Mannanova Sh. G. senior teacher
""Digital economy and information technologies "" department
Tashkent State University of Economics
Yusupova D.M. assistant
""Digital economy and information technologies "" department
Tashkent State University of Economics
Annotation: This article analyzes the role of e-commerce in the digital economy, the development of the trade sector, the factors influencing the development level and quality of e-commerce in the digital economy. Also, the essence, classification, development trends, advantages and disadvantages of electronic commerce, which is part of the digital economy, are mentioned.
Key words: e-trade, e-commerce, digital economy, online service, internet, business, technology, consumer, organization, market, computer, income, product.
The digital economy is an economic activity in which the main factor in production and service is information in the form of numbers, with the help of processing a large amount of information and analyzing the result of this processing of various types and implementing more effective solutions than the previous system in production, service, technologies, devices, storage, product delivery. In other words, the digital economy is an activity connected with the development of digital computer technologies in the provision of online services, electronic payments, Internet trade, crowdfunding and other types of industries.
E-commerce is a branch of the economy that includes all financial and commercial transactions and business processes associated with such transactions using computer networks.
Electronic commerce includes: Electronic information exchange; Electronic capital movement; Electronic commerce; Electronic money (e-cash); Electronic marketing (e-marketing); Electronic bank (e-banking); Electronic insurance services (e-insurance).
The first systems and methods of electronic commerce are associated with the emergence of sales automation technologies and the introduction of automated systems for corporate resource management.
The development of information and communication technologies is one of the most important factors affecting the development of society. Electronic document circulation, i.e. creation, processing, reception, transfer, storage and use of electronic communications, not only expands opportunities in the field of rapid information transfer, but also created the basis for the emergence of new forms of doing business. With the use of digital and computing technologies based on IT infrastructure and communication systems, the emerging digital economy, which includes all economic processes, can be used for the emergence of many new economic opportunities, for development purposes, as well as for solving social problems and all problems related to the goals of sustainable development. The digital economy creates an enabling environment for entrepreneurship by digitally indexing data and reducing red tape and bureaucracy. It provides rapid communication with consumers in market conditions, ensuring that large-scale entrepreneurs and the public have access to information for making informed decisions. Increases production efficiency and labor productivity.
In the last 20 years, the e-commerce market is developing dynamically due to the rapid increase in the number of Internet users, the increasing influence of social networks and other interactive online platforms, the dynamic development of electronic payment systems, and the transition of leading market participants to new technological platforms for e-commerce. (From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and then to Web 3.0)
Electronic commerce forms. E-commerce is divided into several categories according to the target group of consumers. We will consider their classification below.
1. Classification of electronic commerce: Commercial organizations:
□ B2B (Business-to-Business) - "relations between organizations";
□ B2C (Business-to-Consumer) - "relationship between a organization and consumers";
□ B2E (Business-to-Employee) - "relations between organizations and employees";
□ B2G (Business-to-Government) - "relations between organizations and the government";
□ B2O (Business-to-Operator) - "relations between organizations and communication operators".
2. Consumers:
□ C2A (Consumer-to-Administration) - "relations between consumers and administration";
□ C2B (Consumer-to-business) - "relations between consumers and commercial organizations";
□ C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) - " relations among consumers".
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3. Administration:
□ A2A (Administration-to-Administration) - "relations between administrations";
□ A2B (Administration-to-Business) - "relations between administration and commercial organizations";
□ A2C (Administration-to-Consumer) - "relations between administration and consumers".
4. Other business models:
□ D2C (Decentralized-to-Consumer) - "decentralized relations between consumers based on Blockchain technology";
□ G2B (Government-to-Business) - "relationships between government and commercial organizations".
□ P2P (Peer-to-peer) - "relationship between individuals";
In addition to traditional e-commerce, the terms t-commerce - mobile commerce (m-commerce) were also used in 2013.
E-commerce has its own advantages and they can be grouped as follows:
For organizations, global scale, cost reduction, supply chain improvement, always-on business, privacy, rapid product-to-market, low-cost distribution of digital products.
For consumers, lack of choice of location, anonymity, wide selection of goods and services, individuality, relatively cheapness of products and services, fast delivery, electronic socialization.
A wide range of services for society (e.g. education, health, utilities), improving living standards, improving national security, reducing the digital divide, selling and ordering goods and services online will reduce car traffic and environmental pollution.
E-commerce information services help create new jobs through the necessary software developments and digital products. On the other hand, the emergence of Internet stores also leads to job losses. Sectors most likely to lose jobs include markets, the post office and travel agencies.
The development of e-commerce also creates new jobs that require highly skilled professionals to manage large amounts of data, customer needs, and production processes. They cannot be occupied by employees who do not have high technical skills. E-commerce technologies reduce transaction costs, allowing both producers and consumers to work without intermediaries. This is achieved by expanding the search for the best price offers and group purchases. The success of e-commerce at the city and regional level depends on how local businesses and consumers perceive e-commerce. However, in e-commerce there is no direct contact between people and customers. Customers are also concerned about the security of online transactions and are generally aware of remain loyal to retailers.
E-commerce allows customers to overcome geographical barriers and buy goods anytime, anywhere. Online and traditional markets have different strategies for doing business. Traditional retail stores offer a smaller assortment due to limited counter space. Online retailers often do not carry inventory, but ship orders directly to the manufacturer. CONCLUSION
The development of electronic commerce improves the supply of information to the market: buyers and sellers receive information about the price, quality and delivery conditions of goods offered by almost all competitors. Access to market information, new potential customers and new products for buyers and sellers are important for small and medium-sized enterprises, contributes to the development, which increases tax revenues for budgets at all levels, reduces unemployment and strengthens social stability in the regions. As a result of e-commerce, it is also possible to reduce the costs of establishment and operation of the enterprise.
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