1 2 Gapurov U.U. , Karimov J.S.
Email: [email protected]
1Gapurov Umurbek Ulugbekovich - Assistant;
Abstract: in article the development of mineral clay based thickening agent for printing fabrics and actuality the requirement of new compatible and economically effective thickening agents are considered. Mainly the ways of creating theoretical and technological bases of deriving thickener compositions which on the basis of bentonite clay and synthetic polymers for printing with active dyes onto cotton fabrics were studied. Besides the article reveals the optimal content of the thickener with Azkomar bentonite and water soluble polymer with active dyes for printing.
Keywords: thickening agent, bentonite, montmorillonite, Azkomar bentonite , textile industry.
1Гапуров Умурбек Улугбекович - ассистент; 2Каримов Жавохир Собирзода - ассистент, кафедра медицинской химии, Бухарский государственный медицинский институт, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматривается разработка загустителя на основе минеральной глины для хлопчатобумажных тканей и актуальность потребности в новых совместимых и экономически эффективных загустителях. Изучены пути создания теоретических и технологических основ создания составов загустителей на основе бентонитовой глины и синтетических полимеров для печати активными красителями на хлопчатобумажных тканях. Кроме того, в статье выявлено оптимальное содержание загустителя с бентонитом A-зкомар и водорастворимым полимером с активными красителями для печати.
Ключевые слова: загуститель, бентонит, монтмориллонит, бентонит Азкомар, текстильная промышленность.
UDC 677.027.513.2:552.5
Nowadays, it is especially important in the current conditions of the global economic crisis, when the raw material orientation of exports and excessive dependence on the risks and caprices of the world market turns into a serious factor in reducing foreign exchange earnings, deterioration of financial stability and destabilization of the economies of individual countries [1, p. 5], as well as in organic chemistry synthesis [2,p. 22; 3, p. 46
].Textile industry occupies one of the leading places in the economy of Uzbekistan. The demand for printed fabrics is growing every year and now they occupy a large share of the market for manufactured fabrics. Thickening materials play an auxiliary role in textile production and, nevertheless, their cost and quality significantly affect the economic indicators of finishing production. Thus, the cost of thickening, depending on the type of thickener, can range from 10 to 42% of the total cost of material costs when printing textile materials, and improving its technological properties creates prerequisites for cheaper printing by increasing the degree of useful use of the dye [6, p.10]. Thickening is a composition that is used to apply a pattern to the fabric to prevent the paint from spreading due to the capillarity of the fibres. In the textile industry the leading place in the volume of application of thickeners for printing tissue continues to be occupied by expensive natural polymers, in particular, gum, Tragant, chemical derivatives of starch - Inherent, Lamyprint, Monogum, Imprint, Solvitosis and polyacrylates of various structures. All of the thickeners listed above are expensive products, and they are not without certain drawbacks. Alginates with good print strength and softness do not provide high colour yield. Starch derivatives do not always provide a sufficiently high level of print strength. New types of mineral-based thickeners are of particular interest among thickening agents when printing with active dyes for alkaline fabrics. As an example, bentonites [7, p. 16], which have a high content of Montmorillonite (a mineral that causes the swelling of bentonites and thickening capacity), can be cited. It has been established that inks based on Ca-containing bentonites, although characterized by an increased content of thickening agent, do not affect the physical and mechanical properties of the tissue, have a low degree of ink penetration into the fabric, high clarity of drawing, but are accompanied by a marked deterioration in the values of colour output compared with inks prepared on the basis of Na- alginate or Na-KMC [8, p. 19]. Tissue samples printed with bentonites are characterized by satisfactory print flatness, reduced ink penetration into the fabric. In addition, the use of such thickeners increases the sharpness of the contours of the printed pattern and increases the colour output compared to Na-CMC.
In recent years, researchers have been attracted to nanocomposites based on mineral clays and synthetic polymers, which are typical examples in nanotechnology. [4, p. 61; 5, p. 36] To improve the properties of polymers and clays such as smectite, hexorite, montmorillonite, they are used as fillers [9, p. 29]. These natural minerals occur in layer of the earth which is suitable to the permission utilize in geo-ecological conditions and manufacture. Nowadays, there are several bentonite mines which dig and produce bentonite clays, clayey natural minerals in Navoi and Bukhara region. The analyse of chemical stru ture of Uzbekistan's bentonite showed that, in 15 out of 28 natural sorbent samples magnesium oxide (MgO) is much more than calcium oxide (CaO). This is considered as a unique structure which is not similar to the bentonites of other mines. It clear that from table.1, the chemical composition of them is different despite they were dug from the same mine at the same condition, For instance: the quantity of silicates are very low in clay soil layer of Khanabad ( average 10 %) than Romitan and Isfara layers. It means that there is no clay in their soil. The molecular ratio of half of the silicates to sum of certain type oxides is equal up to 3.7.-4.9 but this ratio for the Khanabad layer is contraire. The ratio of composition of Isfara layer to silicate oxide is equal to 4.9. In Uzbekistan this index shows that the composition of the sample is suitable with montmorillonite.
Table 1. Mineral sorbents composition of Azkomar bentonites. %
О M сл О < сл О ¿e fa FeO О H MnO CaO O M A О с? £ О О C сл О м О м
Clay o4
Azkomar - 52,50 17,90 3,36 0,13 0,40 1 1,20 3,62 5,16 0,27 1,98 0,28 4,35
Azkamar -grey 52,48 15,45 5,84 0,52 0,57 5,10 2,93 5,10 1,04 000 0,42 4,65
S3 e er
m z < 55,02 16,27 5,86 0,77 1 3,15 2,02 3,22 2,02 1 1,34 9,35
The Azkomar bentonite consist of montmorillonite mineral and its common formula is (Ca0,5Na)0,7(Al, Mg, Fe)4(Si, Al)8O20(OH)4-nH2O. Azkomar bentonite is natural mineral clay which is from white to brown colour [10, p. 36].
2. The polyacrylamide is as a granule shape, white-brown-yellowish, the percentage in commercial products is 56%. It is hygroscopic, water soluble and dissolve in alcohol, complex esters, hydrocarbons, diethyl phormiate , acetone. Molecular mass of polymer depends on the condition of polymerization and concentration of reaction mass which is in the polymerization level of acrylamide and it is 1*105 - 13*106 .The viscosity of aqueous solutions of polyacrylamide increases as the molecular mass increase and the kinematical viscosity 0.3 % aqueous solution is 1.7*10-6 m2/sec (pH = 7-8). Polyacrylamide is thermostable towards heating up to 1500C. The viscosity grows up as the pH increases from 1 to 10 because of there is no ionic groups [11, p. 36]. The mixed composite thickeners were created on the basis of Na-bentonite and synthetic polymers. The content of thickener due to the effectivity of rheological properties of them is as following: hydrolysed polyacrylonitrile (K-4), polyacrylamide(PAA) and bentonite. The polyacrylate molecules can enter into the middle layers of clay. Additional structures appear on the account of conformational changing of Hydrolysed polyacrylonitrile and polyacrylamide molecules or on the account of becoming new bridges between polymer molecules and hydroxyl groups of bentonite. Thus, studying the rheological properties of bentonite and water soluble polyacrylates shows that, they are as the non-Newtonian liquids that is as the gradient rate increase as the viscosity decreases and this naturally lead to improve the thickening property of printing
inks. The content of new and effective thickeners were created on the basis of experiment results and due to the printing requirement for inks (table 1.2).
Table 2. Content of printing dye and thickener for the active dyes, g/kg
Gelling material Bentonit e Manutex Sodium silicate Calcinat ed sode Urea Lygol M PAA Water
Conventional - 25 - 10 100 15 - 850
Designed on the basis of:
(a)Azkomar bentonite ( grey) 60 - 5 10 0 0 10 5 850
b)Bentonite 70 - 2 10 0 10 15 10 840
The printed fabrics are dried at 1200С temperature in the drying box. In thermofixation at 140-1500С temperature 5 min, then it is washed with cold water and hot water, OP-10 sode solution and dried. The parameters such as the fixation level, colour tone, border line clearness of picture, colour fluency, colour brightness of printed fabric via the thickener on the basis of bentonite clay and synthetic polymers are fully suitable to the quality indexes of the printed fabri by the traditional Manutex RS 230 marked thi kener's indexes. Finally, the picture was printed on the cotton fabric with the created thickeners which consist of from Azkomar bentonite and polyacrylates (bentonite-K-4 (50:50) and bentonite-K-4 -PAA (50:15:10)) and the colouristic, strength properties of cotton fabric to be high was determined. Taking into this account they are suitable to print with the active dyes. Besides, that should be pointed out these synthetic polymers does not affects to the quality indexes of fabric and also led to be 2 times less amount of urea in the dye [12, p. 77]/
In conclusion taking into the consideration the possibility to use bentonites on the basis of montmorillonities in textile industry and practically importance of studying the effects of bentonites with the polymers, we studied the effects between polyacryamide and bentonite. The sorption property of bentonite-polyacrylamide compositions enhanced as a result of generating the water sovate layer with introducing polyacrylamide. Subsequently, their solubility and swelling degree raises. As well as the concentration of components impacts on the viscosity of solution of polymer concentration. Here to be raise the concentration of polyacrylamide in composition leads to enhance the viscosity. It is defined with forming molecular structure between bentonites and synthetic polymers and also with the adsorption processes in bentonite .
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1Каримов Жавохир Собирзода - ассистент; 2Гапуров Умурбек Улугбекович - ассистент, кафедра медицинской химии, Бухарский государственный медицинский институт, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: рассматривается роль различных катализаторов в реакциях аминометилирования органических веществ. Каталитические свойства солей меди в реакциях аминометилирования. Отличие скорости реакции в зависимости от солей. Ключевые слова: анализ, альдегиды, мономеры, фармакологический, мономеры, амиды, амнометилирование.
12 Karimov J.S. , Gapurov U.U.
Abstract: is considered different catalysts play an important role in the amino methylation reactions of organic substances. The catalytic properties are important in the aminomethylation reactions of copper salts. The reaction rate varies in different salts.