Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2016 9) 501-509
УДК 343.35
Specific Indicators of the Government Bodies' ctivities Effectiveness as an Element of the Mechanism for Fighting Corruption
Daria A. Andreeva*
International Banking Institute 60 Nevsky Pr., St. Petersburg, 191023, Russia
Received 24.11.2015, received in revised form 08.12.2015, accepted 14.01.2016
The research paper presents the analysis of methodology for assessing the effectiveness of activities of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation exemplified by activity of the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg. The key performance indicators of the civil servants' activity from the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg, proposed by the author, allow evaluating the effectiveness of the civil servant's activity. The prospects for applying this methodology as one of the ways for fighting corruption in this government bodies are considered.
Keywords: civil servants, corruption, key performance indicators.
DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-2016-9-2-501-509.
Research area: economics
The presence of corruption in government has never been regarded as a serious problem, and it has not been paid as careful attention as in the recent time. The government is seriously concerned about this issue and is full of determination to fight corruption. Corruption prevention is closely connected with the necessity to improve the effectiveness of the executive authorities' activity.
The major purpose of all the extensive reforms in the sphere of civil service conducted for the last 20 years both abroad and in Russia has been to increase the effectiveness of the executive bodies' activities and the quality of their functions and public services provided. The activity cannot
be characterized as an effective one meanwhile there is a corruption element in it. "Person-to-person" relationships are particularly sensitive area for the possibility of corruption behaviour in one form or another.
The index of civil service effectiveness in Russia is still relatively low, while the corruption level in the government agencies has become incredibly high.
Statement of the problem
The sphere of public services mostly suffers from corruption. However, legislation transformation alone will not be able to stop the spread of corruption. Initiating numerous criminal cases, the Investigative Committee of the
© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved
* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]
Russian Federation only removes the symptoms (Korruptsionnye..., 2015). New, more informed and disingenuous officials come after those, who were subjected to punishment. The new laws do not have enough time to be put into effect as legal methods to avoid them are developed.
Changes in legislation and statutory framework that regulate the authorities' activities as well as reducing the number of officials will not eradicate the problem. According to G. Malenkov's words: "Officials are like jackdaws on wires. When scared away, they would fly up, around and sit down on other wires." We need an effective system of control and reporting on the activities conducted not only of a particular government agency on the whole, but every department and every employee as well.
Despite the importance and relevance of the topic it is practically not developed in the Russia's doctrine. The methodology of the public service institutional environment evaluation was the subject of study conducted by the World Bank (Based on the., 2000). Studies on preventing corruption in government bodies (Broadman, Recanatini, 2000) were conducted separately. D. Kaufmann, A. Kraay and M. Mastruzzi (2005) mention the rule of law, government effectiveness and fighting corruption (Kaufmann, Kraay, Mastruzzi, 2005) among the six performance indicators.
The necessity to develop a system ofindicators and criteria for assessing the performance of executive bodies and their officials is obvious. The author proposes a system of assessment exemplified by the activity of the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg.
There is a methodology for assessing effectiveness of the executive bodies' activity (5). The main goal of the methodology is evaluating
the effectiveness of executive authorities' activity in terms of efficiency of the budgetary funds spending, the dynamics of changes in the indexes of the level of living, social and economic development of the region, as well as the degree of implementing the methods and principles of management that provide transition to the more effective models of regional governance. The results of such an assessment allow to identify the zones which require priority attention of the local authorities and to make an action list to increase the effectiveness of the regional executive bodies' activity (Andreeva, 2015). The official data, presented in the reports of the high ranking officials from the subjects of the Russian Federation, official statistics of the Federal State Statistics Service, the data of department statistics and the results of public opinion polls, are used as initial data.
Regardless the fact that the methodology used includes a large number of criteria, it cannot be applied to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular government body activity. It is universal for all institutions and does not take into account the specific features of activity of the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg. Besides, the indexes are calculated at the regional level. Indexes obtained using the methodology are of little value for assessing the effectiveness of the Committee activity and its employees, and do not provide information about the presence/absence of corrupt behavior of its employees.
The need to develop indexes that characterize the effectiveness of a particular body activity -the Committee, is evident. In order to select the indexes that characterize efficiency of the Committee's activity, first, it is necessary to select targets the Committee activity is directly aimed at. These targets are given in Fig. 1.
The suggested activity effectiveness assessment system of the Committee for Social
Fig. 1. The model of targets of the activity of the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg
Table 1. The principles of creating the system of indicators for assessing the activities of the Committee for Social Policies of St. Petersburg
Principle Clarification
Interrelationship Direct relationship to the goals and objectives defined by the Committee
Clarity and unambiguity, ease of understanding and simplicity of use To ensure the possibility of collection and comparison of data the indicator should be clearly defined; from the indicator definition it should be clear whether an increase in its value shows the improvement of its position with the service pdovision
Comparability The indicators are supposed to ensure comparabilidy ovrr time and allow do compare committees
Verifiability The values (collected and calculated data) can be checked
Statistical reliability The indicators are supposed to be based on the reliable systems of data collection
Economic feasibility It is important to keep reasonable balance between the cost of data collection and the utility of" thesd data
Responsiveness Indicators sheuld quicOly respond to changes
Flexibility towards innovations Certain indicators system shouldn't prevent innovative activity
Policy of St. Petersburg includes three groups of indicators: indrcators of direct results; customer satisfaction and indicators of assessment of the efficient use of fudgetary funds.
The principles of formation of the system of indicators are given in Table 1 (Kholostova, 2013).
The system of performance indicators and effectiveness of the Committee's activity, as well as she autfor's proposals for its modernization are given in Table 2.
The Gini index and the coefficient of funds, calculated for all the districts of St. Petersburg, allow to rank the districts of Saint Petersburg
Table 2. Indicators added to the existing methodology for assessing activity of the Committee for Social Policy of St. Petersburg.
Group of indicators Estimate indicators
Indicators of direct result Growth in the quality of life / Costs for achieving it
The Gini coefficient (calculated for districts)
Coefficient of funds (calculated for districts)
The dynamics of the efficient use of budgetary funds for specific programmers
Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction index
Indicators of direct processes Efficiency of the employees performance by functionrl / Expensts for employees
according to the level and quality of living and to point out the districts which residents need more social support and, consequently, it would possible to allocate the budget according to the principle of priority.
Customer satisfaction index might be calculated on the basis of questionnaires about the quality of the Committee's services that are supposed to be filled in anonymously in the administrations, organizations under jurisdiction or budgetary organizations. This minimizes the possibility of obtaining misleading and falsified data about the body's activity.
Based on the data available it is possible to calculate effectiveness of the Committee for Social Policy.
„ results Al L.C.
E=-=-, ( 1)
spendings Abudget on social policy
where E - effectiveness of the Committee's activity;
A I L.C. — change in the index of the quality of life;
A budget on social policy - ehanges in the amount of budget for social policy implementation in index me asuoement.
/l.C = /I*/2*.......* h, (2)
I¡ - index point of activity in a certain sphere of
social policy.
j _ Dfact~Dmin (3)
D ~D '
"max "mm
I - index of a given type;
Dfact - factual indicator value;
Dmin - indicator value taken as minimum;
Dmax - indicator value taken as maximum .
The use of objective statistical data, independent from the opinions of the body's employees, minimizes the possibility of corruption acts. The falues are impossible to oveestate by tlie Commtttee employees due to transition ao tire automatized system oa documenfs circulation "electronic document management system".
Assessmemt system oy the Committee's activity effectiveness should be connected with the assessment system of the stuff activity effectiveness. Effectiveness of the social services activity should be peovided lay the specialists who have protessional education ihat comply with the requirements and nature of the work done, experience in the field of social services and persooal qualities for the vocial oervices provision. Intfe author's opioion, mofitorino of a particular member of staff activity will contribute to the eedaction of corrupt practicea.
Currentlo, there are mo methods, clear criteria, indicators and procedures for assessing
the effectiveness of civil servants. The practice of HR units is dominated by a narrow view of efficiency and performance assessment, there are no analytical units, which could analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the civil servants activity and were not interested in high performance indicators. In most cases assessment is carried out only in the form of certification (Statute on..., 2005), almost entirely based on formal indicators and not objective. Such activity efficiency assessment system is perceived by the civil servants as a mere formality and in practice does not affect their salaries.
The author suggests introducing a comprehensive system for assessing efficiency of the civil servants' performance.
Let us illustrate it through the example of the department of analysis and development forecasting. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the department employees are determined by the specific character of their activities. Civil servants conduct forecasting, planning, solutions development, control, surveillance and other functions which are included in implementation of all the stages of management process. Based on the major task of administration, civil servants carry out strategic, social, financial, communicative and registration common functions. Specific functions that are directly performed by the government officers result from the common functions.
To raise assessment objectivity it is necessary to develop particular criteria for assessing the performance of the department and its employees. For the criteria development the author suggests to use Key Performance Indicators methodology (KPI) (Parmenter, 2007).
KPI (Key Performance Indicators) are indicators that show how effectively the Committee for Social Policy of Saint Petersburg, in particular the department of analysis and development forecasting, moves towards its goals
and objectives achievements. This is a kind of the Committee and of all its subdivisions' strategy picture, which main feature is the presence of an individual indicator for each civil servant effectiveness indicator, measured and considered in conjunction with KPI of the whole Committee. The purpose of the system is to coordinate the work of all the subdivisions of the Committee, to exclude the possibility of the obtained data falsification or indicators overstatement. Each specialist works for a common purpose and gets bonuses for the effective fulfillment of the tasks set. This excludes the possibility of corrupt behavior when performing direct official duties, since there is an anonymous evaluation of the employees' activity.
Within the framework of development of the executive bodies' effectiveness assessment system the activity effectiveness assessment algorithm for the department of analysis and development forecasting is considered (Fig. 2).
In accordance with the algorithm above, a step-by-step analysis of activity of the department of analysis and development forecasting is conducted; its goals and objectives are being defined. Criteria for assessing the activity of the department of analysis and development forecasting are developed. All the employees of the department are divided into two categories: "experts" (the chief specialist and the leading specialist) and "managers" (the head of the department). The goals and objectives of the department's employees are the same and they also coincide with the goals and objectives of the department. The employees' functions differ only in the extent of responsibility for their fulfillment.
The criteria and the indicators of the department's activity effectiveness assessment are given in Table 3. The proposed criteria are universal and suiTable for effectiveness assessment of not only of the department of
Fig. 2. The algorithm for assessing effectiveness of the department's performance
Table 3. Criteria for the department's activity assessment
Name of criterion The essence of criterion Indicator
The degree of decisions and actions' legitimacy The criterion can be regarded as universal; observance of laws gives order and purposefulness to government administration;any violations ofthe principle oflegitimacy, regarCless oftheir grounds, cannot be eonsidered as effective from the points of view of society and public administration; all thedecisions and actions ofpublic officials should totally comply with legislation and regulato ry leg al acts of the Russian Federation The number of reclamations (complains) from the citizens and organizations about illegitimacy and illegality of public officials' actions
Discipline observance (the high level of executive discipline) This is the assessment cftegory and it represents simultaneous obtaining of a number of characteristics in organization and public officials' activity: timeliness in complying with the administrative decisions of superior authorities and their officials, high quality of social services provided to people, efficiency in decision-making, effectiveness of the carried out activities, creation of the effective system of internal and external activity control; the mechanism for increasing the performing discipline of public officials includes consequent improvement of the above criteria. Timeliness Iplanned rnd actually spent time)
Reliability and relevance of the administrative information Under any circumstances, even most unfavorable ones, public officials should receive timely, reliable and objective information, otherwise all the processes including the use of such information become more complicated; if the information provided by the public officials is reliable and relevant, such activity could be regarded as effective. The number of reclamations/ complaints from district administrations, lower organizations and other organizations that received information from the department. Customer focus index
analysis and development forecasting, but also for any of its employees with the possibility of making adjustments.
D __X «employee
«department _ thg number Qf empoyees ' (5>
where RR-department = effectiveness ofthe department's activity;
YRempioyee = overall effectiveness of all the employees activity.
In this case the department's effectiveness is considereC as tht degree of a goal achievement.
The analysis of an employee's activity, the purpose of his/her activity and his/her tasks and functions are also defined.
The author proposes to carry out the development of the employee's performance cndicator (KPI) criteria on the basis of the technology of functions (functions; functions specification; results of functions performance; indicators characterizing the results). The results are shown in Table 4.
As anexample, let us contider hypothetical work of the chief specialist of the department
of analysis and development forecasting on technological regulations development for the subordinated institutions. Assume that an employee is requested to develop 19 technological regulations for the Integrated Centres for Public Service Delivery in one month (March). The calculation of the indicators characterizing the result of the employee's activity is given in Table 5.
In this case, the employee effectiveness is regarded as the degree of a goal achievement and comprises 76.1 %. The calculations demonstrate low efficiency of the employee.
As we can see, one of the main mechanisms for fighting corruption is transparency of the government agencies' activity, as well as direct objective control by the means of the agencies and employees' effectiveness assessment.
The novelty of this approach lies in the fact that the poseibility of using the methodology for assesting effectiveness of the civil servants' activity has not been previously considered
Table 44. Key indicators of the department's employee efficiency
Functions Result ofthe functions performance Indicators, characterizing the result (KPI)
Processing of the information materials coming from district administrations Information report tTrism) eliness (planned and actual time spent) Compliance with the requirements u(sntormative acts and regulations)
Documentation of information and analytical materials and regulatory acts Activity reports, informotion certificates, regylatory aCcts Timeliness (planned and actual time dspent) Compliance with the requirements (laws, resolutions and regulations) Number of reclamations (complaints from organizations)
Giving methodological assistance and systematic consultations (written and oral) on the issues of social and economic development The number of citizens and organizations that were given assistance Timeliness (planned and actual time spent) Number of reclamations / complaints from citizens and organizations Customer focus index (satisfaction of citizens and organizations)
Table 5. Key Performance Indicators calculation
KPI Significance, % Plan Fact Result
Timeliness (days) 30 22 34 19,4
Compliance with the requirements ( %) 25 100 100 25
The number of reclamations (complains) (number) 20 - 4 0
Customer satisfaction index (proportion) 25 1 0,789 31,7
100 TotalR 76,1
in the doctrine as a deterrent factor of corrupt activities.
The positive effect of the KPI system implementation is determined by increase in overall effectiveness of the Committee activity, since with the use of this system every employee of the Committee realizes the connection between their direct responsibilities and the strategic objectives of the Committee. With the use of decision making support mechanism, the managers have the ability to measure effectiveness
of each employee's activity and, accordingly, the activity of the department as a whole, and can influence the process of the Committee's strategy implementation.
In the author's opinion, strengthening of control over activity, increased responsibility to the citizens, strict accountability and application of the new methods of performance assessment of not only the body as a whole, but each employee as well, could be able to reduce the level of corrupt activity in government agencies.
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Broadman, H.G., Recanatini, F. (2000) Seeds of Corruption: Do Market Institutions Matter? World Bank. Europe and Central Asia Region. World Bank. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management. In Policy Research Working Papers, 2368
Klochkov, A. (2010). KPI i motivatsiia personala. Polnyi sbornik prakticheskikh instrumentov [KPI and Employee Motivation. The Complete Collection of Practical Tools]. ISBN 978-5-699-379019, M, EKSMO, 164 p.
Korruptsionnye prestupleniia [Corrupt Crimes]. Official website of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, available at: (accessed 10 November 2015).
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Kholostova, E.I. (2013). Sotsial'naia politika i sotsial'naia rabota [Social Policy and Social Work]. 4th edition, revised and complemented, М, Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov & Co", 208 p.
Metodika otsenki effektivnosti deiatel'nosti organov ispolnitel'noi vlasti sub"ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Procedure for Assessing the Performance of Executive Authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation]. Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 3 November 2012 No. 1142. Available at: (accessed 07 October 2015).
Polozhenie o provedenii attestatsii gosudarstvennukh grazhdanskikh sluzhashchikh Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Statute on Conducting Performance Review of the Civil Servants of the Russian Federation]. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 1 February 2005, No. 110 In Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Federal Issue No. 3689, 3 February 2005.
Parmenter, D. (2007). Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing and Using Winning KPI's. New Jersey, USA, John Wiley & Sons, inc., ISBN 0-470-09588-1.
Отдельные показатели эффективности деятельности органов государственной власти как элемент механизма противодействия коррупции
А.Д. Андреева
Международный банковский институт Россия, 191023, Санкт-Петербург, Невский проспект, 60
В работе представлен анализ методики оценки эффективности деятельности органов исполнительной власти РФ на примере деятельности Комитета по социальной политике г. Санкт-Петербурга. Предложенные автором ключевые показатели эффективности деятельности государственных служащих Комитета по социальной политике г. Санкт-Петербурга позволяют оценить эффективность деятельности государственного служащего. Рассматривается перспектива применения вышеназванной методики в качестве одного из методов противодействия коррупции в данных органах.
Ключевые слова: государственный служащий, коррупция, ключевые показатели эффективности.
Научная специальность: 08.00.00 - экономические науки.