Научная статья на тему 'The role of communicative pedagogical system in teaching foreign languages in a post-secondary school'

The role of communicative pedagogical system in teaching foreign languages in a post-secondary school Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communication / speech interaction / communicative technology / learning / foreign language / motivation / case method / critical thinking method / коммуникация / речевое взаимодействие / коммуникативная техноло-гия / обучение / иностранный язык / мотивация / кейс-метод / метод критического мышления

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tatianav. Kiryushkina, Vyacheslav N. Denisov

An important task in the field of teaching foreign languages in a post-secondary school is the realization of program goals for achieving professionally oriented results of master-ing a foreign language by students, development of their ability to perceive, interpret communi-cative foreign language texts and successfully participate in various forms of speech interaction. In recent decades, a new paradigm of teaching has formed in Russian pedagogy. This article presents: (i) the characteristics of communicative teaching; and (ii) the psychological value of the “linguistic characteristics” of this kind of teaching, which include interaction, the “speech situation” and the “speech event”. The pedagogical value of a pedagogical system developed for the acquisition of skills in learning foreign languages, its basic principles, organizational ap-proaches to the implementation of communicative technology in the educational process, and a description of the rules that must be followed to create the most methodically successful learn-ing environment, are revealed.

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Важной задачей в области преподавания иностранного языка в неязы-ковом вузе становится задача максимального приближения программных целей и содер-жания обучения к профессионально ориентированным результатам овладения иностран-ным языком студентами, их умению воспринимать, интерпретировать коммуникативные иноязычные тексты и успешно участвовать в различных формах речевого взаимодей-ствия. В последние десятилетия в российской педагогике сформировалась новая парадиг-ма обучения, основанная на применении педагогических систем. В статье на основе су-ществующих психолого-педагогических подходов представлена характеристика комму-никативной педагогической системы обучения речевому общению на иностранном языке, представлена психологическая ценность лингвистической характеристики языковой ком-муникации, включающей языковое взаимодействие, речевую ситуацию и речевое собы-тие. Рассмотрены педагогическая ценность представленной системы в приобретении умений и навыков при обучении иностранным языкам, ее основные принципы и органи-зационные подходы к осуществлению процесса обучения, представлено описание правил, которые необходимо соблюдать для создания наиболее методически успешных условий обучения.

Текст научной работы на тему «The role of communicative pedagogical system in teaching foreign languages in a post-secondary school»

10. Nikitin, M. (1979). O semantike metafory [On The Semantics of Methaphor]. Voprosy jazykoznanija [Topics in the Study of Language], 1, 91-102 (In Russian).

11. Palashevskaja, I.V. (2010) Funkcii juridicheskogo diskursa i dej-stvija ego uchast-nikov [Functions of legal Discourse and Action of its Actors]. Izvestija Samarskogo nauchnogo centra Rossijskoj akademii nauk [Izvestia of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences], Vol. 12, 5 (2), 535 - 540 (In Russian).

12. Cherdancev, A. (2012) Logiko-jazykovye fenomeny v jurisprudencii: monografija [Logical-linguistics Phenomena in Jurisprudence]. Moscow: Norma: INFRA-M (In Russian).

13. Chernjavskaja, V. (2018). Lingvistika teksta. Lingvistika diskursa [Text Linguistics. Linguistics Discourse]. Moscow: LENAND (In Russian).

14. Thorsten R., (2018). Rechtsprachliche Kommunikation. Eine Typologie [Legal Communication. A Typology]. Rechtslinguistik. Studien zu Text und Kommunikation [Legal Linguistics. Studies on Text and Communication]. LIT. Verlag Münster. Hamburg. London, 3-29.

© Дубровина И.И., Саковец С.А.


УДК 378:811.111 ББК 74.5


TatianaV. Kiryushkina, ORCID 0000-0002-6410-5691, Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov, Russia, [email protected].

Vyacheslav N. Denisov, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0016-3999, Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov, Russia, [email protected].

Abstract. An important task in the field of teaching foreign languages in a post-secondary school is the realization of program goals for achieving professionally oriented results of mastering a foreign language by students, development of their ability to perceive, interpret communicative foreign language texts and successfully participate in various forms of speech interaction. In recent decades, a new paradigm of teaching has formed in Russian pedagogy. This article


presents: (i) the characteristics of communicative teaching; and (ii) the psychological value of the "linguistic characteristics" of this kind of teaching, which include interaction, the "speech situation" and the "speech event". The pedagogical value of a pedagogical system developed for the acquisition of skills in learning foreign languages, its basic principles, organizational approaches to the implementation of communicative technology in the educational process, and a description of the rules that must be followed to create the most methodically successful learning environment, are revealed.

Keywords: communication, speech interaction, communicative technology, learning, foreign language, motivation, case method, critical thinking method.


Т. В. Кирюшкина, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка и культуры речи, Саратовская государственная юридическая академия, [email protected].

В. Н. Денисов, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка и культуры речи, Саратовская государственная юридическая академия, [email protected].

Аннотация. Важной задачей в области преподавания иностранного языка в неязыковом вузе становится задача максимального приближения программных целей и содержания обучения к профессионально ориентированным результатам овладения иностранным языком студентами, их умению воспринимать, интерпретировать коммуникативные иноязычные тексты и успешно участвовать в различных формах речевого взаимодействия. В последние десятилетия в российской педагогике сформировалась новая парадигма обучения, основанная на применении педагогических систем. В статье на основе существующих психолого-педагогических подходов представлена характеристика коммуникативной педагогической системы обучения речевому общению на иностранном языке, представлена психологическая ценность лингвистической характеристики языковой коммуникации, включающей языковое взаимодействие, речевую ситуацию и речевое событие. Рассмотрены педагогическая ценность представленной системы в приобретении умений и навыков при обучении иностранным языкам, ее основные принципы и организационные подходы к осуществлению процесса обучения, представлено описание правил, которые необходимо соблюдать для создания наиболее методически успешных условий обучения.

Ключевые слова: коммуникация, речевое взаимодействие, коммуникативная технология, обучение, иностранный язык, мотивация, кейс-метод, метод критического мышления.



In the light of qualitative changes in the values and needs of our society, the role and importance of training intelligent, creatively minded specialists with developed communication skills dramatically increases. An important aspect of this problem is the mastery of speech communication culture to implement official professional communication, which will provide a comfortable involvement of future specialists into professional activities, as well as self-realization of individuals. In the modern world, the communication (and particularly communication in foreign languages) is increasingly important to the activities of many professions" [1 : 21]. N. N. Grishko believes that today a good specialist is one, who competently applies the knowledge he/she obtained at a higher education institution, is able to think in an independent and creative manner, and has the skills of correct communication both in the native and in foreign languages [2 : 3].

Changes in the social conditions are incentives for people to expand their intercultural communication. That is why teaching foreign languages cannot be limited only to the development of foreign language skills and abilities. It should help to develop students' abilities to adequately express their thoughts and feelings in the process of intercultural communication and, to adapt themselves to culturally specific behaviors. The problem of teaching foreign languages in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries both in secondary and post-secondary schools has always been determined by the necessity of finding cultural aspects of language that must be learned by students [3: 4].

In teaching foreign languages in Russia special attention has recently been given to pedagogical systems of teaching the development of speech skills in vocationally oriented communication for various professional purposes [4, 5, 6, 7]. A pedagogical system is generally viewed as an algorithm of teaching activities and a means of pedagogical tasks' realization. Each pedagogical system has its own elements, the composition of which depends on the area of teaching and is based on methodological principles. However, each pedagogical system used in a concrete school must be based on uniform approaches to teaching, which are the subject of this article.


Structural components of speech communication

Speech interaction is the basic element of speech communication. Speech interaction is understood as the process of establishing and maintaining purposeful direct or indirect contact between the subjects of language communication - a unity of interdependent and complementary subjects. By means of speech interaction it is possible to make the teaching process more effective, to stimulate speech and thinking activities of students [8 : 119 ]. Communicative contact presupposes interaction of interlocutors, in which information is transmitted and, thus, their specific goals are realized. Speech interaction is carried out within a sociocultural framework, regulated by role prescriptions, that is, by the prevailing ideas of the individual about the rules of cultural and role-playing activity. Speech interaction involves the following components:

- the addresser;

- the addressee;

- the topic of interaction;

- the speech act;

- means of interaction.

The elementary form of speech interaction is a speech act. The speech act on the part of the addresser is either speaking, or writing [9]. The speech act on the part of the addressee is either listening (perception and understanding of speech acoustic signals), or reading (decoding of graphic signs, i.e. understanding their meanings). Therefore, speech interaction involves both encoding and decoding of information.

In addition to speech interaction, the structural components of speech communication are a speech situation and a speech event.

Speech situation is the context of communication, or the specific circumstances, in which speech interaction occurs. The time and place at which speech communication occurs is of considerable importance for speech communication. The genre of communication is largely determined by the place and the setting of communication (e.g. official or unofficial). The purpose of communication (why something is said in a particular setting) is also extremely important for speech


situations. In general, we can say that the purpose of communication is the result that the addresser and the addressee want to achieve in their communication. Speech situations motivate individual speech actions. The motive is directly connected to the topic of the speech act.

Feedback is the most important structural component of a speech communication situation. In fact, the listener's reaction to the speaker's statement constitutes the cementing moment of communication. The absence of such a reaction results in a failure of communication.

"All social activities, in which language plays an important role, can be referred to as speech events" [10], therefore a speech event is an integral part of speech communication, representing the unity of speech interaction and speech situation.

Communicative pedagogical system in teaching of foreign languages

The cardinal task of foreign language teaching in a post-secondary school is to match program goals and teaching content to the students' goals of mastering a foreign language. This includes their ability to understand, to interpret foreign language texts and adequately participate in various forms of speech interaction, in each case taking into account cultural aspects of speech communication [11 : 43].

An analysis of modern foreign language teaching shows that it is possible to identify some common elements that underlie each of them. The basic principle of most forms of pedagogy is that of active communication, the basis of which are situations of various kinds. Situations are developed by means of group work by students, although it is necessary to emphasize that situations are also personally oriented. That is why personality of students should be taken into consideration, and a positive psychological atmosphere is required for the most effective implementation of situations. All communication participants should feel comfortable, that is, the process of communication should take place in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and active interaction, in which interlocutors share not only information, but also emotions.


Motivation ensuring the increased interest of students in the learning process is no less important. Motivation is part of the students' subjective world determined by their own ideas, by the needs they perceive. The nature of the activity itself may also affect motivation and incentivize a person. This is the so-called intrinsic motivation [12 : 156]. Communicative motivation is the main type of intrinsic motivation, since communication is a necessity.

It should be also noted that independent student activities play an important role in modern language pedagogy. Therefore, the teacher should not offer ready-made material in class, but motivate students to elicit information from various sources to prepare for communication taking into account its topic.

The main idea of all pedagogical systems is the organization of the speech communication process. Naturally, this does not mean that the learning process is constructed by a teacher as a copy of the communication process. Moreover, there are some parameters in the process of communication which are not necessary to simulate, because there are some aspects of communication that cannot be taught in a classroom setting. For example, the "unsystematic" character of communication - the absence of control and the subconscious way of mastering extra-linguistic aspects of speech activity (language pragmatics) allows the participants to bring the process of learning closer to the actual process of communication.

While teaching students professionally oriented communication, it is necessary to develop the following skills, which correspond to different levels of speech interaction development:

- to express thoughts effectively, i.e. students have to possess sufficient skills in producing common or professional oral and written speech acts in their native and foreign languages;

- to be fully proficient in the techniques of speech interaction, that is, to be able to attract and hold attention, to join speech interaction, transfer the initiative to another interlocutor, etc.;

- to master the strategies of socially oriented interaction, i.e. to be able to find ways of resolving problematic situations, to identify and evaluate difficulties, sensitive aspects of contact, or to make decisions, etc.;


- to carry out speech interaction in intercultural situations, i.e. to skillfully use the knowledge of speech etiquette, other authentic verbal means of foreign language communication (grammar, speech clichés, etc.) and language pragmatics (gestures, etc.) [13, 14, 15].

Taking these skills into consideration, the development of speech interaction should be carried out in compliance with the following provisions:

1. The priority is not "foreign language teaching", but "foreign language education". The purpose of a foreign language education is the person himself, or rather, the formation of a secondary linguistic personality and a cultivated person, the content of education being four aspects of foreign language culture: a cognitive one (knowledge of the language and culture of the speakers), a developmental one (mastery of linguistic abilities), an educational one (respect for foreign culture), and an communicative one (ability to communicate).

2. The educational process should be organized as a model of real communication, and at the same time in such a way that the student could have the opportunity to learn and develop his or her skills and habits and master the culture of the speakers of a foreign language, paying attention at the same time to independent studies.

3. The students should be aware of the personal significance of their participation in the educational process, in mastering culture of the speakers of a foreign language in order to become a professional, an expert in the culture and a person ready to participate in the future dialogue of cultures.

4. Students should be constantly included in the process of solving real communication objectives related to their future professional activities.

5. It is necessary to organize communication in situations understood not as circumstances (in negotiations, at trial, etc.), but as a system of language pragmatics.

6. The material should be organized according to a set of situations based on their communicative value and authenticity.

These provisions were developed by a team of the Foreign Languages Teaching Department of the Lipetsk State Teachers' Training Institute [16, 17].


There is no alternative to communicative pedagogy among the modern concepts of teaching a foreign language and there are a number of reasons for it:

- the communicative approach is to the greatest extent aimed at bringing the learning process closer to the conditions of real, interpersonal language use;

- the communicative approach, focused on the personality of a student, allows teachers to motivate students and develop in students the necessary skills and habits for mastering a foreign language in a relatively short period of time [18 : 1].

Basic principles of communicative pedagogical system

The main principles the communicative pedagogical system:

1. Mastering all aspects of culture of the speakers of a foreign language through communication. Communicativeness means that the way to mastering practical language skills lies in practical use of the language itself.

2. Modeling foreign culture.

3. Management of the learning process on the basis splitting it into certain parts.

4. A systematic approach to the organization of teaching a foreign language.

5. Teaching foreign languages on the basis of interpersonal situations, because communicativeness implies the situational nature of communication. A situational approach to teaching is determined not only by the linguistic aspect, but also by the surrounding (extra-linguistic) conditions. This approach to language is inextricably linked to the study of live speech, which implies the presence of speakers and listeners [19 : 216].

6. Individualization in mastering a foreign language. Communicative training implies taking into account personalities of students, because only in this way the conditions for communication can be created: communicative motivation and pur-posefulness of speaking is ensured, mutual relations are formed, etc.

7. The development of students' intellectual activities, their skills and habits of independent study ensuring the continuity learning in the future.

8. The principle of functionality determines what methods should be used to teach students lexical, grammatical and non-verbal aspects of speaking. Function-


ality assumes that linguistic and extra-linguistic habits are mastered in the activities. The selection and organization of material based on situations and communication problems that students are interested in is also an important manifestation of functionality.

9. The principle of novelty implies that a regular combination of material, ultimately, determines students' motivation to master productive speaking [20 : 144].

Organization of instruction

The principles described above are the basis of the organization of the teaching and learning processes, which is an important part of pedagogical system. Let us consider some of the requirements that must be observed to create a methodologically successful learning environment.

1. Speech interaction must be used as a means of education and development. To this end, the learning process should present a model of real speech interaction, the main parameters of which include motivation, purposefulness, informative-ness, novelty, situational approach, functionality, as well as the nature of interaction between communicating persons and the system of language units.

2. All four types of speech activity (reading, speaking, listening and writing) should be interdependent within the educational process.

3. Linguistic and extra-linguistic material should be selected from the standpoint of their general cultural and professional value, taking into account the individual characteristics of students and their professional needs.

4. It is necessary to observe the cyclic thematic organization of the educational process, i.e. educational materials should be divided into topics within which teaching grammar, reading, speaking, listening and writing are undertaken in cycles.

5. Training is based on cooperation, i.e. educational activities are performed in small groups that create the best conditions for active joint activities of students in various situations.

6. It is necessary to use gradually more complicated.


7. Instruction can be carried out on the basis of typical situations, i.e. taking into consideration social statuses in role playing and modelling of relationships between communicants. Typical situations are those in which social life takes place: interaction of colleagues, communication between a supervisor and a subordinate, between a lawyer and a client, etc. Such situations must be repeatedly used with modified variables.

8. Case method is very important in teaching communication, because it allows the analysis of situations. Using it, the students are able to simulate a real life or professional situation, which is not only a practical problem, but also a way to learn while resolving this problem. In this case, the problem itself has no unambiguous solution.

Today the majority of foreign language teachers consider communicative language teaching to be the most effective method, because it reflects all current trends in the development of foreign language teaching:

- increasing the variety of teaching methods, and content, depending on the goals and planned levels of language proficiency, and personalities of students;

- reduction of translation methods;

- strengthening the role of interaction and speech activity of students;

- intensification of the role of interactive teaching methods, taking into account the mentality of students;

- integration of elements of different methods into modern learning and teaching systems.


The transition to a new educational paradigm, developing communication activity and independent thinking of students is an important task of higher education in the course of modernization of the Russian education. As intercultural communication becomes more common, a new priority of educational programs is the need for flexible and socio-culturally appropriate proficiency in professionally oriented communication and an increase of the level of speech interaction.


Pedagogical systems in disciplines have common basis. However, each discipline is specific and requires unique approaches. Thus, a communicative pedagogical system that might be applied in teaching a foreign language must include specific elements that, together with the rules and principles common to other types of teaching, make it unique.

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