УДК 8:811.111
Matisakova Fatima
Osh State University Supervisor: Abdykadyrova Suto R.
Osh State University Osh, Kyrgyzstan
This work is devoted to the study of the linguistic features of monologues in English-language video blogs. Recently, blogs have pushed home pages and portals, gathering around themselves more and more active users, attracted by the many opportunities promised by the site administration, and therefore, this topic is currently relevant. The object of the study is English-language video blogging. The aim of the study is a comprehensive study of the features of monologues in English-language video blogs. The significance of this work lies in the deepening of linguistic knowledge about Internet communication and blogging as its genre.
Key words
monologue, video blog, internet, language, linguistic.
Матисакова Фатима
Ошский государственный университет Научный руководитель: Абдыкадырова Сюита Рысбаевна
Ошский государственный университет Ош, Кыргызстан
Данная работа посвящена изучению лингвистических особенностей монологов в англоязычных видеоблогах. В последнее время блоги потеснили домашние страницы и порталы, собирая вокруг себя все больше активных пользователей, привлекаемых многими возможностями, обещаемыми администрацией сайтов, в связи с чем, в настоящее время данная тема является актуальной. Объектом исследования является англоязычный видеоблогинг. Целью исследования является комплексное изучение особенностей монологов в англоязычных видеоблогах. Значимость данной работы состоят в углублении лингвистических знаний об интернет-коммуникации и блога как ее жанра.
Ключевые слова монолог, видеоблог, интернет, язык, лингвистический.
The 21st century can be safely called the century of the media revolution, when information transmission channels are rapidly developing, and the main media space is occupied by social networks. Today everyone can produce content: after mass culture, its mass producers appeared: mass director, mass cameraman, mass film critic.
For example, among social media over the past three years, YouTube has shown the greatest dynamics, it also has the largest audience in the world, having already overtaken Facebook. YouTube at the same time
ISSN (p) 2411-7161 / ISSN (e) 2712-9500
№3 / 2023
has long been a direct competitor to television. YouTube, like television, is just a channel for the dissemination of information. Today it is a space where a variety of content is placed and representatives of various fields of activity seek the attention of the audience.
Since 2008, blogs have become extremely popular, especially in Western Europe, as well as the United States, in connection with which, according to statistics, a new blog was created every second of every minute of every hour of every day. But here it is impossible not to mention Kyrgyzstan, which is moving forward in the development of video blogs. 45 Kyrgyz YouTube channels have over 100,000 subscribers. The total number of views on these channels is more than half a billion. 1 channel has over a million subscribers, another one is on its way to that number.
There are many sites that present various Youtube channel ratings by country. But they have one drawback. Not all YouTube users indicate the country of Kyrgyzstan.
Table 1 shows the maximum rating of all Youtube channels opened by the Kyrgyz people.
Table 1
Номер в рейтинге название подписчики просмотры категории
1 KIDS 312 3 736 524 883 175 313 детский
2 Мастер Сергеич 915989 128432859 образовательный
3 KIDS 312 Cartoon Series Learning... 871196 9899 детский
4 SOLO 608493 237705429 музыка
5 Акыркы Кабарлар Санжар Калматай 597 883 248 367 140 Новости
6 haos Lite 593625 156058521 развлекательный
7 Сань Янь 531193 148373089 музыка
8 Azattyk 516203 205028981 Новости
9 Super.kg 462937 178 362 979 Новости
10 Насаат Медиа 386 762 68 741 409 религия
So what is a blog?
A blog (from the expression weblog) is a discussion or information website published on the World Wide Web, consisting of discrete, often informal text entries in an Internet diary. Prior to 2009, blogs were typically the work of an individual, sometimes a small group, and often covered a single subject or topic. 2010 saw the emergence of "multi-author blogs" (MABs), which feature posts from a large number of authors and are sometimes professionally edited. Similar blogs from newspapers, other media, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an increasing amount of blog traffic on the Internet today.
Many blogs focus on a specific topic, ranging from politics to sports. In education, blogs can be used as learning resources. These blogs are called educational blogs (edublogs).
There are even training courses for Stream bloggers: learning the stages of creating content for YouTube and Twitch: choosing a topic for filming videos and post-production, how to gain subscribers, promoting a video blog and making money on it. One of the criteria for studying in such courses is the study of oratory. Since among the many functions of a blog (self-presentation, entertainment, rallying and retention of social ties, memoirs, self-development and reflection, and psychotherapeutic), the communicative function is in the first place.
A monologue for a video blogger is the main tool for maintaining his blog, as well as the most important and often quick way to convey information to his audience.
The vast majority of video bloggers use monologue speech as their main tool, with the exception of video blogs, where the main content is dialogic speech - for example, blogs with interviews. However, monologues can also be found in such blogs - for example, in various advertising inserts, or appeals to their
audience, a blogger can either conduct a monologue before / after communication with his interlocutor, or in between their dialogues [1].
Next, consider the features of the language of the video blog:
- hyperbole is often used in the speech of bloggers: - For your sake, Mrs. Encarna, I will swallow a brick if necessary (response to the recommendation to carefully take the pills prescribed by the doctor) [vlog Nostalgia Critic];
- synonyms and antonyms: synonym «a short amount of time out», «it's right next to the State Home for the Ugly» and antonym «Little surprised to see» [vlog Nostalgia Critic];
- start the video with a specific phrase: Do you know that.....And me again.....Hi all.....Friends, I'm with
you again... and others;
- contrasting is a very common syntactic device on the blog: «...there it is guys those are the top 11 Nostalgia Critic episodes I will never do, I will never review, I have no interest in doing them at all, SO STOP ASKING! Now you know what's gonna happen; I'm gonna, I'm gonna get all sorts of new, other, reviews to constantly, ask, to do well, okay, and then I'll make another top 11 list so...there it is guys thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed and uhm, that's it. Take care» [vlog Nostalgia Critic];
- use of elliptical sentences in speech: No pains, no gains. All right! See you later. What about her? Take care and others;
- exclamatory and interrogative sentences: Hat's fitting! Whoa! My testicles just hit the floor! I don't wear hockey pads! and others.
The main difference between a monologue and a dialogue is precisely the fact that during monologue speech, there can be only one speaker, when two people are conducting a dialogue.
So, it can be argued that a monologue is very important for a modern video blogger, since monologue speech is the main way a blogger communicates with his audience through his videos.
Monologues are now actively used in the speech of video bloggers, as the authors use them to try to convey a certain idea to their viewer. The essence of video blogging is to use some video clips to talk about any problem of interest to a particular blogger, whether it be a political situation, a cultural aspect, such as cinema, music, literature, etc., or a regular live blog - a monologue is always the main tool for the vlogger.
List of used literature:
1. Crystal, D. Language and the Internet [Text] / D. Crystal. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
2. Oxford dictionaries online. - Elektron. dan. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Sensagent Dictionary. - Elektron. dan. - Sensagent Corporation, 2015.
3. Merriam-Webster Online. URL: http://www.merriam-webster.com/
4. Blogs Nostalgia Critic. /https://www.youtube.com/user/achannelthatsawesome
©Matisakova F., 2023