Научная статья на тему 'Records of metric books evidence of the past'

Records of metric books evidence of the past Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
registers of births / history of metric books / archival documents / documents of accounting of the population / the clergy / fertility / family / mortality. / Метрические книги / история метрических книг / архивные документы / документы учета населения / духовенство / рождаемость / семья / смертность.

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Попченко Ярослав Максимович, Мусаелян Елена Николаевна

Metric books are books that keep records of chronological records of birth, marriage, and death. Records were kept by the clergy in each parish for many centuries. Metric books are important as documents testifying to the rights of civil status and become necessary at a certain stage of development of society for regular statistical accounting of the population of the Russian Empire. Metrical registers are a type of parish registers-a source that has an international character. They represent one of the most stable document systems in Russia, and they are inextricably linked with the civil status acts that replace them, representing a single document system for personal accounting of the population.

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Метрические книги – это книги в которых ведется учет хронологических записей о рождении, браке, смерти. Учеты велись священнослужителями в каждом приходе на протяжении многих веков. Метрические книги имеют важное значение как документы, свидетельствовавшие о правах гражданского состояния и становятся необходимыми на определенной стадии развития общества для регулярного статистического учета населения Российской империи. Метрические книги являются разновидностью приходских регистров – источника, имеющего интернациональный характер. Они представляют собой одну из наиболее стабильных документных систем России, при этом неразрывно связаны со сменяющими их актами гражданского состояния, представляя единую документную систему персонального учета населения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Records of metric books evidence of the past»



DOI: 10.24411/2658-4964-2020-10063 Попченко Ярослав Максимович, Студент, бакалавр, кафедры философии и теологии, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, г. Белгород,

Мусаелян Елена Николаевна, Кандидат педагогических наук, Доцент кафедры Иностранных Языков, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, г. Белгород


Метрические книги - это книги в которых ведется учет хронологических записей о рождении, браке, смерти. Учеты велись священнослужителями в каждом приходе на протяжении многих веков. Метрические книги имеют важное значение как документы, свидетельствовавшие о правах гражданского состояния и становятся необходимыми на определенной стадии развития общества для регулярного статистического учета населения Российской империи.

Метрические книги являются разновидностью приходских регистров -источника, имеющего интернациональный характер. Они представляют собой одну из наиболее стабильных документных систем России, при этом неразрывно связаны со сменяющими их актами гражданского состояния, представляя единую документную систему персонального учета населения.


Metric books are books that keep records of chronological records of birth, marriage, and death. Records were kept by the clergy in each parish for many centuries. Metric books are important as documents testifying to the rights of civil status and become necessary at a certain stage of development of society for regular statistical accounting of the population of the Russian Empire.

Metrical registers are a type of parish registers-a source that has an international character. They represent one of the most stable document systems in Russia, and they are inextricably linked with the civil status acts that replace them, representing a single document system for personal accounting of the population.

Ключевые слова: Метрические книги, история метрических книг, архивные документы, документы учета населения, духовенство, рождаемость, семья, смертность.

Keywords: registers of births, history of metric books, archival documents, documents of accounting of the population, the clergy, fertility, family, mortality.


In modern conditions of globalization, the problem of preserving historical and cultural heritage is becoming more and more common. In this context, the use of retrospective information is particularly relevant. One of the main functions of archival documents is to serve as an identity identifier, a marker of its uniqueness: from registration and naming at birth of an individual to fixing kinship ties and inheritance of his lifetime rights and property, and to a certain extent display the daily life of a private person[3, p. 1].

Archival documents are a kind of matrix of social memory, an important socio-cultural object that translates the experience of previous generations and ensures continuity between them. One of the important properties of archival documents is to be an organic part of the nation's General civilizational and cultural values, which form the Foundation of its spiritual heritage and determine its identity and intellectual progress[3, p.1].

History of Metric books

Since the XVIII century in Russia, the Church registration of the Orthodox population has been fixed by law. Since 1722 By decree of Emperor Peter I, the Synod began to receive information about the number, composition and movement of the Orthodox population. This data was received on the basis of metric books. The records in these books were kept by the priests in each parish. The metrical books consisted of three parts: those who were born, those who died, and those who were married.

At the end of the metric books were collected together data on the total number of all births, deaths,and marriages. In the section of the dead analysis was done by sex, age and causes of death. Thus, the metric books are the primary source of civil registration in Russia before 1971.

In Russia the history of metric books is quite young: it takes a little more than two centuries. Perhaps this is the reason why the most representative source in geneological and historical-biographical relations was the object of only occasional study: first by the clergy of the Church, then by provincial statisticians and lawyers.

Parish registers are an important source for the study of demographic processes in different periods of time in certain territories. Having information about marriage, birth rate, and mortality over several years, you can identify and track features or patterns, some changes in these demographic characteristics.

The so-called confessional paintings "... sheets on the number of Confessors and communicants and on the number of dissenters"complement and expand the possibilities of using information from the metric books. These documents, as well as metrical books, were compiled by the parishes at the end of each year. They took into account the entire Orthodox population: children, male and female adults with an indication of age. To this day, they remain an indispensable source for determining the female population in periods when audits did not take it into account. Observing the data of confessional murals for several years, you can trace the history of families in dynamics.

Register of births

A metric book is a book that records births (baptisms), marriages, and deaths (funeral services). According to D. N. and I. A. Antonov, teachers of the Russian University for the Humanities, metric books are a kind of book of memory about the place and time of life of each individual. Special attention to such a source is a sign of national self-respect, since its information contains the key to the nation's gene pool. Metric books are a unique historical source. Their records can be used to track population growth or decline, life expectancy and cause of death, epidemics and seas for a specific locality or region. It is a complex source that intertwines both cultural and secular aspects, containing legal and scientific information[1].

The history of metric accounting begins in the 17th century, when the practice of keeping metric books in the Russian Empire received its first legislative form in the decisions of the Great Council in 1666-1667[5].

The first secular legalization of metric books was a decree issued by Peter I on April 14, 1702, according to which all parish priests in Moscow had to submit to the Patriarchal Spiritual order statements about the number of births and deaths[6].In the may 1722 - "Additions to the Ecclesiastical regulations", which made it mandatory to keep metric books in Russia. Also issued decrees aimed at standardizing the maintenance of metric books, such decrees were adopted by the Synod in 1724, 1779, 1802, 1812, 1824, 1831 years and beyond.

The decree of the Synod of 1724 introduced the graphic form of metric books for the first time, and after the decree of 1779 "On the correct maintenance of metrical books" all parish churches and their parishes were required to have metrical books and keep records in them. In parishes, registration of acts was carried out in one common book. In 1831, the names of individual chapters of the metric book

were clarified, and separate numbering by gender was added to birth records. The form of the book was finally approved in 1838.

Then it was decided that the priestess had to count and record in the metric book every month how many were born, married, and died in the past month. This was reflected in the final statement, which ended each metric book. Since 1806, metric books were filled out on printed forms issued by the Synodal printing house

The introduction of metric books was done by priests. At the end of the book was the final statement-statistics on the parish for the year. The book cited how many baptisms, marriages, and burials there were in total. The number of people who died was written out, they were divided by age into the following categories: up to a year, then from a year to 90 years, with a gradation of 5 years, and more than 90 years; the most frequent, as well as the rarest causes of death were indicated. In the sections about births and deaths, separate statistics were entered for both male and female sex. Various unusual cases that occurred in the parish were also mentioned, for example: the birth of twins or triplets; the number of baptisms when converting to Orthodoxy from another faith was noted, and so on.

It happens that documents are attached to the book: doctors ' reports on the causes of death, changes of names or surnames, divorce certificates, etc. In the metric books, in the act record for immigrants or new arrivals, the place of their former residence was indicated. Metric books are also used to identify the birth history of localities - based on their first mention in the act records for residents. These facts are of great importance in the study of pedigrees, the history of villages and villages.

The metric books contain the most accurate biographical information. The books were kept in at least two copies. In the first copy of the book, entries were made on the day of the rites, so errors in dates are almost impossible. Second copies of metric books, copies, could contain information that was not in the first copies. These are, for example, records of the issuance of metric extracts made in a single copy of books, doctors ' conclusions about the causes of death, letters to the diocesan administration. Also, in the books you can find enclosed, pasted or filed extracts from other metrical books on the parish of this Church. In addition, the metrical books were kept in two copies, one of which was sent to the archives of the Consistory, and the second remained in the Church itself. The Consistorial copy included the metrical books of all the churches of a particular city or County, as well as reaching more than 1000 sheets. The parish copy included records of the birth, marriage, and death of only one parish over several years. The volume of the metric book in the parish usually reached from 200 to 250 sheets. All legal force had documents that were issued on the basis of a Consistorial copy. Entries in the metric

books were made immediately after the act was committed. The participants were able to see included in a metric record.


In the paragraph about the birth in the register of births specified - serial number of entry to each floor is a separate record, as well as the day and month of birth and baptism, name born, his surname, name, patronymic of his father and mother, and their caste affiliation, their place of residence, religion, same for the godfather (godfather), the illegality of his birth, and who have made the sacrament of baptism.

The metric books recorded the birth rate not only of live births, but also of stillbirths, which makes it possible to get a complete picture of the birth rate over a certain period.

A high birth rate was the only guarantee of maintaining the demographic balance, since the death rate was also high, and this to some extent ensured the simple renewal of generations.


In the paragraph about death was mentioned - the sequence number of the entry number and month of death, and burial, surname, name, patronymic of the deceased, stated his social class, place of residence, age of deceased, cause of death, place of death, and place where people were buried. Usually, the cause of death was recorded from the words of relatives, and therefore the records are often General. At the beginning of the NINETEENTH century, there is an indication of death from old age. This applied to men over 60 and women over 50. Later, if the cause of death was recorded as a disease, then it was recorded with clarification of which disease the person died from-measles, smallpox, etc. In children of the first year of life, it is most often found- "from rodimets". Also, all records indicate which priest performed this rite.

In contrast to the birth rate associated with the so-called productive period of life, mortality with different depths covers all age groups of the population. The highest proportion is among newborns: 10 % of the number of births and 23% of the number of deaths in the first year of life die in the first month. The main cause of death in this age category is the weakness of newborns, especially in the spring and summer, since the last months of pregnancy were the most difficult time, both in terms of nutrition and heavy physical labor. Those children who were born from November to March were much stronger, hardier: more than 70 % of those born from autumn to spring lived to one year.


In the section on marriage is also indicated - the serial number and date of the wedding, a class accessory narrowed, their surnames, names, patronymics, place of residence, age, and what marriage combined, religion, surnames, names and patronymics of their guarantors, their social class, place of residence, who have made the sacrament.

These metrics, as well as indirect indicators ( the age of children in the spouses) show that there were cases of marriage at the age of 13-14 years of one or both spouses, and marriages at 15-16 years are not uncommon. In the 17-22 age group, more than half of young people were already married. By the age of 24, marriages are completed ( 80-85%) and at a later age they are repeated marriages, which in total make up about 1/5 of all marriages. The second and third marriages were performed at any age - up to 55 years for women and 60 years for men.


The metric books of different churches differ significantly in the quality of filling in the established form. Most of the priests, of course, tried to follow the instructions as closely as possible and enter as much information as possible into the metric records, but some, in their low literacy or negligence, limited themselves to very brief messages.

Despite the insufficient completeness of the information contained in them, metric books are a valuable source of information for studying the history of Russia in the XIX - early XX centuries

At present, metric books are perceived by many contemporaries primarily as a source of genealogical information, which can be used to compile a family pedigree. However, the documents of parish records can be used to study various aspects of the historical and cultural reality of pre-revolutionary Russia, including the features of demographic processes and family and marriage relations among the inhabitants of Russia in the XIX - early XX centuries. The value of metric books for the study of population history is that they are weather records of births, marriages, and deaths among the population of a particular parish, that is, they reflect the natural movement of the population.

Список литературы

1. Антонов Д.Н., Антонова И.А. Метрические книги России XVIII — начала XX вв. М., Рос.гос.гуманит. ун-т, 2006. - 385 с.

2. ОГКУ "Государственный архив Белгородской области" О.Ф. 138, ед.хр. 252, 1774-1922г.г.

3. Орешкова Ю. А. Особо ценные документы XIX в. в историко-культурном наследии Хакасии. 1-6 с.

4. М546 Метрические книги: справочник-указатель по фондам архива. Часть 1 / ответ. сост. Л.И. Огородникова. - Омск: Амфора, 2016 - 488.

5. Дополнения к актам историческим, собранные и изданные Археографическою комиссиею. СПб., 1855, Т.5. с.461-462

6. ПСЗ-I. Т. IV. № 1908

List of references

1. Antonov D. N., Antonova I. A. Metrical books of Russia of the XVIII-early XX centuries. Moscow, Russian state humanit. UN-t, 2006. - 385 p.

2. OGKU "State archive of the Belgorod region" O. F. 138, ed. HR. 252, 17741922.

3. Oreshkova Yu. a. Especially valuable documents of the XIX century in the historical and cultural heritage of Khakassia. 1-6 p.

4. M546 Metric books: reference guide-index on archive funds. Part 1 / the answer. comp. L. I. Ogorodnikov. - Omsk: Amphora, 2016 - 488.

5. Additions to historical acts collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. Saint Petersburg, 1855, Vol. 5. pp. 461-462

6. PSZ-I. T. IV. # 1908

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