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май, 2024 г.
Murod Rakhmonkulov
Assistant Professor, (PhD), Karshi Engineering-economics institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi E-mail: mraxmonqulov88@gmail. com
Рахмонкулов Мурод Турдиалиевич
доцент, (PhD,
Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт Республика Узбекистан, г. Карши
In the Azkamarbentonite mine, there are six sections and the composition of each section was studied by elemental analysis. As a result, the 4th mine bentonite section was selected as the most suitable. "Azkamaf' limited liability company in the Navoi region produces various types of bentonite based on the Azkamar mine for casting, construction industry, use as components of drilling solvents, agriculture, pharmaceutical industry. One of the important fields of application of bentonites is chemical technology. Catalysts can be prepared on the basis of bentonites or they are used as catalyst carriers for the synthesis of various organic compounds.
В бентонитовом руднике Азкамар имеется шесть участков, состав каждого из которых был изучен методом элементного анализа. В результате бентонитовый участок 4-го рудника был выбран как наиболее подходящий. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Азкамар» в Навоийской области производит различные виды бентонита на базе рудника Азкамар для литейной, строительной промышленности, использования в качестве компонентов буровых растворителей, сельского хозяйства, фармацевтической промышленности. Одной из важных областей применения бентонитов является химическая технология. Катализаторы могут быть приготовлены на основе бентонитов или использованы в качестве носителей катализаторов для синтеза различных органических соединений.
Keywords: "Azkamar", composite, pharmaceutical, Bentonite, spectrometer, electron microscope, cyclohexane, hydrophilic.
Ключевые слова: «Азкамар», композит, фармацевтический, Бентонит, спектрометр, электронный микроскоп, циклогексан, гидрофильный.
Introduction: In the coming years, the demand for composite compounds is increasing year by year, especially the composite catalysts used in the oil and gas industry. Localization of new composite catalysts to replace imported composite catalysts and use in the oil and gas industry. Bentonite has the ability to adsorb various compounds on its surface [1].They are used as adsorbents for bleaching vegetable oils and animal fats,
The result:
cleaning juices, sugar syrups, hydrocarbons and polymer products, absorbing vitamins, antibiotics and galvanic waste. In order to improve the mechanical properties of plastics, it is used in the production of plastics, suspending and emulsifying, in the production of water-dispersion paints based on organically soluble (fat) water in the varnish industry. The presence of unique compounds in bentonite ensures its use in many areas of industry [2].
Table 1.
Elemental composition of bentonite obtained from Azkamar mine before and after washing in acid
Con № Elemental composition of bentonite obtained from "Azkamar" mine. (%) Elemental composition of bentonite obtained from "Azkamar" mine after acid treatment (%)
1 С1-36Л O-25.4 Na-24 7 Ca-11 S-24! mV, Al-2.3 Mg-°3 0-50.5 A<r , . Si-28.0 MgiL,5 Al-9.1 Ba-n3 T7 c i Ca-0.9 Fe-5.1 Mm K-2.9 Na-07
Библиографическое описание: Rakhmonkulov M. RESEARCHING THE PROCESS OF STUDYING BENTONITE SAMPLES FROM THE AZKAMAR MINE LOCATED IN THE NAVOI REGION // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 5(122). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/17601
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Figure 1. Mine No. 4. Electron microscope view of bentonite samples from Azkamar mine after acid treatment
Figure 2. Mine No. 4. Elemental composition of bentonite samples taken from "Azkamar" mine after acid treatment
After washing with acid, the bentonite samples taken from Azkamar mine No. 4 have the following composition (in mass %): Oxygen-50.5; silicon-28.0; aluminum-9.1; iron-5.1; potassium-2.9; magnesium-1.5; barium-1,3; calcium-0.9 and sodium-0.7 (pictures 1-2)
Discussion:In this work, the chemical composition of bentonites from the Azkamar mine and the effect of acid washing on their composition were studied for the preparation of catalysts for the synthesis of cyclohexane from ethylene. Morphological examination of the surface of bentonite samples was carried out using a scanning electron microscope SEM - EVO MA 10 (Zeiss, Germany). During the measurement, an accelerating voltage of 15.00 kV (EHT - Extra High Voltage) was applied, with a working distance (WD-working distance) of 8.5 mm.
The measurement was performed in the secondary electron detection mode. The element content of the local mine was determined using the Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX Oxford Instrument) - Aztec Energy Advanced X-akt SDD energy dispersive element analyzer [3]. Thus, the composition and porosity of ben-tonite samples from six mines from the Azkamar mine before and after acid washing were studied. After acid treatment, it was found that the porosity of the samples increased and, accordingly, the qualitative composition of bentonite changed. Purified bentonite samples are
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used in the preparation of catalysts for the synthesis of cyclohexane from ethylene.
The main properties of bentonites are a highly dispersed state, they are colloidal and close to them in particle size, hydrophilicity (active interaction with water), adsorption capacity, ion exchange, and the manifestation of elastic-viscous-plastic and thixotropic properties. is distinguished by Thus, composite compounds obtained from bentonite can be used in many areas of the oil and gas industry.
Conclusions: 1. The composition of "Azkamar" bentonite brought from Navoi region was studied and the element was analyzed.
2. The stability of composite catalysts prepared on the basis of bentonite was studied and analyzed.
3. Bentonin was washed with HCl to remove sulfur and various active components were soaked.
1. Крылов В.О., Навалихина Д.М. Гетерогенные катализаторы гидрирования /В.О. Крылов [и др.] // Журнал «Успехи химии», - М.: 1998. - 67 (7). С. 587—616.
2. Патент США US3711566A «Ароматическое гидрирование» (S.Kravitz , J. Estes, S. Herbstman) , приоритет от 1970-11-25.
3. Патент США US4626604A «Процесс гидрирования» (Эндрю Дж. Хайлс, Джон Э. Логсдон), приоритет от 1985-09-11.
4. Rakhimov, G., Kuybokarov, O., & Karshiyev, M. (2024). Research of the catalytic properties of a catalyst selected for the production of high-molecular weight liquid synthetic hydrocarbons from synthesis gas. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 498, p. 01008). EDP Sciences.