrogen cars. Petroleum lobby made sure that «hy-drogen cars» were taken off the bill. Then, petroleum companies established a consortium to fight Hydrogen Energy. The purpose of the consortium was to prove that fossil fuels were clean, and hydrogen was not feasible. They lavishly supported research, which agreed with them. They claimed that air pollution in the cities was not caused by emissions from the cars, buses and trucks, but it was caused by volcanoes erupting far away; the smoke and dust the volcanoes produced would travel through the atmosphere and fall on the cities to cause the air pollution. They claimed that the global warming was not caused by CO2 produced from burning of the fossil fuel, but by regurgitating cows in meadows.

By the 1990s, most of the industry was looking at hydrogen as the fuel of the future, and they have started building prototypes to use hydrogen. There were prototypes of hydrogen cars, hydrogen buses, hydrogen air conditioning systems and hydrogen appliances. Aircraft companies were working on hydrogen fueled airliners. But there was one industry which was missing from the effort, and which seemed aloof to hydrogen, was the petroleum industries.

From time to time, I would think about the absence of interest in Hydrogen Energy amongst the petroleum industry. During an Organising Committee Meeting for the 12 WHEC Conferences, the

International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 12 (56) 2007

© 2007 Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Conference Chairman, Dr. Juan Carlos Bolcich, and I dwelt in this problem and planned a strategy! As a result, I sent letters to the presidents of major oil companies, saying that in June 1998 we were going to have the 12 World Hydrogen Energy Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina; in the conference, we would have a session devoted to petroleum; and we would like them to come to this session or send their representatives to tell us what they would sell when the petroleum deposits were depleted! None of the oil company presidents answered. I later heard that one of the presidents asked his advisors, if it was true that the oil deposits would be depleted. Although none of the oil companies answered, Shell Oil Company sent a handful of their engineers to the Conference in Buenos Aires. Two months after the conference, in August 1988, Shell Oil Company left the Anti-Hydrogen Consortium of oil companies and as the fourth division in the company they established Hydrogen Division, in addition to the divisions on petroleum production, petroleum transportation and refineries. August 1998 was the date when the petroleum companies saw the «light», and started jumping on the Hydrogen caravan. Shell Oil Company was followed by the British petroleum, after that the anti-hydrogen consortium was dissolved, and all the petroleum companies — large and small — joined the Hydrogen caravan.

Of course, economy is important. Cost of the fuel to energize the economy must be as low as possible. Amongst others, cost depends on the utilization efficiency of the fuel and the environmental damage the fuel causes. Our investigations at the Clean Energy Research Institute have shown that Hydrogen is the most efficient fuel. When you consider all the energy applications in the world at the consumer end to produce thermal energy, mechanical energy and electrical energy, hydrogen is 26 % more efficient than fossil fuels. The environmental and health damages the fossil fuels are causing worldwide through the global warming, climate changes, acid rains, ozone layer depletion, air pollution and oils spills add up to some six trillion US Dollars a year, and is growing. When one takes into account the higher efficiency of hydrogen, and the environmental and health damages caused by fossil fuels, hydrogen is the most cost effective fuel.

I was invited to a United States Congressional Committee in Washington D.C., to testify about the Hydrogen Energy System as the permanent answer to the depletion of fossil fuels and the environmental damage they are causing. At the end of my testimony, the Chairman of the Committee Congressman Brown of California told me «Dr. Veziroglu in the United States we have a free economic system, if hydrogen is such a good energy carrier, let it compete in the marketplace and win». My answer to the Congressman was «Mr. Brown, the United States may have

a free economic system, but it does not have a fair economic system. If you will pass a law making all the goods responsible for their environmental and health damages, nobody will sell petroleum but hy-drogen». In short, petroleum, natural gas and coal are relatively cheap, because they don't pay for their huge environmental and health damages. They are paid — directly and/or indirectly through taxes and insurance premiums, etc. — by the people.

As a result of research and development activities around the world, World Hydrogen Energy Conferences, and publication and dissemination of research and development results through the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, foundations of the Hydrogen Energy System has been established during the quarter century of 1974 through 2000. Starting with the Twenty First Century implementation of the Hydrogen Energy System began. Some hydrogen fuel cells became commercially available. All major car companies came up with various models of experimental hydrogen fuelled cars. In several major cities of the world, hydrogen fuelled buses started being operated on a trial basis. Airbus and Boeing companies started programs for building hydrogen fuelled subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic passenger planes. Home appliances running on hydrogen have been built and tested. Hydrogen electric batteries have been commercialized.

At the Clean Energy Research Institute we carried out a model study in order to determine, when the conversion to hydrogen economy could be completed under the existing laws, regulations and rules. For this business as usual case, our model study indicated that the conversion to Hydrogen Economy would take another three quarters of a century, i.e., it would be completed by 2074.

Let us now view the planet Earth from a distance towards the end of the Twenty First Century, after the Hydrogen Energy System has replaced the present fossil fuel system. There will be no pollutants, no chemicals to damage the ozone layer, no acid rains, no oil spills. Earth's temperatures will return to pre-industrial levels. Global warming will end. Earth's climate will return to normal. It will be the most hospitable planet for flora, fauna and humans. Each country will be using the renewable energy sources available to it to manufacture the fuel «hydrogen» it needs for its economy. As a result, the countries' development will be hastened, the population increase will level off and cease, they will achieve higher quality of life, and illegal immigration from developing countries to industrial countries will end. Petroleum wars will be history. Planet earth will become a paradise. As Viktor Golstov of Ukraine has foreseen it early in 2000, the ultimate has now been reached for the planet Earth and for its inhabitants, i.e., Hydrogen Civilization!



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ISSN 1608-8298 Scientific Technical Centre "TATA" http://isjaee.hydrogen.ru

# 082-08 January 29, 2008

Г Letter of recommendation

To Lobovsky Igor M.,

Executive Director of Non-Profit Foundation "Global Energy"

121069, Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya 31, Bld.1 Office 206

Phone: (495) 739-5435 Fax: (495) 291-9212

Dear Igor Markovitch,

I am happy to introduce to you a Person Number One in Hydrogen Economy, the Pioneer of the Hydrogen Era, the President of the International Association of Hydrogen Energy (IAHE), the Chief Editor of the International Journal on Hydrogen Energy (IJHE), the founder and the first director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET), the Honored Chief Editor of the International Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology Doctor T. Nejat Veziroglu as a nominee for the International Prize "Global Energy" in accordance with his project aimed at establishment of the Global Hydrogen Energy System and his ongoing effort in commissioning of the same world-wide.

In January 1976, Dr. Veziroglu established the International Journal of Hydrogen of Hydrogen Energy (IJHE), in order to provide a platform for the research papers related to Hydrogen Energy, and for their dissemination.

The Soviet Union was one of the world-first countries to acknowledge the activities pursued by the International Association for Hydrogen Energy and the one to join it. The friendly relationship between Dr. Veziroglu and Academician V.A. Legasov made a certain contribution into the process.

Dr. Veziroglu is the author of some 350 papers dealing with such topics as "Heat Transfer" and "Hydrogen Energy", including the monographies, well-known to those skilled in the art.

At the Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy (THEME) Conference, on 18 March 1974, Chairman of the Conference, Dr. Veziroglu, proposed the Hydrogen Energy System as a permanent solution to the depletion of fossil fuels and the global environmental problems -such as global warming, climate change, ozone layer depletion, acid rains and pollution - being caused by their utilization.

Soon after the THEME Conference, Dr. Veziroglu - together with a handful of scientists from around the world - established the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE), in order to work towards the establishment of the Hydrogen Energy System. Under the leadership of Dr. Veziroglu, one the first activities of IAHE was to organize the biennial World Hydrogen Energy Conferences (WHECs) to provide a platform for the Hydrogen Energy community, including the scientists, energy engineers, environmentalists, decision makers, and the thinkers of the future of humankind and the Planet Earth.

WHEC Conferences have been held in most of the major countries around the world. The first WHEC Conference was held in Miami in 1976, and the others followed in two-year intervals in Zurich, Tokyo, Pasadena, Toronto, Vienna, Moscow, Honolulu, Paris, Cocoa Beach, Stuttgart, Buenos Aires, Sarov, Volga, Beijing, Montreal, Yokohama and Lyons. The fortcoming WHEC Conferences are scheduled for Brisbane (Australia) in 2008, Essen (Germany) in 2010 and in Russia (WCAEE-THEME) on ship on Volga and Calgary (Canada) in 2012.

As the person, being recognized for his fruitful activities within hydrogen energy issues, Dr. Veziroglu was awarded with a lot of honorable prizes and titles by several world universities and scientific communities. In 2007 Professor Veziroglu was awarded the highest tribute of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journal "Renewable Energy and Ecology", - Antoine de Saint Exupery order "For improving the quality of life on the Planet".

In 2000 Dr. Veziroglu was the one to support the First International Forum on Hydrogen Energy in Russia, the first to be held after 1988 (the first in 12-year period, passed after the death of Academician Legasov), and to visit the city of Sarov (Russia) to participate in IFSSEHT-2000 "The Symposium on safety and economy of hydrogen transport". The participants of the Symposium nominated Dr. Veziroglu for the Noble Prize for economics, as the person, who made an enormous impact into popularization and commissioning of the hydrogen energy as the long-term solution of the global economy and ecology problems.

In support of my nomination of Dr. Veziroglu, I am enclosing the following:

1. International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology #1-2000, devoted activity Dr. Veziroglu.

2. International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology #12-2007, devoted activity Dr. Veziroglu.

3. Dr. Veziroglu's Biography.

Because of the foregoing, I am very happy to nominate

НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР «ТАТА» (ООО НТЦ «ТАТА») а/я 787, г. Сэров, Нижегородская область, Россия, 607183 SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL CENTRE "TATA" (STC "TATA") P. О. Box 787, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia, 607183 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +7 (83130) 97472; +7 (83130) 63107 Fax: +7 (83130) 63107

International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 12 (56) 2007

© 2007 Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»



и экология» ISJAEE AND EC0L0GY

Dr. T. Nejat Veziroglu for the Global Energy International Prize for conceiving the Hydrogen Energy System and incessantly working towards its realization. I am sure he is most deserving of it.

Sincerely yours,

Chief Editor of the International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology

Scientific Technical Centre "TATA", 607183, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Sarov, Mos-covskaja Street, 29

International Centre of Scientific and Educational, of. 306

Tel.: +7(83130) 97472 + 7(83130) 91846 Fax: +7(83130) 63107

• Leonidovich Gusev

Mob. Office: 8 - 962 - 5077914 Mob. Office: 8 - 961 - 6399126

Mob. Personal: 8- 910-895-1244 8- 904-788-4477

E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: http://www.hydrogen.ru/

Пофессор Т.Н. Везироглу и Главный редактор Международного


А.л. Гусев в Майами. США, 2000г.

Награждение профессора Т.Н. Везироглу на IV Международной конференции «Водородное материаловедение и химия гидридов металлов». Донецк. 1999г.

Награждение профессора Т.Н. Везироглу на Первом Всемирном конгрессе «Альтернативная энергетика и экология» WCAEE-2006

Профессор Т.Н. Везироглу на совещании на Первом Всемирном конгрессе «Альтернативная энергетика и экология» WCAEE-2006

НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР «ТАТА» (ООО НТЦ «ТАТА») а/я 787, г. Сэров, Нижегородская область, Россия, 607183 SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL CENTRE "TATA" (STC "TATA") P. О. Box 787, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia, 607183 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +7 (83130) 97472; +7 (83130) 63107 Fax: +7 (83130) 63107

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