обществ, распространению европейских языков и религий. Однако, несмотря на это, многие элементы культуры коренных народов продолжали существовать и оказывать влияние на колонизаторов.
Заключение: Великие географические открытия оказали огромное влияние на развитие мировой истории. Они изменили экономические, политические и культурные отношения между народами, способствовали развитию глобальной торговли и культурного обмена. Эти изменения заложили основу для современного мира, сделав его более взаимосвязанным и динамичным. Понимание последствий этих открытий помогает лучше осознать процессы глобализации и культурного взаимодействия в наше время. Список использованной литературы:
1. Боккаччо, Д. (2015). История Великих географических открытий. Москва: Наука.
2. Кросби, А. (2003). Экологический имперализм: экологические последствия европейской экспансии. Екатеринбург: У-Фактория.
3. Даймонд, Дж. (2006). Ружья, микробы и сталь. Краткая история человечества за последние 13 тысяч лет. Москва: АСТ.
4. Фернандес-Арместо, Ф. (1995). Путешествия и открытия. Великие географические открытия и их влияние на цивилизацию. Москва: Прогресс.
5. Родригес, Х. (2010). Колониальные империи Европы: от экспансии к глобализации. Санкт-Петербург: Питер.
© Мередов М.Б., 2024
Эсенмадова А.,
кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули.
Ашхабад, Туркменистан.
Среднетюркский период начинается с распадом Арабского халифата. С этого времени начала меняться общественная жизнь в Средней Азии, стали развиваться экономика, культура и наука. Ряд факторов привел к постепенному распаду Арабского халифата и его конечному краху.
Ключевые слова:
среднетюркский период, Средняя Азия, наука, достижения, язык, диалект.
Esenmadova A. D.
Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of Turkmen language of
Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
The Middle Turkic period begins with the collapse of the Arab Caliphate. From that time, social life in
Central Asia began to change, economy, culture, and science began to develop. A number of factors led to the gradual disintegration of the Arab caliphate and its eventual collapse.
Key words:
middle Turkic period, Central Asia, science, achievements, language, dialect.
According to a historical source, the beginning of the 10th century Baghdad was "...in a state of decline in political and cultural life. The rebellion of the Zikhs in the south of the country, the actions of the Shiites in Iraq and Iran, the Ismailis and the Karmats in Bahrain and Egypt, the protests for independence in different regions of the caliphate... had a great impact on the life of Baghdad. During this period, the influence of the clergy on the political and cultural life of the country increased. Books written by progressive scholars were publicly burned (8, 78).
According to another historical source, "The Arab caliphate faced a process of gradual political disintegration during the 9th century and the first half of the 10th century... The caliphate was in danger of complete disintegration. Until then, the former volunteer army units formed from the Arab tribes "Instead of that army, a permanent guard was created from young slaves. The young slaves from the original Turkic tribes were bought from Kazakhstan. It soon became a great power instead, they started to create other caliphs according to their wishes. From the 60s of the 10th century, the caliphs were transformed into puppet caliphs who acted according to the will of their own personal guards" (11, 119; 4, 25-26). As a result of the worsening and weakening of the political situation, the Arab caliphate completely disintegrated. However, from the beginning of the 9th century, "individual territories separated from the caliphate, and new dynasties and states emerged that ensured their relative independence" ( 8, 26). Khorasan (capital Merv) was separated from the caliphate around the beginning of the 9th century.
After liberation from Arab rule, the social structure in Central Asia and other countries has changed. Favorable conditions have been created for their flourishing. In the territories belonging to Iran and Central Asia, several new independent states, namely Tahyry, Samany, Garahanly, Ghaznaly states, and the Seljuk state were formed in the second half of the 11th century. The first feudal state of the Samani (or Samanit) Persian dynasty was formed. This state was subordinated to Khorasan governorate. Merv was the capital of Khorasan, and Bukhara was the capital of the Samani state (28, 250).
At the end of the 10th century, the Samani state was disintegrated as a result of internal conflicts, conflicts, and invasions of its northern neighbors - the Karaks and the Uyghurs. After that, two Turkish states were formed - Garahanly and Ghaznaly states. In 999, the Garahan dynasty or the Garahan state was established in Central Asia and East Turkestan. Its first central city was Balasagun. A little later, the Ghaznali state arose in the western part of Central Asia. Its capital was Ghazna. Iran, Afghanistan, and the north of India were subordinated to him (4, 6). Turkic-speaking and Iranian-speaking tribes lived in the countries under the control of the above-mentioned Turkic states (Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, northern India).
Before the Mongol invasion, the above-mentioned states were not threatened either from the east or from the west. Such a situation, i.e., the formation of independent states and their peaceful existence in the 19th-12th centuries, created favorable conditions for the development of the economy, culture, and science of the Central Asian nations at a higher level.
The Karahan language is used in the Karahan state. This language was created on the basis of the dialects used by the Uighur and Karak tribes. Accordingly, it is also called the Uyghur language. This is because the ruins belonged to the union of Uyghur tribes (9, 52). But there is no information about the phonetic structure, grammatical structure and lexical structure of this language. According to Turkologists, Yusuf Balasagu or Yusuf from Balasagun wrote a didactic poem called "Kutadgu bilig" in the Garahan language. Manuscripts of this work written in Uyghur and Arabic script have been captured. This poem, written in the years 1069-1070, was studied as a unique subject in madrasahs belonging to the Turkish-speaking population of Garahanly. In the mentioned
poem, four types of advice (to be fair, to be happy, to be wise, to enjoy) are encouraged. These exhortations are expressed through the dialogue of four symbolic heroes (Kuntogdy Elik, the governor of the state, Aitogdy vizier, scientist Ogulmysh, the vizier's son, Odgurmysh, the vizier's brother). Список использованной литературы:
1. Rejepov R., Ancient Turkmen literature. Ashgabat, "Ylim", 1991.
2. Esenov B., Babaev N. et al. History of Turkmenistan. Ashgabat, "Magarif", 2009.
© Эсенмадова А., 2024
Эсенмадова A.,
кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры туркменского языка Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули.
Ашхабад, Туркменистан.
В древнетюркский период тюркоязычные племена жили в двух отдаленных регионах: восточном и западном.
В Западном регионе (Восточная Европа) в V-IX веках существовало два мощных тюркских племенных союза - Хазарский племенной союз и Булгарский племенной союз. Хазарский язык использовался в объединении хазарских племен, а булгарский язык - в объединении булгарских племен.
Ключевые слова: тюркский, западный, восточный, язык, диалект, история, алфавит.
Esenmadova A.,
Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of Turkmen language of
Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
During the ancient Turkic period, Turkic-speaking tribes lived in two remote regions: eastern and western.
In the Western region (Eastern Europe) in the 5th-9th centuries there were two powerful Turkic tribal unions - the Khazar tribal union and the Bulgar tribal union. The Khazar language was used to unite the Khazar tribes, and the Bulgar language was used to unite the Bulgar tribes.
Key words:
oguz, language, Turkish, linguist, science, culture. Academician V.W. Bartold noted that the main characters of the book "Gorkut ata" are Turkmen, and