DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-24-28
^rrect ratio of breathing in kickboxing
Andrey S. Mikhailov'*, Larisa A. Berezina2
1Perm Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Perm, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-6485-334X, e-mail [email protected]* 2IN. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk Ulyanovsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-9471-2652, [email protected]
Abstract: In the practice of striking kinds of combats the urgent question is the ratio of nasal and mouth breathing during the combat, both in sparring and in competitive combat. Kickboxing is one of dynamic kinds of striking combats, where breathing is one of the main components of the training and competitive process. For that matter, athletes' functional-physical training plays important role in this kind of sport. Materials. The most effective way of breathing revelation during the combat in kickboxing. Scientific novelty of the research results is in the most optimal way of breathing selection and use during the training process and competitive activity. Practical value of the research results is in the training process optimization among 18-25 year-old kickboxers and in the most effective regimen of breathing selection. Research methods. Information sources and the training process analysis and summarizing; pedagogical observation, questionnaire survey. Results. The article presents an urgent problem of kickboxing. It is connected with the most effective way of breathing selection during the combat and the factors, which condition this way of breathing. We analyzed the training process of athletes from the group of sports improvement. We created and tested educational-training tasks. On the basis of them we revealed the types of breathing used by the athletes during physical work, including the process of combats. As results of the carried out research it was revealed that during low intensity physical work most part of athletes use nasal breathing, during high intensity work they use mouth breathing. During the competitive combat or sparring experienced athletes use mixed breathing and can easily change one type of breathing for another, depending on the situation during the combat. Conclusion. The choice of the way of breathing during the combat in kickboxing depends on the level of sportsmanship, on the combat dynamics and intensity, on an athlete's training level, style of combat conduct and the situation during the combat (attack or defense). Thus, the most reasonable type of breathing selection during the combat depends on several factors and is individual for each person. Keywords: nasal breathing, mouth breathing, kickboxers, combat.
For citation: Andrey S. Mikhailov*, Larisa A. Berezina. ratio of breathing in kickboxing. Russian
Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(1): 20-23. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-24-28.
Nowadays the representatives of striking kinds of combats considerably improved their level of functional-physical and technical-tactical mastery owing to competent structure of the training process. Victory in combat becomes possible owing to additional ergogenic means use in the training process, including breathing exercises. The specialists, who cultivate such kind of sport, as kickboxing, realize the necessity of correct breathing during the training process of different level and class athletes [3].
In the practice of striking kinds of combats the urgent question is the ratio of nasal and mouth
breathing during the combat, both in sparring and in competitive combat. Kickboxing is one of dynamic kinds of striking combats. There breathing is one of the main components of the training and competitive process. For that matter, athletes' functional-physical training plays important role in this kind of sport [1,6,7].
Not much attention is paid in the scientific sources to the question of breathing exercises use during the training process of athletes in striking kinds of combats. Mainly these exercises are studied in terms of therapeutic and remedial effects, however, in the works of the following authors special attention is paid to breathing: M.Ya.
Ryabko, K.V. Firsov (2008), A.S. Mikhailov (2013). Apart from mentioned above facts, there are many articles concerning the use of breathing exercises in the training process of athletes in striking kinds of combats, but, unfortunately, these research works don't have sufficient scientific substantiation and contain information, which demands scientific arguments.
If we say about functional-physical training of kickboxers, it presents a systematic process, directed toward the set aim achievement. In this kind of training, regardless of the sportsmanship level, special attention is paid to the process of breathing, as the result of the combat depends on the work of respiratory and cardio-respiratory systems [2,4,5].
Nowadays there are many recommendations concerning nasal breathing during the training process. It is connected with the peculiarity of nasal cavity, as its main function is to filter and warm up the inhaled air. All these factors, undoubtedly, let us recommend nasal breathing not only at rest, but also during muscle work. In particular it is reasonable to use nasal breathing in the open air during physical work, in terms of low temperature, and during low intensity and static-dynamic orientation exercises fulfillment.
It is known that kickboxing is a dynamic kind of sport. In it an athlete has to fulfill different hand strikes and kicks, defensive and counterattacking actions during the combat. Depending on the level of sportsmanship, technical-tactical readiness and weight category of kickboxers the combat can have different speed and tempo of movements. In this connection the choice of an optimal type of breathing would depend on mentioned above factors.
The aim of the research is to reveal the most effective way of breathing during the combat.
Scientific novelty of the research results is in the most optimal way of breathing selection and use during the training process and competitive activity.
Practical value of the research results is in the training process optimization among 18-25 year-old kickboxers and in the most effective regimen of breathing selection.
The research was carried out on the basis of Volga-Ural sports house in Perm, Russia. 15
kickboxers at the age of 18-25 took part in the experiment. They were from the group of sports improvement. The duration of the training lessons was 80-120 minutes. The amount of training lessons in a week was 5. Coach- Mikhailov A.S. The respondents had the following categories: candidate master of sports (8 people) and master of sports (7 people).
In order to define the most acceptable and optimal way of breathing during the training process of kickboxers we analyzed the training process of athletes from the group of sports improvement. During the training process respondents were offered to fulfill the following kinds of physical work, with the help of which we managed to select the most reasonable way of breathing for each athlete.
Lower we present several training tasks, with the help of which we defined the types of breathing used by athletes during physical work, including the process of combats.
Task 1. Rope skipping.
During the preparatory part of the lesson the athletes were offered to fulfill maximal amount of jumps in an even tempo during 10 minutes. During the observation we revealed that all respondents use mixed type of breathing during the set time period. It means that they combine nasal and mouth breathing.
Task 2. "Shadow boxing".
At the end of the preparatory part of the lesson kickboxers had to fulfill "Shadow boxing" task according to the following principle:
The 1st round: number one work, it means pressing imitation;
The 2nd round: second player work, it means defensive actions, movements, counterattacks imitation;
The 3rd round: mixed type work, it means according to a coach's signal every 10 seconds a person should fulfill a range of 4-5 strikes within the shortest time period.
The duration of a round - 2 minutes, rest -1 minute.
During the observation it was revealed that during the 1st and the 2nd rounds all kickboxers used
mixed type of breathing, during the 3rd round they used only mouth breathing.
Task 3. "Working at apparatuses".
During the main part of the lesson kickboxers were offered to fulfill the work with punch bags in order to improve technical-tactical mastery and functional readiness:
The 1st round: freestyle combat in accordance with kickboxing rules;
The 2nd-4th rounds: mastering combinations according to the task of a coach;
The 5th round: interval work - moving around a punch bag (10 seconds), attacking actions (10 seconds);
The 6th round: interval work - moving around a punch bag (5 seconds), attacking actions (5 seconds).
The duration of a round - 2 minutes, rest -1 minute.
As a result of the observation it was revealed that during the 1st-4th rounds all kickboxers used mixed type of breathing, during the 5th and the 6th rounds they used only mouth breathing. It is explained by the fact that the fulfilled work was highly intensive and was realized in an anaerobic regimen.
Task 4. "Pair work".
At the end of the main part of the lesson in order to increase the level of technical-tactical mastery and exchange experience athletes, regardless of the weight category, had the combats according to the following principle:
The 1st round: free combat according to boxing rules;
The 2nd round: free combat, according to kickboxing rules, "full contact" unit;
The 3rd round: free combat according to kickboxing rules, "full contact with low kick" unit;
The 4th round: free combat according to kickboxing rules, «К-1» unit.
The duration of the round - 2 minutes, rest - 1 minutes.
As a result of the present observation we revealed that in all 4 rounds respondents used mixed type of breathing, nasal breathing was registered during defensive actions and in terms of strikes taking during closed on guard.
During the organized observation we revealed that the selection of breathing among the athletes depends on the following factors:
- regimen of work (aerobic or anaerobic);
- power of work;
- athletes' readiness level.
According to pedagogical observation we organized the survey among the respondents, which included the following questions:
1. What type of breathing is the most optimal for you during physical work?
2. What factors does the type of breathing depend on?
Out of 15 respondents almost all athletes prefer mixed type of breathing, not excluding the fact that only mouth breathing type can be possible, but only in case of low intensity work.
Answering the second question respondents mentioned several factors. They conditioned the type of breathing selection:
1. conditions (training process, competitive activity, place of lesson organization);
2. training level;
3. regimen of work (aerobic, anaerobic).
As results of the carried out research it was revealed that during low intensity physical work most part of athletes use nasal breathing, during high intensity work they use mouth breathing. During the competitive combat or sparring experienced athletes use mixed breathing and can easily change one type of breathing for another, depending on the situation during the combat. In this case
the choice of the way of breathing during the combat depends on the level of sportsmanship, on the dynamics and intensity of the combat, on an athlete's training level, style of combat conduct and the situation during the combat (attack or defense). Thus, the most reasonable type of breathing selection during the combat depends on several factors and is individual for each person.
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Submitted: 20.02.2021 Author's information:
Andrey S. Mikhailov - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Perm Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 614012, Russia, Perm, Karpinskogo str., House 125, e-mail starioss@mail.
Larisa A. Berezina - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, I.N. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, 432071, Russia, Ulyanovsk, Lenina square, House 4/5, e-mail: [email protected]