Raufov Miraziz Mustafakulovich m.raufov@tsul .uz Toshmatov Oybek Shokirovich o .to shmatov@tsul. uz Mustafoeva Noila Ishnazarovna n.mustafo eva@tsul .uz Tashkent State University of Law
Abstract: This article is about simultaneous interpreting, one of the most complex activities of interpreting. In this article, the authors give the special characteristics of simultaneous interpreting process, which includes using of speech compression and prediction principles in simultaneous translation, and analyses strong and weak points of this kind of interpreting activity.
Keywords: simultaneous interpreting, word for word interpreting, consecutive interpreting, speech compression and prediction principles in simultaneous interpreting, advantages and disadvantages of simultaneous interpreting
Simultaneous translation is an oral translation carried out by ear, which the translator carries out in parallel with the speech message in the original language1. This type of translation became widely known after the Nuremberg trials (1945-1946), which went down in history as the trial of the former leaders of Nazi Germany. Prior to this event, consecutive translation was used in international meetings, meetings and conferences. In most cases, the working languages of such events were English and French, but since five countries (USSR, Germany, France, USA and Great Britain) participated in this trial, it was decided to hold court sessions in four languages: English, French, Russian and German. The use of consecutive translation was excluded, since then the Nuremberg trial would have dragged on for an indefinite amount of time. The choice was made in favor of simultaneous interpretation, and it was there, in Nuremberg in 1945, that two teams of simultaneous interpreters were presented for the first time: one - Soviet, the other - American, who coped with the tasks with dignity. The Nuremberg Trials showed the obvious advantages of simultaneous translation over consecutive translation when working with a multilingual audience.
Years later, China and Latin America joined the active activities of the international community, in this regard, specialists of the Chinese and Spanish
1 Chernov G.V. Theory and practice of simultaneous translation. Moscow: Lenand Publishing House, 2016.208 p.
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languages were attracted. Despite the fact that interpreters at the UN opposed the use of simultaneous interpretation, since 1951, this type of translation has firmly established itself not only in the UN, but also in other international organizations. Simultaneous interpretation has become the only possible way to ensure the format of an international meeting with a large number of participants speaking different languages.
Unlike consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation requires special technical equipment, and it also requires the involvement of three to four simultaneous interpreters who have a high level of knowledge of the event topic.
The features of the simultaneous translation process are as follows2:
1) Parallelism of the speaker's speech and translation. Chernov V.G., as well as Komissarov V.N. the parallelism of translation of the speaker's speech is distinguished as the main feature of simultaneous translation, on which the method of teaching simultaneous translation depends and the use of certain translation transformations in this type of translation3.
2) Strict dependence on the time and pace of the speaker's speech.
3) Segment translation. A simultaneous interpreter, unlike a consecutive interpreter who translates an entire paragraph, translates information as it arrives.
Based on the above features, it is possible to highlight both the pros and cons of this type of translation.
Pros of simultaneous translation:
Simultaneous interpretation provides uninterrupted perception of the speaker's speech, the language barrier between the speaker and the listeners disappears. This allows the speaker, speaking in a foreign language, to keep the attention of the audience, to feel the mood and its reaction;
The time of the event is halved compared to consecutive translation;
Translation can be carried out into several languages at once, for a large audience of listeners.
Cons of simultaneous translation:
1) Simultaneous translation requires special language and psychological training of the translator;
2) Huge mental stress and constant concentration of attention negatively affect the general mental and physical condition of the translator. It is believed that the ability to interpret simultaneously is a psychophysiological anomaly, since an ordinary person cannot simultaneously listen and speak4;
2 Shiryaev A.F. Simultaneous translation: Activities of a simultaneous interpreter and teaching methods of simultaneous translation. Moscow: Voenizdat Publishing House, 1979.183 p.
3 Komissarov V.N. Translation theory (linguistic aspects). Moscow: Alliance Publishing House. 2013. 253 pp.
4 Miram G.E. Translator profession. Odessa: Publishing house Nika-Center, 2006.160 p.
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3) The need to attract at least three to four simultaneous interpreters who are equally well versed in the topic of the event. This is due to the fact that simultaneous interpreters work in shifts, the time of continuous work of an interpreter should not exceed 30 minutes;
4) Simultaneous translation is characterized by a significantly higher level of information loss and a lower level of its assimilation. This situation is associated with the use of speech compression techniques and speech prediction techniques. Speech compression is a way to reduce the syllable value of the text without causing significant damage to the performance of the communicative task of the speaker5. Prediction of the speaker's speech is possible only if the simultaneous interpreter has a high level of knowledge on the topic of the speaker. The use of these techniques is a necessity due to the extremely limited amount of time allotted for translation. However, if we take into account the fact that in modern languages a certain proportion of words do not carry any new information and some of the information is not always perceived by listeners, then we can conclude that simultaneous translation has more positive characteristics than negative ones.
Today, in an atmosphere of political tension, simultaneous interpretation has become an indispensable tool for international activities. It allows people from different countries to speak "the same language", quickly find solutions to various kinds of problems, and simply helps to understand better each other. Compared to consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation cuts the time of an event by half due to the use of special equipment and the possibility of simultaneous translation into several languages at once, while a large audience of listeners can take part in the event. Simultaneous translation has already gone beyond the international arena, it "breaks down language barriers" in the field of business, education and culture. In this regard, it is very important to pay attention to this type of translation, develop it and improve it both theoretically and methodically, when training simultaneous interpreters, which in the future will allow achieving high results in practice.
1. Gurin I.V., The problem of speech compression in simultaneous translation. Research approaches and methods. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. Tambov "Gramota", 2008. S. 85 - 88 p.
2. Komissarov V.N. Translation theory (linguistic aspects). Moscow: Alliance Publishing House. 2013. 253 p.
3. Miram G.E. Translator profession. Odessa: Publishing house Nika-Center, 2006.160 p.
5 Gurin I.V., The problem of speech compression in simultaneous translation. Research approaches and methods. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. Tambov "Gramota", 2008. S. 85 - 88.
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4. Chernov G.V. Theory and practice of simultaneous translation. Moscow: Lenand Publishing House, 2016. 208 p.
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