Imanova N.
Senior Lecturer, English Language Department, SOCAR - Baku Higher Oil School
The article provides an extensive scientific analysis of research conducted in the field of sociolinguistics in Azerbaijani linguistics during the years of independence. It is noted that sociolinguistics, as one of the youngest branches of linguistics, studies the relationship between language and society. The article also touches on the problematic aspects of research in the field of sociolinguistics in Azerbaijan. The main development models and directions of sociolinguistic linguistics in both world linguistics and modern Azerbaijani linguistics are discussed in detail here. The researches of Abulfaz Rajabli, Rasim Heydarov, Jahid Kazimov in the field of sociolinguistics in Azerbaijani linguistics are widely analyzed. It also draws attention to the factors that create sociolinguistics and shows the psychological aspects of the emergence of this field of linguistics. Also, the history of sociolinguistics in world linguistics is considered, and its main directions of development are discussed. Here the author expresses a subjective attitude to the problems of language and society, language relations. It is especially noted that the role of language in society is great, and language relations, language policy are one of the main priorities of solinguistics.
Keywords: Azerbaijani linguistics, sociolinguistics, language relations, language policy, language and culture.
The essence of sociolinguistics is to approach language from a social context. This field of linguistics studies the relationship between language and society. This field of linguistics clarifies the relationship between language and ethnos, language and culture.
The processes that take place in society directly affect the internal structure of language, and these processes are reflected in language. Sociolinguistics treats language as a social fact. The theoretical basis of sociolinguistics, which is a relatively new field of linguistics, is related to the ideas and provisions of F. de Saussure, W. Humboldt, L. Bloomfield, A. Meyer, AA Potebnya, E. Sepir, A. Martine. The essence of sociolinguistics is Sepir-Wharf theory. It is usually noted that in the history of theoretical linguistics, the first theoretical ideas on sociolinguistics belonged to Ferdinad de Saussure (19, p. 18). It should be noted that the essence of Sepir-Wharf's theory, which is popular in world linguistics, is that different cultures in the world have different mechanisms of influence on human cognition, human thinking and human language. Any culture affects language. Thus, the ethnocultural function of language is formed. In this respect, sociolinguistics is closely related to ethnolinguistics. This theory favors the linguocultural model of language and establishes the cognitive nature of language. According to the theory of Edward Sepir and Benjamin Wharf, it is language that shapes or influences language thinking, and culture and ethnoculturology are among the main factors that change language. At the root of this linguistics there are the concepts of language and society, language and culture. According to the theories of linguistic relativity of Edward Sepir and Benjamin Wharf, the differences between medieval European (ie western) culture and other cultures (especially the culture of North American Indians) are primarily due to language differences (16, p. 62). Sepir-Wharf theory
reveals the leading role of culture in language differentials.
It should be noted that one of the main founders of sociological linguistics in world linguistics is the famous French linguist Antoine Maye. Antoine Meye, a student of Ferdinad de Saussure, gave a sociological meaning to linguistics. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Antoine Meye, one of the main ideologues of the Young Grammar School, one of the leading schools of world linguistics, put forward theoretical ideas about the sociological aspects of language.
Typically, this area of linguistics is characterized by a complex approach to the problem of language and society. Sociolinguistics reveals the socio-psychological nature of language, and determines the relationship between language and culture, and identifies the main aspects of language policy in the state. The ideas of L.H. Morgan, A.G. Spirkin, J. Pride, V. Mattezius, S. Balli and J. Vandriyes and A. Seshen also played an important role in the development of this field of linguistics. The problem of social differentiation of language in the history of world linguistics was touched upon in the researches conducted in the XIX century. Thus, IA Baudouin de Courtenay put forward a famous thesis on the horizontal (territorial) and vertical (social) division of language (13, p. 9).
If we look at the history of world linguistics, we see that sociolinguistics has so far been one of the leading areas of American linguistics. The American school of sociolinguistics has developed in two directions. Leading representatives of one of these directions were U.Labov and J.Gamperts. According to their theory, the variability of language forms is conditioned by social factors. The second theory put forward by D. Khaymas is more ethnographic. According to D. Khaymas, it is culture that first
determines the types of language development. It should be noted that the development of sociology, logic, psychology in world science in the twentieth century has accelerated the differentiation of sociolinguistics as a branch of linguistics. In particular, the development of social psychology has led to the emphasis on social factors in linguistics, the emergence of new directions and views. In the past, F. de Saussure's concept of language, speech and action served as the basis for the formation of initial theoretical ideas about the social function of language because it was the concept of action that defined the social concept of language.
The current sociolinguistics is already studying various aspects of state and language policy, language policy. Language connections, substrate, adstratum, superstrate facts, blingvism phenomenon, etc. issues stand in the social nature of language. Language, which is a social phenomenon, has a direct impact on ethnopsychology. The dominance of language over culture reflects the social role of language.
K. Pike developed the theory of integration of human behavior. R. Kyolset makes a broader suggestion: The sociology of language is a natural, integrated, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and multilevel method of studying language behavior that develops in a certain sequence and is conditioned by the social situation (19, p.17).
Areas of research in sociolinguistics include language relationships and language situations. This field of linguistics reflects the social function of language, explains the role of language in society, studies interlingual relations. In this field of linguistics, the picture of the social development of language is clarified, and even the socio-psychological reasons for the emergence of slang language are identified. Sociolinguistics studies the ethnocultural functions and ethnolinguistic features of language. This field of linguistics is closely connected, first of all, with sociology, psychology, culturology. This field of linguistics is also closely related to psycholinguistics and ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology.
Sociolinguistics also studies the territorial and social differentiation of language. In this field of linguistics, the phenomena of diglossia and bilingualism and communication are also clarified.
Back in the Soviet era, starting from the 70s and 80s of the XX century, research in the field of sociolinguistics began. The seventh issue of the authoritative series "New in Linguistics", published in Moscow in the form of a series, is dedicated to sociolinguistics. This collection includes articles on sociolinguistics by William Bright, Dell James, John Gumper, William Labov, John Fisher (10, pp.5-363).
In general, looking at language from a social point of view is one of the successes of twentieth-century linguistics. In contrast to the structural approach to language, the social approach reveals the social nature of language. Because language is a social phenomenon that arises, forms, develops in society, is subject to the processes of integration and differentiation. In the words of the famous German linguist August
Schleicher, language is a "living organism," and it can die, disappear, or survive.
It should be noted that the tradition of socio-psychological approach to language was founded in the XIX century. Thus, Ferdinad de Saussure, one of the founders of theoretical linguistics, was the first to introduce the concepts of language and society into linguistics. Later, the French linguist Antoine Meye further developed the problem of language and society and identified the main principles and aspects of the mechanism of social approach to language. Later, these theoretical ideas gave a great impetus to the independence of sociolinguistics.
Various works, monographs and textbooks dedicated to sociolinguistics have been written in Azerbaijani linguistics during the independence period. One of them is the work of Professor Abulfaz Rajabli "Sociolinguistics" (Baku: Nurlan, 2004, 428 p.). In that work, A. The main fields of advanced sociolinguistics include general sociolinguistics, synchronous linguistics, prospective linguistics, retrospective sociolinguistics, special (concrete) sociolinguistics, applied sociolinguistics, interlinguistics, comparative sociolinguistics (19, p.518). Abulfaz Rajabli notes that the methodological basis of advanced sociolinguistic theories and research in modern times is the scientific-materialist theory of society and the development of society. The formation of society, the laws of its development, the interaction of social events in society, etc. The provisions of the scientific-materialist theory of language also apply to language, which is a social phenomenon and closely related to the social life of society, the development of which largely depends on the state of society, the development of society (19, p. 91).
Speaking about the problems of sociolinguistics, Abulfaz Rajabli notes the following: the problem of variation in language, bilingualism and diglossia, typology of language situations, language policy and language construction, language planning, theory and practice of literary language development (19, pp.185250). A. Rajabli calls the first chapter of the book "F. de Sausure as the founder of sociolinguistics". This chapter analyzes the theoretical views of the famous linguist Ferdinad de Saussure on sociolinguistics. Chapter II provides information on the methodological foundations of sociolinguistics. Chapter III analyzes the theory of sociolinguistics. At the same time, the book discusses the place of sociolinguistics in the system of sciences, fields of sociolinguistics, the social essence of the processes of formation and development of the internal structure of language, sociolinguistic aspect of speech, social, functional and socio-professional differentiation of language. (19, pp.18496).
Rajabli also devoted a wide section to sociolinguistics in his book "Theoretical Linguistics". It provides detailed information on the main issues of sociolinguistics, research methods, principles and methods of sociolinguistic analysis, modeling of principles and methods in sociolinguistics, methodological methods of specific sociolinguistic
research, important areas of sociolinguistics (4, pp. 421-432).
The study of language relations is one of the main objects of modern sociolinguistic research. The topic of language relations is one of the main problems studied by sociolinguistics. The mixing of languages, the crossing of languages, the differentiation and integration of languages, language parallels are closely related to the study of direct language relations. Rasim Heydarov's monograph "The role of language relations in the development of languages" (Baku: Science and Education, 2013, p. 216) can be considered one of the best works written in this direction in Azerbaijani linguistics. This work provides a comprehensive description of the phenomena of blingvism and diglossia that arise as a result of language connections. R. Heydarov concludes that during the long-term interaction of languages of different systems, certain similarities appear in each of these languages, and sometimes it is very difficult or impossible to determine to which language these features belong. This concept should be accepted as a language union. The union of languages is the result of convergent relations. Along with convergent relations in language, divergent relations also occur. Just as languages acquire common features when they interact, so do the opposite processes. Thus, as languages develop, they become more and more separated from their predecessors. This is the result of divergent relationships. Although there is no language union in Azerbaijan, convergent relations have developed widely. The result of the interaction of languages in a broad sense is manifested in two ways: a) acquisitions in the broadest sense of the word, and b) changes in the language as a whole. The process of language change also manifests itself in two cases: I. One of the ethnic groups representing the languages in contact is completely assimilated and loses its language; II. The language is fully mastered, resulting in a mixture of languages - Creole and Picin. Although more than 90% of Picin's vocabulary consists of borrowed words, the grammatical structure belongs to the local people. Creole languages are formed on the basis of picins. The process of converting picins into creoles is called creolization. One of the end results of interlingual communication is the change of codes. Coding changes take two forms: bilingualism and diglossia. If bilingualism is the simultaneous mastery of two different languages, diglossia is to be the bearer of two subsystems of one language (1, pp. 193-194).
Cahid Kazimoglu's research is also in the field of sociolinguistics. His article "Language policy and language situation as a subject of sociolinguistics" states that language policy and language situation are the central system-forming concepts of sociolinguistics. The content of the comprehensive socio-political activity of this policy includes only the features of conscious, purposeful influence on the processes of language development of the society, which are related to the state activity and have the force of law; because politics is in governance, in power, in the rule of law. The language situation is a form of life, of being. Territorial-social relations and functional relations; Geographical-regional or political-
administrative features are the leading features of the language situation. The changing nature of the language situation can be explained by these aspects. A language situation is a set of forms of existence consisting of functional as well as social influences of one or more languages within a certain political-administrative structure or geographical area. From the sociolinguistic point of view, the emergence of the concept of national hatred in society is not related to bilingualism, but to a change in the language situation. As mentioned, the language situation can change over time, when the mother tongue transfers its dominance to the local language. This does not affect language speakers not only from the linguistic point of view, but also from the functional and psychological point of view in the process of communication (12, p.321).
The research conducted in the field of sociolinguistics in Azerbaijani linguistics during the period of independence cannot be considered satisfactory. Many pressing problems in this area of linguistics are still pending.
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Королькова А.В.
Смоленский государственный университет, доктор филологических наук, профессор
Тишина А.Е.
Смоленский государственный университет кандидат филологических наук
Korolkova A.
Smolensk State University Doctor of Philology, Professor Tishina A. Smolensk State University Candidate of Philology
В статье предлагается характеристика вариантов использования афористики в современных СМИ. Медиадискурс в настоящее время активно прибегает к использованию изречений известных писателей, деятелей науки и культуры. Отдельный аспект использования афористики - употребление шутливых и даже «народных» афоризмов, крылатых слов и выражений.
The article offers a description of the options for using aphorisms in modern media. Media discourse is currently actively resorting to the use of sayings of famous writers, scientists and cultural figures. A separate aspect of the use of aphorisms is the use of humorous and even "folk" aphorisms, winged words and catchphrases.
Ключевые слова: русская афористика, афоризм, медиадискурс, медиатекст.
Keywords: Russian aphoristics, aphorism, media discourse, media text.
Currently, media discourse is one of the main products of speech activity implemented in the field of mass communication. Modern mass media form an active language environment of political, economic and everyday media discourse. The linguistic creativity of the participants of the media discourse is almost limitless, since it is a product of mass communication and includes journalistic texts of various genres, advertising texts, journalistic, mass media texts, texts of a colloquial nature - almost everything that can be found in the modern language.
In the modern media discourse, everything is imbued with intertextuality, there are a large number of citations, allusions, hints about well-known facts, literary and other texts. In this regard, it is necessary to note the use of a huge number of aphorisms, winged words and catchphrases in the texts.
Aphorisms as a literary and linguistic phenomenon are incredibly complex. On the one hand, it is undoubtedly a literary genre known to mankind since an-
cient times, on the other hand, it is a linguistic phenomenon of the phraseological order, characterized by reproducibility, the presence of key words in the structure, brevity, completeness of judgments, a special aesthetic form. Furthermore, it is a bright form of presentation of philosophical views. In the modern theory of phraseology, aphorisms are separated from catchphrases, since the latter often erase the seal of authorship from frequent quoting, shortening, and often transformation.
Aphorisms and catchphrases are presented on millions of pages on the Internet, constantly sound from television screens and are broadcast in radio programs.
The phenomenon of the demand for aphorisms in media discourse is based on well-known principles and methods of argumentation: appeal to authority and thematic repetition.
The popularization of aphorisms and catchphrases is widely promoted by social networks, as everyone in them, trying to be as original and educated as possible, reinforces their thoughts, and often replaces them with