Научная статья на тему 'Smart teaching with interactive whiteboards for the study of human anatomy'

Smart teaching with interactive whiteboards for the study of human anatomy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
SMART Technologies / єнтерактєвнаѐ доска / флєп-чарт / анатомєѐ

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — T.M.Dosaev, A.A.Zholdybaeva, D.S.Baygamysova

An interactive whiteboard is a touch-sensitive screen that works in conjunction with a computer and a projector. The first interactive whiteboard was manufactured by SMART Technologies Inc. in 1991 [1].

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Длѐ студентов первого курса, с первых ѓанѐтєѕ сталкєваящємєсѐ с огромным объемом єнформацєє є новымє длѐ нєх латєнскємє термєнамє, на кафедре анатомєє раѓработан флєп-чарт «Остеологєѐ». Раѓработанныѕ флєп-чарт поѓволѐет студентам єндєвєдуально єлє группоѕ на єнтерактєвноѕ доске классєфєцєровать костє скелета, с помощья стєлуса раѓносєть єх по раѓным колонкам, менѐть местамє, ставєть в определенном порѐдке є все этє деѕствєѐ проєѓводєть, актєвно обсуђдаѐ є дєскутєруѐ всеѕ группоѕ. Такєе ѓанѐтєѐ в вєде «моѓгового штурма» єлє «групповоѕ моѓговоѕ атакє» надолго ѓапомєнаятсѐ, легче усваєваетсѐ матерєал, а коллектєвные деѕствєѐ группы поѓволѐят кађдому студенту побывать как в ролє «обучаящегосѐ», так є в ролє «обучаящего».

Текст научной работы на тему «Smart teaching with interactive whiteboards for the study of human anatomy»

Вестник КазНМУ, №1- 2014


ТYйiн: Бул ма^алада ккерлж ойын ретiнде интерактивт эдiстер туралы сипатталады, сондай-а^ медицинальщ мэтiндердi гылыми стиль ар^ылы о^ытудагы дидактикальи^ тургысынан ма^сатына сай екендИ дэлелдемесiмен баяндалады. Автор студенттерге усынылатын гылыми мэтшнН негiзгi та^ырыбына байланысты алдын ала ойластырылган iскерлiк ойындардыц тэсiлiне ерекше назар аударады. ТYйiндi свздер: о^ытудыц белсендi эдiстерi, о^игалар, о^ига ретiндегi ойындар, iскер ойындар, тYрлi децгейдеп жаттыгулар, гылыми тэтмдЫк



Resume: This article deals with role playing as an interactive method, also it's didactic aim in using medical texts on studying the scientific style. The author concentrates on devices of role playing dealing with the main theme of scientific text. The article comprises methods of role playing that teachers of KazNMU after S.D.Asfendiyarov use in classes in general medicine faculty.

In our point of view innovation is that work carried on Russian language classes in Kazakh audience on specialty to acquire the scientific material aimed at using the role playing.

Keywords: active methods of studying, situation, role plays, situative place, various levels exercises, scientific cognition, perception.

УДК 616 (075.8)


Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


An interactive whiteboard is a touch-sensitive screen that works in conjunction with a computer and a projector. The first interactive whiteboard was manufactured by SMART Technologies Inc. in 1991 [1].

Educators were the first people to recognize the interactive whiteboard's potential as a tool for collaboration, improving student learning outcomes and streamlining lesson planning. Interactive whiteboards are an effective way to interact with digital content and multimedia in a multi-person learning environment. Learning activities with an interactive whiteboard may include, but are not limited to the following [2]:

- Manipulating text and images

- Making notes in digital ink

- Saving notes for later review by using e-mail, the Web or print

- Viewing websites as a group

- Demonstrating or using software at the front of a room without being tied to a computer

- Creating digital lesson activities with templates, images and multimedia

- Writing notes over educational video clips

- Using presentation tools that are included with the whiteboarding software to enhance learning materials

- Showcasingstudentpresentations

This type of tool promotes creative teaching and motivates students into absorbing information.Teaching with an interactive whiteboard allows lecturers to accommodate all different learning styles [3]:

- Tactile learners get to touch and move things around the board. They can also make notes and highlight elements;

- Visual learners benefit from a clear view of what is happening on the board;

- Audio learners can participate in a class discussion; Interactive whiteboard allows you to make exercise more fun and intuitive. Use the interactive whiteboard teacher can demonstrate interactive materials on the surface, to develop the theme classes itself and attract students to actively work with the board, making lessons more vivid and interesting [4].

Everything that happens on the board can be saved in a file that students can copy the end of the session on his stick. The software allows you to create interactive whiteboards unique educational materials to help students become involved in the learning process more actively, willingly and quickly assimilate new information. Interactive Whiteboard in the department of normal anatomy of the Kazakh National Medical University is set in the computer lab, which has a number of advantages, as it allows to use the interactive whiteboard on some options:

- As a shield during a demonstration training videos and movies

- Slide show in 3D

- To carry out a control test on the picturesque tests

- To conduct training sessions on the picturesque tests

- Create training flipcharts for all sections of anatomy

- To attract students to the creation of training and control flip charts and videos

- Prepare a PowerPoint slides on all topics of lectures and workshops for the interactive whiteboard

- Create a utility programs by which to develop videos to meet the challenges of organ systems that require to achieve the results of a number of successive actions

- By drawing tests displayed on the interactive whiteboard to conduct self- knowledge of students and to teach them to learn new material, consolidating the knowledge obtained from the textbook. To realize the full capabilities of the interactive whiteboard and a computer class in our department we are working on updating the database with the electronic media in all areas of anatomy, including videos and slides in the format of 3D, allowing to understand the complex of clinical aspects of the various sections of the anatomy.

First-year students face with a huge amount of information and new Latin terms with the first classes in anatomy. We have created a flipchart "Osteology" for them.

Designed flipchart allows students to classify the bones of the skeleton, with the stylus distribute them to different columns, swap,

Вестник КазНМУ, №1- 2014

put them in a certain order and carry out all these activities are actively discussing and debating the whole group. Activities such as "brainstorming" or "group brainstorming" are remembered for a long time students, it is easier to digest the

material, and the collective actions of the group allows each student to attend both as a "learning" and as a "training".


1 Xu, H. L., &Moloney, R. (2011). Perceptions of interactive whiteboard pedagogy in the teaching of Chinese language. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. - 27(2). - P. 307-325.

2 Turel, Y. K. (2011). An interactive whiteboard student survey: Development, validity and reliability. Computers & Education, 57, 2441-2450.

3 Yang, K. T., Wang, T. H., & Chiu, M. H. (2011). Implementation of Interactive Whiteboard inimproving the learning effectiveness of junior high school students with differentcognitive styles —A case study of 'Cell Division'course, Curriculum & InstructionQuarterly. - Vol.14. - No.4. - P. 187-208, ISSN 1560-1277.

4 Türel, Y. K., & Johnson, T. E. (2012). Teachers' Belief and Use of Interactive Whiteboards for Teaching and Learning. Educational Technology & Society. - 15 (1). - P. 381-394.


Туйш: Анатомия кафедрасында 6ip^i саба^тан бастап студенттер аса улкен келемде а^параттармен жэне оларга жаца латын Tepivik^epiivieH алгаш^ы рет кездесетшдтн ескере отырып анатомия кафедрасында 1-курс студенп^ ушЫ «Остеология» бойынша флип-чарт жасалды. Жасалган флип-чарт студенттерге жеке ^ара немесе тобымен интерактив™ та^тада ^ан^а суйектерш жiктеуrе, стилустыц кемеriмен эртYрлi ^збектерге орналастыруга, орындарын алмастыруга, белriлi бiр ретке ^оюга кемектеседi.Жоfарыда айтылган к-^имылдарды студенттердщ белсендi талдауымен жэне езара пiкiрталаспен еткiзiледi. «Миды белсендiру» немесе «Ми ^ызметЫщ бiрлiriн арттыру» тYрiн ^олдану ар^ылы студенттер саба^тарды кеп уа^ыт есiнде са^тап материалды оцай иrередi. Топтыц осылай бiрiriп жумыс iстеуi студенттерrе о^ушы жэне о^ытушы рольдерiн бiрдей ат^аргандай ой ^алдырады. ТYйiндi свздер: интерактивтiк та^та, флип-чарт, анатомия


Резюме: Для студентов первого курса, с первых занятий сталкивающимися с огромным объемом информации и новыми для них латинскими терминами, на кафедре анатомии разработан флип-чарт «Остеология». Разработанный флип-чарт позволяет студентам индивидуально или группой на интерактивной доске классифицировать кости скелета, с помощью стилуса разносить их по разным колонкам, менять местами, ставить в определенном порядке и все эти действия производить, активно обсуждая и дискутируя всей группой. Такие занятия в виде «мозгового штурма» или «групповой мозговой атаки» надолго запоминаются, легче усваивается материал, а коллективные действия группы позволяют каждому студенту побывать как в роли «обучающегося», так и в роли «обучающего». Ключевые слова: интерактивная доска, флип-чарт, анатомия

УДК 616.002


Kazakh National Medical University, Department of Anatomy


The Republic of Kazakhstan have joined the Bologna process in 2010 with the purpose of promoting mobility of students and active involvement into European dimension of higher education and automatic recognition of comparable academic degrees, adopting a three-cycle system of study (BA, MA, PhD). Anatomy education is now based on introducing of credit and module technologies, which assigns much more attention to students' independent study and assessment of study performance. In that connection supply of medical students with numerous visual aids and cadaverous material became much more important. It became necessary to revise the existing legal foundation of body donation and awareness campaigns among the public to overcome mental habits and religious objections to anatomic dissections and postmortem examinations. Departments of anatomy all over the Republic began inviting colleagues from abroad for sharing experience on anatomy teaching, which have resulted in active introducing of modern ways of anatomy teaching (problem-based learning, body painting, case-based and practical learning methods, independent and computer-based learning). Keywords: anatomy, credit and module technologies

Kazakhstan is a young state gaining independence only 20 years ago after the collapse of the Soviet Union and its totalitarian communist system. Higher medical education problems have began long before the USSR collapse due to legal and economic aspects of the medical universities. Stagnation insocial and political system during last few decades before the USSR collapse have caused the deficit of specialists which is crucial up to now at anatomy departments of medical universities all over Kazakhstan. This is due to the fact during the transition period from planned socialist economy to

market economy university teachers' salaries went down and teaching stopped being attractive for graduates of medical universities.

After gaining independence in 1991 and the economic crisis gradually abating,Kazakhstan educational institutions began searching ways of development and integration into the world education and science level. In particular, substantial changes took place in teaching anatomy at medical universities. Getting access to foreign scientific literature, we began actively implementing modern

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