INTRODUCTION FOR REGIONAL CONCEPTUAL CLEAN ENERGY PROJECT FOR TURKEY, CAUCASIA, CENTRAL ASIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Isakov G.I., Isakova V.G., Ayfer Veziroglu, Hakan S. Soyhan, Gokan Coskun

The article analyzes the possibility of establishing a coherent long-term strategic regional energy program of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia and Iraq. Development perspectives of the production of electric power in Turkey are shown by using clean energy sources such as hydropower, solar energy, hydrogen energy, and others. The possibility of Turkey's exports of electric power to neighbouring countries in the peak hours, through the development of hydroelectric industry is analyzed. Perspectives for the use of revenues from transit tariffs oil and gas pipelines, refineries and other economic enterprises for the development of alternative energy industry are shown. Policy principles to attract investment for the use of alternative energy sources and production of hydrogen are recommended.

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12 3

Г.И. Исаков , Айфер Везироглу , Хакан С. Сойхан , В.Г. Исакова4, Гокан Джошкун3

'Институт физики Национальной академии наук Азербайджана AZ-1143, пр. Г. Джавида, 33, Баку, Азербайджан, e-mail: [email protected] 2Международная ассоциация водородной энергетики, Исследовательский институт чистой энергетики, Университет Майами Корал Гейблс, FL 33124, США, e-mail: [email protected] 3Университет Сакарья, инженерный факультет Есентепе Кампус, 54187, Сакарья, Турция, e-mail: [email protected] 4Бакинский государственный университет AZ 1148, ул. Захида Халилова, д.32, Баку, Азербайджан, e-mail: [email protected]

В статье анализируется возможность создания совместной долгосрочной стратегической региональной энергетической программы для Турции, Азербайджана, Грузии, Туркменистана, Казахстана, Узбекистана, России и Ирака. Показана разработка перспектив производства электроэнергии в Турции с использованием источников чистой энергии, таких как гидроэнергетика, солнечная энергетика, водородная энергетика и др. Проанализирована возможность экспорта электроэнергии Турцией в соседние страны в пиковые периоды через развитие гидроэнергетики. Показаны перспективы использования доходов от транзитных тарифов нефтяных и газовых трубопроводов, очистных заводов и других экономически выгодных предприятий для развития альтернативной энергетики. Рекомендована основная стратегии привлечения инвестиций в альтернативную энергетику и производство водорода.


G.I. Isakov1, Ayfer Veziroglu2, Hakan S. Soyhan3, V.G. Isakova4, Gokan Coskun3

'Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan, AZ-1143, H. Javid av., 33, Baku, Azerbaijan, e-mail: [email protected] international Association for Hydrogen Energy, Clean Energy Research Institute, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA, e-mail: [email protected] 3Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Esentepe Campus, 54187, Sakarya, Turkey, e-mail: [email protected] 4Baku State University, AZ 1148, Zahid Khalilov str, 23, Baku, Azerbaijan, e-mail: [email protected]

The article analyzes the possibility of establishing a coherent long-term strategic regional energy program of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia and Iraq. Development perspectives of the production of electric power in Turkey are shown by using clean energy sources such as hydropower, solar energy, hydrogen energy, and others. The possibility of Turkey's exports of electric power to neighbouring countries in the peak hours, through the development of hydroelectric industry is analyzed. Perspectives for the use of revenues from transit tariffs oil and gas pipelines, refineries and other economic enterprises for the development of alternative energy industry are shown. Policy principles to attract investment for the use of alternative energy sources and production of hydrogen are recommended.


Long-term projects, creation of strategic plans and programs in the field of energy and economy are vital political and economic foundations of every nation,

region and the world. All forecasts, strategic and governmental plans are also important priorities of energy independence of every state. In the early twentieth century energy independent countries estimated the number of its own energy resources. Since



the second half of the twentieth century, the processes of globalization have changed the principles of energy independence. In the twenty first century, the priorities of energy independence are equally applicable to all countries, regardless of their own energy resources such as oil, gas and coal. Since the current energy independence States had not estimated its rich traditional energy sources. In today's world, energy and economic independence of States defines their level of development of science, the ability of their participation and integration into regional and global processes. Today an important element of regional and global science and energy integration processes are the oil and gas pipelines, the combined electricity systems.

The world's reserves for oil, natural gas and other traditional energy resources are limited. However, the modern world economy is built on traditional energy resources requires wasteful use of oil, gas and coal. Therefore, priority of every country is the future stable and dynamic functioning of its energy and the economy. Future energy industry will be created using alternative energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, sea wave energy, geothermal energy, water energy, biomass energy. The priority of the future energy is the hydrogen energy. All land, air, surface and underwater vehicles will operate on the basis of hydrogen. Based on the foregoing, the Conference of clean energy sources of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resource of Turkey with the participation of leading experts of the U.S. is an important event both for Turkey itself and for the Caucasus and Central Asian region [1].

Regional and global energy

Since ancient times and today's day, science and commerce had the regional and global significance. A striking example of regional and global nature of science is the creation of ancient science centers and observatories, with the participation of top scientists from all regions and the world. An excellent example of regional and global nature of trade is the Great Silk Road, or the system of the Great Silk Road, covering more regions of China, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, the entire Caspian region, the Caucasus, Turkey and Europe. Since the twentieth century underground oil lakes, rivers of oil, natural gas storage and gas corridors began to run aboveground pipelines, uniting countries and entire regions. Oil, crossing oceans on tankers, electrical transmission lines, which took place on mountains, the valleys and rocks have become the most important factor of regional and global energy and the economy.

This article is the first in a series of articles on regional and global significance of traditional and alternative energy, covering the Caspian and the Black Sea region, Russia, Central Asia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc. This article can be viewed as an introduction to the concept development of clean energy in Turkey, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Proved reserves of oil and natural gas of close neighbors to Turkey

Turkey has more than 1% of the world's reserves stockpile of coal, geothermal, and hydroelectricity. Given that the population of Turkey, too, is more than 1% of the world's population, then on coal, geothermal, and hydro energy reserves Turkey occupies a middle ground. However, developing countries in the world defined by United Nations Human Development Index [2]. Turkey on the Human Development Index in the world, took 84th - rank. Oil and natural gas reserves Turkey are negligible and therefore not included in the BP statistics. Table 1 and 2 presents the proven reserves of oil and natural gas close to Turkey's neighbours: Iran, Iraq, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. The reserves of these countries were selected from BP statistics [3]. In both tables Index N1 shows the location of the country's proven reserves of oil and natural gas in the world. N2 - Human Development Index.

Таблица 1

Разведанные запасы нефти, 2006 г.

Table 1

Proved oil reserves, 2006

N1 n2 Country 1000-106 tonnes 1000 106 barrels Share of total R/P ratio

2 94 Iran 18.9 137.5 11.4% 86.7

3 Iraq 15.5 115.0 9.5% *

7 67 Russia 10.9 79.5 6.6% 22.3

9 73 Kazakhstan 5,5 39,8 3,3% 76,5

20 98 Azerbaijan 1.0 7.0 0.6% 29.3

*Indicates that Iraq's proved oil reserves enough for more than 100 years.

Таблица 2

Разведанные запасы природного газа, 2006 г.

Table 2

Proved natural gas reserves, 2006

N1 n2 Country 1012 feet 1012 m3 Share of total R/P ratio

1 67 Russia 1682.07 47.65 26.3% 77.8

2 94 Iran 992.99 28.13 15.5% *

10 Iraq 111.90 3.17 1.7% *

11 73 Kazakhstan 105.90 3.00 1.7% *

12 109 Turkmenistan 100.96 2.86 1.6% 46.0

20 113 Uzbekistan 66.01 1.87 1.0% 33.7

22 98 Azerbaijan 47.66 1.35 0.7% *

*Indicates that the proved gas reserves of Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan enough for more than 100 years.

Table 1 and Table 2 show that only Russia and Kazakhstan but Turkey on the Human Development Index are leading. Iran, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, despite the enormous oil reserves on Human Development Index are lower than Turkey.

Azerbaijan population is 10 times less than Turkey. In Azerbaijan the proven oil reserves are 0.6%, that of natural gas is 0.7% of world capacity. On oil and natural gas reserves Azerbaijan takes the 20th - about 22nd rank in the world.

The population of Iraq is 3 times less than Turkey. Iraq possesses 9.7% of the world's oil reserves, 1.7% -of natural gas. On oil reserves Iraq takes the 3d place and on natural gas - the 10th in the world.

The population of Kazakhstan is 3.5 times less than Turkey. However, with 3.3% of the world's oil and 1.7% of natural gas reserves Kazakhstan occupies respectively the 7th and the 11th - rank in the world on these hydrocarbon reserves.

According to the proven reserves of natural gas Turkmenistan possesses 1.6% of world reserves of natural gas and takes the 12th rank in the world. According to the unproved reserves of natural gas Turkmenistan has 3% of the world's reserves. Turkey population is 16 times more, than Turkmenistan.

The population of Russia is 2 times more, than Turkey. On proven oil reserves Russia possesses 6.6% of the world's capacity and takes the 7th rank in the world. On proven natural gas reserves Russia takes the 1st rank in the world and has 26.3% of total world reserves. Iran population is closer to the population of Turkey. On the proven reserves of oil and natural gas Iran takes the 2d rank in the world and possesses 11.4% of the world's oil and 15.5% of natural gas.

Regional oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan

The largest regional building, unifying Turkey, South Caucasus, and in the future Central Asia, is the oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan. What may give the pipeline for Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey?

1. The pipeline is a means to exit the Azerbaijani oil in world markets.

2. The flow of oil by pipeline from the territories of Georgia and Turkey provides additional transit revenues to these countries.

3. Additional transit revenues Georgia and Turkey should aim to create additional generating capacity, for the exploration of other energy sources of energy and their effective use.

4. At the current territories should build oil refineries in Georgia and Turkey.

5. Given the length of the pipeline in Georgia and the size of its population, should build one petroleum refinery in average power in Georgia. In Turkey should build 2 large refinery capacity.

6. The construction of oil refineries, both in Georgia and in Turkey marks the creation of numerous jobs.

7. The construction of oil refineries will be important steps to ensure the needs of Georgia and Turkey oil products.

8. The construction of oil refineries will create powerful stimulus to develop new industrial centres, as in Turkey, and Georgia.

9. The creation of new industrial centres will be the basis for attracting investment Georgian and the Turkish state, Georgian and Turkish companies, business people, foreign companies in these centres.

10. The pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, the new oil refineries, new industrial centres, internal and external investment in these centres, will undoubtedly provide energy independence of Georgia and Turkey, the development of their economy, strengthen social protection of their populations.

Regional oil pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan

One of future energy projects is a petroleum pipeline under the Caspian Sea bottom that connects Kazakhstan Tengiz oil field in with Azerbaijan oil terminal Dubendi. It is supposed that this pipeline should connect to the pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. In the scientific literature and the media referred to as a future pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. Because the pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan also allows overflow of oil in Kazakhstan to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. Regional and global significance of the pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan following:

1. Overflow Kazakhstan oil by pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan creates direct access of Kazakhstan oil to the world energy markets.

2. The pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan allows the connection regions: Turkey-Caucasus-Central Asia. Energy association of large regions of the world speeds up the processes of globalization.

3. The pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan increases profits from transit tariffs Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.

4. The pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline will ensure the efficiency of the refineries.

5. Oil exports by pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan is the best factor for the development of regional economy, regional security, regional cultures, regional scientific ties. The development of regional relations and regional integration processes great ensure perspectives for global integration processes in these regions.

Regional natural gas pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum

Proved reserves of Azerbaijani gas field Shahdeniz are 1 trillion m3. In the near future natural gas field Shahdeniz will be exported to Georgia and Turkey by pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum. Gas pipeline could provide substantial energy needs of Georgia and Turkey.

One of the major exporters of natural gas is Turkmenistan. Export of Turkmen gas in volume 5060 billion m3 can play an important role to provide the

needs of Central Asia, Georgia, Turkey. It should be noted that Turkmenistan is steadily each year could produce 70-80 billion m3 of natural gas. Not proven gas reserves of Turkmenistan is 3 trillion m3. This is a huge figure. Therefore, one of the most topical problems of energy security of the Caucasus region and Turkey is building a gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan under the Caspian Sea bottom. In the territory of Azerbaijan, this pipeline can be connected by pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum.

For the immediate holding of the gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey necessary to create gas consortium of western energy companies, the urgent conclusion of interstate contracts at the level of Presidents and Ministers of Energy.

It should be noted that Kazakhstan is one of the world leaders in proven oil reserves. Therefore, effective use of associated gas of Kazakhstan can be an important energy event, both for Kazakhstan itself, and for the entire region. The use of associated gas and also benefit for environmental. Proceeding from foregoing we can make up a programme of export of associated Kazakh gas by pipeline Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey. The pipeline can be created by investment States themselves and Investment gas consortium.

Regional natural gas pipeline Russia-Turkey

The territory of Russia is 1/7 of the total land surface of our planet. According proven natural gas reserves of Russia took 1 - rank in the world. Regional Russia-Turkey gas pipeline traverses under the Black Sea bottom. Turkey's used natural gas is mainly imported from Russia. In addition to the benefits of energy gas pipeline Russia-Turkey is of great regional significance:

1. Much of the Russian population are turkic peoples. Therefore, energy cooperation between Russia and Turkey needed to create and enhance cooperation between Turkey and Russia, as well as turkic peoples of Russia.

2. In addition to energy resources Russia occupies a leading position in the world on the territory of its forests. Energy cooperation between Russia and Turkey will lead to the enrichment of timber markets of Turkey, other southern, south-eastern and south-western countries in the world.

3. It is known that Japanese, Chinese companies have large projects to develop Siberia. Therefore, energy cooperation between Russia and Turkey will open great prospects for cooperation with Turkey, Japan and China.

4. Russia-Turkey pipeline is an energy branch of the Great Silk Road.

The Iraqui oil and Turkey. USA-Turkish relations

Iraq is located on the south-eastern border of Turkey and is one of the world leaders in proven oil and natural

gas. Peace in Iraq, the establishment of a democratic regime in that country, is one of the most important regional priorities of Turkish policy, energy and the economy. For 25-30 years, Iraqui oil and Iraqui natural gas important energy for sources are of Turkey.

Today it is obvious that without USA assistance and without the direct participation of Turkey will not be able to establish normal state in Iraq, with attributes of free religion, democracy, human rights, etc. Turkey as a democratic country, a member of the Organization of Islamic Conference, is able to resolve ethnic and religious problems in Iraq.

We believe the USA should promote the establishment of bilateral political, energy, economic and cultural relations between Turkey and Iraq. Only such bilateral relations between Turkey and Iraq can bring peace in Iraq, peace in the region. In this case the energy reserves of Iraq will work on the development of economy and culture throughout the region.

Electricity in Turkey

54.7% of electrical energy produced by Turkey from imported fuel.

74.7% of electrical energy is produced in thermal electric stations. At Fig. 1 presented dispersion of electrical energy by Turkey for fuels. It should be noted that importation of fuel to produce electrical energy 54.7% figure is too large. Therefore, finding new energy sources, the creation of new generating capacity based on them is vital priorities of Turkey. Creating a long-term strategic program of energy independence of Turkey is also a priority the Turkish government.

Pit Coai Diesel Oil

Рис. 1. Производство электроэнергии в соответствии с источниками энергии (%, 2006-III) Fig. 1. Brut electrical energy production according to energy sources (%, 2006-III)

These show that in the modern world energy strategic programs of any State advanced only with regard regional energy, economic, scientific and political relations. The creation of strategic energy programme of

Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and other countries in the region is possible, with joint participation of scientists and government officials of these countries.

Losses in electric power system, including energy network in Turkey, more than 20%. Similar losses occurring also in the energy systems of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

In EU countries these losses is 8% of electrical energy produced. One of the priorities of Turkey is to reduce the loss of electrical energy in electric networks. In this case Turkey can gain lost 12% of electrical energy.

Coal 27%

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Hydra 12%

Natural Gas


Petrol 38%

Рис. 3. Распределение энергии в Европе Fig. 3. Energy dispersion of Europe


Fig. 2 presents the dispersion of energy in Turkey and the world, in fuel type. Interestingly, the proportion of energy consumed by coal, natural gas and oil in Turkey is almost identical with their share in world energy balance. However, the share of hydroelectricity in Turkey twice the average world level. Compared with Europe the proportion of energy consumed in Turkey natural gas and oil also equally (Fig. 3).

Nuclear 6%

Coal 27%


Hydro 6%

Petrol 37%

Рис. 2. Сравнение распределения энергии в Турции (а) и мире (b) Fig. 2. Comparison of energy dispersion in Turkey (a) and the world (b)


Large reserves of water and hydroelectricity in Turkey. Norway practice

It should be noted that Turkey's water capacity is 16% water capacity of Europe. This is a big figure. Therefore, in this paper we analyze also hydroelectricity reserve Turkey. The Table 3 shows the 22 countries in the world with the greatest hydroelectricity reserve. These data were selected from the BP statistical review [3].

The table shows that on hydroelectricity reserve Turkey occupies 12 - rank in the world. Turkey has a 1.4% share of the world hydroelectricity reserve. This is a very good figure.

Note that Norway is the most advanced country in the world for production of hydroelectricity. The official website of Ministry of Petroleum and Energy [4] shows that Norway for the production of hydroelectricity has 6 - rank in the world. By hydroelectricity share per capita Norway has 1 - rank in the world. More than 99% of electric power in Norway is produced from water.

Large hydropower potential of Turkey makes us ponder the use of this potential more effectively and increase the proportion of hydroelectricity to 70-80% of electric power. Such a decision could strengthen the question of Turkey about the independence of electricity for 20 years.


Таблица 3

Потребление гидроэлектроэнергии. Эквивалент - миллион тонн нефти

Table 3

Hydroelectricity consumption. Million tones oil equivalent

Ni n2 Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Change 2006 over 2005, % 2006 Share of total, %

1 81 China 50,3 62,8 65,2 64,2 80,0 89,9 94,3 5,0 13,7

2 4 Canada 81.1 75.5 79.4 76.4 76.4 81.2 79.3 -2.3 11.5

3 70 Brazil 68.9 60.6 64.7 69.2 72.6 76.4 79.2 3.7 11.5

4 12 USA 63.0 49.6 60.4 63.1 61.4 61.8 65.9 6.7 9.6

5 67 Russian 37.4 39.8 37.2 35.6 40.8 39.6 39.6 0.1 5.8

6 2 Norway 32.2 27.4 29.4 24.0 24.7 30.9 27.1 -12.3 3.9

7 128 India 17.4 16.3 15.5 15.7 19.0 21.7 25.4 17.0 3.7

8 8 Japan 20.7 20.8 21.1 23.3 23.1 19.8 21.5 8.3 3.1

9 74 Venezuela 14.2 13.7 13.5 13.7 15.9 17.6 18.4 4.6 2.7

10 10 France 16.4 18.0 15.1 14.7 14.7 12.8 13.9 8.4 2.0

11 6 Sweden 17.8 17.9 15.0 12.1 12.7 16.5 14.0 -15.2 2.0

12 84 Turkey 7.0 5.4 7.6 8.0 10.4 9.0 9.9 10.6 1.4

13 20 Italy 11.5 12.2 10.7 10.0 11.3 9.7 9.7 0.2 1.4

14 75 Colombia 6.9 7.1 7.6 8.1 9.0 9.0 9.6 7.4 1.4

15 38 Argentina 6.5 8.4 8.1 7.7 6.9 7.9 9.7 23.0 1.4

16 7 Switzerland 8.7 9.7 8.3 8.3 8.0 7.4 7.4 -0.6 1.1

17 136 Pakistan 4.0 4.1 4.6 5.8 5.5 6.9 7.4 6.6 1.1

18 40 Chile 4.3 4.9 5.2 5.1 4.8 5.9 6.7 13.9 1.0

19 52 Mexico 7.5 6.4 5.6 4.5 5.7 6.2 6.8 9.8 1.0

20 22 Germany 5.9 6.3 6.4 5.5 6.2 6.2 6.3 2.2 0.9

21 13 Spain 8.3 9.9 6.0 9.9 7.8 4.3 5.7 32.1 0.8

22 19 New Zeal. 5.6 5.1 5.7 5.4 6.2 5.2 5.2 -0.5 0.8

In 22 Country Total 495.6 481.9 492.3 490.3 523.1 545.9 619.7 81.8

Total North America 151.6 131.5 145.4 143.9 143.5 149.2 152.0 1.9 22.1

European Union 25 83.5 87.8 74.7 73.4 74.7 70.5 71.4 1.3 10.4

S. & Cent. America 124.8 117.3 122.9 127.8 132.6 140.4 147.9 5.3 21.5

Tot. Europe&Eurasia 194.5 195.3 183.1 175.8 186.8 186.9 184.6 -1.3 26.8

Total Middle East 1.8 1.9 2.9 3.2 3.8 4.0 4.9 20.4 0.7

Total Africa 17.6 18.2 19.3 19.3 20.0 19.9 20.2 1.3 2.9

Total Asia Pacific 120.2 132.1 134.1 137.7 156.6 166.1 178.6 7.5 25.9

Former Soviet Union 52.1 54.2 52.0 51.2 57.0 56.3 56.4 0.2 8.2

Total World 610.5 596.3 607.8 607.8 643.3 666.6 688.1 3.2 100.0

Program reserves increase hydroelectricity in Turkey

One of the main objectives of the Turkish strategic energy programme should be to enhance the share of clean energy-share hydroelectricity. The main opportunity to raise hydroelectricity reserves is the fact that water resources of Turkey constitute 16% of water resources throughout Europe. Large water resources of Turkey, has not yet been investigated.

One of the most not studied Turkey's water resources are small mountain rivers. Over the same mountain river can be built several electrical stations.

Our simple calculations show that water energy potential of small mountain rivers in Turkey are not used effectively to produce electrical energy.

It is therefore an urgent need to develop a program of development of small and micro-electric stations in Turkey. Small and micro-electrical station allow effective use of water potentials of small rivers. Ecosystems should not be affected. Large important territory for sowing not remain under water. Small and micro-electrical stations encourage the establishment of local industrial enterprises. Solved social problems of small regions. Construction and operation of power stations does not require big capital.

It should be noted that in Norway energy potential of small rivers is used totally.

Small and micro-electrical station will be built with the help of small water reservoirs. Reservoir allow irrigation of land. In these reservoirs occur water purification and improved ecosystems.

It is known that in the evening and morning hours demand in electrical energy increases by 25-30%. At that time, having great difficulty providing electrical energy population and industrial facilities electrical stations. Hydroelectric stations have high efficiency and high mobility. Therefore, in the peak hours using of hydroelectric power allow steadily and uninterruptedly providing people industrial facilities and electric energy.

Given the above, Turkey during peak hours, with its potential for hydroelectricity can provide for their needs. Turkey can also provide part needs of Iraq, Georgia, Iran and Azerbaijan, exporting them in peak hours more expensive electricity and importing from them more cheap basic energy for other hours of the day. For secure the implementation of import and export processes, and for a stable work electrical system of individual States, it is important to create a reliable regional electricity systems Turkey-Georgia-Azerbaijan-Russia, Turkey-Iran-Azerbaijan- Georgia.

Traditional energy reserves close neighbour Turkey and whole world

Iran's oil reserves enough for 86.7 years, Iraq - 100 years, Russia - 22.3 years, Kazakhstan - 76.5 years, Azerbaijan - 29.3 years.

The reserves of natural gas Russia last for 77.8 years, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan - 100 years, Turkmenistan - 46 years, Uzbekistan - 33.7 years.

Oil reserves in North America last for 12 years, the entire European Union - 8 years, Europe and Eurasia -22.5 years, the Middle East - 79.5 years, Africa - 32.1 years, the former Soviet Republics - 28.6 years, whole the world - 40.5 years.

Gas reserves in North America last for 10.6 years, the European Union - 12.8 years, Europe and Eurasia - 59.8 years, Middle East - 100 years, Africa - 78.6 years, the former Soviet Union republics - 74.6 years, whole the world - 63.3 years.

The ability to use solar energy in Turkey

The greatest source of energy is solar energy Turkey. The number of solar energy in Turkey for the year is 1311 kW-h/m2. Effective use of solar energy could provide the large needs of Turkish population and industry. This also applies to wind energy. Prospects for the use of solar energy and wind energy promise great potential also for Azerbaijan, Georgia, Central Asia.

Today, fully proved that the use of traditional energy resources for 20 years is able to completely change the climate of our planet for the better.

Therefore, currently receiving electric energy from traditional sources should be phased replaced by obtaining electric power from alternative energy sources. Traditional energy must ensure needs of the chemical industry to get various important and necessary chemicals. Today's wasteful use of traditional energy sources could lead to the fact as that as the energy industry, as the chemical industry, too, may lose from its main source of the commodity.

Opportunities Turkey in the field of hydrogen energy

Early in 1973, energy crisis started. Petroleum producing countries in the Middle East stopped exporting oil. The world economy almost came to a standstill. Some factories stopped and / or worked part time. Transportation was adversely affected. There were big lines at gas stations, few cars on the roads, and air traffic was curtailed.

Engineers and scientists should strive to find solutions to the problems facing the humanity and the world, in 1973 Prof. Dr. T.N. Veziroglu established the Clean Energy Research Institute (CERI) at the University of Miami. The mission of the institute was to find a solution or solutions to the energy problem, so that the world economy could properly function and provide all of the humankind with high living standards. It was also the mission of the institute to find clean forms of energy, so that they would not produce pollution and damage the health of flora, fauna and humans, and the environment of the planet Earth.

Therefore, establishing the Clean Energy Research Institute, University of Miami by Prof. Dr. T. Nejat Veziroglu in 1973 was the beginning of the hydrogen era.

In 1974 year Prof. Dr. T. Nejat Veziroglu organized International Conference The Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy (THEME).

The landmark THEME Conference opened at the Playboy Plaza Hotel in Miami Beach on 18 March 1974, with the participation of more than 700 scientists from some eighty countries.

The eleven scientists, who were later known as "Hydrogen Romantics", represented almost all regions of the World, in the evening hours they held separate meetings. They were Hussein K. Abdel-Al of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, John O'M Bockris of United Kingdom and Australia, William J. D. Escher of USA, Cesare Marchetti of Italy and Austria, Anibal R. Martinez of Venezuela, Tokio Ohta of Japan, Walter Seifritz of Switzerland, William D. Van Vorst of USA, T. Nejat Veziroglu of Turkey and USA, Kurt H. Weil of Germany and USA, and Robert M. Zweig of USA. They agreed, that the Hydrogen Energy System was an idea whose time had arrived. It was the permanent solution to the depletion of conventional fuels. It was the permanent solution to the global environmental problems. The eleven scientists decided to create the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE), which was established by the end of the year 1974. Prof. Dr. T. Nejat Veziroglu was elected President of IAHE, William J.D. Escher was elected Secretary, and most of the "Hydrogen Romantics" served on the Board of Directors.

The establishing IAHE by Prof. Dr. T. Nejat Veziroglu in 1974 was the most important stage in Hydrogen era.

In order to provide a platform for Hydrogen Energy scientists from around the world, decided to organize the biennial World Hydrogen Energy Conferences (WHECs). The first one was held in Miami Beach in 1976. Thereafter the WHEC conferences were held in Zurich, Tokyo, Pasadena, Toronto, Vienna, Moscow, Honolulu, Paris, Cocoa Beach, Stuttgart, Buenos Aires, Beijing, Montreal, Yokohama and Lyon, every other even year. The forthcoming WHEC conferences will be held in Brisbane, Australia, in 2008, Essen, Germany, in 2010, and Calgary, Canada, in 2012.

In 1988, Prof. Dr T. Nejat Veziroglu proposed to create a center for Hydrogen Technologies to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

In 1996, UNIDO General Assembly unanimously approved the establishment of the center in Istanbul, Turkey, because of its central location between the developing countries and the industrial countries. After that, negotiations started between UNIDO and the Turkish government for the final agreements.

The creating by Prof. Dr. T.N. Veziroglu UNIDO-ICHET was the third important stage of the Hydrogen era.

In April 2004, Prof. Dr. T. Nejat Veziroglu was appointed the Founding Director of the center, and started working vigorously in temporary facilities. In the ensuing three years, a truly international center, UNIDO

International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET), has been established, consisting of scientists and staff from many countries of the world, including Turkey, USA, UK, France, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Kirgizstan, India, Pakistan and Egypt. The center has been working to establish Hydrogen Energy pilot projects around the world. It is also organizing international conferences, training courses and workshops.

Today, most universities in the world, there are laboratories for hydrogen energy. Many oil companies involved in hydrogen research and hydrogen technology.

Note that since its existence Clean Energy Research Institute University of Miami, USA, International Association for Hydrogen Energy, UNIDO-ICHET done a great deal of scientific and practical works, with the scope of this article we can enumerate some of the following works:

Comparative study [5] of the cost of hydrogen gas and liquid produced by using various sources of primary energy and synthetic fuels. Comparison of different synthetic fuels in terms of their performance to use, their impact on the environment, consumption of natural resources, their transportation costs and investments.

The results paper [6] indicate that the fossil fuel resources in Egypt could be exhausted within one to two decades. They also indicate that adopting the solar-hydrogen energy system would extend the availability of fossil fuel resources, reduce pollution, and establish a permanent energy system for Egypt. They show that Egypt could become an exporter of hydrogen.

The paper [7] show that the hydrogen potential from hydrogen sulphur in Black Sea deep water will play an important role to supply energy demands of the regional countries. Thus, it can be said that hydrogen energy reserve in Black Sea is an important candidate for the future hydrogen energy systems.

As we know hydrogen sulfide is a contaminant environment. At the bottom of the Black Sea, there has been a growing concentration of hydrogen sulphide [8], resulting in significant environmental impacts. Therefore, obtaining hydrogen from H2S from the bottom of the Black Sea and the subsequent utilization of sulphur, has great energy and environmental significance.

In the work [9] develop and evaluate a mathematical model for the process of hydrogen production in Venezuela, via electrolysis and using hydroelectricity, with a view to using it as an energy vector in rural sectors of the country. Regression models were prepared to estimate the fluctuation of the main variables involved in the process: the production of hydrogen, the efficiency of energy conversion, the cost of hydroelectricity and the cost of the electrolyser. Finally, the proposed model was applied to various different time-horizons and populations, obtaining the cost of hydrogen production in each case.

In the papers [10-13] is generalized some factors transition Hydrogen economy to hydrogen civilization (HyCi). Some biospheric, noospheric and synergetic

aspects of the (HyCi)-conception are analyzed. The most important possible stages of the transition to the HyCi have been indicated, including the important role of the world hydrogen movement, general public, international and regional organizations, parliaments and governments of the world countries. Some modern times challenges of the IAHE and the World Hydrogen Movement are discussed.

A T. Nejat Veziroglu [14] analyzed the fossil and other fuels. We show that among all fuels, hydrogen is the most effective. Full transition to hydrogen energy and the economy will be implemented in the late 21 century.

In [15] shows the high efficiency of hydrogen production using solar energy.

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In the paper [16] discussed, especially those regarding the option of H2 export to Europe via the Algerian pipelines of gas across Spain and Italy.

In the papers [17, 18] examines the possibility of using hydrogen in the Military.

Today, hydrogen is expensive than oil and natural gas. However, the main source of hydrogen- endless water. Every year, monthly, daily rising oil prices in world markets. Permanent research, combined solar-hydrogen, wind, hydrogen, nuclear and hydrogen and other methods of obtaining hydrogen reduces the price of hydrogen. That is temporary dynamics of prices of oil and hydrogen are opposite. In the near future temporary dynamics of oil prices and hydrogen will be cross. The price of oil and hydrogen will be the same. In the future, hydrogen will become relatively cheaper of all traditional energy sources. The same thing happens with other types of energy derived from alternative sources.

In Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Central Asian countries in hydrogen research, the creation of hydrogen technologies, hydrogen energy centers, training of scientists and engineers can be implemented with the help of IAHE, Clean Energy Research Institute, University of Miami, USA and UNIDO-ICHET. To do this, above all, the government should establish a strategic program for the use of hydrogen energy in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, in Central Asia.

Policies to attract investment for the development of alternative sources of energy

It should be noted that in addition to the establishment of strategic state energy program on the use of alternative sources, also must be taken laws, incentives to attract investment. State strategy program must not remain on paper. In each case must be specific performers. All scientific and applied research, specific projects should be funded accordingly. Gains imported traditional energy resources must be directed towards to research on the creation of hydrogen technologies, to develop hydrogen energy and other alternative energy sources. For the development of hydrogen energy as well as various areas of alternative energy offer the following:

1. Revenues from transit tariffs oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, gas pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, Turkey-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey should aim to carry out strategic alternative energy programs.

2. Revenue enterprises of oil refineries and other industrial aimed at the creation and use of alternative energy sources, the use of hydrogen energy should be exempted from taxes within 7 years.

3. Revenue-producing alternative energy enterprises, as well as hydrogen energy should be exempted from taxes within 5 years.

4. To stimulate the creation of alternative sources of energy, as well as hydrogen energy must implement policies with interest-free credit of enterprises and business people.

5. Should be established in Ankara Regional Bank of Alternative Energy, with the participation of Turkey, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Central Asia.

6. To effectively promote scientific research applications in the creation of alternative energy can take the regional strategic energy program with the participation of Turkey, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Central Asia.

Conclusions and recommendation

1. We show that the current oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan has great regional energy integration and economic importance for Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

2. We show that in the coming term gas pipelines Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, Turkey-Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, the oil pipeline Aktau-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan have great significance for energy and economic integration regions of Central Asia-Caucasus-Middle East.

3. We show that oil and gas pipelines, connecting large regions of the world, and also have global significance, and will play an important role in integrating these regions in the world economy.

4. Proposed the establishment of agreed strategic energy program for a more detailed use of hydropower potential of Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Central Asian countries.

5. Based on the huge water reserves, are invited to use the Norwegian hydroelectric experience in Turkey.

6. Based on the huge water reserves of Turkey, it is proposed significant increases in hydroelectricity in Turkey and Turkey's ability to export electricity at peak hours by higher prices.

7. We recommend the establishment in Turkey, in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Central Asia with the Clean Energy Research Institute of Miami, International Association for Hydrogen Energy, UNIDO-ICHET scientific research and technology program in the field of hydrogen energy, business programs.

8. We recommend sending some share of oil and gas revenues in Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey on the development of science and technology,




hydrogen energy, involving well-known hydrogen centres in the world IAHE, Clean Energy Research Institute, University Miami USA, UNIDO-ICHET.

9. Recommended training specialists for universities, for the hydrogen industry, with the IAHE, UNIDO-ICHET, Clean Energy Research Institute University Miami USA.

10. Recommended a policy framework to attract investment, to development of hydrogen energy and other alternative energy sources.


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6. Abdallah M.A.H., Asfour S.S., Veziroglu T.N. Solar-hydrogen energy system for Egypt // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 1999. Vol. 24. P. 505-517.

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8. Baykara S.Z., Figen E.H., Kale A., Veziroglu T.N. Hydrogen from hydrogen sulphide in Black Sea // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2007. Vol. 32, No 9. P. 1246-1250.

9. Alfonso Contreras, Veziroglu T.N. Modeling and simulation of the production of hydrogen using hydroelectricity in Venezuela // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2007. Vol. 32, No. 9. P. 1219-1224.

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