Научная статья на тему 'Role of modern songs in teaching English vocabulary and grammar to students'

Role of modern songs in teaching English vocabulary and grammar to students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Turarova A.B., Kudritskaya M.I.

Втор считает, что изучение английского языка как международного языка имеет большое значение на разных уровнях образования в Казахстане, но отсутствие у обучающихся высокой мотивации к его изучению вызывает беспокойство. Автор предполагает, что для того, чтобы поддерживать интерес студентов к изучению языка, учителя должны найти творческие методы обучения языку. Рекомендует использовать песни на английском языке при изучении вокабуляра и грамматики.Ағылшын тілі оқушылардың қажеттіліктері үшін маңызды фактор болып табылмаған жағдайда да, оқытушылар олардың тіл үйренуге деген қызығушылығын арттыру үшін, мотивациясын кеңейту үшін тіл үйретудің шығармашылық жолдарын іздестіруі қажет. Ағылшын тілін халықаралық тіл ретінде меңгеру Қазақстанда білім берудің әртүрлі деңгейлерінде үлкен маңызға ие, бірақ, өкінішке орай, көптеген оқушылар мектепте бірнеше жыл оқығаннан кейін олардың ағылшын тіліндегі қабілеттеріне қанағаттанбайды. Әрине, бұл мәселенің әртүрлі себептері бар, бірақ осы зерттеуде алаңдаушылық туғызатын себептердің бірі ынталандырудың болмауы.

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The author supposes that in order to maintain student’s interest in language learning when English is not seen as an important factor for their needs, teachers have to find creative ways to teach language and expand student’s motivation to learn. It is considered that learning English as an international language has a great importance in different levels of education in Kazakhstan, but unfortunately most of the students are not satisfied with their abilities in English after studying it for several years in their school. Thinks that there are different reasons for this problem, but one of the reasons is lack of motivation. Recommends to use songs in English when studying a vocabulary and gr ammar.

Текст научной работы на тему «Role of modern songs in teaching English vocabulary and grammar to students»

УДК 373.1.02 : 372.8




Агылшын тш оцушылардыц цажеттiлiктерi Yшiн мацызды фактор болып табылмаган жагдайда да, оцы-тушылар олардыц тiл Yйренуге деген цызыгушылыгын арттыру Yшiн, мотивациясын кецейту Yшiн тiл Yйрету-дщ шыгармашыльщ жолдарын iздестiруi цажет. Агылшын тшн хальщаральщ тiл ретшде мецгеру К^азацстан-да бiлiм берудщ эртYрлi децгейлерiнде Yлкен мацызга ие, бiрац, eкiнiшке орай, кептеген оцушылар мектеп-те бiрнеше жыл оцыганнан кейiн олардыц агылшын тiлiндегi цабшеттерше цанагаттанбайды. Эрине б^л мэселенiц эртYрлi себептерi бар, бiрац осы зерттеуде алацдаушыльщ тугызатын себептердiц бiрi ынталан-дырудыц болмауы.


Автор считает, что изучение английского языка как международного языка имеет большое значение на разных уровнях образования в Казахстане, но отсутствие у обучающихся высокой мотивации к его изучению вызывает беспокойство. Автор предполагает, что для того, чтобы поддерживать интерес студентов к изучению языка, учителя должны найти творческие методы обучения языку. Рекомендует использовать песни на английском языке при изучении вокабуляра и грамматики.


The author supposes that in order to maintain student's interest in language learning when English is not seen as an important factor for their needs, teachers have to find creative ways to teach language and expand student's motivation to learn. It is considered that learning English as an international language has a great importance in different levels of education in Kazakhstan, but unfortunately most of the students are not satisfied with their abilities in English after studying it for several years in their school. Thinks that there are different reasons for this problem, but one of the reasons is lack of motivation. Recommends to use songs in English when studying a vocabulary and grammar.


student, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, Kostanay

M.I. Kudritskaya,

scientific adviser, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associated professor, foreign languages

department, philology faculty, KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, Kostanay

Нег1зг1 свздер: агылшын тшн зерттеу, цаз1рг1 за-мангы эндер, грамматика, свздт, ынталандыру, ар-тыцшылыцтар, тшмдыт.

Ключевые слова: изучение английского языка, современные песни, грамматика, словарь, мотивация, преимущества, эффективность.

Keywords: learning English, modern songs, grammar, vocabulary, motivation, ^ advantages, effectiveness



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Learning a foreign language is not easy to imagine without an activity like working with a song. After all, songs of modern English or American groups are of particular interest to many students. But, unfortunately, work at a song often comes down only to reading the words of the song, translating them, listening to them and playing the song together to a phonogram. This is not worth it. In teaching a foreign language, using modern authentic songs is a very effective technique.

First of all, work with the song material provides faster learning of new lexical material (lyrics of our favorite songs are quickly remembered, and sometimes they remain in our long-term memory for years). It can also be noted that the study of grammar is also greatly simplified when working with a song, because, as a rule, students have the most difficulty with this particular area of study. Therefore, having studied any grammatical construction from the song you like, in the future, students no longer have a negative reaction or fear of learning a more complex grammar. This includes various grammatical constructions, any stable expressions, tense forms of verbs.

Materials and methods

Modern song scripts and music can facilitate awareness of pronunciation, intonation and s sentence flow, in addition to containing < contemporary cultural commentary. This paper o therefore suggests that a broader perspective qh on the use of songs and music in the language o classroom can lead to meaningful and s successful language learning. The goal of the § research is to show the effectiveness of using § modern songs in English lessons for enriching w vocabulary and studying grammar. It is very s hard to teach pupils in class where most of the s pupils are not able to say even the simplest


o sentence, as they do not know any grammar H rules or structure. The same problem is with reading - pupils do not want to read aloud

because of their poor pronunciation, they do not want to read silently either, because they are not able to understand the text or remember any vocabulary. It was very difficult (and still is) to plan the lessons and to teach the pupils, because they had so many problems, that sometimes the teacher does not know what to begin with.

This is a very effective way to teach students with songs and rhymes, but teaching teenagers through songs is not the same as teaching young children.This research work is devoted to the theme how to use songs and rhymes to help the pupils learn vocabulary and practice difficult sounds. There are some programmes for meeting the pupils' needs in this respect. It is usual to sing to small children and teach them through songs, rhymes and activity games. Children who participate in these activities usually express themselves easily and pick up a lot of new words in their own language. The same method works when a child is learning a second language. The rhythm of the poems helps the student to put the stress in the right place, creating a natural flow of language and creating fluency. A song gives us an opportunity to repeat the same words or structural items many times without risk of boredom. Teenage pupils who start learning a second language meet certain barriers. Many of them are too shy to repeat the same words many times in the presence of other pupils in the classroom. So, they would rather not say a word than be wrong or incorrect. They do not practice and do not improve their language. It is very important to find a way to break their fear, because it gives an opportunity to teach them a foreign language and make them learn all by themselves.

Results and discussion

Professor of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics at Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, Tim Murphey writes that it may be surprising how quickly students can memorize a new song[1]. Moreover, it is well known


that when a student learns a foreign language and then does not use it for several years, after some time he forgets almost everything except a few songs that he has learned.

According to him, other benefits of the songs may be following:

• It seems, "to sing in a language is easier than to speak it."

• The songs are likely to "precede and help the young children's language development."

• Singing songs is like an egocentric language, which is the conversation of children "without special concern for the addressee. " Simply said, they like to hear them repeat.

• Songs (especially children's songs) use a simple, informal and familiar language with many repetitions, it is suitable for learning a new language.

• As Murphey writes: "The most important thing is probably relaxing songs. They provide diversity and fun, and also promote harmony in oneself and in a group " [2].

• In addition, the songs are short and have separate lyrics.

Let us formulate the methodological advantages of songs in teaching a foreign language:

l.Songs as one of the types of speech communication are a means of a more solid assimilation and expansion of vocabulary, as they include new words and phrases. In the songs, the already familiar vocabulary is found in the new contextual environment, which helps to activate it;

2.With songs it is better to absorb and activate grammatical structures. In some countries, songs are published to teach the most common designs;

3.Songs contribute to the improvement of the skills of foreign language pronunciation, the development of musical hearing. It is known that ear for music, auditory attention and auditory control are closely related to the

development of the articulatory apparatus. Learning and playing short, easy-to-melodic patterns of songs with frequent repetitions helps to fix the correct articulation and pronunciation of sounds, the rules of phase stress, rhythm features, etc.;

4.Songs contribute to aesthetic education of students, rallying a team, more complete disclosure of creative abilities of each. Thanks to music in the classroom, a favorable psychological climate is created, psychological load is reduced, language vocabulary is activated, emotional tone is increased, interest in learning a foreign language is maintained;

5.Songs and other musical works stimulate monologue and dialogical utterances, develop schoolchildren's cogitative activity, and contribute to the development of both prepared and unprepared speech.

Not every song is suitable for English lesson. Most modern English songs contain slang words and phrases. In particular, this applies to rap, respectively, the vocabulary of such songs is not suitable for enriching students' vocabulary. Therefore, when choosing a song for an English lesson, you need to pay attention to the following areas:

• jazz,

• blues,

• folk,

• country music,

• operas, s

• musicals. <c


Using each song provides preliminary o introduction, activation and consolidation of the lexical and grammatical material of the ^ songs used. s

Also, work with songs can be quite diverse, § depending on the methodical task and goal § that a teacher wants to achieve. w


Therefore, let us consider the approximate s sequence of work with the song material s in the lesson, which was described by G. S. o Sinkevich[3].The sequence can be as follows: H

l.Brief introduction, during which stu-


dents are prepared for initial listening to the song. Here, as a rule, a teacher gives brief description of the song, its style or history of creation, summing up the topic of the lesson. Some difficult words with translation may also be offered to remove possible difficulties, it contributes to more effective understanding the text and working with it.

2.At the second stage theory is the first perception of the musical work (especially melody, rhythm, recognition of individual words and phrases).

3.The third step is to check the understanding of the song text, when a teacher, asking questions, determines the degree of understanding of the text by students. And translation of incomprehensible words together with students.

4.In order to ensure full understanding, a teacher may deliberately draw students ' attention to certain linguistic features of the text, such as: new vocabulary, grammatical phenomena, pronunciation or stable expressions. Thus, a teacher contributes to more effective consolidation of new material. At the senior stage of training a teacher can also pay attention of pupils to how the author used a way of expression of this or that thought.

5.The next step is to re-listen to the song, but with the support of the text.

6.Then there is a phonetic working out of < the text of the song, i.e. sounds or intonation, o and also correctness of pronunciation are


o 7.At the next stage, the song is learned in s the process of joint performance. § 8.In later lessons, is the repetition of the § song until its complete assimilation (1-2 w times). Due to this, the necessary lexical and s grammatical material remains in the memory

53 of students.


o Conclusion


In conclusion, we suppose that a song in a foreign language has ample opportunities

for the development of students:

1)the words of the song serve as an effective means of expanding vocabulary,

2)the song consolidates grammatical structures,

3)the song helps to improve pronunciation,

4)the song helps to understand spoken language (very important!),

5)the song broadens the outlook of schoolchildren (get acquainted with the work of songwriters),

6)all types of work with a song help to stimulate students' interest to the subject and support it throughout the years of schooling,

7)songs evoke positive emotions.


l.Sinkevich G.S. Song in English lessons/ G.S. Sinkevich/ / Foreign language at school, 2002-P. 50-53

2.Murphey, Tim. Music & Song. Oxford: University Press, 1992. Print Graham, C. 1993 Grammar chants: More Jazz Chants. OUP

3.Korostelev V.S., Passov E.I. The process of learning the lexical side of speech as a system / Problems of the communicative method of teaching the foreign side of speech / VGPI. Voronezh, 1980

4.Adolphs, S., & Schmitt, N. (2003). Lexical coverage of spoken discourse. Applied Linguistics, 24(4), 425-438.

5.Alderson, J.C. (2007). Judging the frequency of English words. Applied Linguistics, 28(3), 383e409.

6.Kanel, K. (1997). Enjoy pop songs. Tokyo: Seibido.

7.Knobel, M. (1999). Everyday literacies: Students, discourse, and social practice. NewYork: Peter Lang.

8.Lin, L.Y.(2002). The effects of feature songs upon learners' motivation, listening comprehension performance and speaking skills: The learner-centered approach. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.

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