TEACHING READING ENGLISH ADVERTISING TEXTS IN THE CULTURES DIALOGUE CONTEXT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Soldatov B.G., Soldatova N.V.

Relevance. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the linguistic approach to teaching reading advertising texts is considered taking into account the socio-cultural information contained in them.Goal is to substantiate the need to develop techniques for working with foreign advertising texts, taking into account the cultural orientation of the educational process in foreign languages.Procedure and methods. To achieve this goal the following theoretical methods were used: analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature; description of the experience in developing a system of step-by-step skills forming related to the language units understanding and the ability to establish semantic relationships between the advertising text elements in practical English classes.Scientific novelty/theoretical and/or practical significance lies in the carried out analysis, confirming the importance of the relationship between improving the foreign advertising texts reading skill and the students’ communicative competence development in the cultures dialogue context. The experience described in the article can be applied by teachers of both non-linguistic and linguistic universities when working with foreign language advertising texts.Results. The authors of the article arrived at the conclusion that in order to develop the ability to analyze foreign language professional oriented texts, a socio-cultural approach, expressed in the selection of pragmatic authentic texts, including advertising texts, is needed. The presented methodological methods of organizing work with advertising texts are aimed at overcoming difficulties in mastering a foreign language information and will allow students to develop the ability to understand printed foreign-language products.Conclusions. Linguistic analysis of English advertising texts contributes to the development of the ability to conduct cultural research of these texts as a cross-cultural communication means, forms the texts information critical comprehension skill and the communicative interaction ability with native speakers of the studied language.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.


УДК 800.732:82 - 1: 882

DOI: 10.18384/2310-7219-2022-2-49-61


dialogue context

B. G. Soldatov1, N. V. Soldatova2

1Don State Technical University

pl. Gagarina 1, Rostov-on-Don, 344010, Russian Federation

2Russian Customs Academy, Rostov Branch

prosp. Budyonnovskiy 20 Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation


Relevance. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the linguistic approach to teaching reading advertising texts is considered taking into account the socio-cultural information contained in them. Goal is to substantiate the need to develop techniques for working with foreign advertising texts, taking into account the cultural orientation of the educational process in foreign languages. Procedure and methods. To achieve this goal the following theoretical methods were used: analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature; description of the experience in developing a system of step-by-step skills forming related to the language units understanding and the ability to establish semantic relationships between the advertising text elements in practical English classes. Scientific novelty/theoretical and/or practical significance lies in the carried out analysis, confirming the importance of the relationship between improving the foreign advertising texts reading skill and the students' communicative competence development in the cultures dialogue context. The experience described in the article can be applied by teachers of both non-linguistic and linguistic universities when working with foreign language advertising texts.

Results. The authors of the article arrived at the conclusion that in order to develop the ability to analyze foreign language professional oriented texts, a socio-cultural approach, expressed in the selection of pragmatic authentic texts, including advertising texts, is needed. The presented methodological methods of organizing work with advertising texts are aimed at overcoming difficulties in mastering a foreign language information and will allow students to develop the ability to understand printed foreign-language products.

Conclusions. Linguistic analysis of English advertising texts contributes to the development of the ability to conduct cultural research of these texts as a cross-cultural communication means, forms the texts information critical comprehension skill and the communicative interaction ability with native speakers of the studied language.

Keywords: authentic text, advertising, communication, socio-cultural component, foreign language, lexical units, skill development

обучение чтению англоязычных текстов рекламы в контексте диалога культур

Солдатов Б. Г.1, Солдатова Н. В.2

1 Донской государственный технический университет

344010, г. Ростов-на-Дону, пл. Гагарина, д. 1, Российская Федерация

2Ростовский филиал Российской таможенной академии

344002, г. Ростов-на-Дону, пр. Будённовский, д. 20, Российская Федерация

© CC BY B . G . Soldatov, N . V. Soldatova, 2022.


Актуальность исследования заключается в том, что отмеченный в ней лингвистический подход к обучению чтению рекламных текстов рассматривается с учётом содержащейся в них страноведческой информации.

Цель - обоснование необходимости разработки приёмов работы с иноязычными рекламными текстами с учётом культурологической направленности учебного процесса по иностранным языкам.

Методы исследования. Для достижения поставленной цели использовались теоретические методы: анализ педагогической и методической литературы; описание опыта разработки системы поэтапного формирования умений, связанных с пониманием языковых единиц и умений устанавливать смысловые отношения между элементами рекламного текста на практических занятиях по английскому языку.

Научная новизна / теоретическая и/или практическая значимость данного исследования заключается в проведённом анализе, подтверждающем важность взаимосвязи между совершенствованием навыка чтения иноязычных рекламных текстов и развитием коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся в контексте диалога культур. Описанный в статье опыт может использоваться преподавателями неязыковых и языковых вузов для работы с рекламными текстами на иностранном языке.

Результаты исследования. Авторы статьи пришли к выводу, что для развития умения анализировать иноязычные тексты профессиональной направленности необходим социокультурный подход, выражающийся в подборе аутентичных текстов прагматического характера, в том числе и рекламных. Представленные методические приемы организации работы с рекламными текстами направлены на преодоление трудностей в освоении информации на иностранном языке и позволят обучающимся развивать способности понимать печатную иноязычную продукцию. Выводы. Лингвистический анализ рекламных текстов на английском языке способствует развитию умения проводить культурологическое исследование данных текстов как средства межкультурного общения, формирует навык критического осмысления содержащейся в текстах информации и умение коммуникативного взаимодействия с носителями изучаемого языка. Ключевые слова: аутентичный текст, реклама, коммуникация, социокультурный компонент, иностранный язык, лексические единицы, развитие умения


The "Foreign language" discipline mastering process implies foreign language texts reading skill development, including advertising texts reading skill. Reading is one of the principal communication means in terms of importance and accessibility. Currently, the foreign language communicative activity mastering goal implies preparing students for cross-cultural communication It is working with foreign language authentic texts containing a socio-cultural component that promotes cross-cultural communication skills forming, since these texts provide students with the opportunity to address the foreign (English) speaking country culture and contribute to communicative and cognitive motivation increasing

When addressing another national culture, a person acquires cultural literacy introducing into a new national-cultural community and receives a new code for thoughts expression [1].

Relating to foreign language, all of the basic culture components are somehow connected with information, with texts belonging to various styles and genres . Advertising constitutes one of the main and most operational channels for receiving new information

The special position occupied by the advertising text in the general printed products array is explained by the very nature of its communication functions, i e , cognitive and emotional A foreign language advertising text performs an influencing effect on students and is a special language communication form


[4; 5; 16]. Therefore, various communicative situations modeling based on the advertising articles material is one of the most effective activities at foreign language classes1 . At the same time, the principal attention is paid to vocabulary expansion and to forming skills including personal opinion expression, the covered material information summarizing and a brief message preparing. To solve the tasks set efficiently, a consistent, thoroughly elaborated students' classroom and independent activities structuring is necessary [2].


Research goal and tasks.

The goal of the present research is to identify advertising texts analyzing effective forms at foreign language practical classes promoting students' linguistic competence forming and contributing to foreign language practical use as a means to obtain information from foreign language sources

The tasks of the research include studying the semantic equivalence when translating advertising texts for the acquired knowledge further application at the practical classes within the students' intercultural competence forming process

Research methods and methodology.

Currently, due to the increased interest in advertising, an in-depth study of advertising texts written in English being among the most commonly used international languages is relevant. Meanwhile, studying advertising texts, including the ones written in English, is a long-standing tradition; a considerable number of scientific papers dealing with the foreign-language advertising texts reading and rethinking strategies have been published This confirms the fact that it is English-language advertising that occupies the leading position in the global information flow, concerning both the volume and influence on socially active personality forming process .

1 Aleksandrov Ye . P. Uchebnyj tekst: opyt definitsii i klassifi-katsii [Educational text: definition and classification experience] . Available at: http://portalus.ru/modules/pedagogics/ rus_readme.php?subaction=showfull&id=1273044931&ar chive=&start_from=&ucat=& (accessed: 09.01.2022) .

The need to solve the foreign language advertising texts teaching reading and perception process methodological support problem has determined the expediency of studying the works by theoretical researchers, linguists and methodologists: S. K. Fo-lomkina2, A. L. Berdichevsky3, N. D. Galsk-ova4, E . N . Solovova5, I . E . Bryksina6 .

Thus, the scientific and educational literature analysis on the topic of research and teaching reading modeling based on advertising texts confirmed the fact that advertising texts selected by random access method have their own specifics and can be considered as a communication form with the pragmatic task to influence the reader through a wide range of linguistic means The educational process observing method at the English language practical classes allowed us to conclude that to form the students' ability to apply the translation theoretical foundations knowledge when reading advertising texts in English, foreign language teachers should use relevant tasks for developing the ability to perceive and analyze advertising texts . [6; 7].

Research organization and stages.

In order to implement the main requirement of the communicative methodology, i. e. , to present the foreign language mastering process as foreign language culture comprehension, an appropriate methodological system for working with advertising texts has been devel-

2 Folomkina S . K. Obuchenije chteniju na inostrannom jazyke v nejazykovom vuze [Teaching reading in English at a non-linguistic university]. Moscow, Vysshaja Shkola Publ., 2005 . 255 p .

3 Berdichevsky A . L . Metodika mezhkul'turnogo inoja-zychnogo obrazovanija v vuze [Methods of intercultural foreign language education at the university]. Moscow, Flinta Publ ., 2019. 368 p .

4 Galskova N D Teorija obuchenija inostrannym ja-zykam. Lingvodidaktika i metodika. [Foreign languages teaching theory Linguodidactics and methods] Moscow, Academia Publ. , 2009. 336 p .

5 Solovova Ye N Metodika obuchenija inostrannym jazykam [Foreign languages teaching methods] Moscow, Prosveshchenye Publ. , 2003. P. 239.

6 Bryksina I Ye Obuchenije inostrannomy jazyku v kon-tekste dialoga kul'tur [Foreign language teaching in the cultures dialogue context] Available at: http://www festival.1september.ru (accessed: 09.01.2022) .

ISSN 2072-8395

Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Педагогика

2022 / № 2

oped at the "World Languages and Cultures" Department of Don State Technical University and at the Foreign Languages Department of Russian Customs Academy Rostov branch. This system can be applied in the educational process at the "Media Communication and Media Technology" Faculty (when teaching first year students) and at the Economic Faculty (when teaching second year students) .

Advertising texts analysis begins with the selection of thematically related advertising articles . They should be worked out when forming various speech activity types

The system of tasks applied in teaching reading English advertising texts can be presented in the table

Table 1 / Таблица 1

Organizing educational activities in teaching reading English advertising texts in the cultures dialogue context / Организация образовательной деятельности по обучению чтению рекламных текстов на английском языке в контексте диалога культур

Stage Aim Types of tasks

Starting Developing the ability to search and apply the necessary information when identifying the most commonly used terms peculiar of advertising texts . Words and word combinations translation from English into Russian and from Russian into English, definitions choice.

Intermediate Developing the ability to analyze and process advertising related information according to the context . 1. Tasks aimed at finding information and collecting material on the topic "Advertising". 2 . Tasks aimed at the advertising messages preparation 3 . Tasks involving problems range independent choice .

Final Developing the ability to perform interpersonal communication taking the national and cultural peculiarities of the English language into account 1. Tasks aimed at advertisements analysis and discussion in a group 2 . Tasks aimed at advertising slogans translation. Panel discussion: choosing the best translation variant. 3 .Tasks aimed at composing advertising slogans and their presentation in a group 4. Discussion on the topic: "Advertising and Jobhunting".

At the starting stage, students are offered to find phrases related to the concept of "advertising" in the English-Russian online translator and in the dictionary

Exercise 1. Study the word "advertising". Work with English-Russian online translator and dictionary. Report your findings to the group.

In order to encourage students to perform such an ordinary task as translating the meanings of words and phrases with creative approach application, the entire group of students can be divided into three subgroups with three differentiated word meaning

Source: compiled by the authors.

search types designated, namely, via using English-Russian, Russian-English and explanatory English dictionaries The teaching individualization method application when selecting lexical material on the topic makes educational activity more active, purposeful, gives each student a real opportunity to form the own academic work style1

1 Serova T. S. , Kovalyova T. A . Obuchenije resheniju kommunikativno-poznavatel'nykh zadach v processe inojazychnogo informativnogo chteniya [Teaching communicative-cognitive tasks decision in the foreign language informative reading process]. Perm: Perm State Technical University Publ., 2006. P. 56 .

The results of the work performed are provided to the teacher in a generalized form: I . Vocabulary translation from English into Russian on the topic being studied:

Advertising Advertiser

advertisement manager advertising account advertising matter, material advertising and display material to advertise for smth to advertise goods

to put an advertisement (in the newspaper) to receive wide advertisement

рекламирование, реклама рекламодатель,

рекламное приложение к газете

зав . отделом объявлений и рекламы

рекламодатель, заказчик

рекламный материал

рекламный и демонстративный материал

помещать объявления о чём-либо

рекламировать товары

поместить объявление (в газете)

стать всеобщим достоянием

II . Vocabulary translation from Russian into English on the topic being studied:

реклама на афишах реклама (объявление) в транспорте реклама на месте продажи реклама на развороте газеты реклама на столбах реклама на целую страницу реклама по всей стране печатная реклама

poster advertising transport advertisement advertising at the point of sale two-page advertisement publicity-mast advertising full-page advertisement national advertising printed advertisement

III . Choosing the definitions for lexical units on the topic being studied:

advertise to make (smth . for sale, services offered, a room to rent, etc) known

to the public, e . g . in a newspaper or on television advertising a kind of business encouraging people to buy goods by means of


advertising agency a business which provides a skilled service to commercial and in-

dustrial organizations on the best way of advertising their products and services

The team self-affirmation spirit contributes to the fact that students work independently and find new phrases not only in the dictionaries, but also in the textbooks, thereby anticipating further work with advertising texts

Constant work on comparing the lexical units used promotes the students' vocabulary significant expansion, its activation due to the words and phrases most frequently used, and also allows to deepen the knowledge about the spheres and various situations of

their use, which is necessary for improving communication skills [8; 9; 17].

At the intermediate stage, the material collection on the topic "Advertising" is carried out, while the main attention is paid to students' search skills development ensuring the information accumulation process:

- the search objectives formulation (e.g. , preparing advertising information on the book you've read, on the article in the newspaper, on the purchased item or product, etc );

- forecasting advertising messages presentation methods (e. g. , demonstration of booklets, prospects, manuals, writing promotional abstracts, etc. );

- defining future statements volume (a short ad saying, a more detailed description of any equipment, fixtures, etc. ) [10; 11].

To expand the ideas on the topic under study, students are offered texts describing the advertising role in the life of society, the advertising positive and negative sides, special tactics in advertising, foreign advertising features, as well as texts containing a socio-cultural component [3]. For example, Text 1. Advertising

The Latin word ad vertere means "to run the mind towards something". All advertising is informative and persuasive

It has advantages and disadvantages . The advantage of advertising is that people get a great variety of information at the minimal cost The disadvantage is that nearly all mass communication means are heavily overloaded with commercial messages

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

The objective of any advertisement is to convince people that it is in their best interests to take an action the advertiser is recommending. The action may be to purchase a product, to go to a showroom to try the product, to use a service, to vote for a political candidate, to make a contribution, or even to join the Army Like any salesperson, the advertisement tries to persuade potential customers

Text 2. Premium Coffee Advertising The Julius Meinl Coffee is a genuine Viennese roast characterized by a rich aroma of citrus and floral nuances and a soft flavour. It was created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of this premium coffee .

Congratulations for choosing the finest taste and aroma of Julius Meinl Coffee - a truly classic brand served in Viennese coffeehouses and poetic places all around the world The Julius Meinl Company was founded in Vienna in 1862. Ever since then and over five generations, Julius Meinl has been bring-

ing the soul of the Viennese coffeehouse culture all over the world, this special atmosphere that opens people's minds to poetic and creative moments in life . Now, with over 155 years of experience, we are honored to bring exquisite quality and the Viennese coffeehouse spirit to your home, so let yourself be inspired by this delicious coffee from Julius Meinl.

The principal starting point of the foreign language teacher's activity is to formulate information questions predicting the students' future actions

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. What are the advantages of advertising in the mass media?

2. What are the disadvantages of advertising in the mass media?

3. What do the Latin words ad vertere mean?

4. What is the main function of advertising?

5. Which stylistic devices are used to attract the consumers' attention to Julius Meinl Coffee?

6. What peculiarities of Julius Meinl Coffee are described in the advertisement?

It should be emphasized that search skills forming is the basis for students' cognitive activity increasing, since the desire to systematize the acquired knowledge emerges with the constant necessary information search process, and, consequently, new motives for foreign language learning appear.

Changes in the motivation sphere involve more significant mental efforts on the part of students: comparison of facts within several sources, different points of view comparison, the entire material deep understanding To develop the students' activities motivation sphere in the foreign language field, the teacher should provide students with tasks involving an independent problems range choice within the framework of the topic being studied [15].

The following task can be considered as an example:

Exercise 3. Look at these advertisements from the Classified section of a newspaper.

Phone up for further details about the advertisement you are interested in.

To activate the material selected, students can be offered pair work using special cards:

Role card 1

You are looking for а flat in Moscow to buy. You would like to be somewhere near the center and would also prefer а modern flat with а garage. Look through the advertisements for anything suitable. (Looking for suitable accommodation in the center of Moscow) .

Role card 2

You would like to travel abroad for sun, sea and something special. You need ап unforgettable holiday experience. (Choosing the place for summer vacation)

Role card 3

You would like to have marvelous, total experience of English abroad. You went to choose between training or work experience (Choosing foreign language courses abroad)

Conversations based on thematically selected short texts can also be conducted

Texts to Card No. 1

(Different Moscow residential areas are being described)

A. A newly built house, with underground parking, close to the center of Moscow The house is tastefully fitted out in the "Old Moscow" style. 24-hour security. Two level apartments are also available in this building. Please call for information on the other properties in this area

B. Tired of city noise? Townhouses and apartments in the woods of the Krylatskoe guarded residential area Located within only a 20 min drive of the Kremlin. We can also offer a number of townhouses in Moscow

When performing these tasks, new information is summarized according to the independently compiled algorithm The immediate impulse to search for information is produced not by the teacher indirectly prompting action, but through the questions highlighted by the student himself on the basis of the knowledge volume available Due

to the independent search for additional advertising information in several sources, the initial knowledge influences the students' aspirations, and as a result the desire to search not for what has been set, but for something corresponding to the students' own interests emerges [12; 13; 18]. For example, some students prepare advertising messages about computer programs, games, modern cars models, while others prefer to "advertise" cosmetics, clothing, etc

At the final stage of studying English-language advertising texts, their analysis is of great interest For example, students are offered the text containing advertisements samples promising to "transform" a fragile physique young man ("a weakling") into a broad-shouldered man capable of participating in a beauty contest (Mr. Universe Contest) in the shortest time possible, or about the cosmetics manufacturing company "promising" eternal youth to a person of any age, etc . [9; 16; 19].

When summarizing information, special importance is attached to forming the skills of content evaluating, understanding and expressing one's own opinion. These skills are directly related to independent thinking development, the texts read content critical analysis ability, and the expression of personal attitude to new information

For this purpose, students are offered a whole series of tasks for further discussion in the group

Exercise 4. Translate the advertising slogan: «Obey your thirst». Role-play a panel discussion on the best translation of the slogan.

Before completing this task, students should pay attention to the fact that semantic interference often manifests itself when translating advertising texts and it is difficult to reproduce rhyme in advertising, since it is important to preserve the meaning But, for example, there is a successful translation of advertising: "С Mr. Proper веселей, в доме чисто в два раза быстрей!", although, to reproduce rhyme, the product name "Mr Clean" was substituted by the product name "Mr proper" in foreign countries

Exercise 5. Make up your own advertising - various stylistic devices, such as metaslogan, using: phors, similes, etc.

- imperative mood of the following verbs Prepare a presentation of a slogan to the - buy, try, feel, taste, do, enjoy; group.

- emotionally colored adjectives and ad- Exercise 6. Fill in the following table and verbs (the best; super; superb); discuss the advantages and disadvantages of

- appeal to the consumers; advertising in the group:

Advantages of advertising

Disadvantages of advertising

dynamic industry screams at you from all sides

competitive business distorts the truth

Exercise 7. Finish the following and present your ideas to the group:

Advertisement should be: legal

truthful honest

admire people reflect our future Advertisement should not be offensive


An adman must be polite


Further on, it is advisable to give students the task to select articles for group discussion independently When performing this task, students acquire new information after exchanging it with each other, and willingly respond to all teamwork types . Preparing for the discussion on the topic "Advertising and Jobhunting", students can prepare a list of words and phrases which are often difficult for use in various situations due to the differences in the language consciousness of different language cultures representatives [10; 14] (see table 2).

By compiling these terms glossaries, students realize that language can't exist separately from culture, from the set of skills and ideas which are socially inherited and characterize the way of life

These tasks contribute not only to strengthening the motives for foreign language learning and linguistic competence improving, but also help to reveal certain

students' educational activities aspects taking into account the human factor, that is, they increase their cultural level, give them the opportunity to understand the relationship between people better, allow them to compare their own knowledge and ideas level with foreign experience [14; 20; 21; 22].

Students can also be asked to analyze several job advertisements (see Figure 1). :

When studying these advertisements samples, much attention is paid to the language peculiarities and the ads content side These texts convince students that advertising can serve as a communication form, and its information potential is an effective communication means with consumers [11; 17].

To understand advertising, students should understand the following issues: who uses advertising, who it is addressed to, when, for what purpose and what mechanisms exist for its distribution in different countries In this case, students are offered materials

Table 2 /Таблица 2

Glossary on the topic "Advertising and Job hunting" / Глоссарий по теме «Реклама и поиск работы»

job work This word means some concrete amount of work fulfilled and paid for This word has a broader meaning and refers to the process

career In English this word means "work", while its Russian equivalent refers to promotion, getting a higher position

career woman This phrase means "a woman at work", but not "a woman making a career"

profession In English: any occupation possible in case of having certain education and qualification, e . g. a teacher, a lawyer; in Russian: any type of activity ensuring wages . The Russian question «Чем Вы занимаетесь?» should be translated as: "What are you?" or "What is your occupation?")

position A certain place; a rank or level in a company

business The things that you do or the matters that relate only to you; the activity of buying and selling goods or services

firm In English the word is mostly associated with the meaning of "hard". The optimal variants for translation of the Russian word «фирма» into English are "business", "company".

manager, director In English these words have a business image coloring (associated with a business suit); in Russian they are associated with the employee managing a department, etc .

personal assistant, assistant Translated as "секретарь" into Russian; the English word "secretary" may cause associations with a bird

expert In English the word means "a clever, trained specialist, capable of giving qualified advice, possessing knowledge in the corresponding field"; in Russian the word means "a clever, competent police officer, or a person dealing with expertise, a specialist". The phrase «Он - эксперт экономического отдела» is translated as: "He is a specialist in the economic department"

Source: compiled by the authors

Have you got what we want?

We have a vacancy for a salesperson in our Toy Department . You should have lots of enthusiasm and energy to help us to build up this dynamic new department. Full training will be given to the successful candidate Interested in finding out more? Write a full job description to:

The Personnel Manager Employment Opportunities

Working cruises On board entertainer

Visit the USA, Africa, the Far East and other wonderful places and get paid for it while meeting people and having the adventure of a lifetime . Write for further details, sending brief career details .

Travel Monthly

Fig. 1 / Рис 1. Samples of employment advertising / Образцы объявлений о приёме на работу

describing methods of attracting specialists to various jobs in different countries and a task to compile the following table:

Exercise 8. Analyze the job ads of four countries:

Great Britain Germany France Russia

The final stage of work involves the students' active participation in discussions, provided there's a certain need for communication, in preparing practical recommendations with their own conclusions and justifying the ways for further studying the problem .


The foreign-language cultural products abundance caused by the information space integration has resulted in the need to analyze the authentic materials intercultural perception features, including English advertising and the difficulties arising when translating advertising texts . The appropriate methodological system can help to overcome the difficulties that arise when working with English-language texts and intensify the educational process. In addition, it enables to apply a number of problem tasks aimed at developing language competence

At the starting stage of working with advertising texts, search, selection, logical comprehension situations prevail, stimulating students to a clear sequence in working with information, developing interest in the additional information selection. The work at the intermediate stage is aimed at developing the ability to analyze and process advertising related information according to the context. At the final stage, situations concerning communication, content significance and results-goals correlation assessment are introduced, containing tasks aimed at converting the acquired information into new knowledge.

Therefore, the main thing in teaching reading authentic advertising texts in the cultures dialogue is developing the ability to extract the information contained in the text with the maximum accuracy degree and to interpret it in the future

It is equally important to increase the students' motivation to learn a foreign language due to the formed skill of applying the information extracted from English advertising texts when conducting interactive practical classes, i e , discussions, round tables and role-playing games .

Статья поступила в редакцию 27.01.2022


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Солдатов Борис Георгиевич - кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры мировых языков и культур Донского государственного технического университета; e-mail: bsoldatov@rambler. ru

Солдатова Наталья Викторовна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Ростовского филиала Российской таможенной академии; e-mail: bsoldatov@rambler. ru


Boris G. Soldatov - Cand. Sci. (Linguistics), Assoc . Prof. , Assoc . Prof, at the Department of World Languages and Cultures, Don State Technical University; e-mail: bsoldatov@rambler. ru

Natalia V. Soldatova - Cand. Sci. (Linguistics), Assoc . Prof. , at the Department of Foreign Languages, Russian Customs Academy Rostov Branch; e-mail: bsoldatov@rambler. ru


Soldatov B . G . , Soldatova N . V. Teaching reading English advertising texts in the cultures dialogue context. In: Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University. Series: Pedagogy, 2022, No . 2, рр . 49-61. DOI: 10.18384/2310-7219-2022-2-49-61


Солдатов Б . Г. , Солдатова Н . В . Обучение чтению англоязычных текстов рекламы в контексте диалога культур // Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Педагогика. 2022. № 2 . С 49-61. DOI: 10.18384/2310-7219-2022-2-49-61

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