Научная статья на тему 'Surfactants from the secondary intermediates used in oil and gas industry'

Surfactants from the secondary intermediates used in oil and gas industry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mirzaakhmedova Mavlyuda Ahmedjanovna

In this article the scientific and practical experience and developed oligomers of polyols are readily soluble in water and exhibit surface-active properties of dispersed systems. Given surfactant successfully employed in oil and gas obtained from secondary intermediates chemical companies

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Текст научной работы на тему «Surfactants from the secondary intermediates used in oil and gas industry»

Surfactants from the secondary intermediates used in oil and gas industry

Conclusion. Thus, the gained results show enhance- filled with modified carbon in comparison with techni-ment of technological properties of the rubber stocks cal carbon P 803.


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2. Uralskiy M. L., Gorelik R. A., Bukanov A. M. Kontrol i regulirovanie texnologicheskix svoystv rezinovix smesey. -M.: Ximiya, - 1983. - 126 p.

3. Vostraknutov E. G., Novikov M. I., Novikov V. I., Prozorovskaya N.Ya. Pererabotka kauchukov i rezinovix smesey (reologicheskie osnovoi texnologiya, oborudovanie). - M.: Ximiya, - 1980. - P. 280.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-3.4-35-37

Mirzaakhmedova Mavlyuda Ahmedjanovna,

Senior Researcher. Institute of Common and Inorganic Chemistry Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: [email protected]

Surfactants from the secondary intermediates used in oil and gas industry

Abstract: In this article the scientific and practical experience and developed oligomers of polyols are readily soluble in water and exhibit surface-active properties of dispersed systems. Given surfactant successfully employed in oil and gas obtained from secondary intermediates chemical companies Keywords: SAS, olygomers, GMTA, synthesis, demulsifiers, glycerin, oligomerization.

Amphiphilic surface-active agents (surfactants) are widely used in oil and gas production as emulsifiers, stabilizers, nucleators, demulsifiers and various disperse systems for effective management of their properties. The most selective nonionic surfactants are of species that differ in their colloid-chemical and other performance indicators, especially with dehydration and desalting of crude oils with commercial preparations to transport them for processing.

Technology for producing non-ionic surfactants are based on the esterification reaction of carboxylic acids with polyhydric alcohols oligomers. Oligomers polyhydric type "Laprol" alcohols were obtained by oligomerization of di-ethylene glycol (DEG) or diethanolamine butanediol with hexamethylenetetramine (GMTA) in alkaline medium.

Optimization of conditions for the above processes oligomerization polyols employing a laboratory setup with a change in temperature, time and ratio control, reacting the reaction components.

1. nNH^C-NH^mC^O ^^(-CH2NH-C0-NH-)n+mH20








2. nCH2-CH2-CH-CH 3+mCH20 ^-(CH2-CH2-CH-CH3)n+mH20


. . . -CH-OH Oligomer

Yield glycerol oligomers, diethanolamine DEG with decomposition at GMTA 6CN2O 4NH3 and at the given

conditions above are functional and adequate reactions are not due to differences in their reactivity. Moderate

Section б. Chemistry

alkaline reaction of oligomerization produces ammonia resulting from the decomposition of GMTA. Oligomerization reaction parameters and indicators of the reduced intermediates derived surfactants are comparable with the properties of their non-ionic species.

According to the results of the process of condensation of alcohols and dissimilar in the decomposition of urea GMTA formaldehyde and ammonia it is seen that the obtained water soluble oligomers with different values of the conversion obtained surfactants with different average molecular weights and functionalities. A characteristic feature of this reaction that proceeds with condensation reaction of the urea formaldehyde at 28% conversion calculation to take their number.

The synthesis of such nonionic surfactants with demulsifying properties of crude oils produced, as by oligomerisation followed by esterification with glycerol

oligomer thereof with oleic acid.

In general, the oligomers obtained polyols are readily soluble in water and exhibit surface-active properties of dispersed systems.

Oligomerization trioksimetilenom glycerol (paraformaldehyde) is a polycondensation reaction under acidic conditions. Education hexamer of glycerine to the slow decomposition of the trimer trioxymethylene regulated catalytic effect of acid concentration and the ratio of reactants. When you set the optimal reaction conditions was obtained hexamer of glycerine:

Hexamers glycerin transparent, readily soluble in water, viscous liquid.

Nonionic demulsifier obtained hexamer ratio glycerol: oleic acid = 3: 1. Hexamer glycerol esterified oleic acid with vigorous stirring and heating at 240 °C for 5 hours.

№ Chemical name and their labeling Where and in what cases used these chemicals Where produced (country) Annual consumption of chemical reagents, ton/year Reagent costs in US Dollar

i Dodikor-4345 Corrosion inhibitor Germany 206,9 3180,6

2 Dodikor-4713 To keep the low pressure in the system Germany 550,0 2090,0

3 Clariant For the production and storage of oil Germany 467,0 3100,0

4 Diethilenglycole (DEG) For the dehydration of natural gas UK 1625,9 1354,9

5 К-1 (nonionic SAS) Demulsifier for gas condensate preparation China 40,1 2200,0

б V-2879 К (caty-ionic SAS) An inhibitor against salt formation Germany 340,3 2080,0

l К-1 and Dissolvan 4411 Water oil-soluble de-mulsifier of oil China, Germany 203,5 lll0,0 (EUR)

In preparing the emulsified oil with the water in the tanks of their pretreatment for UDP fields «Mubare-kneftegaz» foreign chemicals, various production including demulsifiers (Table 1).

Preparation of gas condensate and oil in the fishery is carried Kokdumalak import deemulgatorom - «K-1» Chinese production.

(-CH2 OCH2 CH CH20-)6 + C17H33COOH ^ (-CH2 OCH2 (^H CH20-)6 + 6H20

Said glycerol ester (hexamer) with oleic acid exhibits pale red paste highly soluble in water and oils, with 0.5%

surface active properties: 0.5% aqueous solution reduc- oil emulsion with a nonionic emulsifier is destroyed by

es its top-surface-tension at s = 43din/cm and forms a 92% and effectively exfoliates. stable foam (4 cm3) Techa-nii 10 minutes. The resulting

Table 1. - Chemicals used in «Mubarekneftegaz» oil-gas refinery


Pharmacological activity and studying of the chemical compound of Hypoglycemic Gathering

Table 2. - SAS technology is used preparation of oil and gas condensate fields in the «Mubarekneftegaz» oil-gas fields

№ Description of SAS Type Annual consumption, ton/year Price, sums/ton Amountmln SUM Where used

1 Imported dumilsi-fier (China) «K-1» 232,0 3951239 916,68 At the preparation of oil and gas condensates stations,.

2 Scale inhibitor (Germany) «VI-2870 K» 140,0 2447049 342,580 At the stations of oil dehydration.

3 Dehydrating agent (Russia) DEG 1600,0 1363265 2181,28 With preliminary gas preparation.

* - consumption of2005, now increased for 1,5 times

In such cases, a dehydration dispersing brine water from oil and gas mixture in the pre-separator (SP-1), where its contents are reduced to 3.5-5.5%, with the presence of well-tional crystallization of water. This dispersion of the water-oil-gas emulsion is destroyed, stratified and can be interlocked with a solution of an effective emulsion breaker. Thus its concentration in

the oil should not exceed 100 g/m and does not affect the quality of the oil obtained from them. Also reagents demulsifiers and desalting of crude oils used in oil and gas production series surfactants and water-soluble poly-electrolytes having cobuilder properties and dispersion properties of clay stabilizer solutions.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-3.4-37-41

Farmanova Nodira Tahirovna, Tashkent pharmaceutical institute Farmanov Shahriyor Ikramovich, "Medical Standard" company, Kadirov Mahamadzarif Anvajanovich, Tashkent Pharmaceutical institute, doctoral candidate

E-mail: [email protected]

Pharmacological activity and studying of the chemical compound of Hypoglycemic Gathering

Abstract: Researches are carried out on studying of a chemical composition of new hypoglycemic gathering including leaves of a big plantain and the white mulberry, in which result the complex of dietary supplement causing its specific activity has been established. The obtained data are used for a substantiation of system of standardization of gathering.

Keywords: gathering, hypoglycemic, a mulberry, a plantain, qualitative reactions, chromatographic analysis, quantitative definition, standardization, authenticity, polyose.

Public health care, improvement of medicinal supply is Despite of application of new effective medical

one ofthe main tasks ofour state in the field ofsocial policy. products with hypoglycemic effect, diabetes treatment

The decision of this problem in in a greater or lesser degree remains an topical issue for applied medicine. It is con-

depends on working out and practical application of public nected with presence of some by-effects, contra-indica-

health services of new effective medical products, includ- tions for use of synthetic preparations of various chemi-

ing a phytogenesis. Thereupon revealing, studying and cal groups. Thereupon it is expedient to use herbs in

application of new perspective plants of domestic flora is complex treatment of a diabetes along with the basic

represented as an topical issues ofa pharmaceutical science. medicamentous therapy [1].

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