Научная статья на тему 'Sewage sludge and mineral wool for reclamation of devastated soils and in forest management'

Sewage sludge and mineral wool for reclamation of devastated soils and in forest management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
reclamation / mineral wool / sewage sludge / forest management

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Grażyna Żukowska, Stanisław Baran, Anna Wójcikowska-kapusta, Sylwia Wesołowska-dobruk, Leonid Kopiy

The aim of this study is to assess the impact of post consumer waste sludge and mineral wool Grodanon the development track properties off-soil devastated in the borehole mining sulfur in forest management – the cultivation of Scots pine and birch. The study is consisted of: vegetation phytometric experiments; laboratory tests. The phytometric experiment aimed at evaluating the usefulness of municipal sewage sludge and waste mineral wool Grodan from under-cover cultivations for developing the properties of devastated land for planting the forest trees. Phytometers were made of plastic containers of 12 dm3 capacity with cut off bottom and buried at a ground surface in the sulfur mine Jeziórko. Phytometers were filled with composite of the native soilless sand with tested waste addition. Seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) were planted ontosuch prepared substrate. Each variant was carried out in triplicate.Tasted wastes had a significant effect on the growth of trees. The best pine growth gain was recorded on the soil with mineral wool added as an insert at the bottom of the phytometer, while birch with addition of mineral wool and sewage sludge distributed throughout the phytometer volume.

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Osad ściekowy i wełna mineralna w rekultywacji gleb zdegradowanych i ich zagospodarowaniu w kierunku leśnym

Celem niniejszych badań jest ocena wpływu osadu ściekowego i poużytkowej wełny mineralnej Grodanna kształtowanie właściwości utworu bezglebowego zdewastowanego w procesie górnictwa otworowego siarki pod zagospodarowanie leśne – uprawa sosny zwyczajnej i brzozy brodawkowatej.Na całość badań składają się: wegetacyjne doświadczenia fitometryczne; badania laboratoryjne. Fitometry stanowiły pojemniki plastikowe o pojemności 12 dm3, w których obcięto dno i zakopano równo z powierzchnią gruntu na terenie kopalni siarki Jeziórko. Fitometry napełniono kompozytem rodzimego piasku bezglebowego z dodatkiem badanych odpadów. Na przygotowane podłoża wysadzono sadzonki sosny zwyczajnej i brzozy brodawkowatej. Każdy wariant realizowano w trzech powtórzeniach. Badane odpady wywarły znaczący wpływ na wzrost drzew. Najwyższy przyrost sosny stwierdzono w gruncie z dodatkiem wełny mineralnej umieszczonej jako wkładka na dnie fitometru, a brzozy z dodatkiem wełny mineralnej i osadu ściekowego, rozmieszczonych w całej objętości fitometru.

Текст научной работы на тему «Sewage sludge and mineral wool for reclamation of devastated soils and in forest management»

UDC 581.524.13 Dr Grazyna Zukowska1; prof. Stanislaw Baran1, dr hab.;

prof. Anna Wójcikowska-Kapusta1, dr hab.; mgr Sylwia Wesotowska-Dobruk1; prof.

Leonid Kopiy2, dr hab.; dr Marta Bik-Malodzinska1


The aim of this study is to assess the impact of post consumer waste sludge and mineral wool Grodanon the development track properties off-soil devastated in the borehole mining sulfur in forest management - the cultivation of Scots pine and birch. The study is consisted of: vegetation phytometric experiments; laboratory tests. The phytometric experiment aimed at evaluating the usefulness of municipal sewage sludge and waste mineral wool Grodan from under-cover cultivations for developing the properties of devastated land for planting the forest trees. Phytometers were made of plastic containers of 12 dm3 capacity with cut off bottom and buried at a ground surface in the sulfur mine Jeziórko. Phytometers were filled with composite of the native soilless sand with tested waste addition. Seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver birch (Betula péndula Roth) were planted ontosuch prepared substrate. Each variant was carried out in triplicate.Tasted wastes had a significant effect on the growth of trees. The best pine growth gain was recorded on the soil with mineral wool added as an insert at the bottom of the phytometer, while birch with addition of mineral wool and sewage sludge distributed throughout the phytometer volume.

Key words: reclamation, mineral wool, sewage sludge, forest management.

Introduction. Soil as a permanent element of the landscape is in a special way exposed to the effects of multiple anthropogenic pressures. A particular example is the borehole mining of sulfur. This method consists in melting the sulfur in deep layers and its extraction out to the earth surface through a closed pipe system (Frash method). This process requires implementation of appropriate logistics (buildings, structures, roads, etc.) and mining infrastructure (mining and drainage holes, transmission systems, warehouses, storage yards, etc.), which contributed to the violation of soil structure, often on the devastation scale [Golda 2000; Dziewonski 1988]. Extreme conditions of sulfur melting (temperature, pressure) gave rise to a significant failure of the process, which contributes to the scattering of sulfur within the environment. Emitted native sulfur, sulfides, and sulfur oxides became a potential source of sulfuric acid in the soil leading to a decrease in their pH value and caused a toxic environment for plants, including through a huge nutrients deficits and increase in the mobility of phytotoxic elements [Baran, Turski 1996; Jonca 2004].

To develop the soil properties for the needs of plant in future has been extremely important in the process of soil reclamation and restoration works on the poor quality soilless formations. In the first years of reclamation focused on the forest management, the overburden soil accumulated as a result of mining in the mine vicinity, was used for improving the soil properties. This process, under conditions of low degradation, gave particular results [Golda 2008; Jonca 2000; Warzybok 2000]. However, at a strong degradation, the effectiveness of this method has proved to be limited, which outlines the need to seek other ways of reclamation, including the use some proper-quality waste such as municipal sewage sludge and waste mineral wool from under-cover cultivations [Baran 2006; Baran et al. 2008].

1 University of Life Sciences in Lublin;

2 National Forestry University of Ukraine, Lviv

3 Publication funded from the budget for science in 2010-2013 as a project No N304 400 139.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of wastes on the development of soilless formation devastated due to the borehole sulfur mining and used for forest management (cultivation of Scots pine and silver birch).

Material and methods. Having outlined the purpose of research, suitable methods and experiments were adapted to their implementation.

The study is consisted of:

• Vegetation phytometric experiments;

• Laboratory tests.

Phytometric experiments. The phytometric experiment aimed at evaluating the usefulness of municipal sewage sludge and waste mineral wool Grodan from un-der-cover cultivations for developing the properties of devastated land for planting the forest trees. Phytometers were made of plastic containers of 12 dm3 capacity with cut off bottom and buried at a ground surface in the sulfur mine Jeziórko. Phytome-ters were filled with composite of the native soilless sand with tested waste addition (Table 1). Seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver birch (Betula péndula Roth) were planted onto such prepared substrate. Each variant was carried out in triplicate. The experiment included the analysis of soil properties and biometric measurements of tested tree species.

Table 1. Scheme of phytometric experiment involving pine and birch cultivation

No of pot

Reclamation variants


Soilless formation with no additives (control)_

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha" DM_

Soilless formation + mineral wool 400 m •ha"1 distributed throughout phytometer volume


Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha" DM + mineral wool 400 m •ha" distributed throughout phytometer volume

Soilless formation + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha" DM distributed throughout phyto-meter volume + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer





Laboratory tests. Following items were determined in collected samples of soil, mineral wool, and sewage sludge:

• pH value - potentiometry - in H2O and 1moldm"3 KCl,

• hydrolytic acidity (Hh) - Pallman method - in 1 mol-dm"3 CH3COONa,

• alkaline cations (S) in 0.5 mol-dm"3 ammonium chloride extract (pH 8.2),

• sorption capacity (T) and saturation of the soil complex with alkaline cations (V) -calculation,

• total carbon content (Ct) - Tiurin method with Simakov modification,

• labile forms and fraction composition of humus,

• total nitrogen content - Kjeldahl method - applying distillation apparatus Kjeltech 1002,

• C: N ratio - calculation,

• available Mg content - Schachtschabel method,

• available P and K contents - Egner"Riehm method.

• heavy metals contents. The total proportions of metals were determined after extraction using HNO3 and HClO4 mixture (v/v 5:4) in emission spectrophotometer with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES by Leeman, model PS 950).


Properties of waste materials used in experiments. The experiment was set up on soilless formation with a particle size corresponding to weak loamy sand from the area of Jeziorko sulfur mine. This formation was characterized by strong acidity, poor sorption properties, low content of organic carbon and nitrogen, as well as available P and K, and heavy metals (Table 2). It also had unfavorable water characteristics [Baran et al. 2008; 2008 a; Jonca 2004].

Table 2. Selected properties of devastated soilless formation, sewage sludge,

and mineral wool used in experiments

Property Unit Soilless formation Mineral wool Sewage sludge

pH H20 5,20 6,9 6,8

pH KCl 4,50 6,6 6,4

Hh cmol (+)kg-1 3,20 3,8 4,5

S cmol (+)kg-1 2,22 57,2 50,0

T cmol (+)kg-1 5,52 61,0 54,5

V % 40,24 93,7 91,7

C '-'org. gkg^ 4,80 28,7 195,8

Ntot. gkg-1 0,50 5,4 29,0

C: N 11,6 7,2 7,0

available P mg-100 g-1 1,15 12,0 61,0

available K mg-100 g-1 2,98 21,0 17,1

Cu mg^g- 4,95 41,0 135,0

Zn mg^g-1 9,65 132,0 920,0

Pb mg-kg-1 8,00 35,5 29,0

Tested mineral wool Grodan from horticultural under-cover cultivations has favorable sorption properties, particularly high content of alkaline cations, which given the relatively low hydrolytic acidity, makes a high degree of saturation with these elements.

The waste has a high water retaining capacity, which can have a very positive impact on the process of biological soil remediation and recovery of degraded soils on devastated areas [Baran et al. 2008]. It is also characterized by a high content of magnesium and calcium and beneficial levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Phosphorus, and particularly potassium have relatively high bioavailability. Zinc and copper are present in amounts that can contribute to the enrichment of reclaimed and fertilized soil. Lead is present at concentrations lower than the permissible limits for soils and organic wastes (Table 2).

Municipal sewage sludge used in the experiment is characterized by positive sorption properties and high contents of carbon and nitrogen (Table 2). The content of heavy metals is at an acceptable level (Dz.U. No. 137, pos. 924 of 13 July 2002). The applied sewage sludge also meets the sanitary requirements.

Contents of available P, K, and Mg forms. Content of available phosphorus in the soilless formation under experimental conditions ranged from 1.09 to 5.07 mg-100 g-1 (Figure 1), which proved very low to medium abundance of that element [Fertilizing requirements 1990]. The soilless formation was the poorest in phosphorus (control object). However, when added the sewage sludge, it was characterized by much higher content of the element (4.11-5.07 mg-100 g-1) than with mine-

ral wool addition (2.03-2.61 mg-100 g-1). The tree species grown during the study period (2 years) had no clear influence on phosphorus content. The way of mineral wool distribution did not exert any impact on available phosphorus concentration either.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 1. Content of available phosphorus in the soil ofphytometric experiment: 1) soil with no additives (control), 2) sewage sludge 100 tha'1, 3) mineral wool 400 m3 distributed throughout the pot volume, 4) sewage sludge 100 t ha'1 + mineral wool 400 m3 distributed throughout the pot volume, 5) mineral wool (5cm layer) placed at the bottom of pot,

6) sewage sludge 100 t ha

+ mineral wool (5cm layer) placed at the bottom of pot

2 3 4 5 6

Figure 2. Content of available potassium in the soil ofphytometric experiment

(Denotations as in Figure 1)

The content of available potassium in soilless formation of studied reclamation variants varied from 2.5 to 8.5 mg • 100 g-1, which indicates very low (control) and low (other objects) abundance [Fertilizing recommendations 1990]. It should be noted that the soilless formation with the only sewage sludge addition was poorer in available potassium than that with different doses of mineral wool and sewage sludge (Figure 2). Tree species had no effect on the content of available potassium.

Available magnesium content, like P and K, varied, which resulted from the method of reclamation (Figure 3).

1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 3. Content of available magnesium in the soil ofphytometric experiment

(Denotations as in Figure 1)



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In the native soil (control), the element content was low ranging from 0.84 to 1.52 mg-100 g-1. Variants with addition of tested wastes revealed several times higher content of magnesium, which oscillated around 6.02-8.97 mg-100 g-1. There was no univocal effect of the plants on changes in magnesium bioavailability.

Content of organic carbon in the soil reclaimed using mineral wool Gro-dan and sewage sludge. Organic carbon content in the soilless formation studied in the experiment varied (Table 3, Figure 4). In the formation, where the phytometric experiment was set up, Corg content was about 9 gkg-1. Applied fertilizing materials had a significant impact on the increase in the content of organic matter.

18 16 14 12 10 £ 8 M 6 4 2 0 i— J 5 i—

1 2 3 4 5 6

dl brzoza 8,76 14,49 11,28 15,6 12 15,36

\/\ sosna 9,33 14,28 10,32 15,58 11,4 13,92

Figure 4. Content of organic carbon in the soilless formation under birch (Betula pendula Roth) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) cultivation (mean values for both dates and reclamation methods): 1) soil with no additives (control), 2) soil + sewage sludge 100 tha'1, 3) soil + mineral wool 400 m3 distributed throughout the pot volume, 4) oil + sewage sludge 100 t ha'1 + mineral wool 400 m3 distributed throughout the pot volume, 5) soil + mineral wool (5cm layer) placed at the bottom of pot, 6) soil + sewage sludge 100 t ha'1 + mineral wool (5cm layer) placed at the bottom of pot

Table 3. Content of organic carbon in the soilless formation ofphytometric experiment involving birch (Betula pendula Roth) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) cultivation

" ——-._._Date of study Reclamation methOd ——_. Corg gkg-1

2008 B 2009 B Mean 2008 S 2009 S Mean Mean for variant

Soilless formation with no additives (control) 7,92 9,60 8,76 8,88 9,78 9,33 9,05

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 tha"1 DM 13,63 15,36 14,49 13,20 15,36 14,28 14,39

Soilless formation + mineral wool 400 m3-ha" distributed throughout phytometer volume 11,04 11,52 11,28 10,08 10,56 10,32 10,80

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 tha" 1 DM + mineral wool 400 m3-ha-1 distributed throughout phytometer volume 14,88 16,32 15,60 15,32 15,84 15,58 15,59

Soilless formation + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 11,52 12,48 12,00 11,28 11,52 11,40 11,70

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 tha" DM distributed throughout phytometer volume + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 14,16 16,56 15,36 13,68 14,16 13,92 14,64

Mean 12,19 13,64 12,91 12,07 12,87 12,47 12,96

Reclamation variant: NIR o,o5-1,20

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B - birch, S - pine

2. Eko^oria Ta goBkimH


When evaluating the reclamation options tested, the smallest increase in organic carbon content was recorded in the soil, to which mineral wool distributed throughout the volume of the pot was applied (mean 10.80 gkg-1), as well as in a form of 5 cm pads on the bottom of each pot (average Corg content 11.70 g. kg-1). Application of the sewage sludge affected the significant increase in the organic matter content, both in comparison to the control and the object with mineral wool addition. The highest content of organic carbon was observed in variant with the addition of sewage sludge and mineral wool Grodan.

It should be noted that the content of Corg. in the soil fertilized with sewage sludge and mineral wool placed at the bottom of the pot, was similar to that in the soil amended only with sewage sludge, while it was higher in soil with sewage sludge and mineral wool addition distributed throughout the volume of the pot as compared to the soil fertilized with sewage sludge. There was no effect of threes grown on the organic matter balance.

Content of total nitrogen in the soil reclaimed using mineral wool Grodan and sewage sludge. Oil of the control object of phytometric experiment contained 0.7 gkg-1 total nitrogen, while C: N ratios were 12.9 and 13.4, respectively for birch and pine (Table 4). Recorded C: N ratios are typical for forest soils.

The applied methods of reclamation affected the increase in total nitrogen content, although no significant difference among the influence of the applied reclamation options, including mineral wool application ways, was recorded. Contents of Ntot. ranged from about 1.44 gkg-1 (soil with sewage sludge) to about 1 (soil with mineral wool). It is worth underlining that C: N got narrower under the influence of the applied reclamation treatments.

Table 4. Total nitrogen content and C: N ratio in the soilless formation

of phytometric experiment (mean values from 2 dates of study)

Reclamation variant Ntot., gkg-1 C:N


Soilless formation with no additives (control) 0,68 0,70 12,9 13,4

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha"1 DM 1,54 1,34 9,6 10,8

Soilless formation + mineral wool 400 m^ha-1 distributed throughout phyto-meter volume 1,10 0,90 10,3 11,6

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM + mineral wool 400 m3-ha-1 distributed throughout phytometer volume 1,42 1,45 11,1 10,8

Soilless formation + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 1,13 0,97 10,7 11,8

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha- DM distributed throughout phytometer volume + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 1,12 1,33 13,8 10,8

B - birch, S - pine

Contents of heavy metals in the soil reclaimed using mineral wool Gro-

dan and sewage sludge. The heavy metal contents indicated their natural levels [Dz. U. 2002; Kabata-Pendias et al. 1995]

Variance analysis for zinc in reclaimed soil under pine and birch cultivation showed a significant effect of tree species as well as the method of reclamation on the content of this element (Table 5). Soil under the birch indicated considerably less zinc than that under pine. The soilless formation reclaimed using sewage sludge and waste mineral wool Grodan was characterized by remarkably higher content of the metal than other reclamation variants.

The soilless formation in the phytometric experiment under cultivation of pine and birch was characterized by a very low content of copper (Table 6). The variance analysis revealed significant differences between the tree species grown and the method of reclamation. Native formation (control) contained considerably more copper than after a year of use. The soil under the birch was remarkably poorer in copper than that under pines. Sewage sludge in combination with mineral wool enriched the reclaimed soilless formation in this element.

Table 5. Zinc content (mg-kg'1) in the soilless formation ofphytometric experiment involving pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula Roth) cultivation

Reclamation variants Dates


Soilless formation with no additives (control) 27.0 25.90 23.90 21.20 27,0

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM 31.35 26.30 30.15 22.80 27,65

Soilless formation + mineral wool 400 m3-ha-1 distributed throughout phytometer volume 27.10 33.40 28.67 29.80 29,74

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM + mineral wool 400 m3-ha-1 distributed throughout phytometer volume 40.53 47.10 37.77 41.10 41,62

Soilless formation + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 30.70 28.00 27.77 30.80 29,31

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM distributed throughout phytometer volume + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 47.32 45.50 36.93 39.20 42,23

Mean (A. dates) A. 32,43 A. 33,42

Mean (B. tree species) B. 35,02 B. 30,84

NIR0,05 between dates 3,33

NIR0,05 between tree species 3,33*

NIR005 between reclamation variants 9 55**

Table 6. Copper content (mg-kg'1) in the soilless formation of phytometric experiment involving pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula Roth) cultivation

Reclamation variants Dates


Soilless formation with no additives (control) 0,90 0,80 0.95 0.80 0,86

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM 1,00 1,05 1.11 0.99 1,03

Soilless formation + mineral wool 400 m3-ha-1 distributed throughout phytometer volume 2.60 1.15 1.72 0.92 1,60

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM + mineral wool 400 m3-ha-1 distributed throughout phytometer volume 4.59 4.24 3.53 2.36 3,68

Soilless formation + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 2.79 2.50 2.48 2.30 2,52

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM distributed throughout phytometer volume + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 4.47 3.31 3.15 2.98 3,47

Mean (A. dates) A 2,48 A 1,95

Mean (B. tree species) B 2,45 B 1,94

NIR0,05 between dates 0,34*

NIR0,05 between tree species 0,34*

NIR0,05 between reclamation variants 0,96*

Lead content in the reclaimed soilless formation of the phytometric experiment amounted from 22.0 to 41.3 mg • kg-1 (Table 7). The concentration of this metal was highly influenced by reclamation method and cultivated tree species. The highest lead content, in relation to the control, was recorded in the object with addition of se-

wage sludge at 100 t • ha-1 dose and mineral wool at 400 m3 • ha-1, uniformly distributed throughout the phytometer. Substantially less lead was found in the soilless formation under birch than at the cultivation of pine.

Table 7. Lead content (mg-kg'1) in the soilless formation ofphytometric experiment involving pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula Roth) cultivation

Reclamation variants Dates


Soilless formation with no additives (control) 25.20 22.00 22.80 21.80 22,95

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM 24.75 27.20 23.75 24.30 25,00

Soilless formation + mineral wool 400 m3-ha-1 distributed throughout phytometer volume 26.33 23.70 27.63 26.30 25,99

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM + mineral wool 400 m3-ha-1 distributed throughout phytometer volume 30.10 41.30 25.30 26.90 30,90

Soilless formation + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 29.10 27.90 24.50 26.20 26,92

Soilless formation + sewage sludge 100 t-ha-1 DM distributed throughout phytometer volume + mineral wool (5 cm layer) placed at the bottom of phytometer 31.15 32.20 25.33 28.00 29,17

Mean (A. dates) A 26,33 A 27,32

Mean (B. tree species) B 28,41 B 25,23

NIR0 05 between dates 2,48

NIR0 05 between tree species 2,98*

NIR0,05 between reclamation variants 7,11*

When assessing the growth of pine and birch cultivated in the phytometric experiment, it is obvious that much greater increase was observed for birch than for pine, which is a normal phenomenon (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula Roth) growth gains (height in cm): 1) soil with no additives (control), 2) sewage sludge 100 tha'1, 3) mineral wool 400 m3 distributed throughout the pot volume, 4) sewage sludge 100 t ha'1 + mineral wool 400 m3 distributed throughout the pot volume, 5) mineral wool (5cm layer) placed at the bottom of pot, 6) sewage sludge 100 t ha'1 + mineral wool (5cm layer) placed at the bottom of pot

The largest pine growth was recorded on the soil with addition of mineral wool in a form of insert placed at the bottom of the phytometer, which was 100 % higher than the control, and also more advantageous than the influence of mineral wool distributed throughout the phytometer volume. The pine gains in other reclamation variants were slightly lower, but higher by 80-90 % than for the control.


36ipHHK HayKOBO-TexHi^HHx iipani»

The highest birch growth gains were found for the soilless formation with mineral wool and sewage sludge addition distributed throughout the phytometer volume, which was about 50 % higher than in the control. Influence of sewage sludge distributed throughout the volume of phytometer and mineral wool placed as an insert at the bottom of a pot, was similar to that for the control. Mineral wool distributed throughout the volume rather than as insert at the bottom of the phytometer made more favorable conditions for birch growth. Conclusions:

1. Mineral wool (Grodan) as a waste from under-cover horticultural production is characterized by favorable sorption properties and particularly by high levels of alkaline cations and their saturation, low hydrolytic acidity, as well as shows high water retaining capacity. High content of magnesium and calcium, as well as beneficial levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are recorded in this material. The heavy metals content is satisfactory.

2. The use of mineral wool and sewage sludge had its most favorable effect on analyzed properties of reclaimed soilless formation.

3. Applying the sewage sludge to the reclaimed soilless formation in phytometric experiment contributed to the increase in the amount of phosphorus and magnesium. The content of potassium was favorably affected by sewage sludge and mineral wool addition. Method of mineral wool application had no significant impact on any of the analyzed elements.

4. Tested reclamation methods had considerable influence on the increase in organic carbon content - the largest due to sewage sludge and mineral wool application. The tree species impact appeared to be insignificant.

5. Variants of reclamation, as well as mineral wool applications ways had some influence, yet insignificant, on the increase in the total nitrogen content. Reclamation techniques made C: N ratio narrow.

6. Tasted wastes had a significant effect on the growth of trees. The best pine growth gain was recorded on the soil with mineral wool added as an insert at the bottom of the phytometer, while birch with addition of mineral wool and sewage sludge distributed throughout the phytometer volume.


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15. Zukowska G., Flis-Bujak M., Baran S. 2002. Wplyw nawozenia osadem sciekowym na substancj? organiczn^. gleby lekkiej pod upraw^. wikliny. Acta Agrophysica, 73, 357-367.

Жуковська Г., Варан С., Вуйщковська-Капуста А., Весоловська-Добрук, Котй Л., Бж-Малодзшська М. Ст1чний осад i минеральна вата у рекультива-цй" забруднених Грун^в та 1х освоення в практищ лiсового господарства

Метою цих дослщжень е оцiнювання впливу осаду с^чних вод i вторинно! сиро-винно! мiнеральноi вати Гроданна на формування властивостей неГрунтових девастова-них утворень, утворених у процес видобутку свердловин сiрки пiд освоення лiсовi -вирощування сосни звичайно! та берези повисло!. Здшснено вегетацiйнi ф^ометричш та лабораторнi дослiдження.

Фiтометром слугували пластиковi контейнери об'емом 12 дм3, в яких вiдрiзали дно, 1х було закопано у рiвень з поверхнею Грунту на територii шахти сiрки Сзюрко. Фiтометри наповнили композитом мюцевого безГрунтового пiску з додаванням досл> джуваних вiдходiв. На шдготовлену основу висаджено сiянцi сосни звичайно! та берези повисло!. Кожен варiант здшснювався в трьох реплiкацiях.

Дослщжуваш вiдходи значно впливають на рют дерев. Найвищий прирiст сосни виявлено у Грунтi з додаванням мшерально! вати, помiщеноi як вкладку на дш ф^омет-ра, а берези - з додаванням мшерально! вати та осаду стсчних вод, розташованих по всьому об'ему ф^ометра.

Zukowska Grazyna, Baran Stanislaw, Wojcikowska-Kapusta Anna, We-solowska-Dobruk Sylwia, Kopiy Leonid, Bik-Malodzinska Marta. Osad sciekowy i welna mineralna w rekultywacji gleb zdegradowanych i ich zagospodarowaniu w kierunku lesnym

Celem niniejszych badan jest ocena wplywu osadu sciekowego i pouzytkowej welny mineralnej Grodanna ksztaltowanie wlasciwosci utworu bezglebowego zdewastowanego w procesie gornictwa otworowego siarki pod zagospodarowanie lesne - uprawa sosny zwyczaj-nej i brzozy brodawkowatej.Na calosc badan skladaj^. si?: wegetacyjne doswiadczenia fito-metryczne; badania laboratoryjne.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Fitometry stanowily pojemniki plastikowe o pojemnosci 12 dm3, w ktorych obci?to dno i zakopano rowno z powierzchni^. gruntu na terenie kopalni siarki Jeziorko. Fitometry na-pelniono kompozytem rodzimego piasku bezglebowego z dodatkiem badanych odpadow. Na przygotowane podloza wysadzono sadzonki sosny zwyczajnej i brzozy brodawkowatej. Kazdy wariant realizowano w trzech powtorzeniach.

Badane odpady wywarly znacz^cy wplyw na wzrost drzew. Najwyzszy przyrost sosny stwierdzono w gruncie z dodatkiem welny mineralnej umieszczonej jako wkladka na dnie fi-tometru, a brzozy z dodatkiem welny mineralnej i osadu sciekowego, rozmieszczonych w calej obj?tosci fitometru.


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