Флеров Олег Владиславович
Социально-профессиональные реалии современного общества таковы, что, выбрав профессию в юности, человек не определяет свой трудовой и социальный путь в целом, а лишь начальный его этап в условиях не только вертикальной, но и горизонтальной социальной мобильности. В статье рассматривается воздействие дополнительного профессионального образования на такие социальные процессы, как вторичная профессиональная социализация и профессиональная мобильность. Это отражает взаимосвязь социально-экономического аспекта профессионального образования и социально-психологических проблем становления профессионала на протяжении всей его жизни.
Адрес статьи: \м№^.агато1а.пе1/та1епа18/4/2019/1 /16.html
Педагогика. Вопросы теории и практики
Тамбов: Грамота, 2019. Том 4. Выпуск 1. C. 76-79. ISSN 2500-0039.
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Информация о возможности публикации статей в журнале размещена на Интернет сайте издательства: Вопросы, связанные с публикациями научных материалов, редакция просит направлять на адрес: [email protected]
9. Никитина Е. А. Развитие культуры профессионального мышления будущего учителя посредством занятий педагогического цикла // Актуальные вопросы регионального образования: современное образование с позиций ком-петентностного подхода: сборник научно-методических материалов. Саратов: ГАОУ ДПО «СарИПКиПРО», 2010. Вып. 5. С. 38-43.
10. Никитина Е. А. Теоретические основы проблемы рефлексивного освоения студентом - будущим учителем реальной педагогической действительности // Проблемы качества образования в современном обществе: сборник статей Х международной научно-практической конференции. Пенза: Приволжский дом знаний, 2014. С. 63-69.
11. Савченко И. В. Информационно-аналитическая деятельность студентов и трудности её реализации в современном образовании // Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия «Психология». 2016. Т. 16. С. 39-44.
12. Сластёнин В. А., Подымова Л. С. Педагогика: инновационная деятельность. М.: Магистр, 1997. 223 с.
13. Строкова Т. А. Индивидуальная стратегия обучения: сущность и технология разработки // Образование и наука. 2005. № 4 (34). С. 17-26.
Никитина Елена Александровна, к. пед. н., доцент Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского
тШта_в.а@тай. гы
В статье прослеживается мысль о том, что аналитическая деятельность студентов на данный момент не является инновационной, но её тщательно продуманная организация, адаптированная к современному контексту компетентностно-ориентированной высшей школы, может способствовать инновационному эффекту в самом лучшем его проявлении. Разработанная автором типология проблемно-аналитических заданий и примеры их использования иллюстрируют возможность рефлексивной подготовки будущих учителей в рамках современного образовательного процесса.
Ключевые слова и фразы: анализ; аналитическая деятельность; мыследеятельность; рефлексия; педагогическая реальность; проблемно-аналитическое задание; профессиональная компетентность учителя.
УДК 374.7 Дата поступления рукописи: 12.02.2019
The social and professional reality of the modern society causes the following situation: having chosen a profession in his youth, a person doesn't determine his labour and social trajectory as a whole, but only its initial stage under the conditions of not only vertical, but horizontal mobility as well. The article discusses the impact offurther professional education on such social processes as secondary professional socialization and professional mobility. It reflects the interrelation of the socio-economic aspect of professional education and the socio-psychological issues of becoming a professional throughout one's life.
Key words and phrases: social process; further education; professional education; adult education; secondary professional socialization; educational trajectory; professional mobility.
Flerov Oleg Vladislavovich, Ph. D. in Pedagogy
Moscow Witte University [email protected]
The social role and nature of education are generally recognized. Meanwhile, its social functions are usually talked about when it comes either to the younger generation or the basic professional education. Further professional education, in which adults participate, is being considered increasingly as an educational service, the feasibility of getting it depends on how each person sees his own educational trajectory [2; 3; 9-12]. Perhaps this is because further professional education programs are almost always implemented on the commercial basis. However, this does not negate their social function and influence on socio-professional processes. In this case, we should talk about secondary professional socialization and professional mobility. The article considers the main aspects of the mechanism of such an influence.
L. V. Tarasenko's work seems fundamental in this sense, in which secondary professional socialization is considered as a type of professional socialization as a whole with reference to human's social and personal development and growth [14, c. 44-72]. After analyzing various theories of socialization, the researcher comes to the conclusion that professional socialization should be understood as "integration of the individual into the sphere of professional activity, including the process of assimilation and reproduction of professional knowledge, norms, values, attitudes, behaviors during the development of a person as a member of a certain professional community and the process aimed at ensuring his effective functioning as a professional. During the process of professional socialization, the development of a person as a subject of professional activity occurs" [Ibidem, c. 45].
The secondary character of professional socialization in the system of further professional education (hereafter referred to as FPE) plays a dual role. On the one hand, the assimilation of new social skills associated with function-ning only in a new profession, and not in the professional environment as a whole, is facilitated. This happens on the basis of both general cultural (universal) and general professional competences. On the other hand, the acquisition of new technologies of competitive social activity is significantly complicated against the background of the functioning stereotypes accumulated in the process of primary socialization in a more protected and often socially supportive environment. Thus, acquiring a certain new type of profession implies a person mastering a new social role, which makes it possible to consider this process as a special case of the general process of socialization of an individual in the sphere of professional activity.
The process of professional socialization, starting in adolescence, simultaneously with the beginning of the process of professional self-determination, continues almost through the entire life of a person. Thus, it is possible to distinguish at least two stages in it. According to E. A. Klimov, the first stage includes the period of study in a professional educational institution [6, c. 420]. It is known that while getting basic professional education, students develop certain professional values and stereotypes, many important ideas about their profession, and awareness of their involvement in it originates. This allows us to conclude that professional socialization begins in the period of preparation for future professional activity.
The formation of the institute of FPE in the society, the wide spread of such a phenomenon as a person's mastery of a new, additional profession suggest that there are two forms of socialization - the primary one, which occurs during the acquiring of the main profession by a personality, and the secondary one, connected with getting further professional education. At the same time, these forms can exist in parallel in the process of professional development of a person, if he gets further professional education while working on his main specialty and developing in it as a professional.
In contrast to the primary professional socialization, the secondary one falls on the period of active labor activity, when a person already has a certain starting level of socio-psychological and professional development. A specialist has already formed a certain system of values, as well as readiness for self-learning and self-development, professional needs and aspirations [7]. The use of the age approach to the study of these phenomena confirms that the issues of professional socialization in general and secondary professional socialization in particular are closely related to the growth and development of an individual throughout life.
Within this approach, a number of stages can be distinguished. At each of them the process is differentiated by its content and specificity associated with a personality's development. For example, S. E. Pinyaeva and N. V. An-dreev, on the basis of the research of such psychologists as B. G. Ananyev, E. Erickson, and others, distinguish four stages of a personality's professional development covering the period of life from 20 to 60 years [Ibidem].
The first stage (20-30 years) is characterized by the desire of a person for independent life, self-awareness as an adult and a full-grown member of the society. At this stage, the process of choosing, mastering a profession, grasping and accepting professional norms, understanding the meaning of the profession and involvement in it is carried out. Getting FPE often occurs at this stage, dictated not by objective socio-economic factors (unemployment, low incomes, etc.), but internal ones, when the reflection of oneself in social and professional environment leads to the understanding that it is necessary to master another profession or improve one's own professional level to unlock inner potential.
The second stage (30-40 years) is characterized by the stabilization of the basic mental structures, value attitudes, level of aspiration. In case of achieving higher levels in professional activity and success in it (including with the help of FPE), a person increases overall motivation, creative development of himself as an individual by means of profession. According to V. A. Klimov, this stage of professional development is characterized by the fact that under the influence of goals and working conditions a professional personality type is formed with its characteristic style of activity, communication and behavior, interests, attitudes and traditions [6, c. 108]. Since the goals and conditions of activity in a particular profession are characterized by a certain typicality and repeatability, this leads to the appearance of a sign of the relative stability of the professional personality type. However, E. M. Borisova notes that the professional personality type is not fixed. The process of its formation is carried out continuously, and any changes in the course of professional formation can affect its development [4]. Accordingly, the professional personality type can vary in the FPE system, and the person himself may feel the need for it. There are quite a lot of 30-40-year-olds, who are very successful in their main profession, whose motive for studying is the desire to "try something new". As a rule, in this case, an adjacent profession is chosen. Here we can talk about a certain nostalgia -the desire to feel like a student again, when student years are already a distant stage.
The socio-economic situation aggravates motives for avoiding failure at this age as well. Perhaps the thirty-five-year-old frontier is the last stage, when one can count on mastering a new profession, and also on making a career in it, especially taking into account the fact that in tough competition in the labor market, employers prefer to choose "younger and more promising" applicants. In our opinion, the notions "young" and "promising" should be differentiated, since they are not necessarily interrelated.
The third stage of professional and personal development (40-50/55 years) is associated with the strengthening of the system of social roles. A person acquires a confident life position and stability. Individualization of personal development, social responsibility for the world and realistic self-esteem are increasing. After 50 years, when the accumulated experience allows a more realistic assessment of the ratio of the expected and the achieved, a person begins to sum up his past activities and accomplishments, to think about the meaning of life and the value of what has been done.
The fourth stage, singled out by S. E. Pinyaeva and N. V. Andreev (50/55-60 years), is at the peak of the most general social achievements - position in the society, power, authority and selection of the most interesting public
activities for an individual. It is possible to continue creative activity and professional self-determination expressed in the analysis and synthesis of professional experience and transferring it to the next generation [7, c. 8-9].
The age approach to professional socialization actualizes the psychological aspects of the study of the FPE, and especially the psychological and pedagogical aspects, which consist in taking into account the age characteristics of the listeners. However, the age-related approach is, at the same time, its methodological disadvantage, since it shifts the emphasis on the process of personal development, and the stages of professional development are associated with the ontogenetic development of a person.
This can be especially noticeable in the current situation generated by socio-economic changes in our country, spontaneous social selection, when it is not uncommon for people to change their professional trajectory, to search, find and adapt to a new profession. This puts a person in front of the need to solve new problems by searching for new or changing existing educational trajectories and routes. It is clear that in such cases, all the stages described in the above classification will not correspond to the above mentioned age limits, which are suitable for the most stable socio-economic situation, if not ideal.
If secondary professional socialization is a social process that is closely interconnected with the internal personal development of a human, then another process, professional mobility, generated by the FPE, is more connected with the functioning of an individual in the society itself, that is, in external professional environment. At the same time, it can be said that professional mobility is, on the one hand, a result of secondary professional socialization, and, on the other hand, a thesis that these processes run in parallel is valid, since mobility as a change of profession, place of work, getting a new experience, etc. implies personal-professional development.
The institutional role of the FPE in this context was considered by T. I. Popova [8]. This educational institution is viewed in her study as a channel of professional mobility, with its possibilities of redistributing working population in the sectors of the economy. The author has made conclusions about the impact of the FPE on the change in the social and professional position of a specialist, who has got it. At the same time, the predominant type of social and professional mobility remains the preservation of a sufficiently good position of those getting the FPE with the determining role of the public sector. The type of mobility transforming occupational status affects professional groups with lower level of qualification and preferential employment at private enterprises.
It is very important that the role of the FPE in the formation of the professional structure of the society is actualized because of the change in the country's economic growth model. In the conditions of the post-industrial information society, the innovative economy, which is also called knowledge economy, professional knowledge, abilities and skills form the basis of intellectual capital, which is the most powerful factor in the development of enterprises in various professional fields. Intellectual capital contains the accumulated stock and flow of professional knowledge, objects of copyright and intellectual property used expediently for production activities to create products and services that ensure the growth of income for a person, a company, and the society. For enterprises working in the field of high technologies, this factor is the key one [1, c. 5].
The FPE is an element of the mechanism for enhancing the intellectual potential of a country. From the institutional point of view, it seems to be the easiest and most accessible mechanism for redistributing working population in various spheres, sectors and branches of the economy. Thus, it influences the change in socio-professional structure through the regular acquisition of the complex of new knowledge and skills by specialists. Its role is also important for testing, certification and selection of workers in various areas [13, c. 167-194].
I. P. Popova comes to the conclusion that in Russia of the 2000s, the FPE system as a channel for professional mobility manifests the dual character. On the one hand, it gave samples of professional mobility, which remained virtually unchanged for a decade, and rather helped to preserve the social and professional position than improve it significantly or change it drastically. From this point of view, it seems to be far from the most effective mechanism for the transformation and redistribution of various social and professional groups of employed population in the emerging new sectors of employment and the sectors of professional structure [8, c. 132-133].
The massive character of basic higher education is complicating the situation in this case. Today, a specialist having two basic higher education diplomas is no longer a rarity, and with the spread of the master's degree in the 2010s as the main short-term educational program of the higher level, the competitive situation for the FPE programs in the labor market and educational market becomes even more complicated.
At the same time, the FPE is differentiating workers according to two types of strategies very clearly. The first is aimed at stabilizing the position and professional career of people with higher human capital and a strong position at work, the other pushes out quite active and young, but not highly professional workers to search for a new professional perspective. The motives for the stabilization of the professional position are caused not only by competition in the labor market, but also by direct job requirements. Today, in many industries, advanced training is mandatory for an employee's certification. Further professional educational programs that contribute to the improvement of professional and career prospects today are also popular with students, largely because of the ambition that is psychologically natural for this age group and the desire to live in the present in order to influence the future.
From psychological-pedagogical studies of self-determination and the formation of professional identity in youth it is known that this process takes place, firstly, for a certain time, and secondly, in its course, a young person can make a conclusion about the incorrectness of his initial choice. Parallel FPE getting in this case is the best option in terms of time, effort and benefit, in contrast, for example, to transferring to another area of training with the loss of the year of study. Such a program can provide food for thought and necessary academic preparation for admission to the master's degree in a new specialty.
Thus, it should be noted that the socio-professional realities of the modern society are such that, choosing a profession in youth, a person does not determine his labor and social path as a whole, but only its initial stage in the conditions of not only vertical but also horizontal social mobility. Traditionally, in our country, the typical life course of a person was linear, which was determined by social traditions and norms of social behavior that related positively to an employee's desire to spend his life in one workplace [5]. Today, this path is obviously non-linear and is determined by various factors, which, in particular, have been mentioned above, including social ones.
The FPE system, creating conditions for "professional distribution" throughout life, under the same conditions, has a significant effect on the socio-economic situation, while it is an active participant in economic relations producing an "educational product". That is why the socio-professional aspects of the FPE are being considered increasingly in the economic context presenting themselves as socio-economic ones, which can also be applied to the main educational programs, taking into account the large number of students at higher education institutions on the fee basis nowadays. This, in turn, is the reason for the development of such an interdisciplinary direction as the economics of education, in which the proportion of research devoted to the FPE is large enough.
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Флеров Олег Владиславович, к. пед. н.
Московский университет имени С. Ю. Витте olegfyoroff@yandex. ru
Социально-профессиональные реалии современного общества таковы, что, выбрав профессию в юности, человек не определяет свой трудовой и социальный путь в целом, а лишь начальный его этап в условиях не только вертикальной, но и горизонтальной социальной мобильности. В статье рассматривается воздействие дополнительного профессионального образования на такие социальные процессы, как вторичная профессиональная социализация и профессиональная мобильность. Это отражает взаимосвязь социально-экономического аспекта профессионального образования и социально-психологических проблем становления профессионала на протяжении всей его жизни.
Ключевые слова и фразы: социальный процесс; дополнительное образование; профессиональное образование; образование взрослых; вторичная профессиональная социализация; образовательная траектория; профессиональная мобильность.