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Ключевые слова
tourism / competence / environmental competence / professional competence / professional training / specialist / tourism industry.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kulko Victoria Anatoliyivna

The article considers the ecological competence of future specialists of the tourism industry. On the basis of scientific works of outstanding scientists, the peculiarities and content of the concept of “environmental competence” are revealed. It is proved that the combination of knowledge, skills and abilities of a future specialist of the tourism industry in professional activities, the ability to apply environmental knowledge and experience in various life situations, forms the basis of professional behavior in solving complex environmental problems. Further research in this area is possible in order to study and determine the structural indicators of the formation of environmental competence of professional activity of future specialists in the field of tourism.

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«C@yL@qyiym-J©yrMaL»#35I®7),2©2© / PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES


UDC 378.147

Kulko Victoria Anatoliyivna University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/2520-2480-2020-3587-13-15




The article considers the ecological competence offuture specialists of the tourism industry. On the basis of scientific works of outstanding scientists, the peculiarities and content of the concept of "environmental competence " are revealed. It is proved that the combination of knowledge, skills and abilities of a future specialist of the tourism industry in professional activities, the ability to apply environmental knowledge and experience in various life situations, forms the basis of professional behavior in solving complex environmental problems.

Further research in this area is possible in order to study and determine the structural indicators of the formation of environmental competence ofprofessional activity offuture specialists in the field of tourism.

Keywords: tourism, competence, environmental competence, professional competence, professional training, specialist, tourism industry.

Introduction. In recent years, tourism has become one of the most dynamic and fast-growing sectors of the world economy. But, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) "The crisis caused by the pandemic COVID-19 destroyed the economy of the tourism sector, which led to unprecedented consequences for jobs and enterprises" - Mr. Zurab Pololi-kashvili, Secretary-General of the UNWTO [1].

At the same time, the current situation should be considered not only as a problem, but also as an opportunity to bring the tourism sector in Ukraine to a qualitatively new level. In addition to the 2020 Pandemic, there are many other global problems related to environmental pollution, wasteful use of resources, overpopulation of the Earth, military conflicts, terrorism and others.

In this regard, society has an urgent need for competitive highly qualified specialists, with a high level of competence, who must be creative and professional in solving important problems.

For a long time, higher educational institutions of Ukraine have not trained specialists in the tourism industry. Therefore, the fundamental tourism education in Ukraine is a relatively new field of education. Training of specialists for tourism is, of course, an important component of the domestic education system.

The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism" concerning professional training of specialists in the field of tourism defines that:

- professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of tourism are carried out by state, municipal and private educational institutions in accordance with the procedure established by law;

- the central executive authority in the field of tourism participates in the preparation of curricula and training programs for specialists in the field of tourism, their professional training, retraining and advanced training, approves the list of positions of tourist support specialists, qualification requirements for them and the procedure for issuing permits for the right to carry out tourist support [2].

Since tourism has now become an integral part of the life of the vast majority of the world's people and one of the leading areas of socio-economic activity,

there is an urgent need to train highly qualified specialists in the tourism industry.

According to scientists, modern structural changes in the tourism industry have contributed to the formation of a new strategy for tourism education, which is distinguished by greater humanization, technologiza-tion, and greening [5, c.33].

The ecological competence of a tourist industry specialist is a prerequisite for the efficient use of natural resources and the reduction of the negative consequences of tourist travel on the environment.

The relevance of the study is due to the aggravation of the modern environmental situation in Ukraine, the need to include an environmental component in the structure of professional competence of a specialist, which would allow timely finding the right ways to solve problematic environmental situations that may arise in the professional activities of a specialist in the tourism industry.

Analysis of recent research and publications. A few scientific works are devoted to the study of the environmental competence of a future specialist (A. Burtsev, L. Pistunova T. Bakirov, I. Munasipova-Mo-tyash, O. Prutsakova, N. Romeiko, F. Gainullova, A. Gagarin, S. Glazachev, V. Danilenkova, V. Naumova). They affect the psychological and pedagogical features of environmental competence as an element of the professionalism of future teachers, engineers, technicians. The main approaches to the formation of environmental competence, the essence and structure of this concept, the principles of quality formation are defined in the works of O. Kolonkova, V. Marshitskaya, N. Pustovit, S. Shmaley.

However, the essential and functional content of the concept of environmental competence, as well as the peculiarities of formation and development are presented by various authors in various ways, and there are practically no works directly devoted to the problem of formation of environmental competence of the future specialist in the tourism industry.

Formulation of the purpose and tasks of the article. The purpose of this article is to analyze and determine the essence of the concept of environmental competence.

Presentation of the main material of the article.

The concept of "environmental competence" in modern science has appeared recently, so its essence, structure,



components, and content do not have a clear scientific understanding and comprehension in pedagogy. According to J. Tatura, competence plays a primary role in the formation of a top-class specialist, which he defines as a quality of a person who has completed education at a certain level, expressed in readiness on its basis for successful activity, taking into account its significance and the risks that may be associated with it [12].

In general terms, competence is regarded as the quality of a person who has received a certain education and is ready to show his abilities in professional successful activities. Based on this definition, competence can be distinguished in different areas of human activity - pedagogical, managerial, economical, communicative and others.

More than thirty types of competence are found in the literature, each with its own name: pedagogical, reflective, social, socio-psychological, humanitarian-psychological, conceptual, methodological, psychological-pedagogical, managerial, etc.

To understand the essence of "environmental competence," consider the general concepts of "competence" and "professional competence."

The English scholar J. Ravel believes that: "Competence is a specific ability necessary for the effective performance of a specific action in a certain area and includes narrow special knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, as well as responsibility for one's own actions" [9, p. 184].

The concept of "competence" in our country also has its own history. In most cases, it was close to the concept of "professionalism," "qualification," that is, it concerned the performance of professional duties. However, the content of this concept gradually changed not only in the educational sphere, but in the social, economic and others.

Other sources consider competence as "an individual's ability to engage in practical activities that require a certain system of knowledge, and hence an understanding of the appropriate type of thinking to promptly solve various problems and tasks" [13, p. 231].

According to N. Rozov, the concept of "competence" could assimilate new discoveries and developments related to human knowledge and practice; it would make it possible to define educational requirements for each type, profile, degree of educational systems [10].

E. Seer believes that competence is expressed in the ability to correctly assess the current situation and make adequate decisions; ability to update acquired knowledge in the course of carrying out their professional functions [3].

Having analyzed and summarized some of the works of scientists, we note that the concept of "competence" is considered as:

- a set of knowledge and skills that determine the performance of activities;

- the result of acquired knowledge;

- a set of knowledge and professional personality qualities;

- personal quality;

- the amount of skills and abilities for solving the set tasks.

А. Markova believes that the results of professional activity directly depend on the competence of a

specialist, which includes four blocks: knowledge, professional skills; professional psychological attitudes, attitudes; personal features that ensure the mastery of professional knowledge and skills. In her opinion professional competence includes more than ten groups of skills providing effectiveness of specialist's work and his personal features [6, p. 7].

Based on this, a competent person is defined as someone who has knowledge of a certain area of work. The competence of specialists in the tourism industry relates to the process of their main activities. I. Ponomareva points out that the basis of the competence of the young specialist is the fundamentality of education, which provides the possibility of self-education, as well as determines the change of stereotype of behavior in accordance with the social order of society [8, p. 47].

Research on the essence and features of the process of forming environmental competence of specialists in various fields of activity has begun recently.

Environmental competence is a manifestation of the appropriate way of life of a person, which he creates on the basis of his life position through communication with the surrounding natural world.

Investigating the problem, V. Marshitskaya notes that "ecological competence is a person's ability to situational activities in everyday life and the natural environment, when acquired environmental knowledge, skills, experience and values are actualized in the ability to make decisions and perform adequate actions, realizing their consequences for the environment" [7, p. 21].

By environmental competence, A. Kolonkova understands "a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of environmental activities that correspond to the internal position and provide a qualified solution to environmentally dangerous situations, monitoring and control over compliance with environmental requirements in various spheres of life in accordance with the environmental legislation of Ukraine" [4, p. 58].

In the aspect of our research, the statement of N. Romeyko is of particular interest, which defines the following: environmental competence of a specialist is a complex system object, built on the integration of theoretical knowledge, practical skills in the field of ecology and a certain set of personal qualities that perform a specific function in the system of professional activity, which determines readiness for environmentally adequate behavior in situations of moral choice [11].

E. Shulpina in the research defines environmental competence of a student as a personal characteristic based on integration of knowledge, teachings in the field of ecology and moral attitude to nature, which stipulates readiness to choose, apply and create technologies that meet the requirements of moral and ecological imperatives [14].

So, the environmental competence of a specialist is a systemic integrative quality of a person, which is determined by a set of abilities to solve problems and tasks of various levels of complexity that arise in everyday life and professional activities, based on the formed value attitude to nature, knowledge, educational and life experience, needs, motives and individual abilities.

The formation of environmental competence of tourism specialists begins in the process of environmental training of students, the purpose of which is to

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create readiness for the environmentally adequate solution of professional tasks in the process of professional activity.

The role of the environmental component in the training of future specialists in the tourism industry becomes important, because in the course of their professional activity, a specialist, in addition to their direct professional duties (knowledge of the basics of Marketing, Management, Economics, the basics of Psychology, modern technologies for providing services, foreign languages, to carry out a predictive analysis of the market situation of services; to establish the reasons for non - compliance with the quality of services, to prevent and eliminate possible conflict situations with consumers), must solve qualitatively new tasks - everything related to environmental problems, from predicting the impact on the environment and changes that may occur under the influence of this impact to constant environmental education work with tourists.

In our opinion, most future specialists in the tourism industry have a certain level of knowledge about environmental problems that exist in our time, they are aware of the need for environmental education in general, but most of them do not connect these issues with future professional activities.

There are many reasons for this state, which can be explained by the insufficient level of use of the potential of professionally directed disciplines in the formation of environmental competence, weak integration of the disciplines of the environmental, special and professional cycles.

Conclusions and perspectives of further exploration in this direction. Our analysis of scientific and methodological sources has led to the conclusion that the concept of "environmental competence" is multi-faceted and multidimensional, related to ecological culture and is also established as a result of environmental education. Ecological culture can be both social and personal in nature, and environmental competence concerns only the individual. In a broader sense, environmental competence corresponds to a person's ability to apply knowledge and actions suitable for a productive solution to a particular environmental situation.

One of the main tasks of modern higher tourism education is the need to include future specialists in the tourism sector in solving environmental problems and forming environmental competence of the individual.

The combination of knowledge, skills and abilities of a future specialist of the tourism industry in professional activities, the ability to apply environmental knowledge and experience in various life situations, forms the basis of professional behavior in solving complex environmental problems.

Our further work is to study and determine the structural indicators of the formation of environmental competence of professional activity of future specialists in the field of tourism.


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ввд 18.11.2003 № 1282-IV // Вщомосл Верховно! Ради Украши ввд 26.03.2004.- 2004 р. - № 13. -Ст. 180.

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14. Шульпина, Е. А. Педагогические условия формирования экологической компетентности у студентов университета (на примере общепрофессиональных дисциплин специальности «География») [Текст]: автореф. дис. ...канд. пед. наук. - Челябинск, 2001. - 23 с.




УДК 070.1

Куликов Евгений Андреевич

студент 1 курса магистратуры ФБФИЖ БашГУ


Kulikov Evgeny Andreevich

1st year graduate student FBFAJ Bashkir state University




В этой статье анализируются проблемы применения права на информацию в реалиях современного мира, а также влияние журналистики на процесс формирования информационного общества. Abstract.

This article analyzes the problems of applying the right to information in the realities of the modern world, as well as the impact of journalism on the formation of the information society.

Ключевые слова: Право на информацию, Интернет, закон, свобода слова, мысли и совести, Конституция.

Keywords: The right to information, the Internet, the law, freedom of speech, thought and conscience, the Constitution.

Сегодня право на информацию является актуальной тематикой из-за развивающихся общественных отношений и развития новейших методов передачи, хранения, создания информации. Мы считаем, что право на информацию, как таковое, не достаточно освещается в международных и внутри-российских СМИ, что приводит к так называемому «информационному голоду» и негативно отражается на современных потребителях контента.

Существует мнение, что право на информацию нужно закрепить как в конституции, так и в других нормативно-правовых актах. Многие современные журналисты считают необходимым ввести четкие границы на получение и реализацию информации, ведь мы живем на рубеже информационной эры, которая уже почти охватила все сферы жизнедеятельности человека. Нужно отметить, что право на информацию в контексте современного дня, находиться на стадии перерождения. Все это стало возможным благодаря появлению и распространению всемирной сети "Интернет", а также технических изобретений, которые качественно упростили доступ ко всей информации.

Как уже было сказано, информация оказывает заметное влияние на организацию постиндустриального общества, и поэтому нельзя не рассмотреть данный вопрос с точки зрения журналистской науки и практики. Наиболее важным и интересным нам представляется анализ конституционного права на информацию и современной журналистики.

К вопросу о дефинитивном аспекте права на информацию нам кажется, что не столь важным яв-

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ляется формальное определение, сколько подробное описание границ и пределов распространения права на информацию. Думается, что право на информацию в конституционном смысле ограничивается правом на получение информации. Но также важно отметить то, что на стадии получения информации данное право становиться реализованным, а последующая деятельность с данными начинает выходить за рамки непосредственного права на информацию, потому что является экстраполяцией исходных данных.

В установившихся реалиях право на информацию напрямую не вытекает из текста Конституции РФ, а сами права сконцентрированы в статьях 24 и 29. Ряд ученых рассматривают право на информацию лишь с точки зрения субъективного права конкретного лица. Необходимо отметить, что данный подход не является идеальным, так как он не затрагивает тот широкий спектр этого явления. [2]

Журналисты и СМИ, работающие с информацией, также имеют очень широкий спектр прав, напрямую связанных с получением, использованием и распространением информации: искать, запрашивать, получать и распространять информацию, посещать государственные органы и организации, предприятия и учреждения, органы общественных объединений либо их пресс-службы, быть принятым должностными лицами в связи с запросом информации, получать доступ к документам и материалам, за исключением их фрагментов, содержащих сведения, составляющие государственную, коммерческую или иную специально охраняемую законом тайну, производить записи, в

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