Научная статья на тему 'The activity approach as a basis for preschool teachers’ methodological activities'

The activity approach as a basis for preschool teachers’ methodological activities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aleksieienko-lemovska Lyudmila Vladislavіvna

The article analyzes the content of the activity component of the methodological competence of the teachers of pre-school educational institutions in the system of continuous education and noted that the activity approach provides the opportunity to develop holistic integration models as well as to identify basic functions, elements, components, their relationships and interconnections, system-forming factors and the functioning conditions in static and dynamic aspects. All professional competence structural components are aimed at the preschool teacher`s practical activity, in particular, the capacity for solving specific pedagogical situations. The objectives of methodological competence development in preschool teachers are achieved in the process of professional training and retraining, the improvement of methodological tools for methodological work. The activity approach is the basis of preschool teachers` methodological activities and should ensure the formation of readiness for self-development and continuing education, modelling and construction of social environment for personal development in the education system, active cognitive activity. The principles of methodological work organization: relevance, unity of theory and practice; scientific character to the conformity with modern scientific achievements in various fields; the unity and interconnection of all directions of teachers` professional development; goal orientation, consistency, succession, a mass character, and collectivity; the methodological work transformation into a part of the continuing education system, teachers engagement into various forms of methodological; creation of favorable working conditions, the availability of free time for the teacher's creative activity; efficiency, flexibility, mobility and an individual approach requiring, the creative nature of methodological work, the creation of a methodological work system in a preschool institution; continuing teachers` self-education, qualified assistance provision both in theoretical and in practical matters; improving teaching effectiveness.

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В статье проанализирована методическую деятельность в учреждении дошкольного образования как комплексная систем мер, взаимосвязанных между собой, в основе которой научные достижения и педагогический опыт. Освещается проблема готовности к педагогической деятельности воспитателя, которая опирается на профессиональную компетентность, которая определяет способность и готовность к целенаправленному, планомерного образа действий при выполнении профессиональных задач, решении проблем. Развитие методической компетентности предполагает освоение способов практической деятельности, направленной на удовлетворение потребностей человека, приоритетных для данной профессиональной группы. Определены ведущие направления методической деятельности, непосредственно способствуют формированию у педагогов профессиональной компетенции: повышение квалификации, накопления и обобщения «собственного» опыта работы по направлениям профессиональной деятельности. Отмечено, что структурные компоненты профессиональной компетентности направлены на практическую деятельность педагога дошкольного образования в виде умений решать конкретные педагогические ситуации, а основные задачи методической деятельности определяет создание эффективных условий для профессионального развития педагогов учреждения дошкольного образования. Охарактеризован принципы организации методической деятельности, которые способствуют достижению ключевой цели совершенствованию профессиональной компетентности воспитателей учреждений дошкольного образования: актуальность, единства теории и практики; научности; системности и комплексности; направленности, последовательности, преемственности, непрерывности и массовости, коллективности; создание благоприятных условий работы; оперативности, гибкости, мобильности и индивидуального подхода креативности; постоянному самообразованию педагогов, оказание квалифицированной помощи, как в вопросах теории, так и в практической деятельности; повышение результативности педагогического труда. Деятельностный подход должен обеспечить формирование готовности к саморазвитию и непрерывного образования, проектирования и конструирования социальной среды развития личности в системе образования, активную познавательную деятельность.

Текст научной работы на тему «The activity approach as a basis for preschool teachers’ methodological activities»

UDC 373.2.

DOI: 10.34671/SCH.HBR.2019.0304.0001


ResearcherlD: L-3162-2018

ORCID: 0000-0001-5391-0719

© 2019

Aleksieienko-Lemovska Lyudmila Vladislavivna, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor, professor at the department of pedagogy and psychology, early childhood education and children's art

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (01601, Ukraine, Kyiv, Turgenev street, 8/14, e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract. The article analyzes the content of the activity component of the methodological competence of the teachers of pre-school educational institutions in the system of continuous education and noted that the activity approach provides the opportunity to develop holistic integration models as well as to identify basic functions, elements, components, their relationships and interconnections, system-forming factors and the functioning conditions in static and dynamic aspects. All professional competence structural components are aimed at the preschool teacher's practical activity, in particular, the capacity for solving specific pedagogical situations. The objectives of methodological competence development in preschool teachers are achieved in the process of professional training and retraining, the improvement of methodological tools for methodological work. The activity approach is the basis of preschool teachers' methodological activities and should ensure the formation of readiness for self-development and continuing education, modelling and construction of social environment for personal development in the education system, active cognitive activity. The principles of methodological work organization: relevance, unity of theory and practice; scientific character to the conformity with modern scientific achievements in various fields; the unity and interconnection of all directions of teachers' professional development; goal orientation, consistency, succession, a mass character, and collectivity; the methodological work transformation into a part of the continuing education system, teachers engagement into various forms of methodological; creation of favorable working conditions, the availability of free time for the teacher's creative activity; efficiency, flexibility, mobility and an individual approach requiring, the creative nature of methodological work, the creation of a methodological work system in a preschool institution; continuing teachers' self-education, qualified assistance provision both in theoretical and in practical matters; improving teaching effectiveness.

Keywords: activity, activity approach, professional activity, pedagogical activity, methodical activity, methodical competence, motivation, acknowledgment, goal setting, teacher's professional competence, pre-school institution, activity-oriented content of teaching, the personal component, situations of professional communication, activity component, pedagogical thinking.


© 2019

Алексеенко-Лемовська Людмила Владиславiвна, кандидат педагопчних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагопки i психологи дошкшьно1 освгти та дитячо1 творчосп Нацюнальний пeдагогiчний утверситет iMem М. П. Драгоманова (01601, Укра'ша, Кшв, вул. Тургеневська, 8/14, e-mail: [email protected])

Анотащя. У статт проаналiзовано методичну дiяльнiсть в закладi дошшльно1 освгти як комплексну систему заходiв, взаемопов'язаних мiж собою, в основi яко1 - науковi досягнення i педагопчний досвщ. Висвгтлюеться проблема готовносп до педагопчно1 дiяльностi вихователя, яка спираеться на професшну компетентшсть, яка визначае здатшсть i готовшсть до цшеспрямованого, планомiрного образу дш при виконанш професшних завдань, виршенш проблем. Розвиток методично!' компетентносп передбачае освоення способiв практично!' дiяльностi, спрямовано1 на задоволення потреб людини, прюритетних для дано1 професшно1 групи. Визначено проввдш напрями методично1 дiяльностi, яш безпосередньо сприяють формуванню в педагопв професшно1 компетенции тдвищення квалiфiкацiï, накопичення й узагальнення «власного» досвщу роботи за напрямами професiйноï дiяльностi. Зазначено, що струк-турнi компоненти професшно1 компетентностi спрямованi на практичну дiяльнiсть педагога дошкiльноï освiти у ви-глядi вмiнь розв'язувати конкретнi педагопчш ситуацiï, а основнi завдання методично1' дiяльностi визначае створен-ня ефективних умов для професшного розвитку педагопв закладу дошшльно1' освiти. Схарактеризовано принципи оргашзацп методично1' дiяльностi, якi сприяють досягненню ключовоï мети - вдосконаленню професiйноï компе-тентностi вихователiв закладiв дошкiльноï освiти: актуальностi, едностi теорп' i практики; науковостi; системностi та комплексностц спрямованостi, послiдовностi, наступностi, безперервносп i масовостi, колективностi; створення сприятливих умов роботи; оперативности гнучкостi, мобшьносп та iндивiдуального пiдходу креативностi; постш-но1' самоосвiти педагогiв, надання квалiфiкованоï допомоги, як у питаннях теорп, так i в практичнш дiяльностi; пiдвищення результативностi педагогiчноï працi. Дiяльнiсний пiдхiд мае забезпечити формування готовносп до саморозвитку i неперервно1' освгти, проектування i конструювання соцiального середовища розвитку особистостi в системi освгти, активну пiзнавальну дiяльнiсть.

Ключовi слова: дГяльшсть, дГяльнГсний пГдхГд, професiйна дГялъшсть, педагогiчна дГяльнГсть, методична дГяльнГсть, методична компетентшсть, мотивованють, усвiдомленiсть, цiлепокладання, професшна компетентнiсть педагога, заклад дошкГльно1' освгти, дГяльнГсний характер змГсту навчання, особиспсний компонент, ситуацй' професiйного спiлкування, дГяльшсний компонент, педагогiчне мислення.


© 2019

Алексеенко-Лемовська Людмила Владиславiвна, кандидат педагопчних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагопки i психологи дошкшьно1' освгти та дитячо1' творчосп

Нацюнальний пeдагогiчний yHieepcumem iMeHi М. П. Драгоманова (01601, Укра'ша, Кшв, вул. Тургеневська, 8/14, e-mail: [email protected])

Аннотация. В статье проанализированы методическую деятельность в учреждении дошкольного образования как комплексную систему мер, взаимосвязанных между собой, в основе которой - научные достижения и педаго-Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания. 2019. Т.3. № 4(6) 5

Aleksieienko-Lemovska Lyudmila Vladislavivna


гический опыт. Освещается проблема готовности к педагогической деятельности воспитателя, которая опирается на профессиональную компетентность, которая определяет способность и готовность к целенаправленному, планомерного образа действий при выполнении профессиональных задач, решении проблем. Развитие методической компетентности предполагает освоение способов практической деятельности, направленной на удовлетворение потребностей человека, приоритетных для данной профессиональной группы. Определены ведущие направления методической деятельности, непосредственно способствуют формированию у педагогов профессиональной компетенции: повышение квалификации, накопления и обобщения «собственного» опыта работы по направлениям профессиональной деятельности. Отмечено, что структурные компоненты профессиональной компетентности направлены на практическую деятельность педагога дошкольного образования в виде умений решать конкретные педагогические ситуации, а основные задачи методической деятельности определяет создание эффективных условий для профессионального развития педагогов учреждения дошкольного образования. Охарактеризован принципы организации методической деятельности, которые способствуют достижению ключевой цели - совершенствованию профессиональной компетентности воспитателей учреждений дошкольного образования: актуальность, единства теории и практики; научности; системности и комплексности; направленности, последовательности, преемственности, непрерывности и массовости, коллективности; создание благоприятных условий работы; оперативности, гибкости, мобильности и индивидуального подхода креативности; постоянному самообразованию педагогов, оказание квалифицированной помощи, как в вопросах теории, так и в практической деятельности; повышение результативности педагогического труда. Деятельностный подход должен обеспечить формирование готовности к саморазвитию и непрерывного образования, проектирования и конструирования социальной среды развития личности в системе образования, активную познавательную деятельность.

Ключевые слова: деятельность, деятельностный подход, профессиональная деятельность, педагогическая деятельность, методическая деятельность, методическая компетентность, мотивированность, осознанность, целепола-гание, профессиональная компетентность педагога, заведение дошкольного образования, деятельностный характер содержания обучения, личностный компонент, ситуации профессионального общения, деятельностный компонент, педагогическое мышление.


General articulation of the issue and its relevance to important scientific or practical tasks. Increasing the level of the preschool teacher's professional becoming and development necessitates the improvement of existing and the development of new innovative activity methods boosting the level of methodological competence. The systematic self-analysis of the educational process is the basis for regulating one's own pedagogical activity. It increases the expedience of professional actions reducing the element of spontaneity. The activity approach provides the opportunity to develop holistic integration models as well as to identify basic functions, elements, components, their relationships and interconnections, system-forming factors and the functioning conditions in static and dynamic aspects. Operational thinking formation facilitates the ability to variably construct and adjust professional activity, to find the optimal combination of pedagogical tools, forms and methods of activity. From the standpoint of the activity approach, the idea that a personality is formed and expressed in activity is becoming topical. The activity structure and types determine the structure of an individual's inner world, therefore, in professional activity their mental qualities, consciousness, skills and world perception are developed, social integration and individualization become apparent, the inner world is disclosed, and the components of methodological competence are actively realized.

The analysis of recent research and publications considering the aspects of the investigated problem and serving as a basis for the author's conclusions; defining uninvestigated parts of general matters. The formation of methodological competence is studied in psychological and pedagogical science from different perspectives, in particular, on the basis of the activity approach implying the unity of personality, consciousness, activity and the interrelation of activity and communication. The scientific foundations of the general activity approach theory are characterized in the papers by K. A. Albukhanova [1], B. G. Ananiev [2], A. A. Bodalev [3], L. S.Vyhotskyi [4], V. V. Davydov [5], O. M. Leontiev [6], S. L. Rubinstein [7].

The main objective of the activity approach in M. S. Kahan's terms is to arouse in a person the interest in a subject and the learning process as well as to develop self-education skills [8]. The outcome should be cultivating a person with a proactive attitude to life, not only in learning but also in real life. As I. A. Zimnia [9] claims that an individual is able to set goals, solve educational and life problems and be responsible for the result of their actions. The

most relevant aspects of the studied problem were considered in terms of methodological activity organization in preschool institutions by K. L. Krutii [10], O. L. Korneeva [11], O. M. Dobosh [12], Yu. V. Syrova [13] and others.

The analysis and generalization of theoretical sources shows that the existing studies on content and methodological approaches to the effective preschool teachers' methodological activity organization based on the activity approach in order to ensure the formation of readiness for self-development and continuing education, design and construction of social environment for personal development in the education system are insufficient.


The methodological basis of the research was developed based on taking into account the provisions of competent, environmental, system-activity scientific approaches.

Article purpose statement (setting objectives). The article aims to analyze the essence of the activity approach as the basis of preschool teachers' methodological activities.

Problem statement. The main tasks of the research are to consider methodical activity as an important component in the educational infrastructure of a preschool education institution; identify leading areas of methodological activity directly contributing to the formation of teachers' professional competence; to disclose the content of the preschool teacher's methodical activity, based on the activity approach.

Methods, techniques and technologies used. To achieve the goals and objectives of the article, a number of research methods were used: analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature to establish approaches for assessing and interpreting the content of preschool teachers' methodological activity, based on an activity approach; comprehending and generalizing the best pedagogical experience of educators to analyze the studied problem; hypothetical-deductive method - to determine the hypothetical psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of preschool teachers' methodological competence in the system of continuous education.


Statement of basic materials with a comprehensive substantiation of the obtained scientific results. The preschool teacher is a key figure in the educational process. They organize, fill with specific content and carry out the corrective-pedagogical process based on the tasks requiring pedagogical attention. That is why the problem of providing preschool institutions with professionally competent teaching staff capable of effectively designing and managing an educational process in order to facilitate preschool


Humanitarian Balkan Research. 2019. Т.3. № 4(6)

children's successful socialization is particularly urgent.

Readiness for pedagogical activity is based on professional competence expressed in the availability of special knowledge and skills, as well as the special characteristics of the preschool teacher's personality.

Within the activity approach, the person is considered as 1) personal qualities acquired in the socio-cultural environment in the process of joint activity and communication, subject-social relations and conscious activity; 2) «conscious individual», that is, a person capable of conscious behavior organization and self-regulation. The essence of the activity approach is that «the real process of human interaction with the outside world is investigated ensuring the solution of certain vital tasks» [14].

Interaction with others in the joint activity is the most important condition for educators' development and them mastering social and professional experience. According to M. S. Kahan, in the process of social contacts it is created a learning community of people with certain knowledge who are ready to acquire new information in the process of communication with each other, cooperative cognitive activity [8]. In this case, the communication function as a means of forming professional competencies comes to the forefront. This approach enables to form the perception of professional activity as a means of achieving life success, personal self-realization.

In S. L. Rubinstein's terms, the underlying idea behind the activity theory is formulated as follows: «not consciousness determines activity, but activity determines consciousness» [7].

O. M. Leontiev clarifies Rubinstein's position: «Consciousness is not simply manifested and formed in activity as a separate reality - it is embedded in activity and is indissoluble with it» [6], which allows to distinguish three basic parameters of personality: how wide an individual's connections with the world are (through their activities); the degree of hierarchy of these relationships transformed into a hierarchy of sense bearing motives (motives-goals); the general structure of these relationships, more precisely, motives-goals.

There are three main activity types: play, training and work. The purpose of the play is the activity itself, not its outcomes; training is an activity aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills; work is an activity that aims to produce socially needed products. Thus, the process in which a person creatively transforms the surrounding world, turning themselves into an active subject, and created phenomena into the object of their activity, is referred to as a specifically human way of a pro-active attitude to the world. The subject is understood as the source of activity, an actor. The passive, inactive side of relationships over which activity is performed is its object; it can be another person or the subject itself in the case of self-education.

An individual and activity are inextricably linked. Activity is a necessary prerequisite for human life. At the same time, there is no activity without a human being. Only a person capable of the creative transformation of reality, or themselves and their social connections is capable of labor, spiritual and other transformative activities.

Human activity is carried out in life environment (production, domestic, natural surrounding). At the same time, activity is an individual's active interaction with the environment. The activity structure in which each component follows the other in time is usually represented linearly: Need ^ Motive ^ Goal ^ Means^ Actions ^ Outcomes.

The most developed classification of human needs belongs to the American psychologist A. Maslow who divided the needs into primary or innate and secondary or learned. They, in turn, are further divided into: physiological - needs for food, water, air, clothing, warmth, sleep, cleanness, shelter, physical rest; existential - safety and security, private property independence, job security, confidence in the future, etc.; social - the desire to be a part of and to be involved in any social group or a team. The hierarchy of needs

has been constantly changed and complemented by different psychologists. A. Maslow himself in the later stages of his research added to it three additional groups of needs: cognitive - for knowledge, skills, understanding, and research (curiosity, the desire to discover new things and for self-knowledge); aesthetic - the desire for beauty, harmony and order; transcendence is a selfless desire to help others in spiritual self-improvement, in their desire for self-expression [15].

The motive is a need-driven, conscious inducement that substantiates and explains the activity. If a need is understood not simply as a need, but as a guide to action, only then it will become a motive. As a rule, needs are mediated by interests, traditions, beliefs, social attitudes. In complex activities, there is usually more than one motive. In this case, the main motive is identified which is considered to be the driving force.

The goal is a conscious idea of activity outcomes, the future prediction. Any activity involves goal setting, that is, the ability to set objectives on one's own. An individual is able to form their own programs, creating something that has never been in nature. However, the goal can be complex, and sometimes it takes a number of intermediate steps to achieve it. Ideas about intermediate results are called tasks. Thus, the goal is broken down into specific tasks: if all the tasks are solved, then the overall goal is achieved.

Means are techniques, actions, objects used over the activity course. Means should meet goals in two senses. Firstly, means should correspond to the goal. In other words, they cannot be insufficient or redundant. Secondly, means have to be moral: immoral means cannot be justified by the goal nobility. If goals are immoral, then the entire activity is equally amoral.

The action is an element of activity with a relatively independent and conscious objective. Activity consists of separate actions. The German sociologist M. Weber identified the following types of social actions: rational-purposeful as actions that a person clearly understands and realizes taking into account all tools and possible obstacles; value-rational as actions based on moral and aesthetic values, beliefs and principles; affective as actions done under the influence of strong feelings (fear, hatred); traditional habit-based actions often made on the basis of customs, beliefs, and patterns with an automatic response [16]. Activity is based on the first two types of actions since only they have a conscious purpose and are of a creative nature. Affective and traditional actions can only insignificantly influence the course of activity as auxiliary elements.

The outcome is an eventual result, a state in which the need is met (wholly or partly). Activity outcomes can be individuals themselves because in the course of the activity they develop and change.

Professional activity is a human specialty in a particular field. Skills and abilities are determined by how much a person is absorbed by work.

There are 4 main professional activity functions:

- Creation of financial or spiritual values.

- Obtaining material resources to facilitate life in society.

- Promotion of others' development.

- Transformation of the environment

Knowledge, experience and skills in one's specialty are required for mastering professional activity more successfully. Each person in their work receives a certain result reaching the goal of professional activity.

Pedagogical activity, which is the teacher's educational and pedagogical influence on children for the purpose of their personal and intellectual development, will be professional if:

- it is intentional;

- it is handled by a person with the necessary knowledge to implement it;

- pedagogical activity is purposeful.

Among the preschool teacher's professional functions there can be distinguished the following:

- creation of pedagogical conditions for successful chil-

Aleksieienko-Lemovska Lyudmila Vladislavivna


dren's upbringing (connected with the creation of the development environment, i.e. environment that encourages the child to be active);

- ensuring life protection, children's health promotion;

- carrying out educational activities with children (implemented in planning work based on program-methodological documentation), children's assessment;

- parents' engagement in pedagogical education, the regulation and coordination of the family and preschool institutions' educational influence;

- participation in research activity, self-education.

In order to carry out pedagogical activity, the teacher must have knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities, experience, education, and motivation. Professional competence is an integral characteristic that determines the teacher's ability to solve professional tasks and typical professional problems arising in professional pedagogical activity, real situations. The pedagogical competence objective is to focus on the child in the educational process, pedagogical process modeling and organization, the creation of development environment in preschool institutions' groups, modeling and realization of professional self-education.

The teacher's professional competence structure includes three types of competence: key (required for any professional activity), basic (reflecting the specificity of a certain professional activity), special (reflect the specificity of a particular professional activity field).

The teacher's activity, like any activity, has its structure:

- motivation;

- pedagogical goals and objectives (the objective in the activity is a goal in certain conditions - societal goals, education system goals, preschool institutions' goals);

- pedagogical activity subject (organization of educational activity);

- pedagogical tools (knowledge - scientific, technical, computer);

- ways of solving specified tasks (explanation, presentation, cooperation);

- pedagogical activity product (formation of the child's individual experience) and the result (children's development: personality perfection; intellectual growth; formation as a personality and as a subject of educational activity).

Teaching activities are collaborative, not individual. In pedagogical activity communication becomes functional and professionally significant; it serves as an instrument of influence on the child's personality. Pedagogical communication is a holistic system of social and psychological interaction between a teacher and children, which includes the exchange of information, educational influence and the organization of relationships through communicative means. The task of pedagogical activity is to create conditions for an individual's harmonious development. It is achieved by the organization of the development environment, the management of various activities and the construction of proper interaction with the child.

The objectives of methodological competence development in preschool teachers are achieved in the process of professional training and retraining, the improvement of methodological tools for methodological work, the development of learning and teaching materials where the environment and modern preschool children's development features are taken into account to the greatest extent [17, 18, 19].

Due to the fact that in the structure of the basic preschool education program there identified the main directions of children's development (physical, cognitive-speech, social and personal, artistic and aesthetic), preschool education institutions generate demand for specialists capable of assisting educators and parents in their implementation, taking into account age, children's individual characteristics, contributing to a comprehensive approach to the development of educational sectors available to preschoolers. All professional competence structural components are aimed at the preschool teacher's practical activity, in particular, the capacity for solving specific pedagogical situations._


Conclusions and directions for future research. Thus, the activity approach is the basis of preschool teachers' methodological activities. The leading directions of methodical activities directly contributing to teachers' professional competence formation are professional development, accumulation and generalization of one's «own» experience in the areas of professional activity. Preschool teachers' methodological activity content lies in: compiling steering documents; planning of educational work with children; development of visual, didactic and control materials; contribution to pedagogical experience; generalization of one's «own» experience in the areas of professional activity; participation in scientific conferences and seminars.

Methodological activity is the most important component of educational infrastructure (along with scientific support, staff's training and retraining, the formation of educational environment) which aims to support the normal course of the educational process in the preschool institution - to facilitate its restoration. The methodical activity objective is to create such an educational environment in a pre-school institution where the teacher and teaching staff's creative potential would be fully realized. The activity approach should ensure the formation of readiness for self-development and continuing education, modeling and construction of social environment for personal development in the education system, active cognitive activity.

From our perspective, directions for future research on this issue lie in determining the effectiveness of preschool teachers' methodical activity forms in the conditions of continuing education.


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