Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, (E)ISSN:2181-1784
educational, natural and social sciences www.oriens.uz
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7 3(11), November, 2023
Bakhtiyor Abdushukurov
Doctor of Philology,
Professor of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature. Tashkent,
Manzura Abjalova
Doctor of Philology (DSc), Associate Professor of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
E-pochta: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1927-2669
Hamidulla Dadaboyev is a leading scientist of Uzbek linguistics, the founder of military linguistics, the main researcher of the history of the Uzbek language, a scientist who developed the field of Uzbek lexicology. In this article, the life and scientific activity of Hamidulla Dadaboyev, who has an important place in the development of Uzbek linguistics, his main scientific works and his scientific discoveries and development of new approaches in Uzbek linguistics; the contribution to the development of new directions in Uzbek linguistics such as computer linguistics, corpus linguistics, lexicography and terminology is discussed.
Keywords: Hamidulla Dadaboyev, leading scientist, Uzbek linguistics, linguistic discovery, military linguistics, history linguistics.
As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted: "Doing science, making new discoveries and inventions is like digging a well with a needle. Therefore, the work of our scientists who work selflessly in this difficult field is worthy of praise and encouragement." That's the truth. Many of our linguist teachers and their students are also mentioned in this insightful observation. After all, the lives of people with high spirituality, knowledge, and humanity are a good example for young scientists. One of such dear teachers, Hamidulla Dadaboyev is a well-known linguist and skilled pedagogue who has a unique status in the development of Uzbek linguistics and Turkology, was born on September 5, 1947, in the village of Chimgan, one of the remotest corners of Bostonliq district, Tashkent region, in a worker family. After graduating from the Lomonosov secondary school in Qibrai district (now No. 54 in Mirzo Ulugbek district), he worked as a locksmith at
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the Tashkent tractor factory. In 1966-1971, he studied at the Romano-German faculty of Tashkent State University (now NUU). During 1971-1974, he taught German language to students at this faculty.
In 1974-1976, he was a student of Higher Pedagogical Courses at the Tashkent State Institute of Foreign Languages (now UzSWLU). From 1977-1980, he studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Language and Literature of the UzRAS. Then he was a laboratory assistant at the Historical Lexicology and Lexicography Department of the Institute of Language and Literature of the UzRAS (1980-1981), a laboratory assistant at the Turkology Department of the Abu Rayhan Beruniy Institute of Oriental Studies of the UzRAS (1981-1982), a junior researcher (19821984), worked as a senior researcher (1984-1987). From 1987 to August 1998, along with managing the Turkology department of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Hamid Sulaimanov of the UzRAS, he was a senior lecturer in the departments of "General Linguistics" and "Old Uzbek Language and Writing" of the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizomiy (now NSPI) worked effectively as a teacher and professor.
In 1981, the scientist defended his candidate's thesis on the topic "Military lexicon in the old Uzbek language" under the supervision of Professor A.N. Baskakov. In this research carried out in semantic-functional, historical-etymological, and structural-grammatical aspects, the military terms recorded in sources written in the ancient Turkic language, the old Turkic language, and the old Uzbek literary language are closely connected with the colorful history of the Uzbek people. analyzed. This research was recognized as an important step in the study of historical-military terminology not only in Uzbek linguistics but also in Turkic studies.
In 1992, Hamidulla Dadaboyev successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of "Socio-political and socio-economic terminology in 11th-14th century Turkish written sources" at the Specialized Council of Tashkent State University Oriental Studies on 10.02.06 - Turkish language specialization and this contributed the foundation for the formation of historical terminology in Turkology. Therefore, the monograph published in Russian by "Yozuvchi" publishing house based on this research is still attracting the attention of Turkologists from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries and abroad.
The scientist prefers to conduct his versatile work in a way that does not separate it from pedagogical activity. In 1998-2000, he worked as the head of the "Uzbek and Russian Languages" department of the Tashkent Institute of Highways. From August 2000 to July 2016, he worked as the head of the Department of
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"General Linguistics", "General Linguistics and Computer Linguistics", "Language Theory and Practice" at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Since September 2016, he has been working at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, and now he is working as a professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature. The master's deep knowledge and theoretical views on Uzbek lexicography and terminology serve as a great school for many scientific researchers. H. Dadaboyev also developed modern areas of linguistics. He made a significant contribution to the development of these fields by training students in such areas as computer linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmalinguistics, and linguacultural studies. He included subjects such as "Historical grammar of the Uzbek language", "Computer linguistics", "Linguculturalology", "Fundamentals of scientific research", and "Fundamentals of theoretical linguistics" to the curriculum, as a result of which education in these directions was launched.
Linguistic discovery in Uzbek linguistics
Hamidulla Dadaboyev is one of the active representatives of Uzbek linguistics and Turkic studies. The main aspects of the scholar's scientific activity are the linguistic features of the ancient Turkic language, the old Turkic language, and the old Uzbek literary language monuments, the lexical richness of the various fields mentioned in them, the history of the system of terms, etymology, linguistic and extralinguistic intricacies of the lexemes. A series of monographic researches conducted by him on the terminology of fields such as military, political, economic, social, customs and taxation, diplomacy, science, and astrology, used in historical, literary-artistic, scientific sources of the VIII-XIX centuries, from four hundred his scientific articles opened a special page in Turkic studies as well as the history of the Uzbek language. The scientist's monographic researches of linguistic features on these topics: "Military lexicon in the old Uzbek language" (Военная лексика в староузбекском языке.1990), "Socio-political and socio-economic terminology in Turkish written sources of the 11th-14th centuries" (Общественно-политическая и социально-экономическая терминология в тюркоязычных письменных памятниках XI-XIV вв.1991), "History of the lexicon of the Uzbek literary language (second half of the XIV century - the beginning of the XX century)" (co-author, 2007), "Devonu lug'otit Turk" (2017) are the new fundamental studies in this field of historical lexicology and terminology of the Uzbek and Turkic languages.
Basic scientific works
The articles published by him in republican and foreign scientific journals and collections are aimed at familiarizing scientists with the history, semantics, and
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etymology of various lexical units and terms used in ancient monuments. Such articles are two parts "Mongolian adaptations recorded in the old Uzbek language", "Court terminology in written sources of the XI-XIV centuries", "Diplomatic terminology of the old Turkic language of the XI-XIV centuries", "Boburonoma" comments on some terms in "Qisasi Rabguzi", about the lexical features of "Qisasi Rabguzi", "Current problems of creating the history of the lexicon of the Uzbek literary language", "The paradigm of class terms used in "Kutadgu Bilig", "Social-political terminology in Ogahi's historical-chronological works", "Lexical-genetic features of Uzbek terminology", "Semantic-functional study of some terms in the language of Alisher Navoi's works" can be included.
Issues such as the Turkish khanate, Khorezmshahs, Karakhanids, Timurids, political and social situation, diplomatic relations, military work, and military art have a special significance in the scientist's effective activity as a researcher of scientific and historical sources. In particular, articles such as "Military Construction of the Ko'k Turkish Khanate", "How Jalaluddin Khorezmshah Ruled the Kingdom", "Military work of the Ottoman Era", "Amir Temur Temur's military skills" (1996) published in 10,000 copies by order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 660th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur and "The military skills of our ancestors" (2016), his widow's treatises and monographs on historiography, such as "Amir Temur is a great statesman and mature commander" (2012) were referred to scholars and readers. At the same time, it is appropriate to emphasize that the works written by the teacher dedicated to the military skills of Amir Temur serve as a guide for students of military educational institutions and listeners of the Military Academy of Uzbekistan.
It is well known to many people, especially scientists, that Hamidulla Dadaboyev has done significant work in the field of preparing rare manuscript sources for publication. In 1990-1991, the scientist helped to publish 400,000 copies of the unique masterpiece of Uzbek prose of the 14th century, "Qisasi Rabguzi" written by Nasiruddin Rabguzi, based on the oldest copy, in the Cyrillic alphabet, in 2010-2011, Yusuf Khos in publishing the scientific-critical text of the philosophical-didactic work of Khojib "Qutadgu bilig" in five volumes, the work of Mahmud Koshgari "Devonu lug'otit turk" published by S. Mutallibov in 1960-1963 was supplemented and reformed. The publication of the second edition in 2016-2017 by the publishing house "Mumtaz Soz" showed enthusiasm and demonstrated once again that the ancient sources perfectly mastered the features of the language.
In 1983-1985, the scientist who took an active part in compiling the four-volume "Annotated Dictionary of the Language of Alisher Navoi's Works" presented to our
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nation and accumulated vast experience in lexicology, in 2003 wrote the history of the Uzbek literary language. "Dictionary of Historical Military Terms" consisting of 16 printed sheets, a large fundamental source necessary for the history of language and terminology, is published. In 2008, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the National University of Uzbekistan, the second edition of this dictionary was published. This dictionary provides an explanation of more than three thousand military terms used in Turkish monuments of the 8th and 19th centuries.
Participation in 10 volumes of the "National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan" with 182 articles shows that Hamidulla Dadaboyev is not only an accomplished linguist but also a knowledgeable historian. The respect and reverence of the scientist who participated in the creation of the "Encyclopedia of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur" to the phenomenon of Amir Temur is visible in the "Wonderful Encyclopedia of Amir Temur's Contemporaries", which is expected to be published. In this work, objective lines are given based on the physical materials recorded in historical sources to the portraits and behavior of more than a thousand people who lived in the era of Sahibkiran and communicated with him.
His organizational skill was reflected in several works. For example, on the direct initiative of that person, since 2002, every two years, the Republican scientific-theoretical conference on the topic "Current issues of linguistics" has been held. It is worth noting that the research scope of this conference is expanding year by year, and the materials of the conference are constantly being published. Also, the collection of scientific articles "Linguist", which has been published every year since 2010 under the leadership of this person, has already attracted the attention of linguists of the republic.
Hamidulla Dadaboyev's effort to familiarize foreign colleagues with the achievements and plans of Uzbek linguistics is also worthy of praise. His lectures at major international conferences, symposiums, and congresses held in countries such as Turkey, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Azerbaijan, and articles published in Russian, German, Turkish, and English are the current state of Uzbek linguistics. is gaining importance in closely informing foreign experts. The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi and Turkish Language Institute, Turko-Kazakh University named after Ahmad Yassavi, Pedagogical University of South Kazakhstan, Kazakh National University named after Farabi the scientist has a certain contribution in establishing relations between them.
He has been an example to many in the training of highly qualified philologistlinguist specialists. To date, he has supervised more than 60 graduate theses and more
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than 30 master's theses. Eleven doctors of science and seventeen candidates of science were trained under the scientific guidance and supervision of the teacher. He has been an official opponent of about twenty doctor's and about thirty candidate's dissertations and has been actively participating in the examination and external review of dozens of dissertations prepared in educational institutions and research institutes of our country and abroad.
For many years, H. Dadaboyev worked as a member and scientific secretary of the Expert Council on Philological Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He took an objective and principled approach to the issue of providing philological science with mature personnel in the republic and served many young researchers in the effective completion of their scientific work.
Today, Hamidulla Dadaboyev from the Uzbek Linguistic School, Honorary Youth Coach of Uzbekistan, "Amir Temur", "Veteran of Labor", Doctor of Philology, Professor Hamidulla Aripovich Dadaboyev turned 76 years old.
Directions of his School of Science
Hamidulla Aripovich asks us to be patient with the finer points of science as we find the right path in life, and conduct effective research in history of language [Abdushukurov, Xo'janiyazova], terminology [Mahkamova], military linguistics [9, 10, 12], theory of linguistics, lexicography, pragmatic linguistics, sociolinguistics, computational linguistics [Abjalova], natural language processing (NLP) [Abjalova], semantic systems and corpus linguistics [Abjalova], applied linguistics [Tukhtasinova]. He has a special place in us to be reflective from various testing moments, and to form humility in learning.
Hamidulla Dadaboyev is a leading scientist of Uzbek linguistics, the founder of military linguistics, the main researcher of the history of the Uzbek language, a scientist who developed the field of Uzbek lexicology. Together with our teacher, we plan to realize big projects in the future. We wish the teacher good health, energy, long life, and huge scientific and creative victories on this path, and children and students will see happiness and maturity.
1. Дадабоев Х. Сословная терминология в старотюркских письменных памятниках XIV-XV вв. // Adabiy meros, 1990. №51. -B. 60-67.
2. Дадабоев Х. Судебная терминология в письменных памятниках XI-XIV вв. // Адабий мерос, 1990. №51. -Б. 60-67.
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3. Дадабоев Х. Наименование единиц административно-территориального делания в старотюркских письменных памятниках XI-XIV вв. // Адабий мерос,
1990. №51. -Б. 36-43.
4. Дадабоев Х. Термины обозначаюшие пошлины и повинности в письменных памятниках Х1-Х^вв. // Адабий мерос, 1991. -Б. 36-42.
5. Дадабоев Х. Древние заимствования в системе О.П. терминологии старотюркского языка XI-XIV вв. Адабий мерос, 1991. -Б. 46-52.
6. Дадабоев Х. Отношения общественно-политических терминов, зафиксированных в старотюркских письменных памятниках//Адабий мерос,
1991. -Б. 76-82.
7. Dadaboyev H. Alisher Navoiy asarlari tilidagi ba'zi terminlarning semantik-funksional tadqiqi. // Adabiy meros, 1992. №59. - B. 5-10.
8. Дадабоев Х. Исконный пласт в системе общественно-политической и социально-экономической терминологии тюркских памятников XI-XIV вв. // Adabiy meros, 1992. №63. - B. 61-66.
9. Dadaboyev H. O'zbekcha-uyg'urcha-ruscha lug'at haqida // Adabiy meros, 1993. №63. -B. 55-62.
10. Dadaboyev H. Amir Temurning sarkardalik iste'dodi //O'zbekistondagi ijtimoiy fanlar, 1996. №3. -B. 0,5 b.t.
11. Dadaboyev H. Qadimgi turkiy yodgorliklardagi atamalar haqida// Adabiy meros, 1998. №1-2. -B. 13-18.
12. Dadaboyev H. Eski o'zbek obidalaridagi mo'g'ulcha so'zlar. // Adabiyot ko'zgusi, 1998. №4. -B. 126-135.
13. Dadaboyev H. Ko'k turk hoqonligining harbiy qurilishi // Jamiyat va boshqaruv, 2000. №2. -B. 29-34.
14. Dadaboyev H. Turkiy leksik birliklar: O'tmishi, bugungi holati, ertangi kuni// O'zMU xabarlari, 2001. №3. -B. 12-13.
15. Дадабоев Х. Древнегермано-тюркские лексические параллели// Вестник НУУ. 2004. -№2. -С. 52-55.
16. Dadaboyev H. XIV asr ikkinchi yarmi - XV asr birinchi yarmida eski o'zbek tili leksikasidagi jarayonlar// Xorijiy filologiya: til, adabiyot, ta'lim. - Samarqand. 2005. 3 (16). - B. 17-19.
17. Dadaboyev H. "Qisasi Rabg'uziy" tilidagi turkiy leksemalar semantikasi. //Filolgiya masalalari, 2005/4, 2006 1(10). - B. 73-77.
18. Dadaboyev H. "Devonu lug'otit turk" hayvon jinsining ifodalanishi//Ilmiy xabarnoma. ADU, 2009. -№3. - B. 81-85.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
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(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(11), November, 2023
19. Dadaboyev H. Tilshunoslik fanida yangi darslik. // Til va adabiyot ta'limi, 2011. -№1. -B. 84-87 (hamkorlikda).
20. Dadaboyev H. Ogahiy tarixiy asarlarida qo'llangan terminlarga bir nazar. // Xorazm Ma'mun akademiyasining axborotnomasi, 2009. -№3/4. -B. 17-21.
21. Dadaboyev H. "Tarixi muluku Ajam" leksikasidagi qo'llangan paremiologik birliklar va ularning uslubiy xususiyatlari// Jizzax, 2013. . -№1. -B. 39-41.
22. Дадабоев Х. Лексические особенности перевода на староузбекский язык «Зафар-наме» Шарафад-дина Али Йезди. // Turkologiya, - Baku, 2015. 1. -C. 3542.
23. Dadaboyev H. Sohibqironning atoqli lasharboshisi. Sohibqiron yulduzi. 2017. -№1. (27) -B.25-33.
24. Dadaboyev H. "Devonu lug'otit turk" leksikasiga oid xususiyatlar. // Ilmiy xabarnoma Nauchnbiy vestnik. ADU, 2017. -№2. -B.68-75.
25. Dadaboyev H. «Zafarnoma» asarining o'zbekcha tarjimasida qo'llangan tarkibiy qo'shma fe'l leksemalar semantikasi xususida // Ilm sarchashmalari.-Toshkent, 2019. 4-son. -B. 61- 65.
26. Дадабоев Х. Лексико-генетическая характерестика узбекскей терминологии. // Til, ta'lim, tarjima. Xalqaro turkolgiya jurnali. - Samarqand. №2, 2020. - B.15.
27. Дадабоев Х. Немориванные термины узбекского языка. // Tafakkur ziyosi. Jizzax pedagogika instituti. №3. 2020. - B. 96-101.
28. Dadaboyev H. O'zbek tili leksikogrammatikasi hamda o'quv lug'atchiligini rivojlantirishda elektron korpusning roli (hamkorlikda) // Til va adabiyot ta'limi. 2020, 11-son.-B3-7.
29. Dadaboyev H. "La formación lingüística de los términos de defensa y de ingeniería en la lengua uzbeka". Ecuador, Quito. Vol. 6. No. 30, 2021. E210871. -pp.1-8.
30. Dadaboyev H. Journal "Formation of diplomatic reations between Timurid dynasty and Chinese empire". // ACADEMICIA An International Multidisciplinary Research, India. Vol. 11, Issue 6, June 2021. - pp. 644-649.
37. "Boburnoma" matnida nomlari zikr qilingan Amir Temur sarkardalarining tarjimayi holiga bir nazar"// Filologik tadqiqotlar. № 1. 2021. - Toshkent. - B. 31-37.
38. Dadaboyev H. "Tortmoq leksemasining Alisher Navoiy davri eski o'zbek adabiy tilidagi ma'naviy qurilishi"//Alisher Navoiy Xalqaro jurnali. -Toshkent. 2021.B. 916.
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39. Dadaboyev H. Terms denoting class-estate terminology in Turkic-language written monuments of the XI-XIV centuries. // - Toshkent: O'zbekiston. Til va madaniyat. Lingvistika. 2022. Vol. 3(1). - B. 4-11.
40. Abjalova M. The importance of language corpus in the construction of lexicographic sources. Current Research Journal Of Philological Sciences (27673758), 2021. 2(12), - pp. 161-166. https://doi.org/10.37547/philological-crjps-02-12-31. https: //masterj ournals.com/index.php/crjps
41. Abjalova M., Gulomova N. ALISHER NAVOI AND THE THIRD RENAISSANCE PERIOD. // Procedia of Theoretical and Applied Sciences. Vol. 4 (2023). 28.02.2023. - pp. 111-115. ALISHER NAVOI AND THE THIRD RENAISSANCE PERIOD | Procedia of Theoretical and Applied Sciences
42. Abjalova M., Gulomova N. Author's Corpus of Alisher Navoi and its Semantic Database. // IEEE - UBMK - 2022: 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering. 24-26 September 2022. - Diyarbakir, Turkey. - pp. 182187. Impakt Factor 5.5. DOI: 10.1109/UBMK55850.2022.9919546
43. Abjalova M.A. Korpus lingvistikasi. [Matn]: uslubiy qo'llanma / M.A. Abjalova. -Toshkent: Nodirabegim, 2022. - 110 b.
44. Abjalova M.A. O'zbek tili ontologiyasi: yaratish texnologiyasi va konsepsiyasi. [Matn] : monografiya / M.A. Abjalova. -Toshkent: Nodirabegim, 2021. - 215 b. ISBN 978-9943-7804-5-3.
45. Abjalova M.A. Tahrir va tahlil dasturlarining lingvistik modullari. [Matn] : monografiya / M.A. Abjalova. - Toshkent: Nodirabegim, 2020. - 176 b. ISBN 9789943-6939-0-6
46. Abjalova M.A., Iskandarov O. Methods of Tagging Part of Speech of Uzbek Language. // IEEE - UBMK - 2021: 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering. 15-16-17 September 2021. Ankara - Turkey. DOI: 10.1109/UBMK52708.2021.9558900. - pp. 82-85. Impakt Factor 5.5
47. Mahkamova D. Terminologik tizimda leksik modernizatsiyalashuvning voqelanishi. // O'zbekiston: til va madaniyat. Lingvistika. 2022
49. Xo'janiyazova Sh.S. Alisher Navoiyning manoqib asarlarida qo'llanilgan ijtimoiy-siyosiy istilohlar xususida // Ilm sarchashmasi. - Urganch, 2020. - № 11. -B. 133-135.