there are both external reasons - image, demands of clients, and internal reasons - understanding of the necessity of efficient quality management as a condition of successful development of the company.
For those who had a serious approach to creation of quality management system, conducting of control audits and recertification in frames of “duties” changed by a conscious desire to develop a current quality management system. For the advanced telephone companies to have such a system has become the inherent necessity, and certification is regarded as a check to a standard concordance by them. It will take a year of intensive work of managers and with preliminary groundwork in the field of quality management to introduce a system in a large telecommunication or telephone company. From the time of decision to maintain QMS till its certification two - tree or even more years may pass. But middle-sized companies may create QMS for six months.
At the initial stage of QMS introduction in any communication company it is necessary to create a separate quality service (department or directorate) first of all, to withdraw its direct subordination to the general manager, to recruit correspondent personnel, to train staff in profile centers. All this will take time and money. Creation of service, introduction of QMS itself and the following certification - all these must be considered as a project, supervised by the general manager of the company. Success of such projects and following efficient functioning of QMS. Success of such projects and following efficient functioning of QMS entirely depend on his understanding, support, and personal participation.
Today big and rapidly developing telecoms must determine responsible persons for each operation in complex interdependent business-processes. For any quality service there is a necessity not only to describe and harmonize processes in all departments, “as it is”, but develop it “as it must be”.
It looks like the most difficult is to describe how busi-ness-processes must be organized and persuade managers to organize them properly.
Introduction of QMS - is an organizational changes process, reconstruction of the internal organizational structure, adjustment to standard's requirements, therefore changes face resistance of a personnel. The most difficult thing, breaking the habits, - is to explain the necessity of process approach to managers. Top and middle managers sometimes consider their understanding of business-
process to be the ultimate truth, and don't want changes, but fresh comers are ready to accept new rules.
Thus, introduction of QMS is a long and tiresome process, connected with great organizational and structural changes in the company There are a lot of enterprises, for which the quality management triumphantly ends with receiving a 9000 series certificate.
In fact, QMS only starts with this moment. The best managers consider persistent improving of quality to be the inalienable state of the spirit.
If QMS really exists not only on the paper - it produces a sufficient effect. No one company thinks QMS to be useless. Introduction of QMS sufficiently increases management efficiency: ability to make necessary improvement in time.
Successive conception of the qMs future development is that the most perspective trend in management system - are sectional and narrow-oriented standards. They already existed in aerospace and automobile industry Now they exist in communication branch.
The branch standards are mainly created to meet more narrow tasks of the company in the sphere of the service quality management, IT-services or information safety. The integrated management systems, combining basic 9000 series standards with the branch ones, have promising prospects. The future belongs to the integrated systems. Even nowadays all QMS are based on ISO 9000 series. This is the basis, all the rest are - superstructures, specifying a certain type of activity. On the base of analysis of situation with quality management systems in the communication industry the following conclusions may be drawn:
- firstly, necessity of QMS don't demand discussions -without really operating management systems the general managers and responsible for quality don't see development perspectives;
- secondly, real and efficient QMS is a necessity for modern enterprises, and ISO 9001 certification is only a check of the system for standard's correspondence, no more;
- thirdly, QMS introduction is a long and tiresome process, connected with sufficient organizational changes and reconstruction of the whole structure. It shouldn't be stopped during the life period of the company;
- fourthly, a really operating system has an obvious positive internal and external effect on the company;
- fifthly the most probable perspective of management systems development in communication industry is a combination of basic 9000 series with a branch one.
удк 338.45:662.7 E.S. Mozgovaya
The author reveals the necessity of structural transformations for a fuel-energy complex caused by exhaustibility of natural fuel-energy resources. Necessity of state regulation in preparation of transition processes to alternative kinds of fuel is shown.
Key words: a fuel-energy complex, a sustainable development, limited natural resources, renewable energy sources, state regulation.
Е.С. Мозговая
Раскрывается необходимость структурных преобразований в топливно-энергетическом комплексе в связи с исчерпаемостью природных топливно-энергетических ресурсов. Показана необходимость государственного регулирования процессов подготовки перехода к альтернативным видам топлива.
Ключевые слова: топливно-энергетический комплекс, устойчивое развитие, ограниченность природных ресурсов, возобновляемые источники энергии, государственное регулирование.
According to the majority of scientists the forming of mechanism elements in sustainable system development under market including primarily a fuel-energy complex may be treated in two ways. On the one hand it subjects to common rules of complex system development. On the other hand it is formed with the help of intellect being capable to make a selection of possible development variations and to some extent directs it. As Chayanov A.V noted spontaneous development is not a development depending on someone's directing leading will working by laws, which people can learn, but can't cancel or replace. The dictates of social mind are the other basis. Organized social mind as a state and other forms of expression has considerable influence on social and economic development. However, it is far from being sovereign in connection with spontaneous law of social development [7].
It is known that processes of self-organisation directed at stable development of fuel-energy complex depend on stimulus represented by the market. The market has a special mechanism coordinating behavior and direction of economic unit activity and provide with self-reproduction and efficiency of market relationships. First of all relationships between economically independent producers and buyers is shown by demand and supply conditions1. These relationships are implemented with the help of such tools like money and competition. Their results are estimated in the form of profit and loss.
Market demand influences on supply. It means that it defines the possibility of development. From this point of view development potential for fuel and energy complex is enormous. By the research of International energy agency in the last decade the energy recourses' demand has increased in direct proportion to world GDP's growth rate. International energy agency is one of the most authoritative of international energy organizations. For the last 30 years each 1% of world GDP's growth rate calculated at par of purchasing power was accompanied by increase in demand on the initial energy recourses by 0.6%. For the same period of time world energy recourses consumption including firewood, agricultural waste products and other
1 Market demand is the most important factor of goods output increase or decrease. Commodities are produced only to meet the consumers' requirements. The demand as economic category reflects solvent needs of market participant and their behaviour in the capacity of buyers with respect to sellers. In its turn offer is defined by manufacturability and demand for goods and services under the current price-level. However market offer forms at the expense of trade stock and import.
non-commercial types of biomass increased at 1,8 time or from 5 592 to 10 089 million tons of oil equivalent. Meanwhile oil consumption increased at 47%, coal at 62,5%, natural gas - at 2,3 times, and nuclear power plant energy
- at 23,2 times [4, p. 10 - 25].
Rapid growth of energy recourses consumption is predicted for the nearest decades. Their consumption grows to 16-20 million tons of oil equivalents to 2030. Naturally in this period of time world power consumption growth rates can be from 1,6 to 2,5% in a year subject to average annual economic growth rate, dynamics of scientific and technological advance and progress in realization of “stable development” program directed at natural environment preservation (table 1).
At the same time it should be noted that the structure of energy recourses consumption doesn't stay invariable. The following tendencies appear in the structure of energy consumption under the influence of scientific and technological advance development, and stricter ecological factor observance and power plant coefficient of efficiency growth (figure) [5].
Submitted data indicates that during the century fuel balance changes from coal to oil-and-gas, although here we can see some progress. XIXth century was the century of coal, XXth century was the century of oil, XXIst century (primarily its first part) was the century of energy carrier diversity (oil, gas, coal and renewable energy including biomass), although in the nearest 20 - 30 years oil keeps it dominating position in the structure of world energy consumption.
Particularity of modern energy consumption structure is the fact that its main source is natural recourses, which volume isn't infinite. As known oil and gas are nonrenewable resources, which supply will be exhausted sooner or later even if in the long-run prospects2. According to the report of American center of geological investigations published in 2001 world oil production tops out not until some decades. In turn the last prediction of World Energy
2 By the pessimistic rating oil industry has already spent billion of dollars on the innovations and today it is difficult to imagine some new innovative high-performance technology which would allow turning in essence the oil production capacities to their essential increase. However in the opinion of more numerous optimists innovative revolution in oil production still just begins. Actually existing technologies still allow mining from deposit only about 30 - 35% of total oil volume in it. Analysts-optimists fairly expect to appear of technology which allows mining everywhere to 50 - 60% of total volume during nearest decade.
Dynamics and structure of world consumption initial energy resources*
1971, mln tons of oil equivalent 1971, % to total 2000, mln tons of oi l equivalent 2000, % to total 2030, mln tons of oil equivalent 2 0 30, % to total
In all 5 529 100 10 089 100 16 302 100
oil 2 448 43,8 3 604 35,7 5 769 35,5
coal 1 450 25,9 2 355 23,3 3 606 22,1
aas 895 16 2 085 20,7 4 203 25,8
nuclear power 29 0,5 674 6,7 703 4,3
water power 104 1,9 228 2,3 366 2,2
renewable energy resources 73 1,3 233 2,3 618 3,8
bi om ass and wa st e produ cts 592 10,6 910 9 1 035 6,3
* Data by World Energy 0utlook-2002. OECD/IEA, 2002.
The beginning of XX century The beginning of XXI century
Q Coal O Oil □ Gas BOther kind of fuel Dynamic structure of world consumption energy resources in XX century
Outlook of International energy agency notes that only existing oil supply will be enough for the world with today's consumption standard at least till 2025. One of the leaders of world first-rate oil-producing company Exxon/Mobil Rene Dahan has more “optimism” thinking that any tangible deficit on the world market will not be at least 70 years [9].
Situation with gas recourses is better for Russia, even on a conservative estimate it has more than a quarter of world supply, but it also has its limit. Concern for best distribution of such national patrimony giving us by nature should be one of the main aims of national politics.
It should be noted that the share of actual (highly productive) oil reserves in the most of oil companies reserve balance is about 45%, even if we don't take into account a deficient financing of geological prospecting and exploration delays of new deposit in 1990 in Russia. Negative tendency to further reduction of this share begins to show because of actual reserves excavation. Output of oil well reduces more than to 10 times for ten years in Western Siberia and to 5 times in whole Russia. More than 70% of oil supply is in the range of low output of well (from 10 to 25 ton per day) and on the verge of zero profitability. The share of supply with more than 80% of degree of depletion exceeds a quarter of workable one. The share of supply with watering of more than 70% exceeds a third of one. [3]. The results of Audit Chamber of the RF inspection of oil companies OJSC OC “Rosneft”, OJSC OC “Lukoil”, OJSC OGC “Slavneft” confirm the resume that the main reasons of wells transfer to the category of inactive and their conservation are low oil output and high watering of production. These reasons make well exploitation unprofitable for oil
companies. The economy of big oil corporations is that they have interest only in big objects of extraction. Thus they move their activity from old oil-producing region to more long-term regions being on the initial developmental stages [1].
Natural recourses exhaustibility means only the necessity of reorientation to the other kinds of activity for business in the fuel and energy sphere. It is well known that any entrepreneur is concerned in increasing their profit but not to the satisfaction of public needs. What and for whom to produce is all the same for the capital. The only important things are to sell and realize a profit from output goods. Business engaged in energetics will be reoriented on other profitable kinds of activity. But it will be crash for economy. That is why the state shouldn't stay indifferent to this problem already today. It should carefully track the situation and make necessary improving of formation of the future fuel and energy complex.
As J. K. Galbraith noted modern economy can't work normal and stable without state interference. Excessive speculative activity, hard and long crises and depressions have detrimental consequences for it. Market economy effectively providing the production of necessary consumer goods and services is oriented to the rather rapid profit earning. This profit is the measure of its success. Capitals invest in long-term projects unwillingly if either. Too little means are assigned for prevention of unfavorable social consequences connected with production. For example entrepreneurs don't want to assume ecological damage liability. [2, p. 234].
Speaking about term “sustainable development” with regard to all humanity, it should be noted, that Vernadsky studies about noosphere often is understood as appeal to the regulation of natural processes and direction of development. Many Vernadsky’s proponents conclude on basis of his works that “the way of human development should be changed from spontaneous to consciously manageable with a view to reach harmony both in people relationships and in their attitude to the natural environment”. [8]. That is why at the end of 1990th term “sustainable development” became a synonym of “manageable development” for academician consultants. “Such changes as form of
socio-technical organization of vital activity processes change providing steady growth of life quality should be managed in perfectly organized society. Hopefully since XXIst century Russia will have the forming period of such social organization which provides the progressive change management and the transition to noosphere society i.e. to society with sustainable balanced development [6].
Thus everybody say that we come near to energy crises. Mineral resources gradually exhaust. Possibly they will be enough for centuries if we will count everything that
can be found in subsoil. But those that will be available for modern recovery processes and the most important can be mined profitably remain only for 15 - 20 years. We should realize clearly that the global energy will be different not only quantitatively but qualitatively through 50 years. Taking into consideration the importance of this sector for Russia, long-term strategic planning in alternative energy is necessary. The state should support the development by creating favourable political and legal conditions including imposition of tax remissions and compensations by working out measures of legal and technical regulation, creating special development programs including the support of R&D in the sector of renewable energy (RE) and the realization of pilot projects.
For example the majority of countries working seriously under the alternative energy development impose special high RE fare. State prescribes fare along with the load serving entities obligation to buy this energy from RE generators. Further high costs of load serving entities on the purchase divide between all consumers in proportion to buying electric power volume. In the beginning of 2006 this scheme was used in 29 countries. Bids to the market price are used in Denmark and Spain additionally instead of rate.
A number of countries impose special RE production and consumption quotas, and special certificates control
them. There are fines for non-fulfillment of quotes. Tax remissions are used as additional private measure in many countries such as Finland and Malta. Some countries such as Ireland announce tenders for the volume of output or projects.
Such mechanism of RE support just only forms in Russia. The share of Power engineering on this basis in Russian fuel balance is negligibly small. Intensive RE mastering is deferred by some barriers in Russian Federation (table 2).
State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation adopted the law № 250"FZ “About alteration in separate legislative acts of Russian Federation in connection with reforming measure realization of single energy system of Russia” to decide enumerated goals. It foresees specific support measures of electric power generation from renewable sources. Now the connection price of RE generators to the net will be indemnified for special federal RE support fund. The amendments to the law provide introduction of special markup-bonus to market rate paid to all RE electric power generators which capacity is less than 25 mill watt. It provides the introduction of “green” certificates system which will confirm the origin and volume of “clean” energy production being the reason to receive a rate markup.
President of Russia Dmitri Medvedev signed the decree “to foresee budget allocations required to support and stimulate the realization of RE and usage of environmentally clean manufacturing technologies”3.
3 As Russian Greenpeace press service notes, on the 20th of January in 2009. Chairman of the government V. Putin signed an order stating the mainstream of state policy in renewable energy (RE) development till 2020.
T a b l e 2
Mastering barriers of renewable energy in Russian Federation
Types of barriers Nature of barriers
Institutional barriers - Unwillingness of local autonomous bodies to take part in investment RE project financing, because it is difficult to take long-term benefits in short-term prospects; - insufficient legislative base in RE mastering support; ineffectve compulsion measure system of ecological law fulfillment that doesn't Dromote interest arowth in use of more ecoloaic kinds of eneray which includes RE
Info rimati onal barriers - Lack of benefits information (financial, social and ecological) and investment profitability of RE usage; - lack of information about technology and possibility of it usage (there is no information of approved technologies applicable for transfer of present big boilers working on fossil fuel to usage of different RE kinds); - lack of reliable RE supply information. At present we have only preliminary estimate of potential suitable RE supply for usage
Financial barriers - Investment project preparation costs should be sustained before fnancing opening without guarantee of funds receipt on project realization. Meanwhile the lack of demonstration projects raises expenses connected with their preparation; - the high price of job-dedicated machinery is provoked by small quantity of production in the lack of enough demand; - the lack of domestic and foreign investment capital. Russian companies interested in RE use development have scarce own financial resources and insufficient access to RE financing investment project funds. Foreign capitals participation is controlled partially in view of unsteady business climate and unstable economic conditions and partially because of lack of suitable legal and regulatory framework and streamlined system of legislation demands fufillment compulsion; - the lack of long-term credits on available conditions. Banks of commerce accommodates with loans unwillingly because the return of long-term investments is risky. More than that financial institutions have not experience in analysis of financial investment aspects in renewable energy. Foreign long-term credits cost expensive because of high risk perceiving by foreign banks of commerce; - the lack of federal financing mechanism which is necessary in consideration of technological complexity, high risk level and duration of RE development projects realization. The situation is complicated by the fact that the production of energy with fossil organic fuel usage to a considerable degree is subsidized both directly and indirectly.
These measures in connection with other steps (for example the decision of technical regulations problem regulating RE development and introduction) in prospect allow to create a sector of alternative energy, to obtain the lowering of national economy dependence from prices for non-renewable resources, to improve ecological situation and not of small importance to earn on the production and export of advanced technology products and engineering decisions.
The support of fundamental and applied science should play the special role in state politics in this sphere. The development of competitive alternative energy is impossible without creation of basic cutting-edge technology, without directed research system. The goal of state and all interested process participants is to help the science to get over present difficulty, to provide it with resources and to obtain maximal return from domestic achievements introduction in this sphere. The RE mastering tasks are included in such federal task program as “Power efficient economy on 2010” (approved by RF Government regulation from the 17th of November in 2001 by the №796. The responsible ministry is the Ministry of Industry and Energy in Russia), “The South of Russia for 2002 - 2006 years» (approved by RF Government regulation from the 8lh of August in 2001 by the №581. The responsible ministry is the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade) “Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia on 1996 - 2005 years to 2010 year” (approved by RF Government regulation from the 15th of April in 1996 by the №480. The responsible ministry is the Rus-
sian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade), “R&D priority directions of science and engineering development for 2002 - 2006 years” (approved by RF Government regulation from the 21st of August in 2001 by the №605. The responsible ministry is Russian Ministry of Education and Science) and others.
It should be underlined that the position of society and business is very important in the decision of fuel and energy complex sustainable development problem. So the state is only one of the players. It is able to create only a certain form and to provide for rules of game. It is possible to fulfil this form with content only by the common efforts of power engineering specialists, industry science, consumers and territory leaders.
1. Galichanin E.N. About the condition and prospects of oil complex development // OilGasIndustry. 2007. № 4 (32).
2. Galbraith J.K. Fair society. Humanistic view // New postindustrial wave on the West / ed. V.L. Inozemtsev. M., 1999.
3. Supply: There is a lot of oil in Russia but how much exactly is unknown. URL:
4. Mastepanov A.M., Shafranik U.K. Russian oil and globalization: choice of development paradigm // Energetic policy. 2005. Issue 4.
5. Morzova T.G. and others Economic geography of Russia. M., 2001.
6. Russia: development strategy in XXI century. M., 1997.
7. ChayanovA.V. What is the agrarian question? M., 1917.
8. Yanshina FT. Evolution of V.I. Vernadsky views of biosphere and development of noosphere study. M., 1996.
9. World Energy Outlook. 2001.
УДК 338.24 VM Moroz
The article offers the approach to an estimation of conformity (certification) of the business processes, uniting ideology of works at stages of creation and manufacturing science-consuming production while distinguishing methods of maintenance and management of technology of manufacturing at these stages. In the offered concept the parameters defining quality of manufacturing of a product, the head customer corresponding to a prototype and the criteria providing a constancy of parameters of quality are entered. The offered approach allows to formulate accurately technical problems in the field of the technology solved at the state certification of the final production, and at the same time to establish univocal connection between them, almost realized within the limits of the concrete enterprises-developers and manufacturers.
Key words: quality, certification, processes.
B.M. Мороз
В статье предложен подход к оценке соответствия (сертификации) бизнес-процессов, объединяющей идеологию работ на этапах создания и изготовления наукоемкой продукции при разделении методов обеспечения и контроля технологии изготовления на этих этапах. В предлагаемой концепции вводятся параметры, определяющие качество изготовления изделия, соответствующего прототипу головного заказчика, и критерии, обеспечивающие постоянство параметров качества. Предлагаемый подход позволяет четко сформулировать технические задачи в области технологии, решаемые при государственной сертификации конечной продукции, и в то же время установить однозначную связь между ними, практически реализуемую в рамках конкретных предприятий-разра-ботчиков и изготовителей.
Ключевые слова: качество, сертификация, бизнес-процессы.
The term “certification” means conformity procedure by to the requirements of a certain normative document or a
certificate of some product, system and service according group of documents. The function of a certificate - is to