Научная статья на тему 'Color in an urbanized environment and performance of the development of urban colority programs'

Color in an urbanized environment and performance of the development of urban colority programs Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Ussembayeva Albina Nilsovna, Khodjikov Anton Valerievich, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

The article considers the formation of urban color dominants as influenced by the culture of society, the experience of using color by architects of the 20th century, the harmonious architectural polychrome of the urban environment as a factor in the formation of a visually comfortable and high-quality urban space.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Color in an urbanized environment and performance of the development of urban colority programs»



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Ussembayeva A.N. , Khodjikov A.V. , Samoilov K.I.

1Ussembayeva Albina Nilsovna - Master of Arts;

2Khodjikov Anton Valerievich - PhD Student;


Abstract: the article considers the formation of urban color dominants as influenced by the culture of society, the experience of using color by architects of the 20th century, the harmonious architectural polychrome of the urban environment as a factor in the formation of a visually comfortable and high-quality urban space.

Keywords: color, coloristics in the urban environment, architectural polychrome.

УДК 72.01

The color of the urban environment is one of the most actively perceived quality. In general, color is an integral part of our world. The perception of the environment is impossible to imagine without color perception. Color is perceived by man as the light of a certain spectral composition, which the objects surrounding us emit or reflect. For a person, color is a kind of indicator, thanks to which he distinguishes objects in space, their properties, and can also track their movement. The color has a huge impact on the psychophysiological state of a person, contributes to aesthetic and emotional experiences. Color is a single and universal language for humanity, in which people speak and think subconsciously [1].

In ancient times, man could not separate color from the whole perception of the environment. His color perception was limited to a natural palette. And only when art and craft appeared, did active mastery of color begin. With the advent of fine art, they began to study the interaction of color and light, as well as the peculiarity of visual perception [2].

Today, there is a whole science of color - color. Knowledge and colorization will be applied in various fields of human activity. Color is also one of the main elements of the surrounding space, capable of making a special contribution to the formation of a comfortable, informative and aesthetically perfect architectural environment.

At one time, color was absent in architecture in order to save, clean, order, etc. For a long time, color played only a decorative role. At the moment, architectural coloristics performs an artistic function, provides orientation in space, causes psychological reactions and aesthetic experiences. Thanks to the architecture, a large amount of color appeared in the urban environment. Color affects the perception of the shape of objects in urban space, divides or combines the spatial structure of the city.

The color change in the architecture contributes to the visual change in the spatial-spatial form. Heinrich Freeling has developed a technique for coloristic solutions in the design of interiors that provide psychophysiological comfort. He wrote that in practice it is necessary to take into account the psychological response of a person to color [3]. Such trends in art as suprematism, neoclassicism, abstract expressionism, etc., had a great influence on the development of architectural coloristics.

The world has accumulated vast experience in the use of color in an architectural environment. A city is a complex chromatic system with color dominants. In ancient cities, the appearance of color spots in urban space was promoted by culture. Inequality

and hierarchy in society were clearly reflected in the color drawing of the city. Public architecture stood out from the general panorama of the city, demonstrating the importance of the community, democracy, and equality. During the reign of the church, city cathedrals and temples became color "spots" in the architectural polychrome of the city. After the social revolution, they tried, by contrast, to smooth over inequality. In Soviet architecture, color was seen as frivolous, and its absence demonstrated the ideology of stability and eternity [2].

The architecture of the 20th century had a huge impact on the development of architectural polychrome. For example, Luis Barragan in his projects demonstrates the openness and purity of color, which has an emotional effect, Alvaro Siza adheres to achromatic architecture, and Legorreta, inspired by Mexican culture, uses rich colors. With color, he highlights the volume or structural details and thus causes the viewer aesthetic experiences. The compositional principles, architectural form and color in the architect's projects are included in the surrounding context. Thanks to the architectural polychrome, Legoretta connects volume and space, forming an integral artistic and semantic composition [4].

Color in architecture is one of the factors in the formation of a visually comfortable surrounding space. Architectural polychrome has a physical and psychological effect on a person. Due to the color, the architectural form can be entered into the natural landscape and existing buildings, or highlight and thus create a contrasting interaction.

The population growth in cities, the active use of urban space and its various functions increases the importance of color in the surrounding space. The fragmented use of color and the monotony of the urbanized environment are a consequence of socio-economic changes and the dominance of typical architecture in the cities of the post-Soviet space. All this creates the need for a new look at architectural polychrome [5].

Architectural polychrome is a combination of the colors of the facade of an architectural object as a separate element from the color scheme of the architectural environment, consisting of a natural context and a spatial-spatial structure. Due to the architectural polychrome, it is possible to change the plastic characteristics and dimensions of the structure, highlight or level architectural fragments, have an emotional effect on a person, and also create contrast or fusion with the architectural environment.

There is a need to create a high-quality color environment of the city, which will take into account the functional, social and aesthetic needs of residents, as well as the polychrome of the surrounding space. It is important to create a harmonious system of color relationships and color balance.

When forming a balanced color drawing of the city, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions, the structure of the city, the color culture of the population and the psychophysiological perception of color by a person. Any surrounding space influences the formation of aesthetic taste, which contributes to the education of a mentally healthy and spiritually rich population [6].

From this point of view, the development of special programs for the targeted formation of the urban environment is of particular importance. A significant example of such work in the city of Zhanatas (Zhambyl region, Kazakhstan) [7]. The use of a limited set of typical projects for the development of new microdistricts determined an unpleasant uniformity of the appearance of the environment: "The appeared uniformity of the appearance of the building stimulated the search for its individualization. Partially, the problem was solved due to polychrome coloring. The color scheme of the street and side facades of these houses (1984, architect N. Arkhabaev, D. Medetov, B. Sarsenov) used solid or partial painting of individual panels, geometrically subordinate to the relief pattern, forming a step-step-like two-three-color pattern, elements which develops into a complete picture only with a panoramic perception of buildings "[8. P. 511]. The modern interpretation of a targeted solution to the problem is the program "Design coloristic decision code facades on major series multi-apartment residential houses with built-in-built-resident premises" [9].


The concept of the problems of architectural polychrome of a modern city and, as a

result, the formation of recommendations on the color scheme of the urban environment is

an urgent task today. Solving problems associated with the chaotic color structure of the city

helps to improve the quality of life.


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