THE ESSENCE OF THE TERM ENTREPRENEURSHIP Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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оказывают положительное влияние на экономику строительной отрасли, способствуя снижению затрат, развитию новых рынков и созданию экологически устойчивых и энергоэффективных зданий. Экологическая устойчивость в строительстве является важным фактором, который помогает повысить энергоэффективность. Дальнейшее развитие и внедрение этих технологий позволит сделать строительную отрасль более экологически устойчивой и экономически эффективной. Список использованной литературы:

1. Зайцев, В.Л. (2020). Экологически устойчивое строительство: практическое руководство. БХВ-Петербург.

2. Маслов, А.И. (2020). Экологические аспекты строительства и эксплуатации зданий. Издательство СПбГУИТМО.

3. Захаров, В.И., Морозов, И.И., Смольников, В.А. (2019). Экологический менеджмент в строительстве: учебное пособие. Издательство Юрайт.

4. Голубев, Е.П. (2019). Экологические аспекты строительства жилых и гражданских зданий. Издательство Юрайт.

5. Гаврилов, В.А., Волошин, А.В., Клименко, П.И. (2018). Экологическая безопасность в строительстве. Издательство Академия.

6. Лаврентьев, А.Г., Шевченко, Н.Ф. (2018). Экологические аспекты строительства и эксплуатации зданий и сооружений. Издательство КНОРУС.

7. Попов, Ю.А., Федотов, А.М. (2017). Экологическая безопасность в строительстве и ЖКХ. Издательство Аспект Пресс.

© Пашкова А.Р., 2023

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Туркменский государственный институт финансов THE ESSENCE OF THE TERM ENTREPRENEURSHIP Keywords:

entrepreneurship, terminology, economics.

Manufacturing has gone through various historical stages as the process of organizing the production of goods and services to meet ever-emerging demand and to make a profit.

In Roman law, entrepreneurship was viewed as a commercial activity. The word "economic theory" has repeatedly changed and improved its content during the development stages of economic theory.

The Russian scientist V.I. Dal gives a very simple and deep meaning explanation to the word " entrepreneurship ". In particular, he wrote that "Television means dreaming up something new, organizing it, and doing it." This means that the entrepreneur has started any kind of business.

The English economist A. Smith is considered to be the first to be interested in the problem of taxation. But ten years before that, there is also information that R. Cantillon, a British economist, dealt with this issue. According to R. Cantillon, an entrepreneur is a person who takes decisions and satisfies his own needs in uncertain conditions. The investor's return is the return on risk. One of the distinguishing features of a telemarketer in the industrial and economic business is that he takes risks. Its main economic function is derived

from providing supply to the resulting demand in various commodity markets.

The French economist JB Say, one of the representatives of the standard economic theory school, described the entrepreneur as a person who produces any type of product for profit at his own expense and risk. According to him, the entrepreneur's task is to combine the means of production (material and labor), to collect the necessary information and experience, and to make a decision in the organization of the production process. Unlike Cantillon, Say wants to present the entrepreneur as a coordinator and manager of the factors of production.

American economist J. Schumpeter's work "Theory of Economic Development" describes the theory of entrepreneurship in a complete and logical order. Schumpeter views entrepreneurship as a phenomenon that is always in a state of development.

American scientists R. Hizrich and M. Peters, the authors of the book "Success through Entrepreneurship or Related Business" said: "Entrepreneurship is the creation of something new that has value, and if an entrepreneur spends all the necessary labor and He defines it as "a person who exerts his energy, takes all the financial, psychological, and life risks on himself and gets a monetary reward and enjoys the result achieved."

In modern economic literature, as well as in legislative documents, the definition of the meaning of the term "taxation" is not given in the same way. This in many cases changes the context of the concept of entrepreneurship. For example, in the "Great Economic Dictionary" edited by the Russian scientist A. Azriliya, the term entrepreneurship is given the following definition: "Trepreneurship is a profit or loss based on the initiative of citizens at the expense of their own property responsibilities, as well as on behalf of corporate parties and at the expense of the responsibilities of corporate parties. is self-employment aimed at personal gain. The Law of Turkmenistan "On Entrepreneurship" defines entrepreneurship as follows: "Entrepreneurship (private business) is aimed at obtaining benefit or profit for citizens, taking risks and taking responsibility for property on their own behalf or on behalf of a legal entity - an enterprise. "It is an initiative, independent work, a private enterprise, which carries out property responsibility on behalf of him."

The Civil Code of Turkmenistan gives the following definition of entrepreneurship: "A business that is carried out independently and at one's own risk, aimed at mutual benefit by using property, selling goods, performing work or providing services to individuals, is considered an entrepreneurial activity."

The meaning of the word telepathy can be explained as follows:

Specifically, it:

- the work carried out by citizens who build the production of goods and services in order to benefit;

- the business of introducing innovations for the purpose of benefit; - work aimed at maximizing profit;

- work aimed at raising capital and developing production;

- a special type of work to seek changes in the life of society and enterprise and to implement these changes.

Most of the scholars pay particular attention to the issue of profit as a result of entrepreneurial activity. But the ultimate goal of business activity is not just profit, but continuity of production aimed at meeting ever-changing and ever-growing demand. In this regard, entrepreneurship can be defined as always looking for changes according to the needs of end consumers of goods and services, satisfying their needs by improving the organization of production, distribution of goods and services, marketing, logistics, and management. Entrepreneurship is a way of doing business based on the principles of constant initiative, innovation in production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

The content of communication and the limits of its implementation are related to the types of business activity.

Today, the term entrepreneurship is viewed from different perspectives. They see it as a way of managing the economy, organizing and conducting business in market conditions, and also as the interaction of market subjects.


1. Abdrakhmanova G.I., Vishnevsky K.O., Gokhberg L. M. «What is the digital economy? Trends, competencies, measurement» - Moscow, 2019

2. https://severstalssc.com/services/czifrovizacziya-biznes-proczessov/

© CaflbiKOBa H., 2023


Сапаров Г.С.


Института телекоммуникаций и информатики Туркменистана

Акмаммедов М.Р. Преподаватель

Института телекоммуникаций и информатики Туркменистана

Шайымов С.С. Преподаватель

Института телекоммуникаций и информатики Туркменистана КОНЦЕПЦИЯ ЦИФРОВОЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ


Термин «цифровая экономика» впервые был использован в 1995 году Николасом Негропонте, ученым из Массачусетского университета, и связан с формированием нового типа экономики в результате высокодинамичного развития информационных и коммуникационных технологий.

Ключевые слова:

цифровая экономика, цифровая платформа, криптовалюта, блокчейн, искусственный интеллект.

Saparov G.S.


Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan

Akmammedov M.R.


Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan

Shaimov S.S. teacher

Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan



The term "digital economy" was first used in 1995 by Nicholas Negroponte, a scientist from the University of Massachusetts, and is associated with the formation of a new type of economy as a result of the highly dynamic development of information and communication technologies.


digital economy, digital platform, cryptocurrency, blockchain, artificial intelligence.

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