UDC 332.143
Buryk Zoriana Mykhajlivna,
Doctor of science in Public Administration, Professor, Department of Management and Business Administration, Institute of Graduate Studies and Preuniversity Education Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University 76018, Ivano-Frankivsk, 57 Shevchenko Str, tel. 067-999-42-40, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4394-6766 Бурик Зоряна Михайлiвна, доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор кафедри управлтня та бгз-нес-адмШстрування 1нституту тслядипломног освти та довузiвськоi тдготов-ки Прикарпатського нащонального утверситету iM. В. Стефаника, 76018, м. 1ва-но-Франтвськ, вул. Шевченка, 57, тел. 067-999-42-40, e-mail: [email protected], https:// orcid.org/0000-0002-4394-6766
Бурик Зоряна Михайловна,
доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор кафедры управления и бизнес-администрирования Института последипломного образования и довузовской подготовки Прикарпатского национального университета им. В. Стефаника, 76018, г. Ивано-Франковск, ул. Шевченко, 57, тел. 067-999-42-40, e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4394-6766
Abstract. Today, the need and relevance of planning activities at the local level is beyond doubt. In Ukraine, as in other countries of the world, it is the strategic approach to territorial development planning that is being actively developed and introduced. The article examines the essence of strategic planning of territorial development as a component of local government in the context of decentralization, regional development and the formation of the information society. The functions of strategic management, which are implemented during the planning process and the implementation of which contributes to the economic and social development of the region, are considered. The basic principles of strategic planning at the regional level are identified, which significantly accelerate political, economic, social, technological, environmental and other changes in the development of territories. The peculiarities of strategic planning that would help
to meet the challenges of today's globalized world are summarized and the importance of SMART-specialization in modern conditions is proved, the importance of achieving sustainable development goals through strategic planning is determined. It is emphasized that the functions performed by planning are changing, as the direct role of planning in the local government system undergoes significant changes, taking into account new values and long-term priorities. The article gives a comparative description of traditional and strategic planning, which are taken into account in the development of development plans and is the basis of different approaches to the development of strategies for their development. The system of goals of strategic planning of local development in the context of increasing the competitiveness of territories and regions is considered, which combines operational and strategic goals, priorities of territorial development in the long run and the results of the strategic vision of territorial development.
Keywords: regional development, decentralization, territorial management, tool, development strategy.
Анотащя. На сьогодш необхщшсть та актуальшсть планувальноТ дiяль-hoctí на мюцевому píbhí не викликае cyMHÍBÍB. В УкраТш, як й в шших кра-Тнах свпу, активно розвиваеться i запроваджуеться саме стратепчний шд-хiд до планування територiального розвитку. У статт дослiджено сyтнiсть стратегiчного планування розвитку територш як складовоТ системи мюце-вого yправлiння у контекстi децентра^заци, регiонального розвитку та ста-новлення iнформацiйного сyспiльства. Розглянуто функцй стратепчного yправлiння, якi реалiзyються пiд час процесу планування, та виконання яких сприяе економiчномy та сощальному розвитку регюну. Визначено основ-нi принципи стратепчного планування на регюнальному рiвнi, якi iстотно пришвидшують полiтичнi, економiчнi, соцiальнi, технологiчнi, екологiчнi та iншi змiни розвитку територiй. Узагальнено особливост стратегiчного планування, якi б допомагали вщповюти на виклики сучасного глобалiзованого свiтy, та доведено значення SMART-cпецiалiзацiТ в сучасних умовах, визначено важливють досягнення цiлей сталого розвитку за допомогою стратепч-ного планування. Шдкреслено, що функцй', яю виконуе планування, видо-змiнюються, оскшьки зазнае суттевих змiн безпосередня роль планування у системi мiсцевого управлшня з урахуванням нових цiнностей i довгостроко-вих прiоритетiв. У стати дано порiвняльнy характеристику традицiйного та стратепчного планування, яю враховуються при розробщ Планiв розвитку територiй, та е основою рiзних пiдходiв до розробки Стратегш Тх розвитку. Розглянуто систему щлей стратегiчного планування мюцевого розвитку в контекстi пiдвищення конкурентоспроможносп територiй i регiонiв, яка по-еднуе оперативнi i стратегiчнi цш, прiоритети територiального розвитку в довгостроковiй перспективi та пiдсyмки стратегiчного бачення розвитку територш.
Ключовi слова: регюнальний розвиток, децентралiзацiя, управлшня те-риторiями, iнструмент, стратегiя розвитку.
Аннотация. На сегодня необходимость и актуальность планировочной деятельности на местном уровне не вызывает сомнений. В Украине, как и в других странах мира, активно развивается и внедряется именно стратегический подход к планированию территориального развития. В статье исследована сущность стратегического планирования развития территорий как составляющей системы местного управления в контексте децентрализации, регионального развития и становления информационного общества. Рассмотрены функции стратегического управления, которые реализуются в процессе планирования, и выполнение которых способствует экономическому и социальному развитию региона. Определены основные принципы стратегического планирования на региональном уровне, которые существенно ускоряют политические, экономические, социальные, технологические, экологические и другие изменения развития территорий. Обзор особенности стратегического планирования, которые помогали ответить на вызовы современного глобализирующегося мира, и доказано значение SMART-cпеци-ализации в современных условиях, определены важность достижения целей устойчивого развития с помощью стратегического планирования. Подчеркнуто, что функции, которые выполняет планирование, видоизменяются, поскольку претерпевает существенные изменения непосредственная роль планирования в системе местного управления с учетом новых ценностей и долгосрочных приоритетов. В статье дана сравнительная характеристика традиционного и стратегического планирования, которые учитываются при разработке планов развития территорий, и является основой различных подходов к разработке стратегий их развития. Рассмотрена система целей стратегического планирования местного развития в контексте повышения конкурентоспособности территорий и регионов, которая сочетает оперативные и стратегические цели, приоритеты территориального развития в долгосрочной перспективе и итоги стратегического видения развития территорий.
Ключевые слова: региональное развитие, децентрализация, управление территориями, инструмент, стратегия развития.
Problem statement. Among the reforms that are being carried out in Ukraine, the administrative-territorial reform is of great importance, without which it is impossible to ensure sustainable economic development of indi-
vidual regions, increase their competitiveness and increase the contribution of individual regions to the growth of the state's economy. An important tool for managing the development of territories in modern dynamic conditions
is strategic planning, which is focused on the national and regional levels. The implementation of strategic decisions largely depends on the regional authorities and local self-government authorities. In modern conditions, the tendencies of SMART-specialization of regional development, innovativeness of development of territories, stimulation of sustainable development have become widespread. The relevance of the research topic is confirmed in the increasing importance of strategizing at the level of individual territories, the spread of modern trends in the development and implementation of regional strategies.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Great contribution to the study of theoretical and methodological aspects of the strategic planning of territorial development made Berdanov A., Bryl M., Vakulenko B., Vartsaba B., Vrublevskyi A., Zub D., Kish G., and other scientists. However, the uncertainty of certain issues related to the organization of strategic planning for the development of territories requires further theoretical and practical developments in this direction.
Purpose of the article — the content of the study of strategic planning development of the region as an instrument of strategic management, its basic principles and strategic planning documents.
Presentation of the main material.
According to the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021-2027 from 5 of August 2020 № 695, strategic planning is an important tool for state strategic management of the development of the region, helps maintain economic proportions and coordinates
the work of all links of the state's economic system. At the same time, the State Strategy Regional Development for 2021-2027 indicates that a certain potential of strategic plans for the implementation of projects at the regional level is not the main instrument of regional development, but only one of its components [5]. Strategic management of the development of a region is defined as a type of management in which the functioning of a separate territory, focused on target requirements, quickly adapts to the external environment, selects means to increase the competitiveness of the territory, as a result, ensures stable development in the long term [10, art. 93], (see fig.).
Strategic management of territories performs five functions: planning a strategy for a specific territory; organization and implementation of the formed action plan; coordination of actions for implementation of strategic objectives; motivation to achieve the desired strategic results; control over the implementation of the plan for the strategic development of the territory [3, art. 132].
Strategic planning, being a component of strategic management of the socio-economic development of the region and the main function of the management activities of local self-government authorities, aimed at developing strategic decisions, the implementation of which provides for the effective functioning of a certain territorial community in the long term. The development of strategic decisions involves the definition of specific goals and strategies for the behavior of management subjects.
Strategic planning is aimed at making important decisions regarding re-
Principles of strategic planning at the regional level
Principles of strategic planning at the regional level
Source: compiled by the author [8].
gional development, planning certain events, programs and projects aimed at implementing changes for the desired future state of the region [9, art. 302].
Strategic planning involves a comprehensive study of the situation, analysis of the external environment and in-
ternal potential of the region, the study of society's problems, planning a vision for the development of the territory and assessing future strategic alternatives.
State regulation of socio-economic processes cannot be effective without strategic planning. The functions of
strategic planning are entrusted to local self-government authorities and authorities of the corresponding level, which determine the stages of strategic planning and implement the regional development strategy. At the same time, strategic planning is based on communication between public authorities and society, therefore, planning takes into account the interests of the parties, concentrates the efforts and resources of all participants in regional development, contributes to the consolidation of decisions for their implementation.
In figure shows the basic principles of strategic planning for the development of territories at the regional
The development of territories is characterized by a complex of spatial, economic, social, cultural, spiritual, environmental and other factors that must be taken into account in the process of strategic territorial planning. That is why not one, but a number of planning documents are being developed for the territories, each of which has its own object and purpose. Together, they form an integral planning system for the development of territories.
Obligatory components of the basic strategic planning documents at the local level are: a local development strategy; spatial programs (master plans of settlements); annual programs of socioeconomic and cultural development of the territory [2, art. 89].
Key trends in strategic planning at the regional level include the following:
1. Orientation on strategizing the development of individual territories (decentralization in planning).
2. Focus for achieving the 2030 Global Sustainable Development Goals.
3. Application of SMART specialization approach to regional development planning. Search for backbone industries and sub-sectors of regional development.
4. Development of regional cluster formations and stimulation of innovation.
5. Wide involvement of stakeholders (public, entrepreneurs) in the discussion of the problems of development of the territory.
6. Setting and monitoring the achievement of key KRI for the development strategy of the region/territory.
Considering the development of a region from the standpoint of using its comparative advantages, we can say that regions accelerate their development when they use their comparative advantages over other regions in the production of goods and services that are in demand. Such specialization in the production of goods and services is called a reasonable specialization or SMART specialization of the region (from "smart" — smart). At the same time, the region has the opportunity not only to stimulate its development, but also its influence on the development of the state and participation in globalization processes.
The plan for the implementation of the provisions of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement was to predict the introduction of smart specialization into the system of strategic planning for regional development. In pursuance of this plan, it was envisaged to amend the relevant regulatory framework. One of the Resolutions of the CMU [12] defines smart specialization an approach that provides for a reasoned definition
by the subjects of regional development within the framework of the regional strategy of individual strategic goals and objectives for the development of economic activities that have innovative potential, taking into account the competitive advantages of the region and contribute to the transformation of economic sectors into more effective, and at least one strategic goal of the regional strategy should be determined based on smart specialization. The choice of such priorities should take into account the world market and technological trends of innovative development and facilitate the search for those areas of economic activity in the region that are competitive at the national and international level.
In domestic practice, when planning the strategic development of territories, the main attention is paid to the development of a Strategy (document). Let us compare the traditional approach, the approach of strategic planning and the use of SMART specialization (Table).
The primary tasks of strategic planning are to accelerate the economic growth of territories, increase their competitiveness through the effective use of internal potential, increase new jobs, improve employment, create conditions for the return of labor migrants to their homeland. This is what can give a rapid and steady growth in the quality of human life, regardless of where she was born and where she lives now and where she will live in the future [7, art. 25].
Local authorities often face questions about the lack of necessary resources when it is necessary to decide on the priority of the areas for allocating funds: for improving roads, for the development of education and medicine, for the reconstruction of housing and communal infrastructure, for supporting the development of entrepre-neurship. In order to avoid such questions, it is necessary to correctly draw up a strategy for the development of territories, determine priority goals, and develop scenarios for the develop-
Features of traditional, strategic planning and planning based on SMART
Traditional planning Strategic planning Strategic planning using Smart specialization
Orientation on the development of the Strategy Orientation on the implementation of the Strategy Orientation on the implementation of the Strategy and on stimulating the development of key industries
Technocratic approach A partnership approach A partnership approach
Hard implementation Flexible implementation Flexible implementation
Orientation on the current state of affairs Change of orientation Change orientation and synergy
Compliance with specifications of monitoring Performance monitoring Performance monitoring for key KRI
Emphasis on Strategy (document) Emphasis on implementation plan Emphasis on implementation plan
Source: compiled by the author based on [8].
ment of territories in existing conditions. In order to draw up and substantiate the Territorial Development Plan, it is necessary to carry out complex work related to the analysis of all internal and external factors affecting the development of the territories. But it is not enough just to collect information, it is necessary to find out the specific advantages and disadvantages and justify the strategic choice for the development of territories.
The system of goals for strategic planning of local development includes the following elements: operational goals, which are to be achieved within 1-3 years; strategic goals, which are implemented within 3-5 years; territorial development priorities in the long term (10-15 years); the results of the strategic vision of the development of territories (from 10 to 15 years) [11, art. 341].
So, in order for the strategic planning of the development of territories to become an effective tool of strategic management, it is necessary: based on the study of the needs of individual territories, prepare a high-quality strategic plan for the development of territories, which should be integrated into the activities of all organizational structures of government, public organizations and local business; to form a clear system for organizing the process of developing a strategic plan and an algorithm of actions that unites the efforts of all participants in territorial development.
It is necessary to attract all types of capital available in the community to the implementation of the developed Territorial Development Strategy, which will allow to form the competitive advantages of individual territo-
ries. An important condition for the effectiveness of strategic planning is: the feasibility of the goals; thorough monitoring of the socio-economic situation of the region (territory); focus on strategy innovation; optimal choice of SMART specialization industries.
Conclusions. Strategic planning for the development of territories is a component of the system of strategic management of their socio-economic development and consists in determining the directions and ways to achieve the desired state of management objects, the implementation of which ensures their effective functioning in the long term and rapid adaptation to the peculiarities of the external environment. The current stage of territorial development planning in Ukraine is characterized by a tendency of transition from traditional planning to planning with a focus on ensuring sustainable development. The SMART specialization of regional development is becoming widespread in the EU countries, and it has also begun to be applied in Ukraine when developing strategies.
The implementation of strategic planning tools contributes to the development of various forms of cooperation and cooperation with business structures of the region and is the basis for detailed planning of the development of territories, the development of economic clusters.
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