CASE STUDY METHOD FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
case study / method / interactive teaching / English / high school students / кейс-стади / метод / интерактивное обучение / английский язык / ученики старших классов

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Jadmenova Dana Amantayevna, Tsay Еlena Nikolaevna

the article examines the notion potential of using the case study teaching method as one of the innovative ways of teaching English as a second language to high school students. The case study method contributes to the formation and development of systemic, conceptual knowledge, analytical thinking, communication skills, as well as the skills of structuring information presented to students and establishing cause-and-effect relationships in senior schoolchildren.

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в статье исследуется концептуальная возможность использования методики обучения кейс-стади как одного из новых способов преподавания английского языка как второго для старшеклассников. Метод кейс-стади содействует вырабатыванию и развитию системных, концептуальных информации, аналитического мышления, коммуникативных навыков, а также знаний структурирования изображенной учащимся информации и установления причинно-следственных связей у учеников старших классов.



CASE STUDY METHOD FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING Jadmenova D.A.1, Tsay Е.^2 (Republic of Kazakhstan) Email: [email protected]

Jadmenova Dana Amantayevna - Postgraduate, SPECIALTY: FOREIGN LANGUAGE: TWO FOREIGN LANGUAGES,


Abstract: the article examines the notion potential of using the case study teaching method as one of the innovative ways of teaching English as a second language to high school students. The case study method contributes to the formation and development of systemic, conceptual knowledge, analytical thinking, communication skills, as well as the skills of structuring information presented to students and establishing cause-and-effect relationships in senior schoolchildren. Keywords: case study, method, interactive teaching, English, high school students.

МЕТОД КЕЙС-СТАДИ ДЛЯ ОБУЧЕНИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Джадменова Д.А.1, Цай Е.Н.2 (Республика Казахстан)

1Джадменова Дана Амантаевна - магистрант, специальность: иностранный язык: два иностранных языка, Университет международного бизнеса; 2Цай Елена Николаевна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, языковой центр, Университет международного бизнеса, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: в статье исследуется концептуальная возможность использования методики обучения кейс-стади как одного из новых способов преподавания английского языка как второго для старшеклассников. Метод кейс-стади содействует вырабатыванию и развитию системных, концептуальных информации, аналитического мышления, коммуникативных навыков, а также знаний структурирования изображенной учащимся информации и установления причинно-следственных связей у учеников старших классов. Ключевые слова: кейс-стади, метод, интерактивное обучение, английский язык, ученики старших классов.

DOI: 10.24411/2542-0798-2021-17807

In the conditions of the intensive development of science and technology and the intensification of globalization processes, determining the establishment of international contacts between countries, there is a high demand for in-depth study of English as a foreign language. Modern education system more and more requires methodology of teaching foreign languages, according to which teaching English should, first of all, contribute to form students' communication skills, broaden their horizons and independent search activities. However, it is important to develop aesthetic views, emotional and volitional self-regulation skills, and the ability to withstand stress to increase productivity of educational activities. Thus, one of the urgent tasks of the modern school is the search for innovative teaching methods to meet the requirements of society [1, p. 235].

The case study is an interactive teaching method based on problem-situational analysis and students' solutions to specific learning situations [2]. In the scientific world, the homeland of this

teaching method is the United States of America, namely Harvard University [3, p. 44-47]. A characteristic feature of a case study is the creation of a problematic situation based on real facts from life, the description of which simultaneously reflects not only any practical side of the problem but also helps students to activate a certain set of previously acquired knowledge that they need to master in order to successfully solve the task. Moreover, the problem itself does not have an unambiguous solution [4]. Also, the solutions to problem situations put forward by students can be assessed according to the following criteria:

- a scientific and theoretical level of case-assignment and presentation;

- completeness of the case solution;

- the degree of creativity and independence in the approach to the analysis of the case and its solution, as well as its degree of evidence and persuasiveness;

- the form of presentation of the material and the quality of the presentation;

- culture of speech, the use of gestures and facial expressions during communication processes;

- completeness and comprehensiveness of conclusions;

- the presence of their views on the problem regarding the implementation of case tasks [3, p. 12-13].

Currently, there is a great number of definitions concerning the concept of a case study. In a

broad sense this method is understood as a method of active problem and situational analysis based on learning by solving specific situations. A distinctive feature of the case-study method is the creation of a problem situation based on facts from real life [5].

Shcherbatykh L.N. is convinced that the case study method is an interactive teaching method, the main goal of which is to create comfortable learning conditions in which students will feel their success and intellectual independence, which will increase efficiency and productivity of the educational process [1, p. 235].

According to I. Fisher and E. Casey, a case study is a representation of a specific situation from professional or everyday life, presented through certain actions, attitudes and opinions, based on which a final decision is made [6].

The use of case technology in foreign language classes pursues the following goals, namely: improving communicative competence; linguistic competence; sociocultural competence. The modern method of teaching foreign language is focused on communicative learning, respectively, the case method can be used as one of the best approaches, since students can analyze certain communicative situations. This learning process analyzes the authentic use of the language, cases of phraseology and idioms, the mechanics of exchanging replicas, etc. everything that characterizes the level of fluency in the language in the conditions of modern communication. [7].

In fact, the case is the key category of this method. In this regard case is the events that happened in a certain field of activity and which the author described to provoke a discussion about a problem situation and thereby push students to critically evaluate and analyze the situation, and as a result to make their own unique decision [8, p. 103]. Thus, the main idea of the case study method is the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills through the active independent activity of students to resolve contradictions, as a result of which students acquire professional knowledge and develop certain skills and abilities.

The structure of the case study method is designed in such a way that high school students are faced with a specific situation that is directly related to the practical aspect of everyday life. Further, high school students need to identify a contradiction, discuss it in English, identify alternative ways to solve it, and then offer their options to solve the problem, which is correctly substantiated, and then presented to all students. It is worth noting that in solving cases there is no one single correct solution since they are directly related to pressing problems and contradictions from life, therefore, at the end of the presentations of solving the contradiction by all groups of students, the teacher, or the students themselves can choose the most adequate solution.

At the same time, the teacher should not forget that in the process of solving cases, students should simultaneously update a certain complex of previously studied lexical and grammatical knowledge, and they also need to learn new concepts when resolving a particular problem situation [1, p. 236].

Regardless of what purpose the case pursues, it is divided into the following components:

1) situation (any problem, real-life story, case);

2) the context of the situation (historical, chronological, features of the actions of the participants in the situation);

3) comment on the situation;

4) tasks for working with the case;

5) various applications [4].

Korneeva believes that a high-quality case should meet the following criteria:

a) the experience of the audience should be considered;

b) it is necessary to choose situations that work for the future;

c) must contain an urgent task;

d) must contain quotes that add realism;

e) must embody pedagogical goals;

f) most of the cases contain conflicting information;

g) involves the adoption of a certain decision;

h) includes the conclusion at the end of the work;

i) the case should be small in volume and correspond to the age and mental characteristics of the students [3].

An English lesson based on case technology can be built according to the following concept:

- The first group of exercises are introductory exercises or starting up, the goal of which is to teach vocabulary, as well as the formation and development of speaking skills.

- The second group of exercises is designed to develop listening and writing skills, as well as to master new lexical units.

- The third group of reading exercises aims to develop reading skills, understanding the text in English, and mastering new lexical material on the lesson title.

- The fourth group of exercises allow to revise grammar.

- The fifth group of exercises is designed to research a problem or directly a case study [9].

The case study method provides a student with actual theoretical knowledge and practical experience and opportunities to consolidate the monologic and dialogical skills of reasoning thoughts, opinions, ideas, proposals. Carrying research, a student studies to take alternative points of view and to argue for his/her own decision of a break-through situation, to show and to improve analytical and assessment skills and teamwork. It should be noted that the use of the case study method requires a lot of time for the successful implementation of work on solving cases. However, the experience gained in the process of applying this method by teachers has shown that the case method greatly increases the effectiveness of the educational process since it allows to simulate the future activities of the learners and form a positive motivation for mastering a foreign language and obtaining new competences as social activity, communication skills, listening skills and the correct expression of thoughts.

To conclude, case study method is an interactive technology, short-term training of schoolchildren, based on the analysis of problem situations which include various forms of activity, aiming not only at acquiring knowledge by students, but also at developing new qualities and skills. Studying the case brings students to life, forms analytical and communication skills through facing real life situations. Case technology as the situation analysis method originates prerequisites for the creativity of teachers. Composing of a case is carried out outside the classroom and includes research, methodological and constructive activities of the teacher. For the case study to be effective, it is necessary to observe two conditions: making a good case and determining the methods of its use in training. Therefore, our future work is focusing on the preparation a methodology for applying the case in the educational process.

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