Kholbaev Doniyor Juraboevich PhD. Dotsent teacher. Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Suvonov Joxongir Xusniddin o'g'li Assistant. Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
holbayev [email protected]
Abstract. When determining the irregularity of wind for each month, the influence of local factors such as geography, terrain roughness, elevation, openness, altitude above sea level, and others are considered, focusing on their effect on wind strength and direction. Since wind energy is inconsistent and varies significantly across locations, determining its potential requires conducting special studies, selecting suitable locations, and installing wind energy equipment (WEE). In Uzbekistan, the future prospects of wind energy (WE) may be realized through small-scale installations with capacities ranging from 1 to 5 kW.
Keywords. Wind energy equipment, wind resource, potential, vertical axis, horizontal
Wind is formed due to uneven heating of the Earth's surface. In this process, warm air layers rise while cooler layers descend.
Over the past 10 years, wind energy has seen significant growth worldwide. The average annual capacity of wind energy equipment (WEE) installations has exceeded 32%.
No other energy sector has developed as rapidly. Table 2.7 shows the geographic distribution of WEE. It considers WEE with a nominal capacity of 1 MW or more. European countries and the United States lead in this area since attention to wind energy development began in these regions in the 1980s. Developing countries are also focusing on this type of energy due to the proven scarcity of fuel and energy resources in these nations.
To determine wind parameters for each region and utilize them efficiently, wind energy cadastres are developed. The main characteristics of WEE include the following:
• The average annual wind speed and its daily variations;
• Wind speed recurrence, its type, and parameters;
• Maximum wind speed;
• Distribution of wind duration and the length of calm periods;
• Specific wind power and energy;
• Regional wind energy resources.
Wind resources are determined based on climatic data and a statistical analysis of average wind speeds. These values are adjusted to the standard height of an anemometer (10 meters above the ground).
In determining wind irregularities for each month, local influences such as geography, terrain roughness, elevation, openness, altitude above sea level, and others are analyzed for their impact on wind strength and direction.
Due to the inconsistency of wind energy and its variability across locations, identifying its potential requires performing specific tasks, selecting suitable sites, and addressing issues like the installation of WEE.
In Uzbekistan, the potential for wind energy can be realized through small installations with capacities ranging from 1 to 5 kW.
Geographical Distribution of Wind Energy Equipment
Country MW Country MW
Germany 6107 Brazil 20
Spain 2836 Belgium 19
USA 2610 Turkey 19
Denmark 2341 Luxembourg 15
India 1220 Argentina 14
Netherlands 473 Norway 13
England 425 Iran 11
Italy 424 Poland 11
China 352 Tunisia 11
Greece 274 Australia 30
Sweden 265 South Korea 8
Japan 142 Israel 8
Canada 139 CIS 20
Ireland 122 New Caledonia 4,5
Portugal 111 Czech Republic 4
Austria 79 Sri Lanka 3
Egypt 68 Switzerland 3
France 63 Mexico 1,6
Morocco 54 Jordan 1,2
Costa Rica 51 Latvia 1
Finland 39 Other countries 1,7
New Zealand 35 Total 18449
The reason is that in regions with high energy consumption, the wind speed is 3-4 m/s, whi in areas with high wind potential (10-12 m/s), the number of consumers is relatively low.
Wind turbines, which convert wind flow into mechanical energy, are divided into two types (Figure 1):
1. Wind turbines with a horizontal axis of rotation (bladed) (2-5).
2. Wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation (carousel-type: paddle-shaped (1) and orthogonal (6)).
Figure 1. Types of Wind Turbines.
Figure 2. Appearance of Wind Energy Equipment (WEE) Figure 3. Photograph of Wind Energy Equipment (WEE).
rotor diametri
Figure 2. General View of Wind Energy Equipment (WEE).
Horizontal-axis wind turbine Vertical-axis wind turbine
Figure 3. Photograph of Wind Energy Equipment (WEE). Figure 4. Structure of a Modern High-Capacity Wind Energy Equipment (WEE).
Figure 4. Structure of a Modern High-Capacity Wind Energy Equipment (WEE): The
main components include the blades (1), rotor (2), blade pitch mechanism (3), brake system (4), low-speed shaft (5), gearbox (6), generator (7), controller (8), anemometer (9), wind vane (10), nacelle (11), high-speed shaft (12), nacelle yaw gearbox (13), nacelle yaw motor (14), and tower (15).
The annual potential of wind energy (WE) is immense. Compared to the potential of hydro energy, it is 100 times greater, amounting to 3300^1012 kWh. However, only 10-12% of this potential can be utilized. The distribution of power based on wind energy equipment and the diameter of working blades is shown in Figures 5 and 6.
Figure 5. Photograph of Wind Energy Equipment (WEE).
A ~ A « 3800
0« 70 m
A ~ A « 5000
0« 80 m
A ~ A « 12300
0« 125 m
1,5 MW
2,5 MW
3,6 MW
5,4 MW
Figure 6. Power Distribution Based on the Diameter of Wind Energy Equipment Working
Shamol generatori Briz 5000 "N
= 96 V -3DD
akkumulyator batareyasi
Figure 7. Diagram of a Wind Energy Equipment (WEE) Designed for Household Electricity
The diagram of Wind Energy Equipment (WEE) designed for household electricity supply is shown in Figure 7. To calculate the energy of wind flow (WF), the kinetic energy of a mass mmm moving at a velocity V is used as the basis.
In this case, the mass of the wind flow (m) is determined by the volume of air (W) and is expressed as:
77 V2 V2
E = m_= pw_
2 2
where p is the air density.
The power of the airflow per unit time through a surface F at a flow rate Q is calculated as:
V2 V2
Nn= pQt ■ — = pF — .
2z 2
The power of the Wind Energy Equipment (WEE) differs from the wind power due to its efficiency coefficient (S):
Na = S • p- Fw- ~2
Here, Fw is the area affected by the WEE rotor, and S is determined as follows:
S = Sk • TJg • tfm
• Sk is the utilization coefficient of the wind flow by the WEE rotor,
• ng and nm are the efficiency coefficients of the generator and the gearbox (multiplier), respectively.
High-speed wind turbines typically feature multiple blades (usually 2 or 3). These blades are made from durable, weather-resistant, lightweight materials such as steel, aluminum, plastic, or specially selected types of wood. Such wind turbines are primarily used in wind energy equipment (WEE) to generate electricity.
During strong winds, storms, or hurricanes, centrifugal forces can damage the turbine blades. To address this, special mechanisms are installed in WEE to adjust the blade angles in real-time
based on the position of the wind vane. The efficiency (FIC) of these turbines in utilizing wind energy is relatively high, ranging from 0.3 to 0.46.
The rotational speed of the motors does not exceed the wind speed, and their specific weight per unit of power is relatively low. They are used in applications where the machinery operates without load and starts with a low torque, such as in idling operations. A special centrifugal clutch is employed for this purpose, allowing the transmission to disengage during idle operation and automatically re-engage when the desired rotational frequency is achieved. High rotational speeds, combined with centrifugal forces and electric generators, influence their performance.
When the wind direction changes, the head of the wind unit automatically aligns using side-mounted wind wheels, known as wind vanes. The rotational speed of the wind turbine can be controlled within a range of 6-40 m/s.
The generator's rotational frequency needs to exceed the turbine rotor's rotational frequency by a factor of 4 or more. This can be achieved by selecting the appropriate type of generator or transmission device. Alternating current (AC) generators are widely used due to their cost-effectiveness, simplicity, and ability to generate electricity at relatively low rotor speeds.
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