UDC 316.614
Guk Olga Fedorivna,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 03680, Kyiv, Academic Glushkov avenue, 2a, tel.: (098) 567 29 14, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-2474-0316
Рук Ольга Федорiвна,
кандидат педагоггчних наук, доцент ка-федри сощальног реабттацп та сощальног педагогжи, факультет психологи, Кигвський нацюнальний утверситет iме-т Тараса Шевченка, 03680, Кигв, пр. Ака-демка Глушкова, 2а, тел.: (098) 567 29 14, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-2474-0316
Рук Ольга Федоровна,
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры социальной реабилитации и социальной педагогики, факультет психологии, Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, 03680, Киев, пр. Академика Глушкова, 2а, тел.: (098) 567 29 14, e-mail: norkaukr@gmail.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2474-0316
Chernuha Nadiya Mykolayivna,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 03680, Kyiv, Academic Glushkov Avenue, 2a, tel.: (050) 475 97 32, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-5250-2366
Чернуха ilaciin Миколагвна,
доктор педагогiчних наук, професор, про-фесор кафедри сощальног реабттацп та сощальног педагоггки, факультет психологи, Кигвський нацюнальний утверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка, 03680, Кигв, пр. Академжа Глушкова, 2а, тел.: (050) 475 9732, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-5250-2366
Чернуха Надежда Николаевна,
доктор педагогических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры социальной реабилитации и социальной педагогики, факультет психологии, Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, 03680, Киев, ул. Академика Глушкова, 2а, тел.: (050) 475 9732, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-5250-2366
Abstract. This research is aimed at finding relevant socialization tools, namely at using student self-government as a promising area, since student self-government covers virtually all areas of a student's life, and the socialization of an individual takes place under the influence of certain factors.
The participation of a young person in student self-government gives him an opportunity to try different social roles, to gain skills of active social behavior, to learn to take responsibility, to exercise rights, and thus to successfully socialize and subsequently identify successful vectors of social partnership of the student community. Thus, the study of various aspects of socialization and of possibilities of student self-government for its fruitful implementation is a promising area of pedagogical research, because it has deep roots and, at the same time, is aimed at the future — del of students' preparedness for the development of physical culture was improved.
Keywords: personality, socialization, factors of socialization, student self-government, student youth.
Анотащя. Дослщження спрямоване на пошук актуальних 3aco6iB соща-лiзащ!, а саме на використання студентського самоврядування як перспективного напряму, адже студентське самоврядування охоплюе практично ус сфери життя студента i соцiалiзацiя особистосп вщбуваеться шд впливом певних факторiв.
Участь молодо! людини у студентському самоврядуванш надае можливо-CTi спробувати себе в рiзних сощальних ролях, отримати навички активно! сощально! поведшки, навчитися брати на себе вщповщальшсть, користува-тися правами, а отже, устшно соцiалiзуватися та в подальшому визначити усшшш вектори сощального партнерства студентсько! громади. Таким чином, вивчення рiзних аспекпв соцiалiзацi! i можливостей студентського самоврядування для !! плвдного здшснення е перспективним напрямом педаго-пчних дослщжень, бо мае глибоке коршня i спрямоване в майбутне.
K^40Bi слова: особистють, соцiалiзацiя, фактори соцiалiзацi!, студентсь-ке самоврядування, студентська молодь.
Аннотация. Исследование направлено на поиск актуальных средств социализации, а именно на использование студенческого самоуправления как перспективного направления, ведь студенческое самоуправление охватывает практически все сферы жизни студента и социализация личности происходит под воздействием определенных факторов.
Участие молодого человека в студенческом самоуправлении дает возможность попробовать себя в различных социальных ролях, получить навыки активного социального поведения, научиться брать на себя ответственность, пользоваться правами, а следовательно, успешно социализироваться и в дальнейшем определять успешные векторы социального партнерства студенческой общины. Таким образом, изучение различных аспектов социализации и возможностей студенческого самоуправления для ее плодотворного осуществления является перспективным направлением педагогических исследований, имея глубокие корни и одновременно направлено в будущее.
Ключевые слова: личность, социализация, факторы социализации, студенческое самоуправление, студенческая молодежь.
Formulation of the problem. The
choice of the European vector of development and the socio-economic transformation in Ukraine require significant changes in the education system, in particular, in the system of higher education. In modern conditions, a teacher of higher education is the main object of innovative development of higher education. It is indisputable that the values, experience, achievements, traditions of any society are constantly passed on to subsequent generations. Therefore, studies related to the assimilation by young people of the value system of a particular society are relevant. Conscious, responsible, socially active citizens, capable of positive transformation of the social environment, are always a priority in a democratic society.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The general theory of
socialization is presented in works of A. Mudrik, B. Parygin, T. Parsons, N. Smelser, V. Tatenko, and others [13]. The essence and various problems of socialization, as well as of social and pedagogical work with youth were studied by I. Zvereva, A. Kapska, G. Laktiono-va, L. Mischyk, Yu. Polischuk, A. Ryzh-anova, S. Savchenko, S. Kharchenko, and others; socio-pedagogical problems of youth as an important social group were studied in works of V. Lisovskiy, S. Savchenko, S. Shashenko, and others.
Formulation of the purpose of the article. The purpose is to research the essence of socialization of student youth as a socio-pedagogical problem and to determine the vectors that ensure the effectiveness of the functioning of student self-government as a means of the socialization of students of a higher education institution.
Presentation of the main material.
It should be noted that the historical pedagogical theory as well as the modern one attaches great importance to formation of young people capable of maintaining the achievements of their home state at the proper level and of continuing the traditions of their people and nation in the future.
According to K. Jaspers, social inheritance is inherent in human society only. In particular, the scientist notes that people and ethnic groups are characterized by both biological and social inheritance, which is carried out by preserving and transferring ethnic memory by means of a special mechanism of "extra-genetic" (social) nature [4, p. 149]. Society is interested in consolidating its priorities and values of previous generations, in transferring its social experience to future generations.
According to N. Golovanova, future society will need not a person that will be fully and harmoniously developed according to a certain ideal model, but a person that will be identical to himself, that will bear an image of himself in all the diversity of relations with the surrounding world. Contemporary culture encourages individuality, its creative activity and abilities to focus on the future: on the ability to predict, fantasize, to move into new forms of activity in situations of uncertainty. The current trend of the perception of an individual not as a constituent element of society, but as an element that changes the social world through the prism of its own personality is topical [5, p. 12].
The growth of the significance of the individual-personal segment in all manifestations of the life and professional self-realization of modern man is a cur-
rent global trend. In society, understanding that the younger generation must be able to consciously act on the basis of ideas about personal freedom, to make independent decisions, to take responsibility both for themselves and for those around them is formed.
We share the opinion that internal freedom and civil responsibility cannot directly flow from the totality of theoretical social knowledge and noble examples. Everyone has his own social experience. Due to active transformation of the paradigm of pedagogical science and the evolution of its subject, it includes in today's conditions not only education, but also socialization [5,
p. 5].
The term "socialization" comes from Latin and means "that of society". The author of the term is believed to be American sociologist F. Giddings. In 1887, in his book "Theory of Socialization", he used the word "socialization" in the sense of "the development of the social nature or character of an individual, the preparation of human material to social life" [6, p. 8].
Today, the concept of "socialization" has become widespread, in connection with which it can be found in sociological, pedagogical, psychological studies, works on criminology, ethnography, etc. It is believed that the psychological mechanism of socialization is represented by social roles, functions, models of behavior, which are set by the social position of an individual in the system of social relations. As a sociocultural mechanism in the context of philosophy, socialization is seen as the process of self-identification of an individual with certain social roles; it is carried out both in the context of direct interaction
and indirectly — through culture. The phenomenon of socialization involves the adaptation of man to conditions of the social environment as well as generative influence of the external environment of culture on a personality [7, p. 96-96].
It should be noted that socialization is a two-way process of interaction of an individual and society in which both parties are active, and the development of a personality is carried out in the process of expansion and multiplication of its connections with the whole social system, through personal self-actualization.
It is worthwhile to pay attention to the fact that, in the process of socialization of a person, the latter is influenced by other people with their behavior, beliefs, and examples; therefore, we consider it necessary to define socialization not as a two-way process (interaction of an individual an society), but as a multi-way one (interaction of an individual and other individuals in the context of their interaction with society). This approach focuses on the fact that a person in the process of socialization is not only enriched with experience, but also actualizes himself as a personality, influencing life circumstances, people around him [1, p. 6].
Let us take into account that P. Saint-Marc in his "Socialization of Nature" considered socialization in connection with ecological state in the context of socio-ecological problems as a component of the consciousness of capitalist society. In this work, in particular, he states: "In order to save nature, it is necessary to socialize it, that is, to recognize that it is a common good, that its preservation is a univer-
sal task, and, moreover, today's most urgent task, that a significant part of national income should be deductible for nature protection" [8, p. 83]. "To socialize nature means to recognize that the intangible wealth generated by nature — the satisfaction of biological, aesthetic, scientific needs — has an economic value for our society and that, accordingly, we must pay for its preservation" [8, p. 87]. "To socialize nature means to open it to all" [8, p. 88]. At the same time, the scientist does not integrate socialization into the structure of a scientific branch; he does not even give it a clear definition. Based on the definitions of P. Saint-Marc, we can say that such socialization is absolutely specific, since it is aimed at nature, and not at people.
According to J. Sartre, no special nature of man exists; a human does not represent anything and becomes a human as such only later; moreover, the nature of a person is created by this very person the person in question determining its properties. According to Sartre, a person is responsible for what he is as well as for all people [9, p. 323-324].
At the intersection of sociology and culture, Ya. Schepanskiy calls socialization the process of formation and adaptation of an individual to life in a community which is based on his learning and habituation to culture, which makes it possible to understand this culture and to act in accordance with its models and values [10, p. 50]. Cultural anthropology examines national peculiarities of socialization by comparing the role of parents, age status, customs and ritual system, and shows the diversity of ways and results of socialization among different peoples.
Assimilation of social roles, according to P. Hornostay, is one of the main components of human socialization, since it is in social roles that norms and rules of social behavior are fixed in the form of normative requirements for the fulfillment of social roles.
In the context of social psychology, socialization is seen as the process of formation of a personality in its social environment, as a multi-level process of humanization of a human, which includes both biological components and the self-introduction of an individual into the surrounding social environment and involves social cognition, social communication, mastery of practical skills including both the substantive world and the whole set of social functions, roles, norms, rights, and responsibilities, active reorganization of the surrounding natural and social world, change and qualitative transformation of man himself, his comprehensive and harmonious development [2, p. 165].
The position of V. Tatenko, who emphasizes that the task of institutes of socialization is to contribute in every way to the deployment in the process of individual development of each child of the sensitivity, propensity, and ability that make a human a human, is worthy. The principle of action operates not only within the limits defined by the problems of socialization, but it also extends to all spheres of human life — both individual and social one [11, p. 557].
It should be noted that the concept of "life school" by S. Shatskiy implied the "cultivation" of a person based on traditions, customs, and norms of the micro-environment, using the culture of the family, children's informal
groups, public organizations, etc. The educational process was based on the study of the influence of environmental factors, on the analysis of the accumulated social experience and the characteristics of each individual. Describing his new school in pedagogy, the researcher emphasized the need to use the educational possibilities of social environment [12].
The globalization of the contemporary world, which involves the spread of technologies, ideas, values, needs, standards of behavior and other things common to all humanity, is one of the vectors that requires the availability and widespread occurrence of cultural and cross-cultural socialization. However, the excessively fast pace of the process comes into conflict with national peculiarities that still remain in the rapidly changing world. People began to move more in the world, in particular, to study in another state, but they do not have time to get acquainted, to understand, to get accustomed, and to respect other cultures. We deem it appropriate to actualize the study of cultural and cross-cultural socialization in the pedagogical area of studying socialization [13].
It should be noted that modern science is expanding the study of various manifestations of the phenomenon of socialization. In particular, M. Aliyev [7] considered "the socialization of harmony". His research showed that harmony, as well as lack thereof, relate to the basic forms of organization of the natural, social, and spiritual worlds.
Thus, as stressed in a number of studies, not only a personality, a separate group or a large collective, but also individual personality traits and personality
characteristics can be socialized. Focusing on one form of socialization provides an opportunity to better explore and implement socialization paradigms. By such paradigms we mean steady patterns of socialization that are characteristic of a specific established society. In our opinion, this is necessary in order to bring certain qualities of an individual to a level acceptable in a particular society. However, in this case there is the possibility of prevalence of the social over the individual and of formation of a citizen to satisfy the need of society.
After reviewing a number of definitions of socialization, it is advisable to state that the process of socialization of an individual is a complex social phenomenon, which is considered from the standpoint of different branches of scientific knowledge in order to get maximally complete characteristics of this complex process. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in this case socialization itself should be perceived only in a holistic way.
Based on research into approaches of different sciences to the definition of the concept of "socialization", we propose the following description of the process of socialization of youth. The socialization of youth is a continuous, complex, multi-faceted process of formation of a personality as a social being in its social environment, which is based on the peculiarities of the system of education and upbringing in a particular country, the experience of present and previous generations, traditions and customs as well as on the specifics of the individual's entry into the social environment.
We emphasize that the process of socialization of young people involves
active cognition of the social system, diverse communication of individuals within the limits, the acquisition of practical skills in the social environment, the fulfillment of various social roles, active participation in restructuring the surrounding social world, change and qualitative transformation of the person himself, his comprehensive and harmonious development [14].
Theory and practice have proved that the socialization of an individual occurs under the influence of certain groups of factors. There are mega-factors as global conditions of the socialization of all or the overwhelming majority of mankind. These include space, the planet, and the world. Their components, in turn, include environmental situation, global catastrophes and processes, in particular globalization, the development of communication systems, including the Internet, military, political, religious, ethnic conflicts, ideals of so-called mass culture. The object of socialization is represented by peoples and countries. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that, due to psychological and age specificities, factors of this group influence young people far more than others. As it is known, young people are the most mobile and communicative social stratum. However, on the other hand, young people are also most open to external influences. Macro-factors such as country, eth-nos, society, state, ideology, nation and national culture, natural climatic and geographical peculiarities are conditions that influence the socialization of the inhabitants of large territories. For example, country is a significant macro-factor of socialization, because the entry of a person into the social world
occurs in the context of the culture that was formed in the territory of a certain state for a long time. The object of socialization is represented by a people, a nation. It is worth noting that historically determined regional features of Ukraine are an essential factor in the socialization of youth. Macro-factors also include natural climatic or geopolitical features. Geographical conditions, season duration, humidity, the presence of certain natural resources, fossil fuels affect the population density, fertility, the prevalence of certain types of labor, the type of nutrition, the state of health, the degree of prevalence of individual diseases [15, p. 11-12]. Natural geographical conditions, including climate, are a sort of limits of the process of socialization. Then, there are meso-factors or medium factors — they are intermediate. These include, in particular, the type of settlement, region, one or another subculture (emo, clubbers, etc), belonging to the audience of certain media, to an Internet community (regular users of social networking websites like VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, etc). These factors determine the conditions for the socialization of large groups, which include a region, a city, a township, a village, belonging to the audience of certain media, telecommunication means, some or other subcultures [15, p. 7]. The object of socialization is represented by a settlement, an association, a large group of individuals. There are also micro-factors through which the socialization of individuals takes place. They include family, local community, school or university population, peer groups, private organizations and government agencies, religious ter-
ritorial cells. These represent directly the micro-society, the institutes of socialization with which an individual communicates (family, school, peer association) [15, p. 10].
It is indisputable that in the socialization of young people two streams of socialization are distinguished: the spontaneous one, which is under the influence of a student community and natural elemental factors, and the purposeful one, which is conditioned by the tasks of education of a particular state and guided by an educational institution through the educational process. The influence of socializing factors of the youth community at the present stage of education development is more significant than education as socially controlled socialization. This phenomenon is connected with the fact that the structure of introduction into life of the old ideology of education is destroyed, and new concepts do not work so far. In this context, there is a need to pay more attention to the development of student self-government bodies as an effective means of socializing student's youth at an educational institution which combines the spontaneous influence of the student environment and specially created conditions for education and self-education of an individual.
According to O. Vasylenko and A. Malko, educational institutions are specially created to ensure the implementation of the social ideal of personality, of leading social groups, to reproduce and develop society. The system of educational institutions of any country is a leading factor in socialization, in particular social education. The main goal of the system of educational institutions is adaptation to the exist-
ing values of the culture of society as a whole as well as of its individual groups. However, if a country orients to domestic development, adaptation takes place in such a way that it provides the foundation for individualization of an individual or a group. Therefore, the structure, organization, content of social and pedagogical activities in the system of educational institutions depends on the corresponding social values of society [16]. In case of domination of anthropo-centric values, a country through educational institutions creates conditions for individualization of a person, for elicitation and fulfillment of his vital forces, creative potential, which are the foundation of further development of society. But preponderance of individu-alization in the process of socialization can create conditions for formation of a false sense of absolute independence of a person from society, which leads to the enhancement of centrifugal forces in it and to the loss of independence and, as a consequence, — to the deterioration of the conditions of socialization of man [16, p. 3].
Undoubtedly, student self-government is one of the many means of socialization. We define means of socialization as those universal means through which the process of socialization occurs. Participation in the activities of student self-government allows young people to activate certain mechanisms of socialization. The traditional mechanism of spontaneous socialization involves uncritical assimilation of norms and rules of conduct in the immediate environment — the family. When working at a higher education institution, we deal with consequences of its influence. Standards of steady behavior,
stereotypes of social roles, conscious beliefs reinforced by family behavior, can contribute to the further process of socialization, but they can also hinder it by offering models whose content is far from what is offered at a higher educational institution. The institutional mechanism, that is, the mechanism of socialization under the influence of institutional establishments, is more orderly and conscious than the traditional one, because it is included in the system of education at a higher educational institution, which is represented, in particular, by student self-government bodies. In this context, student self-government contributes to improving the effectiveness of educational and socializing influence. If it is sufficiently "mature", then student self-government bodies act as a transformer of this kind of influence. Stylized mechanism of socialization is the mechanism of influence of a certain subculture. In our case, by subculture, student youth culture in general and the cultural traditions specific to a particular higher educational establishment are meant. They are transmitted during communication with teachers and other staff of a particular educational institution, communication of lower-year students with upper-year ones, through student stories, while living at a hostel — in the context of the so-called "student fraternity". The interpersonal mechanism works during interaction between individuals. An authoritative person with his actions, beliefs, speeches forms ideals and orientations for another person. Age specificities of the student's age determine the significance of this influence. Insufficiently formed critical thinking of a young person creates the
prerequisites for an active personality, a leader to become an authority and a model for the former.
As it is known, socialization can be primary and secondary. At a higher education institution, we deal with consequences of primary socialization. Secondary socialization covers the period from maturity and throughout life. Preparation of an individual for more mature social roles, including those of a citizen and a professional, takes place. In our case, in the process of adaptation to the conditions of a higher education institution, secondary socialization and entry into a new social group take place.
According to researchers S. Sav-chenko, O. Vasylenko, and A. Malko [16], students are a transitional so-cio-demographic group, belonging to which is a sort of a step towards further life. Being closely associated with certain social groups, students retain their special social qualities. The loss of the latter and the acquisition of new ones, related to the social status of students, is a complex, controversial, and lengthy process. The temporary nature of staying in the student status also determines the temporality of the existence of a number of social features. People who come from different social groups and strata adapt differently to the new environment, which should be taken into account in the educational process and in the process of socialization of subjects of the educational and socializing process. The social peculiarities of the age period characteristic of students are related to the transition from the dependent period of childhood and adolescence to the period of independent and responsible maturity.
We believe that the most successful socialization of an individual will be one that takes place as a result of active and conscious participation of a young person in the life of the student community, in the activities of student self-government bodies. However, one should not forget that young people who come to higher education institutions have different degrees of primary and secondary socialization. In some cases, this is due to insufficient primary socialization in the family and at the previous general educational institution, and in other ones — to individual characteristics of an individual student.
The task of the previous generation is to accustom a young person to civilized norms of coexistence in a democratic society. It is also important to engage in the process of accustoming such agents of socialization as teachers. Their participation in the socialization of student youth as one of an active creative force that operates purposefully and consistently promotes successful socialization of youth.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Thus, research into various aspects of socialization and of possibilities of student self-government for its fruitful implementation is a promising area of pedagogical research, because it has deep roots and, at the same time, is aimed at the future. The specifics of student self-government as a means of youth socialization is to enable students, based on their own will and skills, to determine their position in society. The analysis conducted makes it possible to assert that a socialized person should be capable of opposing adverse living conditions, aggressive society, otherwise there is a risk of ab-
solute socialization of the individual to the state of a mechanical "cog", which is maximally socialized, being completely dissolved in society, having lost his individuality and social activity, the ability to transform his society. Such a state contradicts the natural rights of man, as well as the rights of a citizen enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. The participation of a young person in student self-government gives him an opportunity to try different social roles, to gain skills of active social behavior, to learn to take responsibility, to exercise rights and, therefore, to successfully socialize and subsequently identify successful vectors of social partnership of student community. On the basis of an analysis of scientific literature, it was established that socialization is an important process in formation of an individual and a citizen. Therefore, the phenomenon of socialization is worth further research.
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