УДК 582
doi 10.24411/2221-0458-2022-93-40-48
А. Амаржаргал, Б.Энхзул, Б. Баярхуу Ховдский государственный университет, г. Ховд, Монголия
A. Amarjargal, B. Enkhzul, B. Bayarkhuu Khovd State University, Khovd, Mongolia
В статье описываются результаты исследования состава полыни холодной (Artemisia frigida Willd), собранной в сумоне Хархираа провинции Увс Монголии. Содержание макро- и микроэлементов в составе растения было определено методом рентгеновской флуоресценции. Собранные образцы Artemisia frigida содержат относительно высокие концентрации оксидов, например, таких как оксид кальция (16,82%), диоксид кремния (11,37%), оксид магния (4,83%), оксид фосфора (5,506%) и оксид алюминия (2,45%). Содержание марганца, олова и молибдена в листьях Artemisia frigida не превышает стандартных значений.
Ключевые слова: полынь холодная; Artemisia frigida Willd; церий; стронций; цинк
In this article, the content of macro and micro elements of (Artemisiafrigida Willd) collected from the Kharkhiraa soum of Uvs province was determined by X-ray fluorescence. Artemisia frigida Willd have relatively high concentrations of oxides such as calcium oxide (16.82%), silica (11.37%), magnesium oxide (4.83%), phosphorus oxide (5.506%), and aluminum oxide (2.45%). The manganese, tin and molybdenum content in the Artemisia frigida Willd did not exceed the standard values.
Keywords: cerium; strontium; zinc
In Tibetan medicine Artemisia frigida Willd leaves, topsoil, and seeds are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, pneumonia, and bronchitis, as well as hemostasis, joint cancer, and kidney disease when they are not in bloom [1].
Artemisia frigida Willd leaves, fruits, roots, aqueous extracts of the above ground, and edible extracts have been used to reduce sweating, fever, and so on. The plant extract is used to treat diseases such as diphtheria, bronchitis, cough, malaria, pneumonia, pneumonia, and pulmonary tuberculosis [2].
Artemisia frigida Willd flowers and leaves are commonly used to treat acupuncture and its essential oils with aromas such as bariatric ointment, steam incense, and coniferous mineral water [3].
In Mongolian home remedy, Artemisia frigida Willd is used alone or in combination with other herbs for treading blood vomiting, wounds, nosebleeds, heavy menstruation, internal bleeding, old scabs, stiff flesh and ears, kidney veins [1].
In Tibetan medicine, it is used to treat diuresis, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchitis, blood pressure stabilization, some diseases of the kidneys and intestines, and for the treatment of arthritis, it is used in the United States to treat malaria and diphtheria, in Mongolian hospitals, its powder and extract are used to treat watery wounds, joint swelling, as well as dysentery, diarrhea, and osteochondritis of the joints, they also use to strengthen the body and improve digestion, and it is used in the Far East to improve cardiovascular function [4].
This article discusses the results of determining the content of macro, micro and ultra micro elements in Artemisia frigida Willd.
Research materials and methodology
Distribution of Artemisia frigida Willd.
It grows in the Urals (Bakshir), Western and Eastern Siberia, Kazakhstan, North America, China and Central Asia [4].
It grows in Khentii, Khangai, Mongol Daguur, Khovd, Mongol Altai, Middle Khalkh, Eastern Mongolia, Great Lakes Depression, Olon Lakes, Gobi-Altai, Dornogobi mountain steppe, steppe, desert
steppe, gravelly and rocky slopes, foothills, rocky land, the river, the riverbed, and occasionally the river [1].
Morphological features. The regular woody short shoots of the semi-shrubs that are 10-40 cm tall, form long stems with dense leaves and fruitless shoots.
One part of the annual shoots forms a leaf and the other part acts as a reproductive organ. In combination with numerous sharp, lanceolate linear leaves, the leaves are sessile, the inflorescence is slender, the bouquet is globose, and the wormwood is entirely gray and light green, covered with dense fibrous hairs [4].
Previous study. Flavnoid luteolin in the upper part of the wormwood in terms of nutrition, it is not inferior to legumes 11-337 mg / kg carotene (vitamin A), alkaloids -0.5%, steroids, di-tri methyl oxyflavone, trichin, coumarin-umbelliferon, esculetin, phenol carbonic-caffeic acid, sesquiterpene lactone-grossmizin in the upper part of Artemisia frigida Willd., myrstic acid - 1.8%, palmitic acid, palmitic acid. %, stearic acid -2.3%, oleic acid - 10.5%, linoleic acid -68.1%, linolenic acid - 1.0%, arachic acid -0.1%, gadloeic acid - 0.2%, arachidonic acid -0.1%, begenic acid - 0.9%, docoseic acid -0.5%, lignocerinic acid - 0.5%, protein -13.0%, fiber - 18.7 - 30.8% [4].
Artemisia frigida Willd contains more than 20 substances such as essential oils, lemon, sugar, organic acids, preservatives, vitamin-C, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, bitter substances, menthol, camphor, linoleic acid [5].
Artemisia frigida Willd samples were found to contain flavonoids - 0.11%, flavonoids - 0.92%, ash - 5.8%, and moisture -6.45% [6].
Study of the chemical composition of essential oils: Essential oils with surface yield (0.3 - 2.1%) contain cineole (18-20%), phenolic, camphor, borneolic, enantic acid esters (35.6%), caprylic and enanthylic, valeric acid esters, formic and undecylidic acids.
Mongolian Artemisia frigida Willd is rich in essential oils and contains a-pinene -0.99%, p-pinene - 1.4%, sabinen - 1.8%, myrtle - 7.8%, n-cymol - 0.06%, isomentone -4.3%, fenhon and linalool - 3.85%, menthon -32.9%, limonene - 28.8%, camphor - 18.1%, linalool ether, terpineol, borneol, isoborneol, y-terpine, terpine-4-ol, eugenol, isoevgenol.
Kazakhstan-Karaganda Artemisia frigida Willd contains camphene - 4.2%, 1.8 - cineole-24.7%, p-tuyon - 5.2%, camphor - 22.6%, borneol - 8.9%, terpine-4-ol - 2.3%, terpineol -2.2%, thymol - 1.7% and neryl acetate - 1.0%, respectively.
Researchers identified sesquiterpene lactone-grossmisin from Artemisia frigida Willd [4].
Camphor (32.8%), 1.8-cineole (14.9%), borneol (15.3%), bornilacetate (4.3%) and terpineol-4 (6,6) were determined in the samples of flowering Artemisia frigida Willd [7].
Artemisia frigida Willd has been found to contain ascorbic acid, essential oils, flavonoids, cineole, borneol, and fencon [2].
Essential oil of Artemisia frigida Willd contains camphor (49.89%), 1.8-cineole (8.99%), borneol (8.32%), a-fenhen (2.97%)
and bornilacetate (2.54%) [8]. Essential oil of Artemisia frigida Willd contains cis-menta-2-en-1ol (20.8%), 1.8-cineole (12.0%), borneol (10.2%), lavender (9.3%), camphor (6.9%), and bicyclohermacrene (5.5%) [9].
Study of macro and micro elements of Artemisia frigida Willd. Samples of Artemisia frigida Willd were V-10.51 mg / kg, Cr-16.50 mg / kg, Co-0.01 mg / kg, Ni-9.59 mg / kg, Cu-51.96 mg / kg, and Zn-105.93 mg / kg. kg, Mo-0.03 mg / kg, Cd-0.05 mg / kg, Pb-1.97 mg / kg [6].
Hay pasture quality: This is essential and very important nomadic fodder plant, is well fed by all animals. The abrasion sample (winter) has a moisture content of 7.77% (12.82), ash 4.70 (10.17), protein 13.06 (6.50), fat 6.34 (3.01), fiber 32.34 (39.26), nitrogen-free substances 41.06 (55.14), calcium and phosphorus [4].
Traditional usage: The people of Eastern Baikal use it for digestion, blood clotting, preventing moisture and strengthening the body. Wormwood is a traditional medicinal plant that was written in the famous Tibetan sutras "Jud-Shi" and "Bider Onbo". Acupuncture has been used in moxibustion since the 13 th century [4]. In the Mongolian home remedy the dried wormwood powder, aqueous extract, and pus are sprayed on wounds, washed, disinfected, weighed, and used in the form of steam incense to treat respiratory diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, purulent wounds, inflammation, kidney and gastrointestinal diseases [5]. In Mongolian veterinary practice, wormwood is used in the form of jams and simple extracts for diarrhea, atrophic and emaciated animals.
It is also believed that the feed of exhausted animals recovers quickly when are fed with mixed fodder with wormwood [5].The content of macro and micro elements in the plants was quantified by X-ray fluorescence quantitative
analysis method at the Central Geological Laboratory, Mongolia.
Samples of Artemisia frigida Willd collected from Kharkhiraa Mountain (N 880 47/648 //, E 55037/219 /) in September 2019 were used in the study. / Figures 1 and 2 /
Рис. i / Figure i. Artemisia frigida Willd Рис. 2 / Figure 2. Artemisia frigida Willd
/Kharkhiraa Mountain, Uvs province/
Research methods. The content analysis of macro, micro and ultra-micro elements of the plant was performed at the Central Geological Laboratory. The content of macro, micro and ultra micro elements of the plants was determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis in the Central Geological Laboratory.
Research results. The results of determining the ash composition in Artemisia frigida Willd.
Table 1 shows the ash composition Artemisia frigida Willd in the sample.
Table 1. Ash composition of plants (%)
Sample type SiO2 TiO2 AI2O3 I Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2 O MnO P2O5 combustion waste
(Artemisia frigida Willd) ii.3 7 0.i53 2.45 i.24 i6.82 4.83 0.i2 >8 0.i68 5.506 23.11
Ash of Artemisia frigida Willd contains relatively high levels of oxides such as calcium oxide (16.82%), silica (11.37%), magnesium oxide (4.83%), phosphorus oxide (5.506%) and aluminum oxide (2.45%).
The chemical composition of the ash of Artemisia frigida Willd is compared with the results of other researchers in Table 2.
Table 2. Comparison of macro-elements of plant of Artemisia species (%)
Sample type SiO2 TiO2 AI2O3 I Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O MnO P2O5 ШХ
(Artemisia frigida Willd) ii.37 0.i53 2.45 i.24 i6.82 4.83 0.i2 >8 0.i68 5.506 23.ii
(Artemisia 0.29 <0.005 0.042 0.029 1.07 0.38 <0.01 2.14 0.006 0.507 0.29
l et al., 2017)
The content of sodium oxide and potassium oxide in the ash of Artemisia frigida Willd is close to the content in the ash of Artemisia rutifolia Steph.Ex spreng.
2. Determination of microelement content in Artemisia frigida Willd.
Table 3 shows the content of microelements in plants.
Samples of Artemisia frigida Willd contain elements such as barium, copper, zinc and strontium more. Samples of Artemisia frigida Willd contain manganese, tin and molybdenum as standard.
The microelement content of Artemisia frigida Willd was compared with the results of other researchers in the Table 4.
Table 3. The microelement composition in Artemisia frigida Willd (mg/ kg)
Sample type As V Cu Z n Cr Co Mo Ni Sn Sr F Ba Bi
11 80 218 7 19 10 <5 21 <30 544 <0.05 736 <5
(Artemisia 8
frigida Willd) 3
Sample type As V Cu Zn Cr Co Mo Ni Sn Sr F Ba Bi
(Artemisia frigida Willd) 11 80 218 783 19 10 <5 21 <30 544 <0.05 736 < 5
(Artemisia rutifolia Steph. Ex spreng) (A.Amarjargal et al., 2017) 6 67 93 345 84 16 6 40 <30 928 <0.05 2213 13
Artemisia albicerata (Amantay A.,Kudaiberge n et al., (2019] 58.9 182 38.2
(Artemisia annua L) (Ducu Sandu §tef et al., (2010) <20 250± 30 270±20 20± 10
(Artemisia sieversiana Willd) (V.N. Bubenchikova et al., 2011) 10.9 607.17 10.2 4.0 401
(Artemisia dracunculus L) 6.65± 0.04 76.6±0. 01
Table 4. Comparison of Artemisia microelements (mg / kg)
(D.Lkhamsaiz maa and others, 2018)
(Artemisia frigida Willd). (E.P. Dylenova et al., 2019) 11.22 ± G.25 26.83± G.57 0.58± G.G1
(Artemisia frigida Willd) (E.P. Dylenova et al., 2019) 7.22± G.G3 27.69± G.49 2.85± G.G6
(Artemisia jacutica Drob) (E.P. Dylenova et al., 2019) 2G.B7 ± G.2G 24.86± G.44
(Artemisia scoparia waldst. Et kit.). (P.K.Igamberd ieva et al., 2010) 1.G 2.2 3.3 4.34 2.46 5.G9
The tin and molybdenum content of Artemisia frigida Willd and Artemisia rutifolia Steph, Ex spreng did not exceed the standard values [10].
3. Determination of ultramicroelement content in Artemisia frigida Willd
Tables 5 and 6 show the content of microelements in plants.
Table 5. The microelement composition in Artemisia frigida Willd (mg/kg)
Sample type Ce Cs Ga Ge Hf La Nb Rb Sb Sc Ta Pb
(Artemisia frigida Willd) <3G <3G 7 <3 <15 <3G 3 97 <4G <1G <1G 6
Table 6. The microelement composition in Artemisia frigida Willd (mg/kg)
Sample type W Y Zr Th U Sm Nd Pr
(Artemisia frigida Willd) <8 9 3G <5 <5 <3G <5G <3G
Samples of (Artemisia frigida Willd) are relatively high in rubidium, gallium, niobium, yttrium and zirconium. Samples of Artemisia frigida Willd contain antimony and lead as standard.
Tables 7 and 8 show the results of
comparison of the ultra-microelements of Artemisia frigida Willd with the results of other researchers.
Table 7. Comparison of ultra-microelements in Artemisia type plants (mg / kg)
Sample type Ce Cs Ga Ge Hf La Nb Rb Sb Sc Ta Nd Pb
(Artemisia frigida Willd) <30 <30 7 <3 <15 <30 3 97 <40 <10 <10 97 6
(Artemisia rutifolia Steph.Ex spreng) (A.Amarjargal et al., 2017) [11] 37 <30 <3 <3 <15 30 <5 89 <40 <10 <10 <50 <5
Artemisia albicerata (Amantay et al., 2019) [16] 11.4
(Artemisia annua L) (Ducu Sandu §tef et al., 2010) [14] 50±1 0 50±10
(Artemisia frigida) (E.n.^tmeHOBa h gp 2019) [18] 0.10± 0.002
Arb mapra® (Artemisia frigida ) E.P. Dylenova et al., 2019) [18] 2.28± 0.06
(Artemisia jacutica Drob) E.P. Dylenova et al., 2019) [18] 5.20± 0.59
(Artemisia sieversiana Willd) (V.N. Bubenchikova et al., 2011) [15] 10.49
(Artemisia scoparia waldst. Et kit.) P.K.Igamberdieva et al., 2010) [19] 1.21. 2
The content of antimony, cesium, cerium, hafnium, tantalum and scandium in the samples of Artemisia frigida Willd is consistent with the results of some researchers [11].
Table 8. Comparison of ultra-microelements in Artemisia type plants (mg / kg)
The lead content in Artemisia frigida Willd, Artemisia rutifolia Steph.Ex spreng, and Artemisia dracunculus L samples is standard [10].
Sample type W Y Zr Th U Sm Nd Pr
(Artemisia frigida Willd) <8 9 30 <5 <5 <30 <50 <30
(Artemisia rutifolia Steph.Ex spreng) A.Amarjargal et al., 2017) [11] 30 <50 <30
The content of zirconium, neodymium and praseodymium in the samples of Artemisia frigida Willd is consistent with the results of some researchers [11].
Conclusion 1. Artemisia frigida Willd ash has relatively high oxides of calcium oxide (16.82%), silica (11.37%), magnesium oxide (4.83%), phosphorus oxide (5.506%) and aluminum oxide (2.45%). 2. Artemisia frigida
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Аюурзана Амаржаргал, кандидат химических наук (PhD), преподаватель кафедры химии, Ховдский государственный университет, г. Ховд, Монголия, e-mail: [email protected]
Батсух Энхзул, магистрант Ховдского государственного университета, г. Ховд, Монголия, e-mail: [email protected]
Батбаяр Баярхуу, кандидат географических наук (PhD), профессор кафедры географии и геологии, Ховдский государственный университет, г. Ховд, Монголия, e-mail: [email protected]
Ayurzana Amarjargal, Candidate of Chemistry, Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Khovd State University, Khovd, Mongolia, e-mail: [email protected]
Batsukh Enkhzul, Master's student at the Department of Chemistry, Khovd State University, Khovd, Mongolia, E-mail: [email protected]
Batbayar Bayarkhuu, PhD in Geography, Professor at the Department of Geography and Geology, Khovd State University, Khovd, Mongolia, e-mail: [email protected]
Статья поступила в редакцию 1.06.2022