UDC 634.1.03.631.82
Sycheva I.I., Post-graduate student Gurin A.G., Professor Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
The data on influence of agrotechnical methods of cultivation of fruit and decorative crops saplings are provided in article, on physical and chemical properties of the gray forest soil. Such methods as the depth of soil preparation and a dose of fertilizer dressing were studied. It is shown that density and soil hardness in the top soil 0-20 cm didn't depend on tilling depth, in soil layer of 20-40 cm the density and hardness of the soil was significantly lower in case with tilling depth 40 cm. Therefore here the root system of saplings had bigger volume optimum on the physical indicators of a root layer. Fertilizer dressing in the raised doses promotes increase the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil. The increase of tilling depth reduces concentration of nitrogen to 40 cm, owing to its distribution in the bigger volume of the soil.
Fruit saplings; Physical and chemical properties; Soil; Mineral fertilizers.
The need for the wide range of fruit and decorative plants both for settlements' gardening and for a huge number of fancies is very high and increases every year [1]. It is satisfied while insufficiently, especially concerning structure of grades. With some minor exceptions nursery-gardens propagate decorative cultures or let them out in limited quantities. Besides quality of a planting material doesn't always meet the requirements of the market.
Cultivation of a high-quality planting material of fruit and decorative wood species is possible only due to the creation of favorable soil conditions which include optimum physical and chemical and agrochemical conditions [2]. As a rule in modern nursery-gardens preparation of the soil and introduction of fertilizer elements is carried out according to the uniform scheme without features of grown-up cultures that finally affects quality of saplings [3]. For many fruit and especially decorative wood species such questions as preparation of the soil, providing with mineral fertilizer elements are not studied enough [4].
Due to above stated the task to study reaction of fruit and decorative crops in nursery -gardens ways of preparation of the soil and a dose of fertilizer dressing for the purpose of receiving a landing material was set for us.
The following study was carried: "Definition of an optimum dose of fertilizer dressing and the depth of soil cultivation while growing saplings of fruit and decorative wood species". Variants:
Factor A. Wood species: Pear - variety Belorusskaja pozdnja; Apple tree - variety Sinap Orlovski; Cherry -variety Vladimirskaja; Plum tree - variety Evrasia 21; Honeysuckle -variety Goluboe vereteno; Tunberg’s barberry; Vanhoutte spiraea.
Factor B. Fertilizers' doses: N66 P60 K66 (control); N132 P120 K132; N198 P180 K198; N264 P240 K264.
Factor C. Depth of preplanting soil preparation: Soil cultivation at a depth of 23-25 cm; Soil cultivation at a depth of 40 cm.
The area of a registration plot is 48 sq.m; a replication in experience is 4-fold. The scheme of saplings distribution is 0,8*0,2 m. 300 saplings were planted in each plot for completion of growing. Ammonium nitrate and nitrophoska were taken as fertilizer.
An apple-tree and a pear bench graftings were used for completion of growing; the quick softwood cutting of cherry, plum, honeysuckle, barberry and spiraea.
A sample method of researches was used while carrying out a laboratory field experiment.
The representativeness of selection was reached by randomized placement of variants in experience, selection of soil and vegetable tests with statistically reasonable repetition.
The assessment of influence of offered processing methods of fruit and decorative wood species saplings cultivation was studied by the following techniques: soil density in g/cm3 was determined by a volume and weight method, the hardness of the soil was determined by I.F.Golubev's penetrometer, the content of nitrate nitrogen was determined by a disulphophenol method.
Necessary conditions of saplings' cultivation of fruit and decorative crops are, as we know, are sufficient provision of plants with heat, moisture, light, food elements, etc. Thus defining factors of growth are light, water, air and nutritious modes of the soil.
One of major factors which can be operated, influencing thereby growth processes is mineral food. In the conditions of a rich nursery garden breeding it isn't possible to regulate a water mode of the soil directly. It is possible to optimize a water-air mode at the expense of the depth of soil preparation.
As showed our researches the creation of optimum soil conditions for growth of wood plants probably at the expense of optimization of doses of fertilizer dressing, and also changes of physicomechanical properties.
The increase of the soil density leads to decrease in growth processes and first of all to the development of root system.
We carried out the determination of density and soil hardness when soil cultivation depth is 23-25 cm and 40 cm.
Soil density in 2010 (table1) before saplings planting for completion of growing (April) made in a layer 0-20 cm in the variant with depth of soil preparation of 23-25 cm-1,13 of g/cm3. In the variant where the soil was spudded in the depth of 40 cm, the soil density made
1, 15 cm in the noticed soil layer the distinctions between variants weren't essential. Other regularity was observed in soil layer of 20-40 cm. Here the depth of soil preparation has noticeable impact on this indicator. With a depth of soil preparation of 23-25 cm, density made 1, 38 g/cm3 while when soil preparation of 40 cm depth, density made 1, 17 g/cm3.
Before lifting of saplings the soil density increased in both variants and made in a soil layer 0-20 cm with a depth of preparation of 23-25 cm - 1,32 g/cm3, with a depth of preparation 40 cm - 1, 31 g/cm3. In a soil layer of 20-40 cm in variant with the depth of preparation 23-25 cm, density made 1, 40 g/cm3, in variant with depth of preparation 40 cm the density was significantly lower and made 1,34 g/cm3.
In 2011 soil density in a layer of 0-20 cm before saplings landing in the variant with depth preparation of 23-25 cm made 1, 09 g/cm3, in variant with depth of 40 cm - 1,11 of g/cm3. At the end of vegetation, i.e. before lifting, soil density in this soil layer increased and made in variants 1, 36 and 1,34 g/cm3 respectively. In a soil layer of 20-40 cm in an initial stage of vegetation the density in variants with depth of preparation 23-25 cm made 1, 34 g/cm3, in variant with depth of preparation 40 cm - 1, 16 g/cm3. At the end of vegetation soil density made respectively 1, 44 and 1, 35 g/cm3.
In 2012 regularity of this indicator remained the same, as in previous years. In the soil layer of 0-20 cm the distinctions between variants were insignificant and made 1, 12 and 1, 44 g/cm3. At the end of vegetation (before lifting of saplings) soil density in the specified horizon increased in both variants and made in the first case 1,39 g/cm3, in the second - 1,37 g/cm3. As well as at the beginning of vegetation soil density in both variants differed slightly.
In a soil layer of 20-40 cm density of consistency was lower in variant with depth preparation 40cm and made before saplings' planting 1, 17 g/cm3, before lifting 1, 39 g/cm3. In the variant with depth of soil preparation of 23-25 cm, density made at the beginning of vegetation 1, 35 g/cm3, at the end of vegetation1, 45 g/cm3.
Analyzing the submitted data it is possible to make a conclusion. Soil density in the top 0-20th layer in both variants was identical and didn't depend on depth of soil preparation. In the soil layer of 20-40th the density was significantly lower, especially at the beginning of vegetation of plants, in variant with depth preparation 40cm.
Soil hardness also is important in growing of a planting material of fruit and decorative crops. Growth of root system, its development of the root zone soil horizon depends on this indicator.
The optimum hardness of a plow layer for the middle sandy-loam is considered to be 68 kg/cm2 (Puponin, Bazdyrev, 1993). In our researches the depth of soil preparation has essential impact on this indicator.
In 2010 before planting quick saplings for the completion growing the soil hardness in 0-20 cm a layer in the first variant with depth of preparation 23-25 cm made 6, 3 kg/cm2, in variant with preparation depth 40cm - 6, 4 kg/cm2.
By the end of vegetation, (before saplings lifting) soil hardness, in the pointed horizon made in the first variant 8,4 kg/cm2, in the second 8,3-kg/cm2. In the top layer the hardness of the soil both at the beginning, and at the end of vegetation in both variants was almost identical. In a layer of 20-40 cm the preparation significantly reduced hardness indicators by depth of 40 cm at the beginning of vegetation, what about the variant where soil preparation was on the depth of 23-25 cm and made 6, 7 kg/cm2, against 8, 4 kg/cm2. Before lifting the soil hardness in all variants of experience differed less considerably 8, 6 kg/cm2 and 8,4 kg/cm2 (Table 2).
The similar regularity was observed in 2011. In the top 0-20 cm layer soil hardness in the first variant, before planting of saplings made 5, 7 kg/cm2, in the second one - 5,8 kg/cm2. Before lifting soil hardness in the first variant was 8, 7 kg/cm2, in the second variant of 8,5 kg/cm2. In a layer of 20-40 cm in the first variant the soil hardness made 8, 1 kg/cm2 before planting of saplings, and in the second variant it was much less than 6,0 kg/cm2. Before lifting of saplings in the first variant the soil hardness made 9, 1 kg/cm2, in the second one - 8,6 kg/cm2.
In 2012 as well as in previous years soil preparation reduced soil hardness for depth of 40 cm in an initial stage of vegetation. So, in the variant soil hardness in a layer of 0-20 cm made 6, 2 kg/cm2, in a soil layer of 20-40 cm-6, 5 of kg/cm2. Whereas in variant with depth of preparation 23-25 cm the indicator of soil hardness was at the level of the second variant only in the top 0-20 cm a layer and made 6,1 kg/cm2. In a soil layer of 20-40 cm this indicator made 8, 2 kg/cm2.
By the end of vegetation (before lifting of saplings) indicators of soil hardness increased and made on layers of earth respectively 8,8 and 9,4 kg/cm2 in variant with depth of preparation 23-25 cm and 8,6 and 8,8 kg/cm2 in variant with depth of preparation of 40 cm.
Thus, according to the results of three years' supervision it is possible to make a conclusion that the soil in the bottom horizons had the smaller density and hardness in variant with deeper preparation. Therefore here the saplings root system had bigger volume optimum, on the physical indicators, root habitable layer.
Table 1 - Soil hardness at cultivation of saplings of fruit and decorative crops g/cm
Period Soil preparation depth 2010 r. 2011 r. 2012 r On the average of 3 years.
0-20 cm 20-40 cm 0-20 cm 20-40 cm 0-20 cm 20-40 cm 0-20 cm 20-40 cm
Before planting 23-25 cm 1,13 1,38 1,09 1,34 1,12 1,35 1,11 1,35
40 cm 1,15 1,17 1,11 1,16 1,14 1,17 1,13 1,17
Before lifting 23-25 cm 1,32 1,40 1,36 1,44 1,39 1,45 1,36 1,43
40 cm 1,31 1,34 1,34 1,35 1,37 1,39 1,34 1,36
Table 2 - Soil density at cultivation of saplings of fruit and decorative crops, kg/cm2
Period Soil preparation depth 2010 г. 2011 г. 2012 г On the average of 3 years.
0-20 cm 20-40 cm 0-20 cm 20-40 cm 0-20 cm 20-40 cm 0-20 cm 20-40 cm
Before planting 23-25 cm б,3 8,4 5,7 8,1 б,1 8,2 б,0 8,2
40 cm б,4 б,7 5,8 б,0 б,2 б,5 б,1 б,4
Before lifting 23-25 cm 8,4 8,б 8,7 9,1 8,8 9,4 8,б 9,0
40 cm 8,3 8,4 8,5 8,б 8,б 8,8 8,5 8,б
Along with physical characteristics, important value for plants growth has provision of the soil with food elements. As our researches shown, fertilizer dressing of increasing doses has positive influence on provision of the soil with elements of a food and nitrate nitrogen in particular. Thus depth of soil preparation also affected provision of the soil with nitrate nitrogen, (table 3). So in 2010 the content of nitrate nitrogen in the variant with a dose of dressing N66 P60 K66 when preparation soil of 23-25 cm depth was 7,6-8.1 mg/kg depending on grown-up crop. At soil preparation of 40 cm depth the content of nitrates in 040 cm a layer made 6,9-7,8 mg/kg. In variant with a dose of dressing N132 P120 K132 the content of nitrates at soil preparation of 23-25 cm depth was 7,9-8,4 mg/kg, at soil preparation of 40 cm depth - 7,4-8,1 mg/kg. In variant with a dose of dressing N198 P180 K198 on a site with soil preparation of 23-25 cm depth the content of nitrate nitrogen was depending on crop of 8, 7-9, 7 mg/kg, on a site with soil preparation of 40 cm depth - 7, 6-8,7 mg/kg. The maximum quantity of nitrate nitrogen in 0-40 cm a soil layer was in variant with a dose of dressing N264 P240 K264 and depth of preparation 23-25 cm in depending on grown-up crop the contents was 9,0-9,9 mg/kg. On a site with depth of preparation of 40 cm - 8,0-8,9 mg/kg.
As for the studied cultures, any regularities according to the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil weren't found out. So, the content of this substance in the soil being under a pear in variant with a dose of N66 P60 K66 made 7,6 mg/kg, under an apple-tree of 8,1 mg/kg, under cherry of 7,9 mg/kg, under plum of 7,7 mg/kg, under a honeysuckle of 7,9 mg/kg, under a barberry of 8,0 mg/kg, and under 7 spiraea,8 mg/kg.
In 2011 the regularity according to the content of nitrate nitrogen in options of experience were the same, as well as in previous year. It should be noted that the general content of nitrate nitrogen was higher, than in 2010. It is explained by more favorable weather conditions. Previous year was adverse for nitrification processes because of high temperature and low moisture.
Table 3 - Content of nitrate nitrogen (mg/kg), 2010
Crop (A) Fertilizers' doses (B)
N66 P60 K66 N132 P120 K132 N198 P180 K198 N264 P240 K264
Soi preparation at a depth of 23-25 cm (С)
Pear 7,б 7,9 9,3 9,4
Apple tree 8,1 8,3 9,7 9,9
Cherry 7,9 8,1 8,б 9,3
Plum 7,7 8,0 8,4 9,1
Honeysuckle 7,9 8.2 9,1 9,5
Barberry 8,0 8,4 8,7 9,1
Spiraea 7,8 8,2 8,7 9,0
Soil preparation at a depth of 40 cm
Pear 7,3 7,5 8,4 8,9
Apple tree 7,8 8,0 8,7 8,9
Cherry 7,5 8,1 7,8 8,7
Plum б,9 7,7 7,9 8,3
Honeysuckle 7,1 7,8 8,1 8,1
Barberry 7,4 7,7 7,9 8,3
Spiraea 7,0 7,4 7,б 8,0
The content of nitrate nitrogen in variant with a dose of dressing of N66 P60 K66 and depth of soil preparation 23-25 cm was 10, 8-11,3 mg/kg, with a depth of soil preparation 40 cm 9,7-10,7 mg/kg. In variant with a dose of dressing of N132 P120 K132 and depth of soil preparation 23-25 cm 11,8-12,9 mg/kg, with a depth of preparation 40 cm 10,3-11,8 mg/kg. In option with a dose of dressing N198 P180 K198 and depth of preparation 23-25 cm the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil made 13,7-17,4 mg/kg, with a depth of preparation 40 cm of 11,9 - 15,9 mg/kg. The greatest content of nitrate nitrogen was in variant with a dose of dressing N264 P240 K264 and depth soil preparation 23-25 cm 15,4-18,9 mg/kg, in variant with soil preparation at a depth of 40 cm, the content of nitrates was 13,7-17,4 mg/kg (table 4).
If in previous year studied cultures didn't influence on the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil, in 2011 certain regularity is traced. In the first and in the second variants, with a dose of dressing N66 P60 K66 and regularity N132 P120 K132 in the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil being under fruit and decorative crops also isn't revealed. However in variants with dressing of higher doses N198 P180 K198 and N264 P240 K264 fertilizers the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil being under fruit crops was lower than on sites being under ornamental bushes.
Table 4 - Content of nitrate nitrogen (mg/kg),2011
Crop (A) Fertilizers' doses (B)
N66 P60 K66 N132 P120 K132 N198 P180 K198 N264 P240 K264
Soi preparation at a depth of 23-25 cm (C)
Pear 10,8 11,9 13,7 15,4
Apple tree 11,0 12,4 14,0 1б,0
Cherry 11,3 12,7 13,9 15,7
Plum 10,9 12,9 14,3 15,8
Honeysuckle 11,3 12,7 15,8 17,9
Barberry 10,9 11,8 1б,1 17,3
Spiraea 11,1 12,3 17,4 18,9
Soil preparation at a depth of 40 cm
Pear 9,7 10,3 11,9 13,9
Apple tree 10,7 11,5 12,3 14,1
Cherry 10,1 11,7 12,1 14,3
Plum 9,9 10,9 12,7 13,7
Honeysuckle 10,2 11,б 15,3 1б,8
Barberry 10,2 10,7 15,9 1б,3
Spiraea 9,8 11,8 14,7 17,4
So the content of nitrate nitrogen in N198 P180 K198 variant and depth of soil preparation 23-25 cm under a pear made 13,7 mg/kg, under an apple-tree-14,0 mg/kg, under cherry-13,9 mg/kg, under plum-14,3 mg/kg. In variants with bushes the content of nitrate nitrogen was the following: honeysuckle-15,8 mg/kg, barberry-16,1 mg/kg, spiraea-17,4 mg/kg. In variant with a dose of dressing N264 P240 K264 the content of nitrate nitrogen under a pear made 15,4 mg/kg, under an apple-tree-16,0 mg/kg, under cherry-15,7 mg/kg, under plum-15,8 mg/kg, under a honeysuckle-17,9 mg/kg, under a barberry-17,3 mg/kg, under spireae-18,9 mg/kg. In similar variants when soil preparation is at a depth of 40 cm the same regularity was observed: in variants where grew saplings of the tall tree species having well developed root system, the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil was less, than in variants with low-growing bushes. The lowered content of nitrate nitrogen in the pointed variants is explained by higher consumption of nitrogen by saplings of fruit crops. For low-growing bushes rather smaller amount of nitrogen. In variants with a high dose of fertilizer dressing as a result of smaller consumption of nitrogen by saplings, in the soil there is a large amount of unspent nitrate nitrogen.
In 2012 regularity of nitrate nitrogen content in the soil by variants of experience was the same, as well as in previous year. The greatest number of nitrate nitrogen was in variant with a dose of dressing N264 P240 K264 and depth of preparation 23-25th which made, depending on crop, 17,6-21,3 mg/kg; with a depth of the soil preparation 40 cm, the content
of nitrate nitrogen in the noted variant also was the greatest and made 15,4-18,6 mg/kg depending on studied crop (table 5).
Table 5 - Content of nitrate nitrogen (mg/kg), 2012
Crop (A) Fertilizers' doses (B)
N66 P60 K66 N132 P120 K132 N198 P180 K198 N264 P240 K264
Soi preparation at a depth of 23-25 cm (C)
Pear 11,7 12,4 15,1 17,6
Apple tree 11,3 13,0 14,9 16,7
Cherry 12,1 13,8 15,7 17,4
Plum 11,8 13,2 14,8 16,9
Honeysuckle 11,6 13,6 16,9 19,7
Barberry 12,0 12,9 17,1 19,9
Spiraea 11,4 13,1 18,7 21,3
Soil preparation at a depth of 40 cm
Pear 10,4 11,2 14,0 15,4
Apple tree 9,8 11,9 14,7 15,1
Cherry 10,2 12,0 14,3 16,1
Plum 10,7 12,4 13,9 15,6
Honeysuckle 9,7 12,5 15,0 17,2
Barberry 10,6 11,9 16,2 17,7
Spiraea 10,5 11,4 15,8 18,6
In the variant with a dose of dressing N66 P60 K66 of regularities according to the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil weren't established: pear-11,7 mg/kg, apple-tree-11,3 mg/kg, cherry-12,1 mg/kg, plum-11,8 mg/kg, honeysuckle-11,6 mg/kg, barberry-12,0 mg/kg, spireae-11,4 mg/kg. In the variant with a dose of dressing N132 P120 K132 also regularities weren't established. Since a dose of dressing N198 P180 K198 decrease in the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil of 14,8-15,7 mg/kg which were under wood fruit crops, concerning working plots with brushwood of 16,9-18,7 mg/kg is traced. In the variant with a dose of dressing N264 P240 K264 nitrate nitrogen in the soil being under fruit saplings was less (16,7-17,6 mg/kg), than under saplings of bushy crops (19,7-21,3 mg/kg).
Thus, on the basis of presented analysis, it is possible to make conclusions. Fertilizer dressing in the raised doses promotes increase in the maintenance of elements of a food in the soil. The increase of depth of soil preparation to 40 cm reduces concentration of nitrogen, owing to its distribution in large volume of the soil.
For saplings of bushy crops: honeysuckle, barberry, spiraea it is necessary to consider as an optimum dose of application of fertilizers N132 P120 K132. For saplings of fruit crops: the pear, apple-tree, cherry, plum are required higher doses of fertilizers N198 P180 K198 and N264 P240 K264.
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