The important economic condition of the pensionary system functioning is redistribution of the revenues from wealthy citizens to the needy ones through a taxation system of the social insurance. The purposes of the economic constituent of pensionary system functioning are related to the advantages of economic efficiency and financial stability.
Both, economic, social and institutional factors are the means to reach these purposes. For example, GDP, and its share, directed to pensionary provision, which is substantially lower in Russia (5,2%) than in Germany and France (13%), Italy and Austria (15%), GDP structure (share of labor payment in it), income taxation, - have a great impact on the state of pensionary system.
So, pensionary system, being a part of the social protection of the population, is a complex of interconnected elements and relations between them to provide pensionary protection of the population, the state of which is determined by the level of the social-economic development of the society and tendency of social and economic policy of a particular state. Therefore, analysis of pensionary system must consider system interconnections between the institutions of social protection, character of distributional relations in the society and dynamics of social-economic characteristics. Thus, pensionary system is a part of social protection of the population system, a part of complex interdependent elements and relations between them,
aimed to realization of pensionary protection of the population, the state of which is determined by social-economic development of society, economic policy of a particular state. That's why pensionary system must consider system interconnections between the institutes of social protection, character of a distributional system in a society and dynamics of changes of social-economic indicators.
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3. Loginova L.V. Social mechanism of institutionalization of interests of the subjects of economic function: theory, methodology and practice of functioning. Saratov: SSAU,2009.
4. Mylnick VV Research of the management system. M.: Academic project, 2003.
5. Novikov A.A. Institutional bases ova current pensionary systems. M.: MIEMP, 2006.
6. Roik V.D. Formation of modern institution of obligatory pensionary insurance in the country// Russian economic journal. 2009. №1-2.
7. Roik V.D. Russian pensionary system: history, problems and ways of improvement. M.: MIK, 2007.
8. Soloviev A.K. Financial system of obligatory pensionary insurance in Russia. M.: Finance and statistics, 2003.
9. Fedotov D.Y. Introduction of professional pensions -instrument of recovery of the national pensionary system// Man and labor. 2008. № 9.
удк 338.47:657 A.V. Miroshnik
The problem of improvement of services quality of local telecommunication has important economic value both in theoretical and practical aspects. Together with scientific and technical progress it continuously became complicated due to constantly increasing needs. Now the problem of maintenance of a telecommunication service quality is especially vital.
Key words: quality, system of management quality, competitiveness, process, checking, standard, certification.
A.B. Мирошник
Проблема повышения качества услуг местной телефонной связи имеет важное экономическое значение как в теоретическом, так и в практическом плане. В параллели с научно-техническим прогрессом она непрерывно усложнялась с учетом постоянно возрастающих потребностей. В настоящее время проблема обеспечения качества услуг связи особо актуальна.
Ключевые слова: качество, система менеджмента качества, конкурентоспособность, процесс, контроль, стандарт, сертификация.
Service quality has always been the essential part while evaluating the activity of communication enterprise. In the frames of transition form planned to market economy it requires a special meaning, it was proved by adoption of the RF law on "Protection of consumers' rights". Service quality becomes an important factor, defining success of the operator on the service market of communication industry. That's why ISO standard provides quality manage-
ment system of the communication operators to supply higher quality service.
Quality management system consists of two components: administrative and technical. Administrative component includes organizational work to provide service quality: placement of personnel, creation of good labor conditions, encouragement for reaching of high quality service, analysis of the results of work to improve quality,
marketing, etc. These issues are under special control today. Technical component provides definition of service quality characteristics and maintenance of the standard indicators of service quality (control, measurement, measuring devices). High quality of service emerged not by chance; it may be reached on the basis of system approach at all stages of development and formation of communication system in the process of its functioning. According to the "law on communication", the aim of telecommunication is to meet the needs of citizens, management, defense, security law and order agencies in communications service. Communication services are products of activity to receive process, transfer and deliver communication messages. Communication service consumers -are physical and juridical enities, possessing the right to render services. The International Standards Organization defines services as "results of ingenious interaction of a supplier and consumer and internal activity of a supplier to meet consumers' needs".
A modern consumer has his own idea about the communication service quality, which he compares with characteristics of services, rendered by the suppliers. No doubts, consumers became more exigent lately. However if for material production a successful sales activity is proportional to product quantity characteristics and the demands of consumers to a particular product, but communication service is different. As a rule, a consumer lacks information in the sphere of telecommunication. Very often he has not the alternatives in choice of the other supplier of the local telephone communication service.
Communication service quality - is a correspondence degree of indices, characterizing consumer qualities of service, consumer's demands, technical requirements to the net working characteristics, fixed by the agreement between the communication operator and telephone subscriber
Telephone communication service includes two interconnected elements "telephone connection" (local, inside-zone, intercity and international) and "allocation of access to the telephone communication". Each of these service elements are characterized by the correspondent quality indices.
Variety of the indices of telephone communication service quality and norms for them are established for a certain period and reviewed once for 3-5 years. Among them are:
- Level of service reliability -number of records about malfunction per one telephone line annually;
- Speed of net availability -percent of implementation of application for connection to the net, performed for a normative time;
- Speed of restoration of net availability; - time of restoration of net availability for the local telephone net operator;
- Success and efficiency of calls of establishing telephone connection - indicator of quality of telephone connection service, characterizing failure of calls;
- Speed of connection - period of time from the moment of reception of information by the net, required for establishing communication, till the moment of receiving any tonal signal ("not available", "response signal") by the calling person, defining the result of connection with a subscriber;
- Quality of speech transmission - percent of connections with a subscriber, meeting the request of the norms of speech quality transmission (loudness, legibility, recog-nizability).
It should be noted, that grounded record about deterioration of service quality is done on the base of subscriber's claim, submitted to the claims service, and evidence of the given circumstances through testing, measuring or expert estimation (figure). A domestic consumer did not get used to claim, and often inform about the problem only in case of complete denial of service rendering.
The branch of communication is not a leading one among other branches in the sphere of introduction of QMS ISO 9000. In the engineering-technical nets and telecommunication QMS, supporting ISO 9001 are spread in the lowest degree than in the machine-building, metallurgical enterprises, motor-car industry and some other branches, rendering services. Western companies are more oriented on a branch and specialized standards -ISO/IEC 200001:2005 (IT-service management systems) and TL9000 (MQS for telecommunications), refusing ISO 9000, as they consider the standards of this series to be too generalized. так как считают стандарты этой серии слишком обобщенными.^ the nearest time the tendency of refusal of a general standard will increase.
As for implementation of quality management idea in Russian communication branch is concerned, the top management and responsible for quality in companies-suppliers of the local telephone communication service can't imagine their existence without QMS. There is no similar unanimity among the department managers, and sometimes, the introduction of management systems is excess headache for them. To create quality management system
Interaction of subsystems of quality management system when rendering telephone
communication service
there are both external reasons - image, demands of clients, and internal reasons - understanding of the necessity of efficient quality management as a condition of successful development of the company.
For those who had a serious approach to creation of quality management system, conducting of control audits and recertification in frames of "duties" changed by a conscious desire to develop a current quality management system. For the advanced telephone companies to have such a system has become the inherent necessity, and certification is regarded as a check to a standard concordance by them. It will take a year of intensive work of managers and with preliminary groundwork in the field of quality management to introduce a system in a large telecommunication or telephone company. From the time of decision to maintain QMS till its certification two - tree or even more years may pass. But middle-sized companies may create QMS for six months.
At the initial stage of QMS introduction in any communication company it is necessary to create a separate quality service (department or directorate) first of all, to withdraw its direct subordination to the general manager, to recruit correspondent personnel, to train staff in profile centers. All this will take time and money. Creation of service, introduction of QMS itself and the following certification - all these must be considered as a project, supervised by the general manager of the company. Success of such projects and following efficient functioning of QMS. Success of such projects and following efficient functioning of QMS entirely depend on his understanding, support, and personal participation.
Today big and rapidly developing telecoms must determine responsible persons for each operation in complex interdependent business-processes. For any quality service there is a necessity not only to describe and harmonize processes in all departments, "as it is", but develop it "as it must be".
It looks like the most difficult is to describe how business-processes must be organized and persuade managers to organize them properly.
Introduction of QMS - is an organizational changes process, reconstruction of the internal organizational structure, adjustment to standard's requirements, therefore changes face resistance of a personnel. The most difficult thing, breaking the habits, - is to explain the necessity of process approach to managers. Top and middle managers sometimes consider their understanding of business-
process to be the ultimate truth, and don't want changes, but fresh comers are ready to accept new rules.
Thus, introduction of QMS is a long and tiresome process, connected with great organizational and structural changes in the company. There are a lot of enterprises, for which the quality management triumphantly ends with receiving a 9000 series certificate.
In fact, QMS only starts with this moment. The best managers consider persistent improving of quality to be the inalienable state of the spirit.
If QMS really exists not only on the paper - it produces a sufficient effect. No one company thinks QMS to be useless. Introduction of QMS sufficiently increases management efficiency: ability to make necessary improvement in time.
Successive conception of the qMs future development is that the most perspective trend in management system - are sectional and narrow-oriented standards. They already existed in aerospace and automobile industry. Now they exist in communication branch.
The branch standards are mainly created to meet more narrow tasks of the company in the sphere of the service quality management, IT-services or information safety. The integrated management systems, combining basic 9000 series standards with the branch ones, have promising prospects. The future belongs to the integrated systems. Even nowadays all QMS are based on ISO 9000 series. This is the basis, all the rest are - superstructures, specifying a certain type of activity. On the base of analysis of situation with quality management systems in the communication industry the following conclusions may be drawn:
- firstly, necessity of QMS don't demand discussions -without really operating management systems the general managers and responsible for quality don't see development perspectives;
- secondly, real and efficient QMS is a necessity for modern enterprises, and ISO 9001 certification is only a check of the system for standard's correspondence, no more;
- thirdly, QMS introduction is a long and tiresome process, connected with sufficient organizational changes and reconstruction of the whole structure. It shouldn't be stopped during the life period of the company;
- fourthly, a really operating system has an obvious positive internal and external effect on the company;
- fifthly the most probable perspective of management systems development in communication industry is a combination of basic 9000 series with a branch one.
yrk 338.45:662.7 E.S. Mozgovaya
The author reveals the necessity of structural transformations for a fuel-energy complex caused by exhaustibility of natural fuel-energy resources. Necessity of state regulation in preparation of transition processes to alternative kinds of fuel is shown.
Key words: a fuel-energy complex, a sustainable development, limited natural resources, renewable energy sources, state regulation.