Научная статья на тему 'Сравнительно-правовой анализ законодательного регулирования правоохранительной деятельности Турции и Казахстана'

Сравнительно-правовой анализ законодательного регулирования правоохранительной деятельности Турции и Казахстана Текст научной статьи по специальности «Право»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Сравнительно-правовой анализ законодательного регулирования правоохранительной деятельности Турции и Казахстана»

УДК 342.52; 34.05; 34.07



Dostan Dosmyrza

Head of Department of constitutional, administrative legislation and public administration of the Legislation Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail: [email protected]

Almas Kanatovich Kanatov

Head of Department of criminal, criminal procedural, criminal executive legislation and forensic examination of the Legislation Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail: [email protected]

Considering the legislative regulation in the sphere of law enforcement activity the specialists emphasize that effective and qualitative regulation is the basis for state and public law and order protection. The authors of this article draw attention to the important aspect: comparative law analysis of legislative regulation of law enforcement Turkey and Kazakhstan. Carrying out of such analysis allowed finding out advantages and some disadvantages in legislation, regulating the activities of law enforcement bodies of the Turkish Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

It is noted that the Kazakh legislation on the law enforcement service is exemplary in the post-Soviet countries, but taking into account the events, taking place in the world, first of all it is necessary to improve the legislation, based on positive international experience and also constantly improve the practices of law enforcement bodies themselves.

This article considers the legal framework of activities of basic and special law enforcement services of Turkey and Kazakhstan, compares the positive experience, which can be taken in order to improve the legislation. Consideration of the regulatory and legal framework of the Turkish law enforcement bodies allowed making one of the most important conclusions - the similarities with the legal framework of Kazakhstan's law enforcement system can be traced.

Basing on generalized analysis of the regulatory framework of The Turkish Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan and existing theoretical views, the author worked out proposals aimed at improving the legislation and which can be taken into account in the legislative process of Kazakhstan and Turkey.

Key words: legislation; regulations; analysis of legal regulation; comparative law analysis; law enforcement activity.

Туркияныц жэне Казакстанныц кукык ^opFay кызметш зацнамалык реттеудщ салыстырмалы-кукыктык талдауы

Достан Досмырза

Цазацстан Республикасы Зацнама институтыныц конституциялыц, экiмшiлiк зацнама жэне мемлекеттт басцару бвлiмiнiц бастыгы, зац гылымдарыныц кандидаты, Астана цаласы, Цазацстан Республикасы; e-mail: [email protected]

Алмас Канатулы Канатов

Цазацстан Республикасы Зацнама институтыныц цылмыстыц, цылмыстыц w ЖYргiзу, цылмыстыц атцару зацнамасы жэне сот са-раптамасы бвлiмiнiц бастыгы, зац гылымдарыныц кандидаты, доцент, Астана цаласы, Цазацстан Республикасы; e-mail: [email protected]

№3 (44) 2016 ж. Цазацстан Республикасы Зацнама институтыныц жаршысы

Кез келген мемлекеттщ к¥кык коргау кызмет саласындагы зацнамалык реттеудi карастыруда мемлекеттiк жэне когамдык к¥кыктык тэртiптi коргау Yшiн негiздеме тиiмдi жэне сапалы к¥кыктык реттеу болып табылатынын мамандар атап кетедi. Аталмыш макаланыц авторлары ТYркия жэне Казакстанныц к¥кык коргау жYЙелершщ зацнамалык базаларын салыстырмалы-к¥кыктык талдаудыц мацызды аспектiсiне назар аударады. Осындай талдауды жYргiзу барысында ТYркия Республикасы жэне К&закстан Республикасыныц к¥кык коргау органдары кызметш реттейтiн зацнаманыц артыкшылыктарын жэне кейбiр кемшiлiктерiн айкындауга мYмкiн болды.

ТМД елдершщ кещстшнде к¥кык коргау кызметi туралы Казакстанныц зацнамасы Yлгiлi болып саналады, бiрак элемде болып жаткан окигаларды ескере отырып бiрiншi кезенде зацнаманы жетiлдiру Yшiн халыкаралык тэжiрибеге CYЙенiп, сонымен катар к¥кык коргау органдарыныц практикалык кызметiн эрдайым жетiлдiру кажет.

Макалада ТYркия жэне Казакстанныц негiзгi жэне арнайы к¥кык коргау органдары кызметшщ к¥кыктык базасы карастырылады, зацнаманы жетiлдiру максатында колдануга мYмкiн болатын оц тэжiрибенiц салыстыруы кврсетiлген. Туркия кукык коргау органдары жYЙесiнiц нормативтiк кукыктык базасын карастыру барысында мацызды бiр шешiм кабылдауга мiмкiн болды -Казакстандык кукык коргау жYЙесiнiц кукыктык негiзiмен уксастыгы айкын кврiнедi.

ТYркия Республикасы жэне Казакстан Республикасыныц нормативтш кукыктык базасын жалпы талдау мен белгш теориялык квзкарастарга CYенiп, автормен ТYркия жэне Казакстанныц зацшыгармашылык процесте назарга алуга болатын зацнаманы жетiлдiруге багытталган усыныстар эзiрлендi.

ТYйiн свздер: зацнама; нормативтж цщыцтыц акттер; зацнамалъщ реттеуд1 талдау; салыстырмалы-цуцыцтыц талдау; цщыц цоргау цызмет1.

Сравнительно-правовой анализ законодательного регулирования правоохранительной деятельности

Турции и Казахстана

Досмырза Достан

Начальник отдела конституционного, административного законодательства и государственного управления Института законодательства Республики Казахстан, кандидат юридических наук, г. Астана, Республика Казахстан; e-mail: [email protected]

Канатов Алмас Канатович

Начальник отдела уголовного, уголовно-процессуального, уголовно-исполнительного законодательства и судебной экспертизы Института законодательства Республики Казахстан, кандидат юридических наук, доцент, г. Астана, Республика Казахстан; e-mail: [email protected]

Рассматривая законодательное регулирование в сфере правоохранительной деятельности любого государства, специалисты отмечают, что эффективное и качественное нормативное регулирование является основой для охраны государственного и общественного правового порядка. Авторы данной статьи обращает внимание именно на такой важный аспект сравнительно-правовой анализ законодательных баз правоохранительных систем Турции и Казахстана. Проведение такого анализа позволило определить преимущества и некоторые недостатки в законодательстве, регулирующие деятельность правоохранительных органов Турецкой Республики и Республики Казахстан.

Отмечается, что Казахстанское законодательство о правоохранительной службе является образцовым в странах постсоветского пространства, но учитывая события, происходящие в мире в первую очередь необходимо совершенствовать законодательство, опираясь на положительный международный опыт, а также постоянно совершенствовать практику деятельности самих правоохранительных органов.

В статье рассматривается правовая база деятельности основных и специальных правоохранительных служб Турции и Казахстана, приводится сравнение положительного опыта, который можно применить в целях совершенствования законодательства. Рассмотрение нормативной правовой базы системы правоохранительных органов Турции позволило сделать один из важных выводов -прослеживается сходство с правовой основой казахстанской правоохранительной системы.

Исходя из обобщенного анализа нормативно-правовой базы Турецкой Республики и Республики Казахстан и существующих теоретических взглядов, авторами выработаны предложения, направленные на совершенствование законодательства, которые можно приять во внимание в законотворческом процессе Казахстана и Турции.

Ключевые слова: законодательство; нормативные правовые акты; анализ законодательного регулирования; сравнительно-правовой анализ; правоохранительная деятельность.

Main part

In one of his scientific researches [2, p. 52] the author expressed the opinion that in Turkey there is no comprehensive normative legal act, such as the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On law enforcement service»1 in Kazakhstan that would define general principles and rules of regulation in the field of law enforcement. However, in the course of the thorough analysis of the legislation in the field of law enforcement it was found that the current Law of the Republic of Turkey №2 3201 «On security organizations»2, which was adopted in 1937, has an amazing resemblance to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Law enforcement service» adopted in 2011.

In the table number 1 the author tried to make the comparative analysis of the structure of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On law enforcement service» with the content of legal rules and articles of the Law of Turkey number 3201 «On security organizations».

As the analysis showed, the structural parts and sections of both laws have almost identical wordings and contain substantially similar legal provisions. Of course, the Law of the Republic of Turkey № 3201 has undergone numerous changes and additions, and today is one of the major laws in the regulation of law enforcement service in Turkey [3, p. 14].

One important aspect of the Law № 3201 is that in Article 3 the division of the security bodies into the public and private (special) was enshrined in law. Common law enforcement bodies include the armed forces of the police and gendarmerie, the special include other law enforcement bodies, which perform their functions in accordance with the legislation (customs, forest protection, traffic police, etc.) [3, p. 15].

It should be noted that this legal provision is similar to Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On law enforcement service», according to which legislators have determined that the prosecutor's agencies, internal affairs bodies, financial police, state fire service, the customs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, carrying out their activities in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, refer to the law enforcement bodies. This allowed to delineate legal powers of law enforcement structures, as well as an understanding of law enforcement in general, that was not quite legitimate before and significantly affected

various aspects of legal regulation related to social, material and legal support of law enforcement officers.

In Kazakhstan, the adoption of the Law «On law enforcement service» was the fact that in the legislation there were norms that contributed to duplication of legal provisions, moreover, the law expected to merge several regulations, which was also one of the mechanisms for improving the legislation. Of course during the development of the bill, along with positive aspects, there was much critic from the scientific community, international experts, as well as law enforcement structures themselves. However, immediately after the adoption the law has proved the effectiveness of its actions [4].

As a result, in 2011, Kazakhstan was the first CIS country who adopted the Law «On law enforcement service», which regulates the social relations associated with admission to law enforcement service to the Republic of Kazakhstan, its passage and termination, as well as determines the legal status, economic security and socialprotection of law enforcement officers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The next important legal instrument in the field of law enforcement is the Law of Turkey №2 2559 «On authorities and duties of the police», which, despite the fact that was adopted in 1934, has legal force to the present day, as well as some of the positive aspects of the legal regulation of police. This law in its structure, as well as the previous law, has no sections, chapters, parts, includes a little more than 35 articles.

The modern police of Turkey and internal affairs bodies in general believe that the effective legal mechanism in their activities is precisely this law, as he laid the foundation of the regulation of legal relations in the field of public order and public safety, thus fixing the powers and duties of the police in carrying out its functions and responsibilities [5, p. 180].

I consider the nature and content of the Law № 2559 «On authorities and duties of the police», pay attention to its main legal aspects. So according to Article 1 of the Law № 2559 police duties in ensuring public safety and public order include compliance with laws and other legal acts in accordance with government policy, along with mandatory compliance with the rules of criminal procedure legislation. In general, this law contains the legal rules and regulations that govern the activities of the police (apply to all bodies of internal affairs, including the gendarmerie, traffic police, coast

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On law enforcement service» № 380-IV of January, 06th, 2011; ' Law of the Republic of Turkey «On security organizations» № 3201 of June, 12th, 1937; ' Law of the Republic of Turkey «On authorities and duties of the police» № 2559 of July, 14th, 1934

№3 (44) 2016 m. Kfl3aKpmaH PecnyônuKacu SahflaMa UHcmumymuHUHi mapmwcw

Table № 1

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On law enforcement service» 06.01.2011.X.380-IV Law of the Republic of Turkey «On security organization» 12.06.1937 № 3201

The Chapter №l. General provisions (articles 15) General provisions (articles 1-12)

The Chapter №2 The admission to law enforcement service (articles 6-13) The procedure for admission to the service after the special educational institutions (police academy and colleges), as well as civil servants under the contract (articles 26-54)

The Chapter №3. The legal status of employees (articles 14-21) The functional responsibilities of security officers (articles 16-22)

The Chapter №4 The special ranks or class ranks (articles 22-28) The class ranks and ranks of security officers (articles 13: 15)

The Chapter №5 Appointment to office, transfer and promotion in law enforcement (articles 2946) The procedure and conditions of appointment and promotion (articles 55)

The Chapter №6. The validation (articles 47-53) The assessment of efficiency of staff work (article 85)

The Chapter №7 The service discipline in law enforcement (articles 54-58) The procedure for disciplinary and penalties (articles 68-84)

The Chapter №8 The use of firearms and other weapons, special means and physical force by employees (articles 59-62) It is regulated bv the Law Republic of Turkey «On authorities and duties of the police»

14.07.1934. № 2559 s)

The Chapter №9. The social security (articles 63-70) The material and financial support for security officers (articles 86-96)

The Chapter №10. Holidays (articles 71-78)

The Chapter №l 1 The termination of service in law enforcement (articles 79-82) The procedure and conditions of termination, resignation or dismissal from service (articles 56-67)

The Chapter №l 2. The final provisions (articles 83-85) The additional articles 1-31 (the separate numbering of the main articles); The preliminary articles 1-23 (the separate numbering of the main articles); The final provisions (articles 97, 98)

duties and tasks of the internal affairs bodies, which are regulated in detail in the Law, and other laws, which will be discussed later. The analysis of the rules of the Law № 2559 allows us to formulate a conclusion that the internal affairs bodies in their activities are guided by the principles, established by the legislation: to ensure and protect public order, security of persons and their property; to work towards the prevention of crimes and offenses; to detect, to arrest and transfer the offenders and the evidence to the appropriate legal authorities; to exercise other powers prescribed by laws and other normative legal acts [6, p. 125].

TheLawofTurkey№3152«On organization, duties and authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs»4 adopted in 1985 was criticized during the study. As a matter of fact the Law regulates the mission, tasks, functions and structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter - the

guard, and others), connected in particular with their following powers and duties:

- to conduct fingerprinting and photographing of criminals and offenders;

- to conduct investigation in public entertainment places, to inform the municipal bodies on conducted activities;

- to identify persons who have not reached the appropriate age to visit entertainment places, as well as to carry out the arrest of those who violate the public order and in a state of alcohol/ drug intoxication;

- to use firearms or other special means;

- to apply security measures for vehicles;

- to apply measures to eliminate fire, flood and other natural disasters;

- to take appropriate measures to prevent from the abuse of authority by the police officers.

Of course, this is only one part of the

4 Law of the Republic of Turkey «On organization, duties and authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs» № 3152 of February, 23rd, 1985;

MIA) and its structural units and subordinate organizations, which is not acceptable for the legislative activity of any state. For example, in Kazakhstan the same provisions are regulated at the level of the decision of the Government (Regulation of MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan)5. If it is necessary, the faster way to change the legislation will be making changes and additions in the decision of the Government, rather than in the law.

The Government of Turkey for several years has discussed the issues of reform of the law enforcement system, improvement of legislation, bringing it into accordance with modern conditions of legal, economic and social situation [7, p. 57]. During the great legislative work on the development of a package of bills (Law № 2559 «On authorities and duties of the police», Law № 3201 «On security organizations», Law № 2803 «On authorities and duties of gendarmerie», Law on amendments to certain laws) aimed at the modernization of internal security systems the experience of law enforcement bodies of Turkey and foreign countries, as well as the results of the research work of educational institutions of law enforcement bodies have been used. As a result, MIA of Turkey in November of 2014 introduced to parliament four bills providing for the amendment of the legislation in the area of law enforcement6.

Analysis of the Law on MIA of Turkey showed that more resembles it has with the Regulation on MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Moreover, I believe, that a comparative analysis of this part of the study can be carried out with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan»7. Thus, in accordance with Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On law enforcement service» one of the major law enforcement structures in Kazakhstan are the internal affairs bodies, whose activities are regulated by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 199-V. Internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the law enforcement body intended to protect the life, health, rights and freedom of man and

citizen, interests of society and the state from illegal encroachments, protection of public order and public safety. In turn, the internal affairs bodies, designed to serve the people of Kazakhstan, as well as to ensure public safety, carry out the following tasks:

- the crime prevention;

- the protection of public order;

- the combating delinquency;

- the execution of criminal penalties and administrative sanctions;

- the prevention and liquidation of the emergency situations, fire safety, the organization of civil defense.

Based on the tasks established by the legislation, the internal affairs bodies in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the Law «On the Internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan» exercise the rights and duties within their competence. It should be noted that the competence and powers of the internal affairs bodies meant in these articles are regulated clearly and in great detail.

In accordance with Article 8 of the Law № 3152, the structure of MIA includes six major service units: General directorate of regional administration; General directorate of population and citizenship affairs; General directorate of local authorities; Department of data collecting on smuggling and exploration; Department of associations; Department of external relations with the European Union. In this regard, based on the provisions of the Laws «On unions of local governments»8, «On the provincial administrations»9, it can be concluded that MIA is involved in the activities of local authorities, moreover, the ministry oversees the activities of local government. For example, the affirmation of new administrative-territorial units and provincial governors is accepted after the mandatory approval and consent of the Minister of MIA.

In Kazakhstan legislation the competence of local executive bodies10 is carried out similarly, local executive bodies are competent to joint functions with the international affairs bodies, besides, MIA doesn't have any control and supervisory powers in relation to the local

5 Decision of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan «The issues of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan» № 607 of June, 22nd, 2005;

6 http://www.yeniasya.com.tr/politika/ic-guvenlik-paketi-meclis-e-gidiyor_304279 (access date: 25.11.2014); http://www.taraf.com.tr/haber-emniyeti-sifirlama-yasas-167733/ (access date: 25.11.2014);


Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan» № 199-V of

April, 23rd, 2014;


Law of the Republic of Turkey «On unions of local governments» № 5355 of May, 26th, 2005;


Law of the Republic of Turkey «On the provincial administrations» № 5442 of June, 10th, 1949;

10 Refer to footnote 7, Art. 12;

№3 (44) 2016 m. Ka^aKcmaH Pecnydnumcbi 3a^HaMa UHemumymbWbiq wapwbiebi

executive bodies11.

The important event for Kazakhstan police was that the Law «On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the activities of the local police force»12 adopted in November 2015. This law defines the powers, the competence of the local police, regulates the interaction of internal affairs with the local executive authorities. The main task of the local police is to protect public order, crime prevention, crime and others.

In accordance with Article 29 of the Law № 3152 «On organization, duties and authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs» the system of MIA includes such subordinated organizations as the General directorate of security (general police), General command of gendarmerie, Coast guard command, the Agency of public order and safety, as well as the General directorate on migration issues.

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In the structure of the General directorate of security there are intelligence units, units for combating terrorism, contraband and organized crime, crime labs, traffic police officers, as well as special units (departments of President,

Prime Minister and members of parliament protection,)13.

The structure of the General command of gendarmerie includes criminal department, units of national security, the environment protection, services for combating terrorism and drugs, ensuring traffic rules, search and rescue services, border guards, as well as the control system of correctional institutions14.

Areas of the police and the gendarmerie activities are carried out exclusively within their competence, if the legislation does not contain provisions when law enforcement bodies are entitled to exercise joint operations and actions (Article 10 of the Law № 2803)15. According to Article 4 of the Law № 2803 «On authorities and duties of gendarmerie», General command of gendarmerie is the part of the Turkish Armed Forces, which reports to MIA. Moreover, according to Article 8 of this Law with the introduction of martial law, the entire block of gendarmerie is transferred to the subordination of the General headquarter of the Ministry of Defense. Thus, it is the hallmark between gendarmerie and police, despite the

Refer to footnote 7, Art. 11;

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of

Kazakhstan on the activities of the local police force» № 388-V of November, 2nd, 2015;

13 Official website of the Directorate General of Security of Turkey /http://www.egm.gov.tr/ (access date:


14 Official website of the General Gendarmerie Command of Turkey /http://www.jandarma.gov.tr/ (access date: 23.12.2014);


Law of the Republic of Turkey «On authorities and duties of gendarmerie» № 2803 of March, 10th, 1983;

fact that these law enforcement bodies have similar functions.

In general, the law № 2803 regulates only the certain part of the legal relationships related to the duties and powers of the gendarmerie officers, as well as organizational procedures of their activities (assignment/release on service, material, financial provision, etc.).

Another distinctive feature between the gendarmerie and police is fact, that the last one acts according to the civil administrative system and performs its duties, obeying to the civil authorities (municipalities), i.e., the police work takes place under the supervision of the heads of cities and districts16.

To some extent, the analog of the Turkish gendarmerie in Kazakhstan is the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which operate on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan»17.

During comparative analysis of the systems of internal affairs ofKazakhstan and Turkey it has been identified a lot of the similar components. I think that for the Turkish audience the next part of the article will be more informative. In accordance with Article 7 of the Law «On

the Internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan», the police, correctional system, military investigative bodies, the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil protection bodies form the unified system of law-enforcement bodies18.

Kazakhstan's police consist of the criminal police, administrative police departments of investigation, inquiry, and others.

Criminal police consists of units for combating organized crime, extremism, illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, and other units engaged in operational investigative activity.

Administrative police consists of police inspectors units, juvenile affairs units, units to protect women from violence, to control in the sphere of circulation of civil and service weapons, traffic police, migration, environmental police, specialized agencies and other units engaged in the protection of public order.

With the naked eye the similarity of structural units of law enforcement bodies of both countries can be traced, however, for more detailed analysis I will try to make the comparison of the structural units of internal affairs bodies of Kazakhstan and Turkey.

Continued in the next issue of magazine


1. D. Dosmyrza Legislative regulation and general characteristic of the legal framework of Turkey [International scientific journal «Vestnik of Kazakh-Russian International University»], Aktobe, № 1 (10) 2015, p.51-60;

2. D. Dosmyrza Legislation of Republic of Turkey in the sphere of law enforcement activity [Scientific and legal journal «Vestnik of the Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan»], Astana, № 3 (35) 2014, p. 51-56;

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4. A. Kanatov K probleme sovershenstvovaniya Zakona «Ob organakh vnutrennikh del» [Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii «Innovatsionnye podkhody k obrazovaniyu, vospitaniyu i nauke v sovremennom universitete: resheniya, problemy i perspektivy», - 20-21 maya 2011 g.], Izdatel'stvo: Tengri, Semey, p. 75-81;

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17 Refer to footnote 4, Art. 28;

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18 Refer to footnote 7, Art. 7;

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