will permit to reduce the likelihood of detection of these objects, thereby increasing the likelihood of survival of logistics support units.
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5. Vorobiov O.M., Vlasov I.O., Ugrinovich O.I., Golicin V.O. Analysis of problematic issues of logistics support of the anti-terrorist operation and determining directions for their solution. Collection of research papers "Proceedings of the University". Kyiv: NDA, 2014. № 4. P. 206.
Vankevych P.,
Institute of the Applied Mechanics and Mathematics named after Ya.S. Pidstryhach
National Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine Dehtiarenko V.,
permanent adjunct of scientific organizational department of the Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy,
Lviv, Ukraine
Drobenko B.,
doctor ofphysics and mathematical sciences, senior of scientific worker, Institute of the Applied Mechanics and Mathematics named after Ya.S. Pidstryhach
National Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine Ivanyk E.,
candidate ofphysics and mathematical sciences, senior of scientific worker, docent Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Army Science Center,
Lviv, Ukraine Smychok V., candidate of technical sciences, docent of the department of Electromechanics and Electronics Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy,
Lviv, Ukraine Chernenko A. candidate of military sciences, chief of the scientific investigation department Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy,
Lviv, Ukraine
The test experiment is conducted in the article, which enables to verify clarification of high-quality predictions in relation to registration of laser emitter (quantum range-finder) signals, working in an infra-red range with a wave-length equal 1.06 ^m.
Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, lasers devices, linear dispersion environment, experimental setting of registration of signals of laser emitter, optical fiber fabric.
Problem statement and literature analysis.
It is possible to estimate work of laser devices of wide spectrum of applications (geodesic, in armament and military equipment systems, portable, mounted in the system of militant equipment and equipment of the military man, that executes the special tasks and operations etc.), spatial and sentinel distribution of laser ra-
dars, possibilities and exactness of determination of environment parameters by remote laser methods only considering fluctuations of the field of optical beams [1-3]. Caused by various kinds by local indignations, the random changes of air refractive index can substantially limit technical capabilities of the laser systems, that is why in most cases expedience of their application must be determined on the basis of operative
tendence of fluctuation of the laser radiation filed considering an optical-meteorological situation that takes place in an atmosphere at the current time [4-6].
Thus, the purpose of the article is research of descriptions of rays of purposefully emitted by laser reconnaissance devices on the basis of what to develop the original electronic chart of exposure and informing (light or sound) of every separately taken military man in the case of activation and manifestation of interest by the enemy to the place of his deployment.
Main body.
In majority of lasers of the military purpose (except for educational models) reconnaissance is carried out in the infra-red range of waves. Accordingly, the ranges of radiation in most optical quantum generators-lasers lie in the infra-red region of spectrum. According to the encyclopedia of the laser theory, coherent laser radiation of the mixture of neon and helium happens in 1.15 and 3.39 ^m ranges; laser of carbon dioxide in a range 9.12^11.28 ^m; laser of water vapor in a range 118.6 ^m; basic semiconductors lasers on GaAs - 0.83^0.92 ^m, on InSb - 4.8^5.3 mkm accordingly; chemical laser of the mixture of H2 and Cl2 - 3.7 -^3.8, while explored range of wave-lengths equals 1.06 ^m.
Consideration of process of distribution of impulses of laser in a linear dispersion environment proceeds to the calculation of distance of laser action, as it is necessary to take into account passing of laser impulse in a linear and dispersion environment. In this case should be taken into consideration intercommunication of width of spectrum and length of laser impulse. One of basic mathematical instruments, to which distribution of electromagnetic radiation is described in an environment there is a device of integral transformation of Fourier [7,8], according to which use the model form of record of the field of impulse ms
E(t ) =1 A(t )e
+ c.c.,
which A{t) - an envelope of the laser impulse
(in general case complex); 00 - fundamental frequency of filling of impulse (central frequency); "c.c." - complex couple value to given in expression (1). In such case the spectrum of impulse will be determined by the spectrum of an envelope by expression in the form of Fourier-transform
1 œ
A(Q) = — { A(t )
Consider an impulse with Gauss envelope, but without phase modulation, when ^q (t) = 0 , as a result, an envelope it is possible to give as
At)= A? 1 , (4)
which in expression (4) Aq and I q - amplitude
and duration of action of laser impulse [7-9]. Using this circumstance and based on dependences (1)-(4) Fourier-image of an envelope to the type (4) of this impulse is written down as
Q2r, 2
2,2 0
From a formula (5) it is seen, that the width of peak spectrum of impulse and his duration is tightly related between themself, namely, width of peak spectrum on
the half of height even 1 AQ = (8 ln 2)1' 2iq .
The primary task appeared to be the question of optimal choice of exposure method and measuring of energy of laser emitter and transformation into other types of energy: electric and traditionally light indication of high-quality or quantitative character.
Majority of the stationary types (laboratory and medical) of photo-electric receivers of this range work in a cooling state. As sensors of infra-red radiation, there are devices used, the principle of operation of which, based on strengthening or weakness of the phenomenon luminescence under action of infra-red radiation. Modern military devices use so-called anti-drain luminophores which convert the infra-red radiation into visible one directly.
On basic principle of work of device was accepted function linearly-frequency modulation (LFM). It is known from theoretical bases of the classic radio engineering, that a signal with LFM is sinus with frequency which changes continuously within the limits of certain ranges of range of frequencies Q: ©<©<© but period of
time 0 < t < M. In the subsequent tests we will use a signal, the change of tension of which is given by expres-
(t )= A
1t + (02 )■
which Q = © — © - deviation from central frequency. For a monochromatic impulse for which
A(t ) = const., a spectrum has the appearance of delta-function of Dirac [10].
Laser impulse limited on duration has a spectrum with an eventual width. For description of impulses
comfortably complex envelope A(t ) to represent as
A(t ) = p (t y,V0 (t ), i = V—1, (3)
which Pq (t) i ^q (t) - is an envelope (indeed certain function) and phase of impulse.
thus, instantaneous frequency of this signal is determined by differentiation of expression of argument
at times t, that is: 0, + 02 - 0,)—.
, 1 v 2 M
From this dependence follows that instantaneous frequency is multiplied from the low bound of range to the high bound of this range. At the serve of signal in the system it allows to conduct the positive control above the range of frequency of indignation and that is why is often used for authentication of the systems. In this case on the example of the use of the system with a quantum emitter we set a LFM function in a C-range (infra-red radiation), and then we will use it as external function in the design of process of registration of signal.
Taking into account the features of the distribution of laser impulses in a linear dispersion environment, explored on the basis of the resulted analytical dependences, the test experiment, which enables to verify clarification of high-quality predictions in relation to registration of laser emitter (quantum range-finder) signals
working in an infra-red range with a wave-length even 1.06 ^m, is conducted. The chart of the experimental setting for registration of laser emitter signals is resulted on Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Scheme of the experimental setting for registration of signals of laser (quantum) range-finder: 1 - laser (infra-red range) by a wave-length 1.06 mkm, quantum range-finder; 2 - managed optical delay line as the set of glass believes plates (1-30 mks); 3 - synthetically hindrance; 4 - colour filters of ballistic eyepieces; 5 - matrix of sensors (it is mounted in optical fiber ); 6 - summarizing on an operating strengthener; 7 - strengthener of signals; 8 - quartz generator of impulses of supporting frequency (period 0.8^1.1 ps); 9 - indicators light-emitting diodes; 10 - tire of line of information; 11 - source of direct current; 12 - Schmidt's trigger
The scheme is arranged by the following set of equipment: by a laser quantum emitter; a delay line 10.0 ^s; managed delay line 1-30 ^s; artificial interference (was used a cotton fabric of a medium density with a thickness 0.2 mm), colour filters of ballistic eyepieces (during the experiment were used colour filters consistently put in an order: transparent, middle level to the coefficient of absorption, deep absorption); optical fiber fabric (a cotton fabric with implanted polymeric strands with a thickness 0,015 mm and placed parallel with the step of 3 mm); semiconductor matrix of sensors (photodiodes, type) of placed on optical fiber fabric evenly in a chess order at the distance 100 mm; signal adder on an operating strengthener (OS). strength-ener of signals on OS, Schmidt's trigger with quartz forming of signals indications and two indicator light-emitting diodes which signal absence of operation of laser emitter (green), or register his work (red) in the mode of expectancy of "target".
Experiments were conducted in lab conditions and in an open space with the imitation at the distance L=800-1000 m with a help of delay lines executed in the form of optical range simulators. The range simulators are made as quartz plates with possibility of adjusting of time of passing of optical signal.
The result of experimental tests is confirmation of the registration of impulse of laser emitter (quantum range-finder) of infra-red spectrum with setting of various types of artificial interferences such as colour filters of ballistic eyepieces, including by maximal setting of passive interference such as a cotton fabric (Fig. 3). The interferences as colour filters of ballistic eyepieces with transparent, middle and deep coefficient of absorption practically do not influence on possibility of signal registration. The artificial interference such as a cotton fabric of medium density with a thickness 0.2 mm absorbs significantly, but also misses the impulse of laser emitter.
Fig. 2. Presentation as the complex-considerable function (X + iY) of diagram of sensitiveness of matrix of
• as
sensors of dependence of angle of sensitiveness of matrix at deviation from physical one to the perpendicular in
direction of laser in relation to the maximum of sensitiveness ofphotodiodes (effect it is attained due to dispersion of signal of laser on optical fibers fabric, where on an axis X a declining corner is postponed, on an axis Y amplitude of signal, for matrices with the different amount ofphotosensors a diagram becomes sharp, however much lances of tops of maximums are at the identical corners of deviations from an axis Y): 1 - Y(X)=X4-2X2 (violet colour); 2 - Y(X)=X4-3X2 (blue color); 3 - Y(X)=2X4-3X2 (yellow colour);
4 - Y(X)=X4-X2 (light blue color)
When the deviation of the angle on +/-1° registration of signal gets worse sharply and with separate types of passive interferences is not registered. The coefficient of sensitiveness of the system, which is characterized by correlation of Uout/Umput, corresponds to the level of the ratio "signal/noise", that is voltage Uout on the output of adder 6 (Fig. 1) is sufficient for the subsequent working OS and digital conversion of the signal in a logical format of "0" or "1". A made operating model of matrix in the process of approbation showed direct dependence of sensitiveness on spectral descriptions of photodiodes, that it is taken into account in the conditions of optimization of conducting of experiment. It is also confirmed dependence of the modes of operations of photodiode on supporting tension and sensitiveness to the impulses of signal. The operating mode of expecting multivibrator is developed after the classic chart of Schmidt's trigger, which optimally meets the required parameters.
During the experiments above establishment of dependence of sensitiveness from the angle of slope of matrix it is found out two petals of diagram and experimentally set optimum direction of diagrams of orientation of the receiving system, where maximums make +/-10-20° relatively to the perpendicular to the plane of
matrix of sensors, that is explained by dispersion of signal on optical-fiber fabric.
Complication of the put task and to practical realization consisted in organization of reception of energy of laser not on stationary one, with large multipleness of optical gain or portable setting with the same descriptions, and on miniature sensors which can be fastened on the equipment of man. Exactly this circumstance requires the use of modern sensors and electronic schemes decisions on this range of frequencies by a wave-length 1.06 micrometer.
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Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого
Vystavkina E.
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Грамотная организация документооборота и построение системы внутреннего контроля выступают важной составляющей деятельности атомной станции. В данной статье описано влияние документооборота на эффективность выполнения строительных работ, а также рассмотрены виды документооборота на производстве: документооборот на бумажном носителе и электронный документооборот.
Competent organization of document flow and construction of an internal control system are an important component of the nuclear power plant's activities. This article describes the impact of document circulation on the efficiency of construction work, as well as the types of document circulation at production: paper-based document circulation and electronic document circulation.
Ключевые слова: строительство, документооборот, организация, управление производством, эффективность, электронный документооборот, документооборот на бумажном носителе.
Keywords: construction, document management, organization, production management, efficiency, electronic document management, paper-based document management.
Для успешного управления проектной и рабочей документацией крайне важно внедрить эффективные системы управления, способные обрабатывать различную информацию и документы проектной деятельности. Система управления документами - это система, используемая для хранения, контроля, координации, обработки и/или извлечения документов, будь то в электронном или бумажном формате. Количество и разнообразие документов делают управление и эффективное использование информации более сложными. Поэтому вопрос о том, как добиться эффективного
управления документами, становится все более актуальным в современном информационном обществе.
Влияние организации документооборота на работу предприятия
Организация документооборота - это правила, в соответствии с которыми должно происходить движение документов. Организация документооборота объединяет всю последовательность перемещений документов в аппарате управления организации (учреждения), все операции по приему, передаче, составлению и оформлению, отправке (и подшивке) документов в дело. Документооборот является важной составной частью делопроизводства и информационного обеспечения управления.