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Ключевые слова
tourism / natural resources / recreational potential / tourist attractiveness / method of valuation / туризм / природные ресурсы / рекреационный потенциал / туристская аттрактивность / метод бонитировки.

Аннотация научной статьи по естественным и точным наукам, автор научной работы — Imangulova T. V., Yevloyeva A. S., Titova M. A.

The tourism and recreation potential of the Akmola region is represented by a wide range of natural, historical and cultural resources, which are developed only partially. The article attempts to identify the most promising areas of the Akmola region for tourism development through the assessment of the attractiveness of natural resources. The authors give a detailed physical and geographical characteristic of the region and describe its recreational potential in detail. Using a valuation method, the classification of types of natural landscapes was carried out in 17 administrative districts of the region, which allowed comparing different territories and identifying the possibilities of the geographical environment for the development of mass types of tourism. Based on the results of the assessment of the natural prerequisites for the recreation and tourism development in the Akmola region, a number of conclusions were made. .

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Туристско-рекреационный потенциал Акмолинской области представлен широким спектром природных, историко-культурных ресурсов, освоенных лишь частично. В статье предпринята попытка выделения наиболее перспективных районов Акмолинской области для развития туризма через оценку аттрактивности природных ресурсов. Авторами дана подробная физико-географическая характеристика области, детально описан ее рекреационный потенциал. При помощи метода бонитировки по пунктам была проведена классификация типов природных ландшафтов по 17 административным районам области, что позволило сравнить различные территории и выявить возможности географической среды для развития массовых видов туризма. По результатам оценки природных предпосылок развития отдыха и туризма Акмолинской области сделан ряд выводов.


UDC 379:85

T. V. Imangulova1, A. S. Yevloyeva2, M. A. Titova3

Candidate of pedagogics, associate professor, dean of the Tourism faculty

(Kazakh academy of sports and tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan) 2MSc in Tourism, PhD student of the Department of tourism and service (Kazakh academy of sports and tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan) 3Candidate of geographical sciences, head of Strategic planning, analysis and monitoring department (Department of tourism of Akmola region, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan)


Abstract. The tourism and recreation potential of the Akmola region is represented by a wide range of natural, historical and cultural resources, which are developed only partially. The article attempts to identify the most promising areas of the Akmola region for tourism development through the assessment of the attractiveness of natural resources. The authors give a detailed physical and geographical characteristic of the region and describe its recreational potential in detail. Using a valuation method, the classification of types of natural landscapes was carried out in 17 administrative districts of the region, which allowed comparing different territories and identifying the possibilities of the geographical environment for the development of mass types of tourism. Based on the results of the assessment of the natural prerequisites for the recreation and tourism development in the Akmola region, a number of conclusions were made.

Keywords: tourism, natural resources, recreational potential, tourist attractiveness, method of valuation.

Introduction. Akmola region is a unique complex of natural resources and resources of historical and cultural heritage that are partially in demand for tourism and recreation potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tourism in the region is developing, but it requires continuous in-depth and comprehensive analysis of opportunities and conditions for tourism and recreation, reception of domestic and foreign tourists, recreational assessment of natural and socio-economic resources to determine the future prospects for its development.

The purpose of the study is to assess the territory of the Akmola region by the degree of attractiveness of natural resources.

Physical and geographical characteristics of the Akmola region. Akmola region covers an area of 146 thousand square kilometers, the population of the region as of February 1, 2020 is 736,357 people [1]. The population density is 5.05 people per 1 square km. The administrative center is the city of Kokshetau, founded in 1824. The city of Nur-Sultan has a special status, being the capital of the Republic, and is not administratively part of the region.

Akmola region is located in the centre of Kazakhstan in the steppes, occupying the north-western part of the Kazakh folded country, the basin of the upper course of the Ishim river, and on the south-west - valley inland lakes Tengiz and Korgalzhyn with the lower reaches of the river Nura (figure). This geographical location has caused a great variety of natural conditions: topography, climate, land cover and fauna. The region has unique features that distinguish its natural advantages from other regions of the north of the Republic.

The northern part of the territory is occupied by the middle sections of the Kokshetau upland. The peculiarity of the geomorphological structure consists in the fact that the majority of relief types inherent in the Kokshetau upland are represented on a small territory: low mountains, small hills, plains, lake and river basins. The southern part of the region is occupied by a hilly-wavy, hilly-bumpy plain with an absolute height of 300-400 m. Located in the center of the mountain Sandyktau, Dombiraly, in the south-east - scenic mountains of Yereymentau, in the north-east - Selety plain, central part - Atbasar plain, in the south-west to the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn depression that separates the western part of the Saryarka into two parts. In the north-western part Kokshetau mountains are located. Their slopes are dissected by flowing waters. In the intermountain valleys there are extremely beautiful lakes, on the coasts and slopes of which pine forests grow. In the south-western part of the region there is an elevated lake plain, where numerous massifs of shallow ridges are scattered [2, 3, p. 9-10].


Акмолинская область


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Akmola region on the map of Kazakhstan [4]

Various landforms are geomorphological sights that attract tourists. The territory of the region has favorable conditions for the development of medical, sports and recreation tourism. Mountain conditions are suitable for resorts and tourism.

The climate of the region is extremely continental, characterized by hot, dry summers and harsh winters. The continentality of the climate is manifested in large annual and daily amplitudes of air temperature fluctuations. The average maximum temperature in July is +19° C, +21° C, January -16° C, -18° C. Prevailing winds are from the south-west and west. The average annual wind speed is 5.6 m/s. The average wind speed in July reaches 4.6 m/s, and in January-5.8 m/s. On the territory of the region, an average of 250-400 mm of precipitation falls per year. The highest amount of precipitation falls in the summer months-June-August (49 %), the lowest - in December-February; in the spring period (March-May), the amount of precipitation is 18% of the annual norm. The adverse aspects of the climate of the region include early spring drought, strong winds in the spring, which often cause dust storms, the return of late spring and the onset of early autumn frosts [3, p. 11].

In view of the climatic conditions, the Akmola region is attractive in terms of tourism for seasonal recreation and leisure, mainly in the period from April to October. Climate conditions of the region allow to develop winter recreation, tourism and sports. Here, in winter, the average height of snow cover varies between 30-60 cm depending on the terrain and exposure of the slope. The number of days with stable snow cover reaches 90-120 per year. It can be summed up that the territory of the region has a long duration of the number of hours of sunshine, especially in summer, which increases the comfort of recreation, creates opportunities for solving a number of problems of sanitary treatment and tourism.

Rivers and lakes are an important natural factor in the formation of recreational activities. A dense hydrographic network defines the possibilities for water tourism development. The presence of rivers with different flow rates allows to develop water routes of different categories of complexity. They decorate the landscape, create a favorable microclimate, allow vacationers to engage in water sports, fishing, while fresh lakes provide tourist facilities with fresh water.

One of the most important factors of therapeutic recreation is the availability of mineral waters. The most mineral water-abundant are Burabay, Bulandy and Shortandy districts that accounted for 61.4 % of the sources region, less in Korgalzhyn area with 21.4 %. South-western and north-eastern regions have relatively poor mineral waters, which account for the remaining percentage of sources. The most valuable are cold slightly mineralized waters in the area of the city of Makinsk, which have radioactivity. The region has resources of therapeutic muds. Significant deposits of therapeutic muds are confined to the Burabay and Bulandy districts, their reserves are estimated at 1402 thousand cubic meters [3, p. 17].

The soils and vegetation of the region are diverse [3, p. 18]. Of wood species, the first place belongs to pine, the second - birch, aspen occurs as an admixture to pine and birch. Pure pine forests are formed on the granite lowlands, and pine forests with a significant proportion of birch are developed on the quartz-shale lowlands and hills. On the upland plains, pine and birch forests with aspen are equally present. Pine is very dry and is usually found on the crests of the highest granite cliffs, hills and upper parts of the slopes. Plantings of this type have a great aesthetic and high soil protection value. Treeless areas are mostly covered with steppe vegetation, which is a community [5].

The forests, steppes, mountains, valleys and waters of the Akmola region are rich and varied in animal life. The zoological potential of the Akmola region is represented by more than 300 species of wild animals (30 % of the entire fauna of Kazakhstan), including 109 rare and endangered species. The fauna includes almost 55 species of mammals, 180 species of birds, and about 30 species of fish. The animal world is formed from various types of animals adapted to the conditions of existence in the steppe and semi-desert zones. In the pine forests live deer, roe deer, and in the steppe and semi-desert areas - saigas, wolves, foxes [6]. There are many birds on the lakes.

The hunting grounds of the Akmola region are 12.8 million hectares, of which 8.9 million hectares are assigned to various organizations, and 81 hunting farms are registered [7]. The following types of hunting tourism are promising in the region: hunting geese and ducks, ungulates, winter hunting and wildlife photography. The best hunting grounds for geese and ducks are located in the Tselinograd, Korgalzhyn and Atbasar districts. Hunting farms of Tselinograd, Akkol, Sandyktau, Bulandy districts and Borovoye hunting farm with the establishment of snow cover organize hunting for brown hare.

The recreational potential of the Akmola region. As a significant prerequisite and a great opportunity for the development of the tourism industry is its recreational potential. But the main attraction, according to experts, is the aesthetic properties of the landscape. Its beauty and uniqueness can touch people's feelings and emotions, and this often plays a crucial role. The attractiveness of natural monuments of the Akmola region is no less important. Unique natural complexes are found in Burabay, Zerendy, Sandyktau, Kor-galzhyn, Yerementau, Akkol, and Enbekshilder districts. This creates favorable conditions for the development of inbound, domestic, ethnographic and ecological tourism.

The Kokshetau mountains stand out sharply against the background of the surrounding area. This complex mountain range consists of separate groups of rocky hills of various shapes. «The land that rings with a horseshoe» is the name given by local akyns to the Kokshetau mountain range (Sinegorye). It is low level. The height of individual hills does not reach 200-300 m. The highest peak of this horseshoe - shaped ridge is Kokshe (Sinyukha) (1047 m above sea level) [8]. From it, you can see a magnificent panorama of the fabulous Borovoye lake (Auliekol) in a green frame of pine forests and amazing granite rocks. Especially beautiful is the rock «Okzhetpes», made of large granite slabs. The most amazing in its bizarre shape is the rock «Zhumbaktas» («Sphinx»), which rose from the emerald waters of lake Borovoye, it fascinates every tourist. And in many other rocks carved by wind and rain, the art of nature is seen. This is the famous resort Borovoye, in Kazakh Burabay. This is a truly blessed land of silence, crystal clear air, blue mountains and emerald lakes. In August 2000, the state national natural Park «Burabay» was created on the basis of the resort [8].

The climate of Burabay is dry and healthy. The unique nature of Burabay is created by granite mountains, which, weathering, acquired a picturesque appearance. A large granite massif also contributes to the development of the local microclimate with increased precipitation, lower summer temperatures, and better protection from winds. On the slopes of the mountains and at their foot, trees, shrubs and grasses grow luxuriantly, which are not found in the vast steppe surrounding this «oasis». Dozens of freshwater lakes sparkle like a pearl necklace in this region: Borovoye (Auliekol), Karasye (Karasu), Shchuchye (Shortan-Kol), Light, Big and Small Chebachye, Kotyrkol. In the clear pure water are found pike, bream, perch, orfe, tench, carp. Pine trees look out from the steep cliffs into the lakes. In search of moisture, they ran picturesquely along the slopes of the mountains, stuck in the crevices of steep rocks, in a wild pile of granite stones. Birch, Siberian pea-tree, cherry, and elm trees grow well here. In the forest glades, the abundance of wild currants, cranberries, redberry. The local forests are rich in medicinal herbs and mushrooms.

The state national natural Park «Kokshetau» was organized by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in April 1996 in order to preserve and restore unique mountain and forest systems,

historical, archaeological and national culture monuments of Northern Kazakhstan [9, p.51]. His primary territory includes the mountains but the forests and the waters of lake Zerenda, Shalkar, the Imantau, Aiyrtau and natural areas. The administrative center of the Park is located in the city of Kokshetau.

The territory of the Park surprises with its beauty. The combination of picturesque glades bordered by birch and pine needles, high hills with rock outcrops, overgrown with woody and shrubby vegetation, with numerous lakes and swamps create a unique charm of these places. Each lake, glade, hill, spring has its own name. There are many legends and beliefs about the sacred birch, hills and other natural monuments.

The state national natural parks «Kokshetau» and «Burabay» are a convenient and promising territorial form of nature protection and recreation and tourism organization for the Akmola region [9, p.52].

Mountain and hill landscapes are also picturesque in the south-eastern part of the region. Among the notable landscapes include mountains of Yereimentau.

The Korgalzhyn nature reserve is of great interest. The main area of the reserve is occupied by the salt lake Tengiz. It and hundreds of small lakes scattered across the brackish steppe serve as an intermediate stops for flocks of migratory birds that annually migrate from north to south and from south to north along their age-old path along the Teniz-Korgalzhyn depression. In unexpected combinations, representatives of the plant and animal world are gathered in the reserve by nature itself.

Korgalzhyn reserve is deservedly called the land of undisturbed birds. In spring and autumn, more than three million of them rest here. At the same time, numerous herds of nomadic saiga pass through the western part of the reserve. Here nest colonies of the rarest bird - flamingos. This is the northernmost in the world and the only nesting place in Kazakhstan [10].

Great opportunities for ecotourism are provided by nature reserves: East zoological and Bulandy xoological (Enbekshilder district), Yerementau zoological (Y erementau district), Atbasar zoological (Atba-sar district). Geographically, the reserves are located mainly along the perimeter of the region, more tending to the steppe and low-mountain areas. Zoological ones absolutely predominate, which in most cases determines the specific directions of their use in tourism, from hunting and fishing to ecological excursions [11].

Akmola region is rich in authentic natural monuments - «exotic rocks and stones formed as a result of water, wind and glaciers; caves, waterfalls, burials of fossil fauna and flora, habitats of rare species of animals, etc.» [12]. Now there are 8 natural monuments of national significance in the region. They are of great interest for tourism (especially educational). Exotic rocks formed as a result of water and wind activity, glaciers, caves, waterfalls, burials of fossil flora and fauna, habitats of rare animal species, etc. The most important landscape monuments of inanimate nature are the exotic rocks «Okzhetpes», «Zhumbaktas», «Burabay», sharp hill «Helmet», pond with relict plantings, Galochya hill, Green Cape, Smolnaya hill, Crimson Cape, hills «Strekach» and «Pozharnaya», which are surrounded by surprisingly beautiful nature.

Research methods. When assessing the recreational natural resource potential, the following mandatory stages should be noted:

- selection of the object of assessment-natural complexes, their components and properties;

- selection of the subject from which the assessment is conducted;

- formulation of evaluation criteria that are determined by both the scope and purpose of the study, and the properties of the subject;

- development of parameters for grading scales.

In accordance with the subject's position in recreational geography, there are three main types of assessment of natural resources: medical-biological, psychological-aesthetic, and technological.

When considering the natural prerequisites (topography, climate, water resources, flora and fauna) and determining the tourist attractiveness of the natural landscapes of the Akmola region, we used both the descriptive method and the valuation method proposed by M. Mileska [13], who classified the types of natural landscapes according to their attractiveness for recreation and tourism.

Results. According to this method, the classification of types of natural landscapes in 17 administrative districts of the region was carried out. The result of the classification of landscape types was the sum of points that were used to evaluate terrain, water, forests, and additional attractive natural features. Using a value scale from 0 to 3 points, we identified four groups of regions with different degrees of tourist attractiveness. The applied system of assessing natural conditions and resources allowed us to compare different territories and identify the opportunities of the geographical environment for the development of mass tourism (table).

Distribution of districts of Akmola region depending on the degree of tourist attractiveness

The number of points The degree of tourist attractiveness Name of the districts

3 points Very favorable Burabay, Zerendy, Sandyktau, Korgalzhyn, Yerementau

2 points Favorable Enbekshilder, Akkol, Bulandy, Tselinograd, Arshaly, Shortandy

1 point Scarcely favorable Yesil, Atbasar, Astrakhan

0 points Unfavorable Zharkain, Zhaksy, Egindykol

The physical and geographical approach allowed us to distinguish the following main groups of landscapes of the Akmola region in terms of their recreational quality and opportunities for organizing various types of recreation and tourism. It is based on landscape zoning.

1. Landscapes with very favorable conditions for long and all types of short-term recreation (3 points). The analysis shows that the low-mountain forest landscapes of the Kokshetau upland, the northern part of the Kazakh folded country are favorable for organizing summer and winter types of tourism.

2. Landscapes with favorable conditions (2 points) for all types of short-term individual and mass recreation. These include low-mountain and hillocky steppe landscapes of the Kazakh folded country.

3. Landscapes with scarcely favorable conditions for recreation (1 point) form dry-steppe small-scale, dry-steppe flat, semi-desert small-scale and semi-desert flat landscapes. These include a number of districts oftThe Atbasar dry-steppe plain province and the Teniz depression. They are characterized by poorly divided terrain, complete absence of woody vegetation, and a small number of natural and artificial reservoirs.

Discussion of the results and conclusions. Thus, the most attractive recreational resources are concentrated in Burabay, Zerendy, Sandyktau, Korgalzhyn, and Yerementau districts. Diverse terrain, rich flora and fauna, abundance of lakes, healing climate, radon springs, beauty of landscapes distinguish these landscape zones from others. For the development of specific types of tourism promising are Akkol, Bulandy, Enbekshilder, Shortandy, Tselinograd, Arshaly districts. Atbasar, Astrakhan, Yegindykol, Yessil, Zhaksyn and Zharkain districts of the region are the least attractive for mass tourism. Dry-steppe plains and dry-steppe small-scale landscapes offer few conditions for a comfortable stay.


[1] Official website of the Committee on statistics of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Retrieved April 28, 2020 from https://stat.gov.kz/.

[2] Chigarkin A.V. Geoecology of Kazakhstan (Geographical aspects of nature management and nature protection). Textbook for students of geographical and environmental specialties of universities. Almaty: Kazakh University, 2006. 414 p.

[3] Akmola: encyclopedia. Almaty: Atamura, 1995. 400 p.

[4] Map of the Akmola region. Retrieved April 28, 2020 from https://www.google.com/maps/place/.

[5] Akhmedsafin U. M., Dzhabasov M. Kh., Slugina VF Resources and the use of underground waters of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Nauka, 1972. 155 p.

[6] Forestry of the Akmola region / Department of statistics of the Akmola region. Kokshetau, 2006.

[7] Formozov A. N. Animal world of Kazakhstan. M.: Nauka, 1987. 147 p.

[8] Official website of the National park «Burabay». Retrieved May 05, 2020 from http://parkburabay.kz/.

[9] Duysen G. M. National parks of Kazakhstan and their role in the development of tourism // Transit economy. 1998. N 4. P. 50-55.

[10] Official website of the Korgalzhyn reserve. Retrieved May 05, 2020 from http://korgalzap.kz/ru/.

[11] Titova M. A. Potential and prospects of ecotourism development in the Akmola region // Bulletin of the Treasury. Geographical series. 2005. N 1. P. 103-107.

[12] Chigarkin A.V. Monuments of nature of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Kainar, 1980. 120 p.

[13] Mileska M. I. Regiony turystyczne Polski. Stan obecny i potencjalne warunki rozwoju // Prace Geogr. JG PAN. Warszawa, 1963. N 43. P. 14-18.


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[3] Акмола: энциклопедия. - Алматы: Атамура, 1995. - 400 с.

[4] Карта Акмолинской области. - Электронный ресурс: URL: https://www.google.com/maps/place/ - Дата обращения: 28.04.2020.

[5] Ахмедсафин У.М., Джабасов М.Х., Шлыгина В.Ф. Ресурсы и использование подземных вод Казахстана. - Алма-Ата: Наука, 1972. - 155 с.

[6] Лесное хозяйство Акмолинской области / Управление по статистике Акмолинской области. - Кокшетау, 2006.

[7] Формозов А.Н. Животный мир Казахстана. - М.: Наука, 1987. - 147 с.

[8] Официальный сайт ГНПП «Бурабай». - Электронный ресурс: URL: http://parkburabay.kz/. Дата обращения: 05.05.2020.

[9] Дуйсен Г.М. Национальные парки Казахстана и их роль в развитии туризма // Транзитная экономика. - 1998. -№ 4. - С. 50-55.

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[11] Титова М.А. Потенциал и перспективы развития экологического туризма в Акмолинской области // Вестник КазНУ. Серия географическая. - 2005. - № 1. - С. 103-107.

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[13] Mileska M. I. Regiony turystyczne Polski. Stan obecny i potencjalne warunki rozwoju // Prace Geogr. JG PAN. -Warszawa, 1963. - № 43. - C. 14-18.

Т. В. Имангулова1, А. С. Евлоева2, М. А. Титова3

1П.г.к., кауымдастырылган профессор, туризм факультетшщ деканы (Казак спорт жэне туризм академиясы, Алматы, Казакстан) 2Магистр, туризм жэне сервис кафедрасыньщ докторанты (Казак спорт жэне туризм академиясы, Алматы, Казахстан) 3Г.г.к., Стратегиялык жоспарлау, талдау жэне мониторинг бeлiмiнщ басшысы (Акмола облысыныц туризм баскармасы, Кекшетау, Казакстан)


Аннотация. Акмола облысыныц туриспк-рекреациялык элеуеп шшара гана игершген табиги, тарихи-мэдени ресурстардыц кец спектрiмен ^сынылган. Макалада табиги ресурстардыц тартымдылыгынын багалау аркылы туризмдi дамыту Yшiн Акмола облысыныц нег^рлым перспективалык аудандарын белуге эрекет жасалды. Авторлармен облыстыц физикалык-географиялык сипаттамасы берiлген, оныц рекреациялык элеуетi толык сипатталган. Пункттер бойынша багалау эдiсiнiц кeмегiмен облыстыц 17 эшмшшк ауданы бойынша табиги ландшафттар типтерiн ж1ктеу жYргiзiлдi, б^л эртYрлi аумактарды салыстыруга жэне туризм -нщ б^каралык тYрлерiн дамыту Yшiн географиялык ортаныц мYмкiндiктерiн аныктауга мYмкiндiк бердi. Акмола облысыныц демалысы мен туризмiн дамытудыц табиги алгышарттарын багалау нэтижелерi бойынша бiркатар корытындылар жасалды.

ТYЙiн сездер: туризм, табиги ресурстар, рекреациялык элеует, туристж тартымдылыгы, багалау эдiсi.

Т. В. Имангулова1, А. С. Евлоева2, М. А. Титова3

1К.п.н., ассоциированный профессор, декан факультета туризма (Казахская академия спорта и туризма, Алматы, Казахстан) 2Магистр, докторант кафедры туризма и сервиса (Казахская академия спорта и туризма, Алматы, Казахстан) 3К.г.н., руководитель отдела стратегического планирования, анализа и мониторинга

(Управление туризма Акмолинской области, Кокшетау, Казахстан)


Аннотация. Туристско-рекреационный потенциал Акмолинской области представлен широким спектром природных, историко-культурных ресурсов, освоенных лишь частично. В статье предпринята попытка выделения наиболее перспективных районов Акмолинской области для развития туризма через оценку аттрак-тивности природных ресурсов. Авторами дана подробная физико-географическая характеристика области, детально описан ее рекреационный потенциал. При помощи метода бонитировки по пунктам была проведена классификация типов природных ландшафтов по 17 административным районам области, что позволило сравнить различные территории и выявить возможности географической среды для развития массовых видов туризма. По результатам оценки природных предпосылок развития отдыха и туризма Акмолинской области сделан ряд выводов.

Ключевые слова: туризм, природные ресурсы, рекреационный потенциал, туристская аттрактивность, метод бонитировки.

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