Impact Factor: SJIF 2023 - 5.95 2024 - 5.99
Energy tech high school, New York, USA
Beta High School, Almaty,Kazakhstan
Shymkent University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
The cosmetology industry is one of the most promising areas of development in Kazakhstan, where there are all the prerequisites: from the raw material base, labor resources and transport communications. To obtain competitive cosmetology products, a comprehensive study of the available plant raw materials is necessary. A special place is occupied by endemic species of medicinal plants, whose distribution areas are located in the Turkestan region in the south of Kazakhstan. It is known that wormwood species soothe the nervous system, have an antiseptic effect, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and promote the healing of ulcerative skin wounds.
The study of the biochemical composition showed that White wormwood (Artemisia alba L.) contains sesquiterpene santonin with antihelminthic properties, bitter glycosides, consisting of the monocyclic terpene cineole and other terpene compounds such as pinene, terpineol, sesquiartemizole, camphor, corvalol, acetic acid aromatic resins, tannins and 22 trace elements. In the composition of phenolic compounds, 176 groups of volatile substances were found, of which isoborneol with a coverage area of 4.1091% dominates. Acetone; 2-propanone; a-ketopropanone; dimethyl ketone; dimethylformaldehyde; methyl ketone; propanone meet with a coverage area of 3.3782%. Bicyclo [2.2.1] heptan-2-one, 1,7,7-trimethyl-, (1S) -; (-) - alkanfor; (-) - camphor; camphor, (1S, 4S) - (-) -; L-camphor - with a coverage area of 2.5297%. Compounds such as spiro [2.4] heptane-5-methanol, 5-hydroxy-1.1638% are found within 1.0 ± 0.1% of coverage; methyl vinyl ketone - 1.1413%; eucalyptol - 1.2711%; cyclohexanone, 5-methyl-2- (1-methylethyl) -, cis - 1.1783%; butane -1.0015%; bicyclo [3.1.1] heptan-3-ol, 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylene-, [1S- (1a, 3a, 5a)] - 1.0956%.
Citrine wormwood (Artemisia cina O.Berg.) Contains sesquiterpene santonin, which has antihelminthic properties, bitter glycosides, darminol essential oil, which consists of the monocyclic terpene cineole and other terpene compounds such as pinene, terpineol, sesquiartemizole and camphoric acid, corrosive aromatic resins, tannins and minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper. The method of two-dimensional gas chromatographic mass spectrometry in the phytomass of plants revealed 190 species of volatile compounds, of which 20 groups of compounds have a coverage area of more than 1.0%. The largest coverage area for a-myrcene is 3.3663%. The presence of cyclohexanol, 5-methyl-2- (1-methylethyl) -, [1R- (1a, 2b, 5a)] - was noted; caryophyllene; 1,6-cyclodiene, 1-methyl-5-methylene-8- (1-methylethyl) -, [s- (E, E)] -; cyclohexanone; isoborneol; hexadecane; thymol, globulol, eugenol, etc.
Impact Factor: SJIF 2023 - 5.95 2024 - 5.99
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