Научная статья на тему 'The color organization of the residential complexes environment (main factors)'

The color organization of the residential complexes environment (main factors) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Ussembayeva Albina Nilsovna, Khojikov Anton Valerievich, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

The color of the urban environment has always been an object of attention, both of ordinary residents and of the city administration. However, the rapid growth of buildings partially went beyond operational control and formed in some areas the features of color uniformity or randomness. There is a need to deeply study the process of spontaneous formation of residential development color, consider the role of color in the aspect of organizing a comfortable visual color environment. In addition, there is a need to determine the perception principles of color composition decisions of buildings, to establish the relationship between the architectural and natural environment, to identify the factors affecting the formation of a holistic color image of residential buildings.

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Цветность городской среды всегда являлась объектом внимания как обычных жителей, так и городской администрации. Однако бурный рост застройки частично вышел из-под оперативного контроля и сформировал в некоторых районах черты колористического однообразия или хаотичности. Вырисовывается необходимость углубленно изучить характер процесса спонтанного формирования цветности застройки, рассмотреть роль цвета в аспекте организации комфортной визуальной цветовой среды, определить принципы восприятия цветокомпозиционных решений зданий, установить взаимосвязь между архитектурной и природной средой, выявить факторы, влияющие на формирование целостного колористического образа жилой застройки.

Текст научной работы на тему «The color organization of the residential complexes environment (main factors)»



'Ussembayeva Albina Nilsovna—Master of Arts, Postgraduate Student; 2Khojikov Anton Valerievich — Master of Arts, Postgraduate Student; 3Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich — Doctor of Architecture, Professor, ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT, KAZAKH NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER K.I. SATPAYEV, ALMATY, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN

Abstract:: the color of the urban environment has always been an object of attention, both of ordinary residents and of the city administration. However, the rapid growth of buildings partially went beyond operational control and formed in some areas the features of color uniformity or randomness. There is a need to deeply study the process of spontaneous formation of residential development color, consider the role of color in the aspect of organizing a comfortable visual color environment. In addition, there is a need to determine the perception principles of color composition decisions of buildings, to establish the relationship between the architectural and natural environment, to identify the factors affecting the formation of a holistic color image of residential buildings. Keywords: architectural polychrome, mass construction, the appearance of the city, perception of architecture.


'Усембаева Альбина Нильсовна — докторант;

2Ходжиков Антон Валерьевич — докторант; 3'Самойлов Константин Иванович — доктор архитектуры, профессор, кафедра архитектуры, Казахский национальный исследовательский технический университет им. К.И. Сатпаева, г. ААлматы, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: цветность городской среды всегда являлась объектом внимания как обычных жителей, так и городской администрации. Однако бурный рост застройки частично вышел из-под оперативного контроля и сформировал в некоторых районах черты колористического однообразия или хаотичности. Вырисовывается необходимость углубленно изучить характер процесса спонтанного формирования цветности застройки, рассмотреть роль цвета в аспекте организации комфортной визуальной цветовой среды, определить принципы восприятия цветокомпозиционных решений зданий, установить взаимосвязь между архитектурной и природной средой, выявить факторы, влияющие на формирование целостного колористического образа жилой застройки.

Ключевые слова: архитектурная полихромия, массовое строительство, облик города, восприятие архитектуры.

УДК 711.4.0'

The purposeful formation of the color image of the urban environment historically arose practically together with the creation of relatively large settlements. Accordingly, the color development of settlements, which affects the formation, including the positive image of a well-administered city, has historically been constantly in the focus of attention of the leadership of countries and individual cities. Moreover, the color regulated not only using various building materials, but also due to painting. Particular attention paid to the accuracy of the painting, including constant refurbishment and repair. As cities grew, attention to this problem only increased [1, 63].

There was a sharp deformation of residential buildings based on the achievements of building science and technology in the urban environment at the beginning of the last century. The size of residential quarters and complexes increased, their number of floors has increased dramatically, which

led to the visual dominance of residential buildings in the face of the city as a whole. Accordingly, its color scheme began to dominate the overall urban palette. The ubiquity of industrial housing construction in developed countries, having formed a relative uniformity of the appearance of large residential areas, led, according to some authors [2, 20], even to a negative impact on the psychophysiological state of some residents, which naturally lowered the quality of the spaces, reducing their commercial attractiveness.

Although, in the middle of the last century, and at the beginning of the present century, mass development solves the dominant task to providing the urban population with affordable housing, which, pushes the problem of visual uniformity into the background in the perception of the inhabitants. Moreover, the large part of perception focuses on the first two floors purely physiologically and functionally. The most spaces located on ground floor in dwelling building functionally and then figuratively individualized through enterprises of everyday and periodic consumer services. The upper part of the facades perceived predominantly from a panoramic view, because the near view is almost completely has isolated by growing trees. However, this is a "natural" process of individualization and it is advisable to supplement activities in this direction [3, 59].

The urgent urban development task providing high quality residential environment through the individualization of appearance of residential development, which is harmoniously included in the architectural and spatial system in the city, solve some of these problems. In this aspect, such ideas as "environment humanization", "video ecology" get more attention and have the prospect of increasing the comfort of the residential environment. The modern assessment principals of residential spaces quality, which base on multidirectional researches in various fields, clarified and supplemented. They include insolation and psychophysiological aspects, the spatial mono or multi functionality, the intensity of use urban areas and visual aspect [4, 192]. Very interesting interdisciplinary researches, based on color structuring of social space, has appeared [5, 13].

It was highlighted that the elements of constant visible environment affect a human psychological state with prolonged exposure.

The visual environment of monotonous residential development without active individual color-formed solution consists of buildings with aggressive homogeneous facades [6, 493].

Using appropriate colors creates the optimal human psychophysiological comfort conditions and forms informative and emotionally rich residential spaces. Herewith, integrated environmental approach is needed in shaping harmonious and holistic color image, taking to account the role of all urban design elements: buildings, building elements, small architectural forms, land surface, landscaping and graphic design elements. The color scheme of these elements at different scale levels is also important [10, 12, 14].

Back in the study, Belyaeva Y.L. [7, 64] it was noted that in the color-composite solution of buildings, perceived from long distances and with increased speeds, it is recommended to use large-scale color fragments covering significant sections of the facade. For a color compositional solution of the lower tier of the facade, designed for perception from close distances, at pedestrian speeds, preference should be given to a variety of small-sized color elements.

According to the analysis of urban planning practice, the author of which is Mikhalcheva S.G. [9, 262], to solve the coloristic problems of the residential environment, it is necessary to take into account the aesthetic qualities of the natural environment and climatic conditions. With the color saturation of the natural landscape, the color of the residential formation is advisable to subordinate to the color harmony of the natural environment. A multifaceted color scheme of the housing estate, the introduction of bold color accents, more contrasting with landscape elements, is recommended to use only in areas with low aesthetic qualities.

In part, the problems of the color organization that has developed chaotically in the most of modern cities are solved by compiling color maps covering both the city as a whole and the detailed parameters of individual regions in particular.

For example, in 2016, the Almaty City Planning and Urban Planning Department developed uniform standards for the color design of buildings and streets in the central part of the city. Variants for the color design of the facades of a typical residential development were proposed, and rules for the color regulation of other components of the urban environment, such as advertising structures, signboards and the design of the entrance areas to the building, were developed [11, 5].

It is necessary to take into account factors affecting the formation of an integral coloristic image of residential development for adequate solving standing complex tasks. The most important group of factors include climatic conditions, a thoughtful combination of architectural environmental components, the inclusion of different scale levels' elements in color modeling, taking into account scenarios of specific paintings.

The part of problem, which is noted in a number of studies [13, 9], exists in the field of adjustment

of architectural education.

Today the color design of typical residential areas in mass construction has not enough attention.

Therefore, the development of color solutions, as part of the residential buildings' façade

modernization, can diversify the color of urban environment, gives personality and creates interesting

color ensembles of residential complexes.

References / Список литературы

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