ТЕНДЕНЦИИ РАЗВИТИЯ ГЛОБАЛЬНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
ВОЗ / система здравоохранения / WHO / health system

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Сезана Марсия Мхавеле

Всемирная организация здравоохранения играет важную роль в глобальном регулировании здравоохранения благодаря реализации своих основных глобальных функций по установлению и обеспечению соблюдения международных норм и стандартов.

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the World Health Organization's (WHO) role in the global health system is mainly to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable, its goal being to ensure that a billion more people worldwide have universal health coverage, to promote a billion more people with better health emergencies and to provide a further billion people with better health and wellbeing. Therefore, the World Health Organization plays an essential role in the global governance of health and diseases due to its core global functions of establishing and enforcing international norms and standards.


ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 3 (50), 2023 УДК 327.7:614.2

Сезана Марсия Мхавеле, студент международного медицинского института Курского государственного медицинского университета, Курск, Россия.

Email: [email protected]


Аннотация: Всемирная организация здравоохранения играет важную роль в глобальном регулировании здравоохранения благодаря реализации своих основных глобальных функций по установлению и обеспечению соблюдения международных норм и стандартов.

Ключевые слова: ВОЗ, система здравоохранения

Sesana Marcia Mkhavele, student of the International Medical Institute, Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia.

Email: [email protected]


Abstract: the World Health Organization's (WHO) role in the global health system is mainly to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable, its goal being to ensure that a billion more people worldwide have universal health coverage, to promote a billion more people with better health emergencies and to provide a further billion people with better health and wellbeing. Therefore, the World Health Organization plays an essential role in the global governance of health and diseases due to its core global functions of establishing and enforcing international norms and standards.

Key words: WHO, health system


Globalization of health system creates opportunities and confrontations for global health and its distributions thereof [1]. Prospects for health improvement are enhanced by the transfer of medical and public health knowledge and technology from one part of the globe to another, though, for example, sharing of best practices, health promotion and prevention strategies and, of course, medical treatments. Further, all countries benefit from international norms and standards and sustained global advocacy for health. Outside the health sector the benefits of globalization range from progress on gender empowerment and human rights to better prospects for trade, information technology and economic growth [2, 3].

Globalization has also accelerated the spread of infectious diseases, as evidenced by the rapid outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), exacerbated existing health inequalities between and within countries, and been associated with global marketing of unhealthy consumption patterns. Thus, the primary challenge with twentieth globalization relates to global inequalities and externalities, in terms of not just health,but other economic and social indicators as well [4,5].

The distribution of health benefits that result from the globalization process depends on pre-existing economic, social and political conditions within countries, the fairness of trade and investment agreements, existing political economy and the strength of the multilateral global health system. Globalization presents certain problems that are substantial and beyond the capacity of individual states to manage. Avoiding the perpetuation of an international class of very poor countries excluded from most of the benefits of the global economy, requires multifaceted and sustained support and cooperation by the international health community at large [6].

The governance of the global health system: Improving health and addressing health inequalities and externalities requires effective international action on health that entails essential global health functions beyond what individual nation-states can accomplish, even with external assistance. Global functions can be distinguished from

ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 3 (50), 2023 national or sub-national functions in that they are beyond individual states' capacity and entail such categories as; norms and standards, global action, professional management, financial resource transfer, scientific research capacity, and leadership [7]. International health actors have different roles in relation to these global functions.

Global health functions can also be distinguished as actions taken to promote global public health goods; measures that are also beyond the reach of individual governments and independent groups, but that benefit all countries, even at the country level [8]. Global health goods include global advocacy for health; the use of bio-ethical and human rights instruments; surveillance for diseases and risk; direct global action; investment in essential health problems; and the use of norms and standards [6]. Examples of such functions range from a World Health Organization (WHO) 2020, people were encouraged internationally to practice strict safety measures to protect themselves against Covid-19. Preventative measures such as hands sanitizing at ever-points of entry especially in public spaces were implemented. The WHO clearly indicated the dangers of Covid-19 to a point where people had to carry their own personal 99% alcohol hand sanitizers. The WHO further implemented the mandatory requirement of wearing surgical face masks in both private and public spaces as a strong preventative measure to the spread of the virus [7].

The ethnic diversity of global health: Demographic trends reveal that modern societies have become more heterogeneous in their ethnic composition. Existing research examines the impact of ethnic diversity on critical variables such as economic performance and neighborhood trust. However, today's increasing diversity poses a range of challenges, as people living in mixed neighborhoods have contact with new cultures, norms, and values, or choose to avoid such encounters. It remains unknown how diversity may affect people's quality of life.

This project will work at the intersection of various social sciences to study how ethnic diversity impacts people's well-being and health. Using several years of crosscountry and national data (World Values Survey, Latino Barometro, European Social Survey, UK Longitudinal Household Study, National Child Development Study) it will

ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 3 (50), 2023 examine its effect on subjective measures of health and well-being and explore opportunities for innovative biological analyses.

The findings will identify risk factors as well as positive aspects of diversity that will inform leaders and policy makers in planning the broad range of diversity-related challenges of modern societies.

This project is one of three funded by the Nuffield Foundation that will be working closely together to better understand the drivers of individuals' well-being

The biggest financial contributions to tlie WHO in million dollars, 24 June 2022

120 100 30 60 40 20 0

United States China Japan Germany United France taly


Figure 1- The biggest financial contributions to the WHO, 24 June 2022.

Table - WHO's budget segments in 2022-2023

Programme budget 2022-2023 Allocations US$ million

Universal health cover 1 930

Health emergencies 1 250

Healthier populations 455

More effective and efficient WHO 1 333

Polio eradication 558

Special programmes 199

Emergency operations and appeals 1 000

Total 6 725

Base budget is the largest component, and the scope is set by WHO, covering and work done across all three strategic priorities as well as the enabling functions — by



country offices, regional office and headquarters. Special program include work done with additional governance structures, such as the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR); the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP); and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) a public-private partnership led by national governments with five partners - the World Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi, the vaccine alliance. Its goal is to eradicate polio worldwide. Emergency operations and appeals that responds to acute and protracted emergencies and disasters from any hazard with public health consequences. The amount of US$ 1 billion is an estimate that can be adjusted subject to reassessment based on outbreaks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic [8].


1. Harcourt Wendy. Women's health, poverty and globalization. Development. 44(1):85-90.[Google Scholar]United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report: Globalization with a Human Face. New York: Oxford University Press.

3. Savedoff William, Paul Schultz T., editors. Wealth from Health: Linking Social Investments to Earnings in Latin America. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank.

4. Ruger Jennifer Prah. Health and social justice. The Lancet.[PMC free article] [PubMed]

5. Ruger Jennifer Prah. Ethics of the social determinants of health. The Lancet. [PMC free article][PubMed]


6. Ruger Jennifer Prah. Health and development. The Lancet. [PMC free article][PubMed]

7. Chen Lincoln, Bell D, Bates L. World health and institutional change. presented at Pocantico Retreat: Enhancing the Performance of International Health Institutions; Pocantico, NY.

8. Yach Derek, Fluss Sev, Bettcher Douglas. Health and the environment. Politica Internazionale.

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