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Baranov Yu.,
Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), senior instructor, Department of Combat (Operational) Support Units Tactics, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy
Ukraine, Lviv Baranov A.,
Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), associate professor, Department of Combat (Operational) Support Units Tactics,
Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy
Ukraine, Lviv Zirkevych V., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), associate professor, head of the educational department, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy
Ukraine, Lviv Shpak S.,
instructor, Department of Engineering Equipment, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy
Ukraine, Lviv Kolotelo P.
instructor, Department of Combat (Operational) Support Units Tactics, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy
Ukraine, Lviv
The article is prepared on a topical issue, which is related to improving the efficiency of logistics management of the combined arms force. To this end, recommendations have been developed on the procedure for determining the scope of loading and unloading operations during transportation and evacuation of material assets of the combined arms force units while performing the assigned tasks.
Keywords: combined arms force; logistics support; material assets; means of mechanization; loading and unloading operations.
In accordance with the requirements of the guiding documents on the prospects for the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine [1, 2], the military power of the state in modern conditions is determined not only by the quantity of tanks, aircraft and other up-to-date weapons and means of destruction of the adversary, neither by the level of training of personnel, operating these models of weapons and military equipment. First and foremost it is determined by the effectiveness of measures aimed at providing troops (forces) with all necessary material assets (including weapons, missiles and ammunition, petroleum products and lubricants,
materiel, food, and a large number of other material assets).
The implementation of this process has to be accompanied by the provision process, i.e. effective logistics support.
Formulation of the problem. The analysis of the logistics support of the troops (forces) conducted in recent years shows that insufficient attention was paid to the training of units and officials on the logistics support of the combined arms force while performing the assigned tasks and rational choice of the area for reception and transfer of material assets to the combined arms units [3, 4].
Analysis of recent research and publications.
Scientific publications of well-known scientists in this subject area, such as: O. Vorobiov, I. Vlasov, O. Ugri-novich, etc., consider quite effective approaches to the logistics support of the combined arms force [5].
The purpose of the article. Development of recommendations for improving the logistics support of the combined arms force while performing the assigned tasks.
2.1. Recommendations for optimizing the sequence of officials job while organizing logistics support of the combined arms force while performing the assigned tasks.
The following operating procedure of the Deputy Commander on Logistics as for organization of logistics support of the combined arms force, which consists of the following stages:
STAGE 1. Preparation for organization of logistics support of the combined arms force units.
This stage involves the implementation of the following measures:
awareness of the task of the Deputy Commander on Logistics;
events to guide subordinate heads of services of the Deputy Commander on Logistics; assessment of the situation; development of the decision on logistics support of units using the method of consecutive work.
STAGE 2. Organization of setting tasks for logistics support to units and bodies of logistics support of the combined arms force.
The implementation of this stage involves the implementation of the following measures:
organization of setting tasks for logistics support to units and bodies of logistics support;
completion of units logistics support planning; organization of interaction of logistics bodies with the combined arms force units.
2.2. Recommendations on the procedure for determining the volume of loading and unloading operations during delivery and evacuation of material assets of the combined arms force units while performing the assigned tasks.
To increase the efficiency of logistics support of the combined arms force units, the following recommendations are suggested on the procedure for determining the volume of loading and unloading operations during transportation and evacuation of material assets of the combined arms force units while performing the assigned tasks.
The main indicators that determine the possibilities and procedure for using the means of mechanization of the combined arms force are the following:
load capacity of transport vehicles, their quantity and condition;
type and characteristics of vehicles; method of cargo transportation (container, package, in standard packaging);
method of cargo storage (in vehicles, warehouses, on the ground);
availability, placing and terms of moving objects.
In addition, loading and unloading operations will be performed under different conditions according to different technological schemes.
Therefore, when calculating the capabilities of mechanization, the impact of these conditions is taken into account by introducing appropriate coefficients.
The decision of planning and organization of delivery of material assets issues is carried out by the corresponding bodies of logistics management in the general system of logistical maintenance. It is necessary to take into account the whole set of conditions and factors according to the specific situation.
Skillful application by the relevant logistics authorities of the above mentioned procedure of officials, as well as techniques of basic calculations for the organization of transportation of material assets will ensure that they make a reasonable decision on the logistics of the combined arms force units while performing the assigned tasks.
The results of the calculations showed that implementation of the above mentioned recommendations in general increases the efficiency of logistics management of the combined arms force. Loading and unloading operations in warehouses are carried out by personnel of logistics departments and nonorganic teams. When organizing the loading (unloading) it is necessary to achieve the maximum reduction of time required to perform such work.
For this purpose it is necessary to use means of mechanization of loading and unloading works. Therefore, automobile units need to be additionally equipped with self-loading vehicles and truck cranes. In carrying out the assigned tasks, the effectiveness of the logistics of the combined arms force will significantly depend on the survivability of units and bodies of logistics.
Nowadays, the personnel, equipment of logistics bodies and units have a much lower level of security than the units of the combined arms force that are provided.
As shown by the analysis of the survivability of the elements of the existing logistics system, when using existing regular means of concealment, the probability of their detection decreases. Under these conditions, the combat capability of the bodies and units of logistics support of the combined arms force is very low.
Thus, practical recommendations were developed to improve the logistics support of the combined arms force while performing the assigned tasks, namely:
recommendations for optimizing the sequence of work of officials while organizing logistics support of the combined arms force while performing the assigned tasks;
recommendations on the procedure for determining the volume of loading and unloading operations during transportation and evacuation of material assets of the combined arms force units while performing the assigned tasks.
The implementation of the suggested recommendations will allow to increase the efficiency of logistics support management of the combined arms force and
will permit to reduce the likelihood of detection of these objects, thereby increasing the likelihood of survival of logistics support units.
1. State Program for the Development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of March 22, 2017 № 73.
2. On approval of the Basic Provisions of Logistics Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated 11.10.2016 №552.
3. Problematic issues of development and organization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine logistics based on the experience of the anti-terrorist operation and the
development of the logistics system in NATO countries. Scientific and practical seminar, June 29, 2017. Kyiv. 2017. 107 p.
4. Identification of problematic issues of logistics support of the anti-terrorist operation and experience in solving them. Proceedings of the scientific seminar "Features of ensuring the actions of troops (forces) during preparation and conduct of anti-terrorist operation." Kyiv: NUOU, 2014. P. 149.
5. Vorobiov O.M., Vlasov I.O., Ugrinovich O.I., Golicin V.O. Analysis of problematic issues of logistics support of the anti-terrorist operation and determining directions for their solution. Collection of research papers "Proceedings of the University". Kyiv: NDA, 2014. № 4. P. 206.
Vankevych P.,
Institute of the Applied Mechanics and Mathematics named after Ya.S. Pidstryhach
National Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine Dehtiarenko V.,
permanent adjunct of scientific organizational department of the Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy,
Lviv, Ukraine
Drobenko B.,
doctor ofphysics and mathematical sciences, senior of scientific worker, Institute of the Applied Mechanics and Mathematics named after Ya.S. Pidstryhach
National Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine Ivanyk E.,
candidate ofphysics and mathematical sciences, senior of scientific worker, docent Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Army Science Center,
Lviv, Ukraine Smychok V., candidate of technical sciences, docent of the department of Electromechanics and Electronics Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy,
Lviv, Ukraine Chernenko A. candidate of military sciences, chief of the scientific investigation department Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy,
Lviv, Ukraine
The test experiment is conducted in the article, which enables to verify clarification of high-quality predictions in relation to registration of laser emitter (quantum range-finder) signals, working in an infra-red range with a wave-length equal 1.06 ^m.
Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, lasers devices, linear dispersion environment, experimental setting of registration of signals of laser emitter, optical fiber fabric.
Problem statement and literature analysis.
It is possible to estimate work of laser devices of wide spectrum of applications (geodesic, in armament and military equipment systems, portable, mounted in the system of militant equipment and equipment of the military man, that executes the special tasks and operations etc.), spatial and sentinel distribution of laser ra-
dars, possibilities and exactness of determination of environment parameters by remote laser methods only considering fluctuations of the field of optical beams [1-3]. Caused by various kinds by local indignations, the random changes of air refractive index can substantially limit technical capabilities of the laser systems, that is why in most cases expedience of their application must be determined on the basis of operative