Клюйко Арсений Сергеевич, «Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет» (НИУ «БелГУ»), институт общественных наук и массовых коммуникаций, Кафедра философии и теологии, студент третьего курса бакалавриата, направление подготовки «Теология»
Klyuyko Arseniy Sergeevich, [email protected]
В статье освещается изучение исторической наукой метрических книг дореволюционной России. Выделены и охарактеризованы этапы развития историографии, сделаны выводы об актуальности использования метрических книг в современных исследованиях, рассмотрены основные авторы, занимающиеся проблематикой использования метрических книг.
The article highlights the study of the historical science of metric books of pre-revolutionary Russia. Stages of the development of historiography are highlighted and characterized, conclusions are drawn the relevance of use of metric books in modern research, and the main authors dealing with the problems of using metric books are considered.
Ключевые слова: Историография, источники, метрические книги, семейная история, краеведение.
Keywords: historiography, sources, metric books, family history, local history.
For ages there were various types of population registration in Russia that gave fairly accurate ideas not only about its total number, but also about the territorial distribution, property structure, family structure, nationality, religion, etc. Accounting for various indicators was carried out both by the state and the Church itself, therefore, there were various types of registration documents, which are currently actively used by scientists. Metric books could be considered as the primary sources of registration of gender and age structure and civil status of the population in Russia. In the modern period of the state's development in accordance with the Federal Law "On acts of civil status" [1], acts of civil status are understood
AS? registration in the statutory authorities (civil registry offices or their substitutes) of the facts of birth, death, marriage or divorce, adoption, the establishment of paternity, change of name, patronymic or last name [2]. Metric books are studied in the historical aspect as acts of civil status in Russia. There was a set of acts of religious registration, which certifies the events of the baptism, wedding and burial of certain individuals, in the form of chronological records in book form. These notations were made in the Church after certain religious rituals that were in law before the establishment of civil registry offices, so they are equated with the acts of civil status themselves.
Modern studies of mass sources of the population are very diverse. In the past, researchers limited themselves to calculating the population and its changes under the influence of various factors (epidemics, wars, hunger, etc.). Many studies concentrated on marriage and family, the size of the population, the natural movement of population, demographic influence on economic, social, political and cultural development of country or regions as a whole. At the end of the twentieth century, the attention of Russian scientists to church sources increased. To some extent, it was due to the achievements of Western demographers who worked with the metric books of Europe and Server America. They used new techniques when working with church sources. Thus, the method of "restoring the history of families" [2] was developed by the French researcher Louis Henri in the 1950s, who found distribution among domestic demographers, and his contemporaries began to use actively it in their studies. Among modern works on the study of socio-demographic processes at the macro level, the works of B.N. Mironov [11 - 15], who considers demographic processes in Russia and provides detailed information on fertility, mortality, marriage behavior of the population and its social composition, including data from metric books.
A.R. Yvonin was engaged in demographic processes and problems in Siberia. He studied the flows of immigrants, and also identified the main trends in the development and growth of the population of Siberia.
In his works [7] he emphasized, first of all, primary sources.
Recently, there has been growing interest in the church source at the micro level. Interest in local data is primarily associated with the attention of researchers to the population of individual regions.
Among modern studies of socio-demographic processes, the following series of work can be distinguished.
Under the leadership of S.G. Kashchenko at St. Petersburg State University conducts research on mass sources on the social and demographic history of the North-West of the Russian Empire at the end of the XVIII - XX centuries.
The results of these studies are reflected in the works of S.S. Smimova [16], M.A. Markova [9, 10], E.E. Knyazeva [8], E.D. Tverdyukova [17]. St. Petersburg scientists pay much attention to the study of demographic indicators, considering the directions of their changes. When studying mortality according to mass sources, attention was paid to causes of death, epidemics, and their fixation in sources.
Tambov State University is also conducting research based on parish registration of the population. V.V. Kanishchev, V.L. Dyachkov, R.B. Konchakov [5] made conclusions on seasonal fluctuations in the birth rate in the parishes of the Tambov province in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Tula historians D.N. Antonov and I.A. Antonov focused on the problems of VIS [2]. Their significant work was the article "On Metric Books", published in the journal "Domestic Archives" in 1996 [3].
In scientific practice, mass sources are widely used. Based on them, recently a lot of historical and demographic research methods have been created and tested.
In recent years, a number of articles have been published on topics affecting metric books in one way or another. This is the work of L.I. Tatarinova, O.A. Bukharkina.
Also need to mention the work of D.I. Pinaevsky's "The Population of Prerevolutionary Russia: Sources and Methods of Working with Them," which describes and characterizes the source, its source study, tasks and principles of creating sources from Russia's demographic history (in the 18th - early 20th centuries). The author's methodology for compiling materials from different sources to obtain representative and comparable data is presented (for example, the Arkhangelsk and Vologda provinces).
A study on the seasonality of marriage, fertility and infant mortality of the population of the Vykhinsky patrimony of the Sheremetyevs was conducted by Avdeev, Blum, Troitskaya.
According to church sources in Western Siberia, socio-demographic processes are carried out by researchers of Altai State University under the direction of V.N. Vladimirova The state archive of the Altai Territory has preserved a huge collection of metric books that researchers are actively using to create databases of metrics. In their research, they use geographic information systems.
A number of studies were devoted to the study of migration flows in Altai. We can distinguish the work of Altai historians and archivists involved, including the study of metric books: V.N. Vladimirov, D.E. Sarafanov, M.E. Chibisov, I.G. Silina, Yu.M. Goncharov, V.A. Skubnevsky.
Altai researchers created the database "Population of Barnaul", which made it possible to put together all the information about all the metric books stored in the state archive of the Altai Territory, from 1767 to the 30s. XX century.
The author also conducts research based on data from metric books and studies demographic processes — fertility, mortality, and marriage — and studies the class-professional structure of the population of Barnaul in the last third of the 19th century. Currently, work is underway to extend the time series of data from metric books, although the processing of local data is laborious and time-consuming, the conclusions and results of the work are of particular interest to researchers.
All the above-mentioned works allow us to consider the general and differences in the study of materials of parish registration of the population, mainly metric books.
A consideration of the history of any region of the country is impossible without studying the history of population. Researchers initially studied population statistics in historical periods, and over time, the science of demography arose, and the population became its object of study. In the 50s. XX century, at the intersection of history and demography, a new science arose - historical demography. Scientists, relying on the past, tried to find an explanation for modern demographic processes.
Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the study of historical sources, both at the macro and micro levels.
The interest in the local history of the population is especially growing, new research areas are being formed, schools for the study of individual regions and cities of Russia are developing. They introduce information technologies into research, use demographic and mathematical analysis. Discussions are ongoing between researchers of different directions, which indicates the relevance of the topic and its future development potential.
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