SOCIETAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN THE REGIONS OF RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Ermolaeva Yu.V.

This researching based on the case study, on the geographical, economic, social and environmental part of the plans for the transformation of renewable energy sources and the introduction of renewable energy sources (hereinafter -RES) in the territory of the Russian Federation. There are using the example of 8 regions: The Kaliningrad region, the Republic of Crimea, the Kamchatka Territory, the Republic of Kalmykia, the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, the Murmansk Region, the Krasnodar Territory, and the North Caucasian District are considered. It was revealed that a modern economic scheme of autonomy for the development of regions, an improved tender system with the promotion of new RES capacities, and expert capital have been implemented. The policy of forming a potential labor market for renewable energy sources in the Russian Federation has not been sufficiently developed, the possibilities of the industry in the energy system as a whole, the assessment of ecosystem services of various types of renewable energy sources on the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with the interests of various groups of stakeholders, the possibility of implementing methods of replacing renewable energy sources, and not positioning the industry as an additional tool.

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Социальные трансформации внедрения возобновляемых источников энергии в регионах России

Ермолаева Юлия Вячеславовна,

научный сотрудник, Федеральный научно-исследовательский социологический центр Российской академии наук E-mail: [email protected]

Анализируются социальные трансформации внедрения возобновляемых источников энергии (далее - ВИЭ) на территории Российской Федерации на примере 8 регионов с учетом различий качества жизни населения. Рассмотрены Калининградская область, Республика Крым, Камчатский край, Республика Калмыкия, Алтайский край и Республика Алтай, Мурманская область, Краснодарский край, Северо-Кавказский округ. Современная схема модернизации ВИЭ согласована с централизованной схемой управления энергетикой, данная система будет способствовать автономности развития регионов с точки зрения качества жизни населения. Однако, на данный момент еще недостаточно проработана политика формирования потенциального рынка труда ВИЭ в РФ возможностей отрасли в энергетической системе, не проведена оценка экосистемных услуг различных видов ВИЭ на территории РФ, и так же не окончательно соблюдены интересы различных групп стейхолдеров в возможности реализации способов замены ВИЭ.

Ключевые слова: возобновляемые источники энергии, ВИЭ, регионы России, экомодернизация, рынок труда.

Modern futurologists studying global trends in the development of human culture and technology (F. Fukuyama, M. Ka-ku, E. Toffler, D. Rifkin, E. Wallerstein, V. Bushuev, R. Fuks) pay significant attention to the energy component, where " energy regimes determine the nature of civilizations", socioeconomic transformations in the management of the energy complex occur then a new public communication technology changes together with new energy systems and goals[1]. The Global Renewable Energy Plan is the democratization of production in accordance with the goals of sustainable development and energy distribution through the creation of a large number of mini-producers of small energy enterprises, i.e. the maximum emphasis on liberalizing the renewable energy market. New forms of communication are becoming a medium for organizing and managing more complex production processes, thanks to new powerful sources of energy that stimulate economic activity, forcing the economy to accelerate. Ruusia needs not only decarbonization, but also decapitalization in reframing green economy in the social context, de-intensification of growth, decolonization, deep democratization of social institutions. That's reason that only decarbonization cannot solve the problem of the decline of civilization.

In general, with the transition to green energy, several social transformations are possible:

• globalization versus regionalization. This will lead to transnational continental cooperation and networked communities. The role of the state, which will play the role of a network distributor, will also change.

• Infrastructure development flows will change, which include both physical and economic infrastructure (gas and oil pipelines, power lines, automobile and railways, media channels), but social infrastructures will also change


(norms of resource movement, social institutions that control energy streams) • reduction of "environmental inequality" for autonomous self-sustaining energy producers[2,4]

Here we are aware of a profound restructuring of the very approach to structuring society, the transition from a hierarchical structure (centralized) to a horizontal one. The role of the biosphere of the regions is important here, each of which is a "node" connected by energy, communication and transport systems. This will accelerate the pace of meeting social needs.

The strategy for the development of Russia's energy policy until 2035 indicates that in 2009-2012 the dependence of the Russian economy on the fuel and energy complex has increased in exports (70%), federal budget revenues (50%) and investments (40%). The need to rethink export policy both in the field of carbon raw materials and developing renewable energy facilities, where it is planned to carry out the transition from the strategy of the export-raw material model to the "incentive infrastructure" [3]. In total, from 2014 to 2035, there are 4 stages, in the first two of which it is planned to modernize the existing management system of the fuel and energy complex until 2026, taking into account the active development of carbon complexes- ¡ nfrastructures with an emphasis on the gas sector, and from 2026 (third stage) to carry out an active transition to the "energy of new generation, new hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon energy sources, development of smart energy systems ". In the fourth stage (2036-2050)[19] dependence on carbon resources should be minimized. Nuclear power plants and large hydropower are considered in the energy strategy as an alternative opportunity to reduce oil production and exports and increase the availability of electricity in the regions, in the last place the potential of small RES is taken into account.

The economic, social and technical potential for the development of renewable energy sources in various regions of the Russian Federation is determined by natural and climatic indicators, population density of the territory, the presence of a re-

quest from energy consumers and comparison of these indicators with the analysis of the energy infrastructure. The key indicator for determining the strategy for the development of RES is population density. In accordance with the ROSSTAT data for 2015, the following categories of regions by density were identified [14]:

First category: Cities macro-regions (as Moscow, St. Petersburg) - in this paper we do not consider these regions

Second category: 78 regions with less than 100 inhabitants per square kilometer Third category: 10 regions with fewer than 10 people per square kilometer

In this paper, we focus on the second and third category of areas.

The subject of case study: economic (installed capacities, costs of RES), social (a number of available indicators on the quality of life of the population), environmental (the level of pollution and the state of the environment in the region) and other qualitative indicators that directly or indirectly affect the development of RES in the region. There we will be concentrated for studying stakeholders who plays key roles in in terms of social impacts in Russian re-gions[5,8].

Research method

In this study, we adhere to the structure of the case study analysis of the following areas, taking into account the research objectives: management scheme and initiatives, type of RES and its characteristics, economic instruments, the impact of RES on the infrastructure of the region, the impact of RES on environmental aspects, the impact of RES on quality life of the population.

The research result is based on statistical yearbooks, official programs for the implementation of renewable energy sources in the regions, documents and resources of NGO portals, business reports, analytical materials of experts who worked within the assessment of the potential of renewable energy sources in each specific region. The time frame affects the beginning of the implementation of renewable energy sources in each region, statistics of performance indicators were provided for the last available years. Conditions for the se-


lection of cases: regions have experience in the implementation of renewable energy sources, which makes it possible to track the dynamics of changes: on the selected cases it is possible to build a generalization for other regions with similar indicators; priority is given to regions with a large number of types of renewable energy sources. Thus, the following regions were identified: From the second category in terms of population density, less than 100 people per sq. km: Kaliningrad Region, Republic of Crimea, North Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory[9]

Of the third category in terms of population density, less than 25 people per sq. km: Kamchatka Territory, Republic of Kalmykia, Altai Territory and Republic of Altai, Murmansk Region

Groups of social initiatives and management scheme

Several groups of initiatives have emerged: State initiative at the level of:

a) Region \ area. Management schemes:

implementation of the state program for a specific task (Krasnodar Territory)

- development of the structure of renewable energy sources as additional capacity (all regions)

- searching business solutions or investing from outside

- lawmaking: within the framework of improving energy efficiency (Altai Territory),

b) Republic. The leadership of RES developing were the heads of the republic in Kalmykia and the Altai Republic, where the needs of the territory, locality, specificity of the region, a suitable business solution for the state program, implemented by the same controlling[10,11].

• Business initiative at the local level selling renewable energy equipment; provision of production capacities, cooperating with the state in response to a request for the implementation of renewable energy sources; investing in services, technical support

• Civil initiative - local practices, publication of information materials, holding public actions (Murmansk, Arkhan-

gelsk). Public organizations of nomadic tribes in Kamchatka that support traditional principles of nature management • Scientific initiatives - the example of Kamchatka, Soviet research in the field of photoelectricity in the Krasnodar Territory.

In most cases of the introduction of RES, the state actually acted as the basis for the formation of the starting point of the start of RES, but the initiatives of the state were insufficiently coordinated in terms of interaction with other structures - in terms of the scope of implementation, an emphasis was placed on a foreign resource, but there was no active attraction and stimulating internal market systems.

Types of RES and RES characteristics

The table 1 shows the existing installed capacity and power at the completed construction stage. The spread in the percentage of energy supply is very high and is indicated approximately, since it depends on the variability of the use of renewable energy sources, and is also due to changes in consumer demand for energy during the year. The purchasing power and standard of living are not related to the formation of tariffs, which to a greater extent depends on the structure of the regional energy system, the main players in the market, which in energy-deficient regions is a particularly acute problem for the economy. The column "electricity production minus internal consumption, mln. KWh" with a minus value indicates a lack of energy for the region, in a positive value - an excess of the specified units of generation. The most energy-sufficient regions include, first of all, the regions or republics where nuclear power plants are located, secondly -small hydropower plants, in the third place -large hydropower plants. The tariffs in the considered areas for the maximum value at the peak for electricity vary from 2.7 to 4.2 rubles kW \ h. The tariff system seeks to average prices for all energy sources for the population.

The data are presented based on the analysis of the base of the portal energybase.ru and ROSSTAT [12, 15, 16,18].


Table 1. Summary table of the main characteristics of the region regarding RES

Region Type of RES Total capacity of renewable energy plants RES in the overall energy supply, % Of total consumption Production of e-products After deduction of the internal Consumption, million kWh Cost for RES, Rubles / kWh Living Standard Category

Murmansk region Complex of hydroelectric power stations 1593 MW 30-35% 2371.0 1.5 IV

Kamchatka Krai Wind power 0.5 MW 20-25% 1710.5 - IV

Geothermal power engineering 76.5 MW 1.5

Small hydropower plants 82.9 MW 1.4

Kaliningrad region Wind power 5.1 MW 1% 910.9 2 V

Republic of Crimea Wind power 60 MW 5-7% 900.8 3 IV-V

Solar power engineering 300 MW 3

Republic of Kalmykia Wind power 10 MW 10% -240.3 2.5 VIII

Solar (under construction) 45 MW -

North Caucasus Autonomous District HEPS 1200 MW No data From (-200) Before (-1200) 1.7 VI-VIII

Altai Area and the solar 10 MW 2% -2019.7 4 IV

Republic of Altai Small hydropower plants 24 MW 1.2

Krasnodar area Wind 1010 MW 30% -6399.2 3.6 III

Solar energy. From the point of view of the completeness of the implementation of solar energy, Crimea is the leader. It is followed by the Republic of Altai, where solar stations began to provide several residential areas at once, and the dependence on electricity imports from the Altai Territory was reduced. The production of the region is focused on the creation of capacities for the production of domestic electrical instal-lations[13]. Average tariff: 3.5 rubles per kW \ h.

Wind energy. The most promising in terms of the degree of capacity realization at the moment is the Krasnodar Territory, where wind farms will provide not only settlements, but also the manufacturing sector. The strategy of introducing new capacities in the provision of the energy sys-

tem, taking into account the problems of the region, should be noted the experience of the Republic of Kalmykia, which is currently being implemented. Wind turbines in the Kaliningrad region need technical replacement. The experience of Kamchatka regarding the use of wind farms is local in nature, gradually introducing new small capacities and is stably efficient.

HPP (hydro power plants) and SHPP (Small hydro power plants). In total, there are about 200 large hydroelectric power plants in Russia, 14 of them with a capacity of over 1000 MW. Large hydropower plants are not equated with RES, however, they are taken into account in the general energy scheme and balance sheet. The leaders are the North Caucasus, Altai Territory, Kamchatka. The discharge rates


of Russian hydroelectric power plants are 2-4 times lower than the average rates. The tariff is 1.5 rubles. per kW \ h [14]

Geothermal energy. The potential of Kamchatka is fully realized and unique in terms of technical developments, in Russia there are no analogues to this experience. However, there is still tough competition in the fuel and energy complex with carbon capacities and the extraction of natural resources in Kamchatka, which contributes to the deterioration of the quality of the environment. Rate: 1.2 rubles. Per kW \ h

Energy of the tides. It is a project experimental sector in Kamchatka and the

Murmansk region.Waste biomass possible to use it in places of active agriculture throughout Russia.

Socio-Economical aspects

The most successful projects in the field of renewable energy (tabl. 2) have shown that regardless of the initial area of initiatives, the main role is played by maximizing the balance of interests between stakeholders, where profit is justified by financial or social values for each group through public-private partnerships and concession agreements. The experience of Kalmykia and Krasnodar Territory is the most successful.

Table 2. The main Stakeholders

Steakholder Interests Region with the strongest stakeholder

Government Security, profitability, major projects, international position Kalmykia, Krasnodar Territory, Altai Region, Altay Republic

Population Safety, timely delivery of energy, low tariffs Murmansk region

Workers in the energy sector It is important to develop the industry in terms of its human and economic resources, social security and market stability.

Business structures + Production structures Investors: Profitability, risk, return on investment, security of their rights and interests. Suppliers: Compliance with contractual obligations and legislation by energy companies, timeliness and completeness of payment for delivered products Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Crimea, Murmansk Region

citizens quality of life and minimum energy cost, safety

Science and innovations institutes Collaboration with governmental or private sector in providing innovations or Russian RES products

A) Tariffs: traditional energy resources and renewable energy sources

• The practice of green tariffs was introduced only in Crimea during the Ukrainian period and due to inefficiency (lack of profit and high price for the population), but it was canceled in 2014.

• The RES market operates in the wholesale (with two price zones, with two non-price zones, isolated areas) and the retail market (with price and non-price zones). A renewable energy pro-


ducer that supplies electricity to a supplier of last resort is faced with the fact that the organization is both a generating facility, a grid organization, and a supplier of last resort at the same time.

there are two main mechanisms: a special mechanism of capacity trading and the obligation of grid companies to buy renewable energy at regulated prices (tariffs), two additional instruments also operate: a support mechanism for iso-

lated energy systems, a support mechanism as compensation for technical connection • at the moment in Russia there is a significant gap in the level of prices on the wholesale market and selling prices for consumers of electricity. In the second segment, tariffs are growing significantly faster. The increase in energy tariffs is due to a number of factors: an increase in the price of gas, carbon raw materials, the need to renew assets in generation and grid facilities, liberalization of the electricity market, the transition of grids to pricing according to the RAB-system (a regulated investment capital base), the abolition of regulation of markups for sales in the retail market, the lack of competition in the generation market, the crisis situation with the formation of oil prices. In this case, the prime cost of RES in various cases for the consumer is calculated through the general scheme of the energy network.

All implemented projects sought to maintain a balance between the population's ability to pay and benefits for private suppliers, by standardizing RES tariffs with a common federal and regional tariff. Economical strategies:

- investing. In most cases, the investors for RES were Russian and foreign corporations. Two cases were sponsored by the World Bank, which initially assessed the potential for RES implementation in the region.

- additional economic incentives

- subsidies - As a business instrument, subsidies can be used in separate agreements for the introduction of

small capacities or as a regional strategy

- lending from foreign banks. Proved to be an unsuccessful strategy. Several geothermal stations were built in Kamchatka on credit, part of the solar power was taken by Crimea from foreign sources of credit during the Ukrainian period. The situation in these cases has led to the fact that the debt for many years increases the tariffs for electricity. The Kamchatka Terri-

tory still has higher tariffs - a "second hand" strategy that was used by the Kaliningrad Region and the Republic of Kalmykia - through the sale of used wind farms, inherited from Denmark and Austria under the utilization charity program, thanks to which the use of renewable energy sources quickly gained momentum. Minus: shorter service life. Plus: quick conclusion to effective indicators.

- cluster policy of economic growth and diversification of the economy by increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, suppliers of equipment, components, specialized production and maintenance services, research and educational organizations that form territorial production clusters. This program was introduced as a development program in Kamchatka in search of ways to resolve pressing socio-economic problems in the context of energy policy.

- collaborated socio-economic management (Kalmykia, Kamchatka, Kaliningrad region) by the public sector with foreign management companies. Maintenance, consulting, and technical support are practiced. Danish, Swiss, Canadian, Chinese, Japanese companies are represented.

All regional cases, due to the small population of the territory, the large area and distance from centralized power supply networks, were not significantly affected by the change in the renewable energy infrastructure, since the enterprises provided by renewable energy sources are located remotely or do not occupy a large area; the structure of renewable energy is not yet developed to talk about the complexity of its implementation in the territories. In Crimea, Kamchatka, Krasnodar, Murmansk, Altai Territories, RES is associated with the development of a tourism zone, in Kalmykia and Krasnodar Territory, local provision of agriculture takes place[19]. Environmental impacts of RES Each region is characterized by a number of general indicators of emissions from priority pollutants into water, atmosphere, soil, as well as natural and geographical data that affect the ecology of the region


and the level of its self-sufficiency in natural resources, which are considered in each case. Comprehensive assessments of the positive impact of RES on the environment in the regions have not yet been carried out. With regard to the energy industry, the assessment of the impact on the environment takes into account the total contribution of various SHPPs, less often HPPs. there is no tool for assess-

ing ecosystem services in the practice of the Russian Federation in relation to this industry. The greatest possible impact on the OS from RES can be observed in HPPs and SHPPs, which is a priority topic for research; for WPPs and SPPs, studies in assessing the life cycle of production, technology, and operation of installations may be relevant (tabl. 3).

Table 3. Priority pollutants in cases and RES participation in problem solving

Area Priority environmental and social issues RES participation in problem solving

Kaliningrad region - Fuel sector - Emissions from transport - Manufacturing plants + " Yantarenergo " Development of wind farms will help reduce dependence on imports of hydrocarbon energy sources

Republic of Crimea - fuel sector - chemical and microbial pollution of resort and recreational resources in the absence of a reliable monitoring system for such pollution The high potential of solar, wind energy will help provide rural areas, replace CHP in these regions

Kamchatka Krai - fuel sector - degradation of commercial resources - reduction in the number of herds - reduction of the number of forests The development of wind farms, small hydroelectric power plants, geothermal sources will help reduce dependence on imports of hydrocarbon energy sources, provide autonomous regions, local wind farms - field zones

Republic of Kalmykia -transport - depletion of groundwater - desertification salinization WPP and SES will help to solve dependence on imports ellipsoid AI, developed by irrigation program with the help of renewable energy

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Altai Territory and the Altai Republic - petrochemistry - ferrous metallurgy - coke chemistry - food industry - TC in large cities - Reduce depending on the purchase ellipsoid uu - Providing autonomous territories - reduction of the generation level of CHP

Murmansk region - wastewater - local spills of oil products - emissions into the atmosphere from stationary sources of the Murmansk region decreased by 58%, the use of fresh water decreased by 35% The most efficient hydro resources have already been developed (58%). - It is possible to develop the potential of small HPPs for autonomous territories - to minimize the dependence of energy imports - high level of use of SPP and WPP of small capacity at strategically important facilities, it is planned to increase them

Krasnodar region - pollution of recreational areas - wastewater - fuel sector - oil and oil products - organochlorine pesticides The high potential of solar, wind energy will help provide rural areas, replace CHP in these regions

North Caucasus - local pollution of water areas - in regions with a high level of social tension, multiple violations were noted Local use of small hydroelectric power plants and solar power plants in small farms and enterprises

The quality of life of the population other fields, denoting an assessment of

Quality of life is a concept used in sociology, a(certain set, of, conditions and characteristics economics, politics, medicine and some of a person s life, usually based on his own

degree of satisfaction with these conditions and characteristics. In this case, we will be interested in such indicators as population density, average income, its comparison with energy tariffs, as well as the main types of employment of the population, taking into account the economic specifics of the region [24].

All considered regions, excluding the Murmansk and Kamchatka regions, in the peak tariff did not exceed 3, 65 rubles. per kW of consumed energy. Off-peak average values - 2.65 rubles. per kW In the Murmansk region during peak periods, the payment for electricity is 4, 4 rubles. per kW, but in the rest of the period less than 2 rubles. per kW The general spread of values is associated with the load of networks, the carrier of the energy source, and the internal feature of the energy system.

The Kamchatka Territory and the Murmansk Region are characterized by high salaries, taking into account the regional adjustment for the complexity of work in climatic conditions. The situation with ensuring a low level of electricity tariffs significantly affects the Republics and regions of the North Caucasus, Altai Territory, the Republic of Kalmykia, and the Republic of Crimea. It is necessary to take into account the high scatter of average wages with the level of wages of the rural population, which in the regions under consideration is engaged in traditional fishing, has a seasonal character and depends on natural conditions, is characterized by other needs for providing electricity, which must be studied. It is relevant to take into account the indicators of the economic and sectoral specialization of the region for the Kamchatka, Murmansk, Krasnodar Territories, the Republics of Crimea and Kalmykia and study their needs, taking into account the inclusion of rural areas and their possible modernization in relation to the benefits of RES development. For example, these regions are characterized by a high level of employment in agriculture, industries, mining, manufacturing. Employment in these industries is not always controlled and fixed, and is equally low in all regions in relation to other types of activity.

Labor market. As one of the world leaders in the implementation of large and small hydroelectric power plants for Russia, this indicator is significant - only RUS HYDRO employs 18,243 people (2009). Depending on the capacity, the hydropower plants can work from 150 to one and a half thousand people.

The quality of life. ROSSTAT distinguishes eight groups of regions in relation to the quality of life from 1 (highest) to 8 (lowest, catastrophic). Groups 1 and 2 in the considered cases with high indicators of living standards are absent. Only in the third group of regions there is no energy shortage, in the rest there is a significant growing imbalance, which depends on the degree of deterioration of conditions. The state of the energy industry is a consequence of other indicators.


RES potential:

• The possibilities of renewable energy in each region are assessed with great potential (general, technical), but only partial and local implementation as an additional source of energy [1, 2, 8].

• Regions can be viewed in terms of domestic energy production and external export potential.

General strategy for the implementation of RES

• Projects for the implementation of RES are formed either as a regional program, or are additional capacities implemented by the private or public sector and are not consistent with the increase in RES indicators in the general energy strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035 [6, 8, 7]

• Infrastructure, natural-geographic, demographic and socio-cultural specificity of the region has a direct impact on the development of renewable energy sources - if this specificity is taken into account, planned in advance and coincides with the needs of the population (or part of the population) and the realized potential of renewable energy sources, then it turns out to be the most effective. The most successful option is the introduction of small RES capaci-


ties in relation to a specific enterprise, villages.

Economy and energy. RES is being integrated into the general energy management system as an equal player. The development of renewable energy sources does not cancel or replace the fuel industry based on carbon sources, the expansion of the structure of which is planned in each region, especially in the oil and gas industry. Since January 1, 2017, the policy of import substitution of equipment has been in effect, and the ban on foreign equipment, which constituted the majority of RES, slowed down the introduction of RES. At the moment, there is no economic tool for assessing ecosystem services that binds the benefits of the economy, ecology and benefits for various industries and citizens [4].

The potential for the use of renewable energy sources in the regions of the Russian Federation is characterized by different dynamics, and at the moment all possible capacities are not used. The strengths in the implementation programs should be highlighted:

• state centralized management seeking to minimize financial risks for the population and the energy system

• flexible energy infrastructure

• a research base with an assessment of the potential of RES in different regions

• the possibility of international cooperation in the field of business projects related to the possibility of exporting renewable energy sources Insufficiently elaborated policy on the

following issues:

• formation of a potential labor market for renewable energy sources in the Russian Federation with a ready base of capacities, the number of employees of the structure, the possibilities of the industry in the energy system as a whole

• assessment of ecosystem services of various types of RES on the territory of the Russian Federation

• respecting the interests of various stakeholders, especially consumers

• RES is not planned as a replacement for hydrocarbon capacities


Ermolaeva Yu.V.

Federal center of theoretical and applied sociology Of the Russian Academy of sciences

This researching based on the case study, on the geographical, economic, social and environmental part of the plans for the transformation of renewable energy sources and the introduction of renewable energy sources (hereinafter -RES) in the territory of the Russian Federation. There are using the example of 8 regions: The Kaliningrad region, the Republic of Crimea, the Kamchatka Territory, the Republic of Kalmykia, the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, the Murmansk Region, the Krasnodar Territory, and the North Caucasian District are considered. It was revealed that a modern economic scheme of autonomy for the development of regions, an improved tender system with the promotion of new RES capacities, and expert capital have been implemented. The policy of forming a potential labor market for renewable energy sources in the Russian Federation has not been sufficiently developed, the possibilities of the industry in the energy system as a whole, the assessment of ecosystem services of various types of renewable energy sources on the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with the interests of various groups of stakeholders, the possibility of implementing methods of replacing renewable energy sources, and not positioning the industry as an additional tool.

Keywords: renewable energy sources, RES, regions of Russia, eco-modernization, labour market.


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