УДК 914/919
Галиева Г.А.
Магистрант 2 курса ЕНУ им Л.Н.Гумилева
г.Астана, РК
Научный руководитель: Мусабаева М.Н.,
Профессор, доктор географических наук, ЕНУ им Л.Н.Гумилева
г.Астана, РК
В статье рассмотрены основные особенности и этапы трансформации геосистемы озера, их представления являются необходимыми знаниями для изучения формирования современной ландшафтной структуры, а также сделаны предположения о развитии и устойчивости геосистем и оценке их масштабы на примере окрестностей Акмолинской области. В настоящее время одной из наиболее актуальных задач географических исследований является решение задач оценки и прогнозирования изменений окружающей среды, что зачастую связано с изучением особенностей и состояния их ландшафтной структуры, а также определением степени устойчивости входящие в него геосистемы подвержены неблагоприятным природным и антропогенным воздействиям. Такие исследования основаны на изучении организации, функционирования, динамики и эволюции геосистем, формирующихся и развивающихся как единое целое в пространстве и времени.
Ключевые слова
Геосистема, трансформация, устойчивость, изменчивость, динамика, эволюция.
Galieva G.A.
2st-year master's student of ENU named after L.N. Gumileva
Astana, RK
Scientific supervisor: Musabaeva M.N.
Professor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, ENU named after L.N. Gumileva
Astana, RK
The article discusses the main features and stages of transformation of the lake geosystem, the ideas of which are the necessary knowledge for studying the formation of the modern landscape structure, and also makes assumptions about the assessment of the degree of stability and development of Geosystems on the example of the suburbs of Akmola region. Currently, one of the most relevant tasks of geographical research is to solve the problems of assessing and predicting environmental changes, which is largely associated with studying the features and state of their landscape structure, as well as determining the degree of resistance to adverse natural and anthropogenic effects of the Geosystems included in it. Such research is based on the study of the organization, functioning, dynamics and evolution of Geosystems that form and develop as a unit in space and time.
Geosystem, transformation, stability, variability, dynamics, evolution.
Currently, the study of lakes is becoming more important due to the need for scientific use. The existence of spatial differentiation of the geographical shell allows to divide it into separate parts-geosystems. "Lake-catchment" geosystem is characterized not only by the presence of connections between the elements that make it up, but also by its integral unity with the environment, which shows its integrity.
At present, there are two directions in the research based on the connection of reservoirs with the lake: the first is to determine the main limnological processes that determine the nature of the reservoir, and the second is to determine the nature of the interrelationship of the components of the natural environment that determine the limnological complex of the lake in this landscape.
The first direction is carried out in limnology during the study of the circulation of organic matter within the lake systems, and the second - by studying the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the flow, which is the main element that implements the functioning of the "lake-water catchment" system. Following the ideas of S. V. Kalesnik, S. D. Muraveiskyi, we chose an integrated approach to the study of the lake geosystem as a single territorial-aquatic complex. This approach considers the determination of the general laws of the formation and operation of the structure and from them spi flaMybiHbiH, Ta6MFM TeHfleHUMfl.apbm Fbi.biMM 6o.wayFa MyMKiHfliK 6epegi.
Limnology, translated from Greek, means Ai^ve-lake, Aoyoq-knowledge, or lactology is a branch of hydrology, the science of assessment of lakes, rivers, water bodies and other fresh water bodies, including their water composition, through physical, chemical and biological aspects. In general, lake or river water is one of the most important factors for man in the modern period. The first of these in the life of a person is determined and calculated by the main abundant supply of fresh water. The geographical role of the lake lies in its main aspects. First of all, if it is the integral effect of the lake on the flow, these lakes are considered to be the main type of natural regulator of direct flow. In rare cases, the total annual flow is reduced by significant surface evaporation of lake water. Lake water captures part of the solid flow, regulates the chemical flow. And secondly, lakes have a positive effect on the microclimate of coastal areas. Thus, the lake reserve has significant recreational resources. Thirdly, a large amount of autochthonous and allochthonous materials fall into the lakes along with the water flow, which in the process of sedimentogenesis turn into special formations called bottom sediments. Fourth, lakes create a real environment for the life of organisms called hydrobionts, which actively participate in the functioning and evolutionary development of hydroecosystems. In the current situation, the role of lakes will increase significantly. Due to the constant influence of the anthropogenic factor, they remain the keepers of clean fresh water. Lakes are often the core of specially protected natural areas. National parks, reserves and reserves of different levels can be included in this list [1. 3].
The Swiss scientist F. Forel, who was one of the first to establish this field of science, worked in 1885 and presented the first and first classification thermal principles of the general lake system, and as a result of these proposed works, the principles and tasks were determined at the international geographical and limnological congress in London. Later, in 1901, he published a textbook entitled General Limnology, a preface to his classic work. From the point of view of the scientific classification of the lake, S.D. It was decided that in order to determine the set of hydrobiological processes of Muraveisky, it is necessary to study it comprehensively. Thus, from a scientific point of view, it became known that the field of limnology has a direct hydrobiological connection and is closely related.
From this point of view, Big Shabakty lake was selected for the study of structural features of the geosystem of lakes of Akmola region. The basis of the work was created using cartographic and literary materials,
high- and medium-resolution instant space images [1].
Based on the above data, we can consider the classification of bottom sediments of the lake. In general, three main cycles can be distinguished in the composition of the lake.
1. Microcycle - annual cycle;
2. Mesocycle - transition from one trophic level to another; that is, from oligotrophy to mesotrophy.
3. Macrocycle - the period from the time of formation of lake water or reservoir water to their destruction.
<3p ГТ/гД-''\ Physical map 1:1(Ш (100
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Karakystflh ■ _ elenyi Bor-
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U . ' ' KtirasH Sanatorium ShibmlliusUy ortankol • -.' a High points Horizontals HeighL scale, m ■щ High: 914 тшЛ- Low: 2Я8
Figure 1 - Boundary of the study area of Big Shabakty Lake
Physical- Big Shabakty is a lake in the Akmola region of Kazakhstan, the largest lake of the Burabay group. It is located 16.5 km north of Shchuchinsk at the foot of Kokshetau mountain at 947 m. The water surface area is about 23 km2. The average depth of the lake is 11 m, the height above sea level is 301.6 meters. The length of the lake is 7.7 km, the width is 4.7 km (Fig. 1).
The lake is open, there are no aquatic plants. The coastline is sharply cut by peninsulas and forms many bays. There are a number of islands in the lake. The lake is stagnant, never dries up, and 40% of its water flows underground. 85-90% of the eastern part of the water balance is evaporation and 10-15% seepage into the soil. The water is used for drinking water, livestock irrigation and household needs of Burabay village (on the southeastern coast). The lake belongs to the Esil water management basin. It belongs to the group of Kokshetau lakes.
There is a lake basin of tectonic origin, granite coasts, in some places rocky, pine and birch forests. The coasts are covered with small stones alternating with sandy beaches. Big Shabakty lake freezes at the end of November and opens at the end of April.
Currently, the lake belongs to the state national natural park "Burabai" organized according to the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 12, 2000 and is included in the system of specially protected natural territories of republican importance and is under the control of the Presidential Affairs Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan [2].
The permissible limit concentration of sulfates, copper, iron and fluorides in lake waters has been Exceeded.
Figure 2 - Geomorphological map of Big Shabakty Lake
The lake has a number of small islands formed by underwater ridges; some of them are covered with sparse shrubby plants. Compared to the 1961 topographical map, the area and number of islands have increased, some of the coastal islands have joined the mainland. Flowless lake. The Gromotukha River, flowing from Burabai Lake from the southern coast, flows into the lake. The valley of the Arykpai river opens from the east to the lake, but there is practically no overland flow over it (Fig. 2).Quaternary sediments are widespread in the area, which are overlain by a solid layer of ancient precipitation. They reach their greatest power in lowlands, river valleys and lake basins. Their power is relatively small in distribution sections. Being continental, they are characterized by a very colorful lithological composition. They are different depending on their genesis and age. Lower Quaternary sediments are represented by lacustrine alluvial and deluvial-proluvial genetic differences. Lakealluvial sediments are widespread in the western part of the district. They lie on the murky surface of the continental Paleogene and Neogene. Lithologically, it is represented by yellow-brown, dusty (loess-like) clays, with frequent beds and lenses of medium- and coarse-grained quartz-polyphosphate sands with yellow-gray sandy clays, rare dark brown clays, rare small pebbles and pebbles. Gypsum small crystals and carbonate concretions. The strength of sediments is very variable. Their maximum thickness is 9-15 m. Average Quaternary sediments are represented by three genetic differences: alluvial, lacustrine alluvial and lacustrine. Upper Quaternary deposits are represented by alluvial and lacustrine differences. Among modern sediments, alluvial and lake genetic types are distinguished. Alluvial alluvium is usually represented by about 1.5 m of coarse sand and gravel aggregates. The sediments of floodplains and river channels are very common with fossil remains of domestic animals and spores and pollen of modern plants. Lake sediments border the shores of the lake in a narrow strip and are represented by clays, silts, gravelly sands of different grains of 3-5 m of coastal shafts. Lake sediments are characterized by modern mollusc fauna and fossil remains of modern vertebrates [4].
The lake freezes in November and shows full ice fall only until mid-April. The water of the lake is cold. even in the hot summer period, due to the great depth, only near the coast, it sometimes heats up to +24 °C. The waters here have a beautiful emerald color. the lake is considered cold. It is even colder than Lake Burabai. Water is visible to the naked eye up to a depth of 8 meters. Since 2000, the large Chebachye Lake has been part of the Burabai National Park Reserve and is protected by the state (Figure 3).
70'!i' 7040' 70' 15' 70-20' 70°2Г
> У;™ ( ? i"4V) s 5 Hi ^ 18,8 ^ "...'fx. Climate map 1:100 000
ff 1____(ileiekei' —,r""- ^ ,-,-* '/huinak
,'АЗШ.м......-............. i J Big Shabakty iMkof"'^ . -
----------------------- ... Karakyslak r'f-'r ^ ................. 1 * "
/ Zelenvi Bor
Small Shabakty. ' ---»fflItia-447 M. ........... Aullckol Burabay Okzhelpes /
Akylbjf' Л....... ; 1 / >•>'• Lcbcdlnoc N._______ jsi..—"'...--........."
, Ahylbui Щк <. " у
---------- ....... Average temperature in July, C -----Average temperature in January, C Average annual amount of precipitation mm
0 1 2 ---—"V 20,4 ..... .-•'" SanatoriumShchuchinsky A39S.M. IM High: 347,2 Low: 314,8
70»5' 70°10' 7045' 70*20" 70°25'
Figure 3 - Climate map of Big Shabakty Lake
In 1943, the area of the water mirror was 2518 ha. the maximum length is 8.3 km, the maximum width is 5.1 km. The length of the coastline is 31 km. Currently, the area of the water reservoir has decreased significantly and at the time of the study it was 1856 ha. the coastline is heavily indented and forms small bays and bays. Lower Relief is complex. Depths grow quickly. The area with a depth of up to 2 m is about 5% of the total area, from 2 to 5 m also about 5%, from 5 to 10 m -40% and above 10 m -50%. The northern part of the lake is exposed to frequent and strong winds. Due to frequent storms, the coastal zone of the western, northern and eastern coasts is well washed to a depth of 1.5-2.0 m and the soil is free from sediments. At the western end of the lake, there is a wide shallow bay with a depth of up to 1.5 meters, the soil of which is represented by coarse sand and gravel. Pebble-gravel soils are located around the island chain, but they are very silty. In the middle part of the lake, soils are represented by clays (see Table 1) [5].
Table 1
Dimensions of Big Shabakty Lake.
Level Conventional sign of water level, m The size of the lake Water volume, mln. m3
Length, km Width, km Square, km Average depth, m
Bottom 32,9 7,3 4,0 22,2 10,8 240
Top 37,7 7,5 4,5 25,1 14,2 356
When the lake is filled to the mark. 4,0 0,5 0,2 0,1 2,0 0,2
8,0 0,8 0,4 0,3 2,7 0,8
12,0 2,1 0,5 1,1 3,4 3,8
16,0 4,1 1,0 4,0 3,5 14,1
20,0 4,6 2,0 8,3 4,7 38,7
24,0 6,4 2,6 13,1 6,2 81,5
28,0 7,2 2,8 17,9 8,0 144
Note: information bulletin 2023
Geosystems belong to the category of open systems, which means that they are perforated by energy and matter flows that connect them to the external environment. The middle of the geosystem is formed by high-capacity systems, and finally by the epigeosphere (the middle of the latter is outer space and the deep parts of the earth). In conclusion, the main factors affecting the structural features of the geosystem of lakes of Akmola
region were considered. The development of the geosystem, its changes, always have the main place from a geographical point of view. Used literature:
1. About the origin of small and big Chebachye lakes / North Kazakhstan/. In collection: physical geography. XXCX Herzenovskie readings. Scientific DOK., L., LGPI, 2015, p. 77-80.
2. The nature of the development of the shores of some lakes of the Kokshetau massif.
3. Change of lake shores under the influence of natural and technogenic factors. Issues of nature protection and rational use of natural resources. scientific summary, L., LGPI, 2018, B. PO-116.
4. Ismailova A.A. hydrochemical and hydrobiological indicators as a description of the ecological state of lakes (in the example of Burabay and Big Shabakty lakes) // Bulletin of KazNU. Biological Series. — 2013. — Vol. 59, No. 3/2.
5. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Annual Bulletin of the research center of the republican state enterprise "Kazhydromet" for monitoring the situation and climate change in Kazakhstan: 2023
© ra^MeBa T.A., 2024
УДК 551.582.2
Мансуров М.А.
Аспирант 3 курса ДВФУ г. Владивосток, РФ Научный руководитель: Василевская Л.Н.
Канд.геог.наук, доцент ДВФУ, г. Владивосток, РФ
Происходящие в последние 50 лет глобальные климатические изменения, выразившиеся в изменении атмосферной циркуляции и синоптических процессов, оказали существенное воздействие на фауну дальневосточных морей и отразились на динамике основных объектов морского промысла. Это воздействие обусловлено как внешними, так и внутрипопуляционными причинами [1].
Охотское море и его береговая зона являются одними из перспективных районов для совместного промышленного освоения сообществом стран Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, однако отличаются своеобразными и суровыми погодно-климатическими условиями. Большая меридиональная протяженность территории Охотского моря создает исключительно большое разнообразие в климате его отдельных участков [1].
Цель исследования — выявление и уточнение тенденций, характеристик и возможных причинно-следственных связей межгодовых изменений термических условий в прибрежно-морских районах Охотского моря за последние 5 десятилетий.
Ключевые слова:
Температура, метеорологическая станция, максимум, минимум, десятилетие