Научная статья на тему 'The indirect approaches in reading course: voluntary reading'

The indirect approaches in reading course: voluntary reading Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ganiyeva Saodat Abduhafizovna

Reading is one of four skills in English and it is a complex information processing skill in which the reader interacts with text in order to (re)create meaningful discourse. The topic of this qualification paper is fluency in reading. It is not only a part of reading skill but also it is one of the key components of reading. Reading is one of several critical factors necessary for comprehension. Reading develops gradually over time and through practice. The topic of the article is dealing with developing of fluency in voluntary reading. Reading fluency is the power to read quickly and accurately.

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Чтение это один из четырех навыков английского языка, и это сложный навык обработки информации, при котором читатель взаимодействует с текстом для пересоздания осмысленного дискурса. Тема данной квалификационной работы свободное владение чтением. Это не только часть навыков чтения, но и одна из ключевых составляющих чтения. Чтение является одним из нескольких критических факторов, необходимых для понимания. Чтение развивается постепенно с течением времени и на практике. Статья посвящена развитию беглости в добровольном чтении. Свободное чтение это способность читать быстро и точно.

Текст научной работы на тему «The indirect approaches in reading course: voluntary reading»



Ганиева С.А. Email: [email protected]

Ганиева Саодат Абдухафизовна - преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков, Ташкентский государственный университет узбекского языка и литературы им. Алишера Навои, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: чтение - это один из четырех навыков английского языка, и это сложный навык обработки информации, при котором читатель взаимодействует с текстом для пересоздания осмысленного дискурса. Тема данной квалификационной работы - свободное владение чтением. Это не только часть навыков чтения, но и одна из ключевых составляющих чтения. Чтение является одним из нескольких критических факторов, необходимых для понимания. Чтение развивается постепенно с течением времени и на практике. Статья посвящена развитию беглости в добровольном чтении. Свободное чтение - это способность читать быстро и точно.

Ключевые слова: произвольное чтение, свободное владение, понимание, обратная связь, реакция, концепция, расшифровка, слово за словом.


Ganiyeva Saodat Abduhafizovna - Teacher, DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES,


Abstract: reading is one of four skills in English and it is a complex information processing skill in which the reader interacts with text in order to (re)create meaningful discourse. The topic of this qualification paper is fluency in reading. It is not only a part of reading skill but also it is one of the key components of reading. Reading is one of several critical factors necessary for comprehension. Reading develops gradually over time and through practice. The topic of the article is dealing with developing of fluency in voluntary reading. Reading fluency is the power to read quickly and accurately.

Keywords: voluntary reading, fluency, comprehension, feedback, reaction, concept, decoding, word by word reading.

UDC 81-139

Introduction. Sustained silent reading (SSR, a.k.a. DEAR, "drop everything and read") gives children a daily opportunity to read and discover the pleasure of reading. Each student chooses a book or magazine, and the entire class reads for a set period of time each day.

SSR has been shown to lead to more positive attitudes toward reading. In addition, the use of peer discussion groups with SSR leads to gains in reading achievement. When students share their reactions to books with classmates, they get recommendations from peers they take seriously.

As Bruce Murray mentioned, national Institute of Child Health and Human Development recommended two instructional approaches, each of which has several variations, have typically been used to teach reading fluency. One approach, called guided repeated oral reading, encourages students to read passages orally with systematic and explicit guidance and feedback from the teacher, the other approach, called independent silent reading

encourages on their own, inside and outside the classroom, with minimal guidance or feedback1.

According to the basic material of Elizabethtown College students often complain about how long it takes to read text books, but speed-reading is usually not effective for college reading. Textbooks are dense with information, time and concentration are necessary in order comprehend the material and make connections between related concepts2.

Methodology. One way to increase reading speed is by improving fluency. The most common obstacle to fluent reading is regression - or the tendency to have to reread a sentence, phrase, or passage. Regression is often the result of a lack of concentration the first time through the material (Regression, along with other reading associated problems, such as "tired eyes" or headaches while reading, may indicate a vision disorder. Learners should contact an optometrist if they frequently experience these problems while reading). To control regression, learners notice when they are re-reading text and make a conscious effort to increase learners' concentration. They should increase awareness of regression by using note-card to cover what they have read, learners will have to move the note-card to reread, which will bring the regression to learners' attention3.

Another way to improve fluency is to reduce word-by-word reading. To look at phrases instead of at individual words this will increase reading speed. Reading in phrases also makes it easier to determine the author's meaning.

Also understanding key vocabulary is essential to reading fluency. Deducing the word's definition from its context first, but if learners are not sure what it means, it is useful to look it up in a dictionary. Misunderstanding a key word may interfere with understanding an important concept.

According to the experience of Shari Eduard Using music to improve reading fluency, he recommends to use music in order to improve reading fluency. Ten to fifteen minutes a week with this activity means many painless and enjoyable repeated readings. During the lesson teacher and learners should read through the lyrics together and then listen to the music. It is important to use several songs frequently to avoid students' memorizing the words too fast because teachers want learners to read instead of reciting4.

John J. Pikulski and David J. Chard Fluency: Bridge between decoding and reading comprehension p-6 indicated the nine-step program5. It should include the following:

1. Building the graph phonic foundations for fluency, including phonological awareness, letter familiarity, and phonics.

2. Building and extending vocabulary and oral language skills.

3. Providing expert instruction and practice in the recognition of high-frequency vocabulary.

4. Teaching common word parts and spelling patterns.

5. Teaching, modeling, and providing practice in the application of a decoding strategy.

6. Using appropriate texts to coach strategic behaviors and to build reading speed.

7. Using repeated reading procedures as an intervention approach for struggling readers.

8. Extending growing fluency through wide independent reading.

9. Monitoring fluency development through appropriate assessment procedures.

Also I. Yakhubov "Amaliy ingliz tili metodikasi"(2011, p-202) said that nowadays Uzbek teachers do not pay attention sufficiently to the fluency in reading. He emphasized that if we do not work on fluency reading we will forget stress, intonation, rhythm which are

1 Murray B. (1999) Two methods for Developing Fluency.

2 Samuels S.J. (2002). Reading fluency: Its development and assessment.

3 Rasinski, T.V. (1989). Fluency for everyone:Incorporating fluency instruction in the classroom. The Reading Teacher.

4 Ehri, LC. (1995). Stages of development in learning to read words by sight. Journal of Researcher in Reading, IB.

5 Pinnell, G.S., Pikulski, J.J., Wixson, K.K., Campbell, J.R., Gough, P,B., & Beatty, A.S. (1995). Listening to children read aloud. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

taught at the phonetics. It will be cause to the wrong pronunciation and misunderstanding. The skill of reading texts fluency does not develop on the future teachers and translators1.

Conclusion. The researcher has summarized different authors' views about developing fluency in reading skill. Reading fluency is the ability to decode and comprehend text simultaneously. Thus, reading fluency forms a bridge from decoding skills to comprehension. Fluency is comprised of three component skills or indicators: accuracy of decoding, automaticity of decoding, and prosody of oral text. Reading fluency is a crucial component of instructional reading programs and should be assessed regularly in the classroom. Quick and easy assessment of all components of reading fluency can be performed using a one-minute oral reading passage. Instructional and intervention approaches for improving reading fluency exist which have been scientifically evaluated for efficacy.

References / Список литературы

1. Ehri L.C., 1995. Stages of development in learning to read words by sight. Journal of Researcher in Reading. IB.

2. Yakhubov I., 2011. Amaliy ingliz tili metodikasi, Tashkent, 2011. Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

3. Murray B., 1999. Two methods for Developing Fluency.

4. Nagy W.E., 1988. Teaching vocabulary to improve reading comprehension. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

5. Nathan R.G., Stanovich K.E., 1991. The causes and consequences of differences in reading fluency. Theory into Practice.

6. Pinnell G.S., Pikulski J.J., Wixson K.K., Campbell J.R., Gough P,B. & BeattyA.S., 1995. Listening to children read aloud. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

7. Rasinski T.V., 1989. Fluency for everyone:Incorporating fluency instruction in the classroom. The Reading Teacher.

8. Samuels S.J., 2002. Reading fluency: Its development and assessment.

1 I, Yakhubov. (2011). Amaliy ingliz tili metodikasi, Tashkent_2011. Uzbekistan. Tashkent

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