DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2022_1_102_255
Xaydarova K.A. senior lecturer
department of economics and industrial management
Bakhtiyorova M.B.
student group 53-20
department of industrial economics and management DIGITAL ECONOMY IN ENTERPRISES
Annotation: The article examines the role and concept of e-commerce as an effective direction for the development of the digital economy in modern conditions, as well as the specific features and main advantages of e-commerce in terms of the potential development of business, as well as the risks that can be observed in it.
Keywords: e-commerce, internet commerce, services, digital economy, principle, risks.
As you know, the introduction of e-commerce is an effective means of increasing the efficiency of enterprises and increasing opportunities to enter world markets. The republic is implementing comprehensive measures to actively develop the digital economy, as well as to widely introduce modern information and communication technologies in all industries and areas, primarily in public administration, education, healthcare and agriculture. In modern conditions, e-commerce is an indispensable element of the quick sale of goods. In addition, services between business entities are also provided, aimed at reducing costs and time, expanding the sales market and generating additional income. In today's economy, traditional ways of doing business do not fully correspond to the development trends of organizations. E-commerce can greatly improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. The introduction of e-business methods in an enterprise, on the one hand, increases the efficiency of promoting goods and services, expands sales markets, develops relationships with customers, and on the other hand, helps to reduce operating costs, and also with regard to customer service and processing requests, the total time is reduced.
The solution of these problems and the transition to sustainable economic growth is possible only on the basis of scientific and technological progress. This requires structural changes in organizations and enterprises. To ensure the viability of the subjects of innovation activity, it is necessary to expand the infrastructure, the functions of innovation planning, control and management.
A comprehensive and fundamental transformation of the national economy into a digital plane requires a complete revision of the culture,
operations, technologies and principles for creating new business products and services. With the beginning of this process, digitalization at the level of small and medium enterprises affects products, services, distribution and distribution channels, business processes, supply chains and the search for new partners in the market.
Currently, a number of electronic platforms and systems act as information intermediaries in Uzbekistan. In order to maintain the National Register of E-commerce Entities in Uzbekistan, a website has been developed and launched that allows entrepreneurs to submit a voluntary and free application for entry into the register in electronic form. The measures implemented in Uzbekistan (legislative and regulatory, infrastructural) allow the rapid development of e-commerce and form the basis of the market mechanism in the virtual space.
In particular, the implementation of more than 220 priority projects providing for the improvement of the Electronic Government system, the further development of the domestic market for software products and information technologies, the creation of IT parks in all regions of the republic, and the improvement of the Electronic Government system has begun.
According to reports, retail e-commerce sales will grow 27.6% in 2020, representing an annual growth of $4.280 trillion. Online sales are sometimes the dominant business model, but along with the benefits, there are also caveats to consider.
Although an e-commerce platform can avoid the risk of shoplifting, there are many challenges and risks inherent in digital business. What are the risks we can observe in e-commerce?
E-commerce businesses have given consumers more exposure and access to a wider audience. This is more difficult to achieve with traditional retail methods.
The seven most imminent threats to e-commerce include:
- Breach of online security
- Customer Disputes and Refunds
- Violation of intellectual property
- Low SEO ranking
- Credit card fraud
- Bad customer service
- Weak authentication methods
This is one of the many dangers that keep you from maximizing your true potential.
It is very important to protect your e-commerce platform from hackers and fraudsters. Before running an e-commerce business, you need to ensure additional layers of network security, including network security. The web developer you hire should provide security on your website, such as an SSL certificate and data encryption.
One of the effective areas of information protection is cryptography or cryptographic information, which is widely used in various fields of activity in government and commercial structures.
Unlike traditional encryption systems, where the same key is used for encryption, in asymmetric encryption methods - public key systems, two keys are provided, each of which cannot be calculated from the other. One key is public and used by the sender to encrypt information, the other is private, the receiver decrypts the received ciphertext. Electronic digital signature - this mechanism is mostly used by banks to provide services to companies, but sometimes it is also offered to individual clients. The advantage of an electronic digital signature is that it provides a unique identification of the user.2
But still, it is impossible to solve the problem of ensuring the reliability of information security solely with the help of technical means and software. According to experts, the protection of corporate information systems depends on a number of factors: 30% - on the applied technical solutions; by 40% - from the organizational measures carried out in the institution and by 30% - from the moral state of society and the general cultural level of the user.
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the opportunities for the development of e-commerce in Uzbekistan are growing every year. Its development creates opportunities for our national producers to open up new markets and find new customers. Following the chosen and current path of development of e-commerce will make the economy of Uzbekistan one of the leading representatives of the world market in the future. Choosing the right way to solve the problems of e-commerce in Uzbekistan is reflected in the well-being of people, the progress of our society, our economic development.
In addition, e-commerce, like other industries, has not only commercial risks, but also risks related to the application of certain legal norms. In our opinion, any entrepreneurial activity should be provided with competent legal assistance both in its initial period and during its development. This minimizes legal risks that can lead to huge financial losses.
1. T.Z. Teshabaev, Sh.I. Bobokhujaev, Z.M. Otakuziev. Problems and prospects of creating a digital ecosystem of the postal service of Uzbekistan. Advances in the Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, Paris, Atlantis Press, 2018, p. 112-118;
2. Digital Economy Report 2019. Creating Value and Profit: Implications for Developing Countries. Review of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD. [Electronic resource].
3. Digital 2019. Global Digital Yearbook. Basic figures for every country in the world. [Electronic resource]. URL: (Accessed 1.12.2019);
4. Mesenbourg. T.L. Measuring of the Digital Economy //The Netcentric Economy Symposium. University of Maryland, 2001.
5. Richard Cantillon, Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général (French and English) [Электронный ресурс]
6. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated 05.10.2020 No. UP-6079 "On approval of the strategy "Digital Uzbekistan-2030" and measures for its effective implementation
7. Хайдарова К. А., Бахтиёрова М. Б.// Цифровая экономика на преприятиях и роль в ней электронной комерции.