SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7 3(11), November, 2023
Mahkamova Durdona Nematovna,
Senior Lecturer at Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, durdonamahkamova7@gmail .com
This article describes some models in the terminological systems of the Uzbek language. Examples from linguistic and mathematical terminological systems are given. Some models of terms in a scientific article are also provided and analyzed. Problems with communication by terminological models are shown.
Keywords: terminology, Uzbek terminology, scientific article, scientific style, terminological system, models of terms.
В данной статье описаны некоторые модели в терминологической системе узбекского языка. Приводятся примеры из лингвистических и математических терминологических систем. Также приводятся и анализируются некоторые модели терминов в научной статье. Показаны проблемы с общением по терминологическим моделям.
Ключевые слова: терминология, узбекская терминология, научная статья, научный стиль, терминологическая система, модели терминов.
The scope of the term is within the scientific method, and a number of its features are shown in textbooks, scientific works, dictionaries and other such literature. The use of terms in textbooks is characterized by its strict standardization [9] and has characteristics related to the age and education of students. However, there are a number of general requirements related to the use of terms in scientific literature, which also express the goals of this type of publications. [5,116]
Acceptance of any new scientific information is related to the acquisition of scientific terms.[1,20] New terms should be included in the textbook in such a way that the student not only remembers them, but also remembers their specific meanings, understands the aspects related to other terms, and can determine their place in the system. When including the terms in the textbook, it is permissible to take into account the knowledge of the students. [2][3] This is because they may be familiar with the same term through other subjects or subfields related to the subject being studied. However, it is not allowed to introduce a new term into the textbook without explanation.
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
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Naturally, it is logically and methodologically wrong to have long explanations in textbooks on exact sciences [10]. For this reason, the authors try to make the term as short as possible in the beginning with the commentators and in the following places:
Natural sonlar (butun musbat sonlar)dan sanashda foydalaniladi. Natural sonlarning N to 'plamida eng kichik son 1, ammo eng katta son yo 'q. Natural sonlar, ularga qarama-qarshi sonlar va nol butun sonlar to 'plami Z ni tashkil etadi. Butun sonlar to 'plamida eng kichik son ham, eng katta son ham yo 'q.
Har qanday natural son butun sondir. Shuning uchun natural sonlar to 'plami butun sonlar to 'plamining qism to 'plamidir: N c Z
If we look at the terms and their reductions in this text taken from the 7th grade textbook "Algebra", the following reduction scheme is formed: Natural sonlar(butun musbat sonlar) -natural sonlar - natural sonlar to 'plami -qism to 'plam - N; qism to 'plam- c ; Butun sonlar to 'plami -Z
As can be seen, the authors provided a parenthetical explanation of the term in its original form. At the next stage, the compound is used as a term, and a letter symbol is given instead of the term in the completion of the text. There are a number of reasons for such austerity in the field of science.[4][6] A number of reasons, such as speeding up the process of teaching and studying the subject, adapting the term to reflect it in the formula, as well as equalizing the calculation function of the mind and the comprehension function of the language, are based on the specific and terminological principles of the field.
Use of the term without interpreters requires that it should be understandable to the general public (in particular, representatives of the field). Seeing a new term in abbreviated form several times in one text, mastering it requires special mental and linguistic training. [7,1250] Since such personal mastery indicators are individual in character, it will not be possible to make accurate predictions about the mastery of the term. This requires additional efforts from the teacher. That is, the teacher must pronounce and write the term in a short form exactly as in the textbook. Abbreviated terms, which cause some difficulties at the initial stage of the educational process, gradually demonstrate their ease of use in the scientific method and lead to the acceleration of the mastering process.
When we look at some scientific texts, we can see that there are many repeated cases of conventional abbreviations, abbreviations, giving some terms through drawings, and generally referring to abbreviations in order to make the text as concise as possible [8]. Naturally, the author tries to save time, physiological strength, and the
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
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size of the place where the text is written during the process of creating a text (written). However, in this case, the most important rule of thrift - the requirement of public recognition is neglected. As a result, the text of the required level of form, although the expression of the term by means of literal or conventional symbols is formed, the semantic side of the text is damaged and the level of intelligibility decreases [12]. We prove our opinion with models taken from scientific texts devoted to some philological issues [11].
In many places, the author of a scientific text uses a multicomponent term at the beginning of the text, and then gives the term in parentheses to indicate that the term is given in the form of an abbreviation. This is the first and most common model of striving for economy, which can be found in many scientific texts: O'tgan asrning oxirlariga kelib lug'aviy ma'noviy guruh (LMG), lug'aviy tematik guruh (LTG), lug'aviy maydon (LM) zamonaviy tilshunoslikning eng asosiy tushunchalari mavqeini egalladi.
Observing the abbreviations used in this example, we can witness the methodological alertness of the author. The first abbreviation term is a lug'aviy ma'noviy guruh, shortened to LMG in the form of an abbreviation. The second term is a lug'aviy tematik guruh, which is abbreviated as LTG. It is known that the term tematik guruh is often used in the Uzbek language as a meaningful group. However, the author does not give this usage and uses the term in the form of a tematik guruh. The reason is that the abbreviated form of the leksik mazmuniy guruh term also becomes LMG, and as a result, the first and second abbreviated terms become exactly similar in form (lug'aviy ma'noviy guruh - LMG, leksik mazmuniy guruh -LMG). It follows that the authors take into account the absence of formal equivalents in the process of assigning abbreviations and do not simply use any abbreviation. However, in some places the opposite is observed, such cases cause a number of confusions, the principle of economy in terminology becomes not a clear and concise expression of the idea, but a small and incomprehensible form of the term.[8] For example, in some scientific texts, authors began to use abbreviations directly, instead of explaining them, by placing them in parentheses as above. In this case, the author uses the term in its entirety at the beginning of the text, and begins to use it abbreviated in the following places. That is, we do not observe their use side by side in any place. This is a very serious mistake. If the abbreviation is not universally recognized, but is used due to the author's textual need, it may be given in the following order: The full form of the term - - to 'ldiruvchi ergash gapli qo 'shma gap -(terminning qisqartma shakli)
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(11), November, 2023
Only then the abbreviation given in the next places of the text will be freely accepted and the level of understanding of the text will be accelerated. Regarding terminological models, we should emphasize that there are a number of problems in general terminology.[6] One aspect of these problems is related to the lack of strict models in the terminological system. The solution to the problem lies in the study of purely linguistic phenomena occurring in terminology.
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