УДК: 338.4/5+338.45
Ergashev Alijon Kh., Usmonaliev Ilkhomjon I., Kholbekova Dildorakhon A.
Fergana state university, Fergana, Uzbekistan
High-quality products, as you know, are the key to the sustainable competitiveness of an enterprise and allow you to expand its advantages over competing products on the market. To create a healthy competitive environment and improve its level, it is necessary to regularly analyze production parameters. This paper discusses the quality of products, the conditions for its production and analyzes the state of competitiveness of the country's enterprises.
Production, industry, technology, competition, quality, products, enterprise, competition, competitive environment.
Эргашев Алижон Хожимаматович, Усмоналиев Илхомжон Икромжон угли, Холбекова Дилдорахон Ахатжон кизи
Ферганский государственный университет, Фергана, Узбекистан
Качественная продукция, как известно, является залогом устойчивой конкурентоспособности предприятия и позволяет расширить ее преимущества перед конкурирующими товарами на рынке. Для создания здоровой конкурентной среды и повышения ее уровня необходимо регулярно анализировать параметры производства. В данной работе рассматриваются вопросы качества продукции, условия ее производства и анализируется состояние конкурентоспособности предприятий страны.
Ключевые слова
Производство, промышленность, технологии, конкуренция, качество, продукция, предприятие,
конкуренция, конкурентная среда.
One of the sectors that make a significant contribution to the development of the economy of Uzbekistan is industry. This sector of the economy has a high potential, which makes it possible to produce the necessary products to meet the needs of the population, and an increase in the efficiency of industrial enterprises will improve the standard of living of the population. The implementation of our radical reforms to modernize and diversify the economy requires raising the standard of living of the population through the effective use of the economic, technical and financial potential of industrial enterprises.
Today, at industrial enterprises, this is due to the introduction of innovations in them by improving the
quality of products and their competitiveness. In our country, a number of events are being held for the innovative development of industry. In particular, various industrial development programs have been developed, on the basis of which many projects are being implemented.
The development of industry in our country is important in terms of the formation and replenishment of the consumer market, ensuring the necessary balance in the market, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, localizing production, increasing employment and income, which is very important for our country today.
In this regard, I would like to dwell on its methodological issues in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of products at industrial enterprises. Therefore, the concept of "quality of work" characterizes a particular labor process, and the concept of "quality of work" itself characterizes the quality of the work process.
The essence of the concept of "quality of labor" is considered, first of all, from the point of view of the existence of differences in quality between types of labor that create different consumer values. The second is due to differences in the quality of a particular type of work. The quality of labor is reflected in the changes in the object of labor as a result of labor. The business process structure consists of a number of interrelated activities.
Saturation of the domestic market with organic food and textile products of domestic production is one of the most important directions for the development of the economy of Uzbekistan. When developing a competitive management system for industrial enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the total capacity of enterprises with an emphasis on production capacities, the technical level of equipment, personnel qualifications, the financial condition of the enterprise, forms and methods of production processes. Enterprise competitiveness management includes management processes at all levels, including innovation management, product and labor quality management, production and sales management, price management, personnel management, and much more.
The competitive advantage of industrial enterprises can be formed by a number of factors that can be influenced by intangible or material resources, raw materials, innovations, costs, labor, technology, quality, price, profitability. Making wise management decisions and using previous experience and analysis to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises may not always be effective. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a mechanism that will serve to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise. An enterprise competitiveness management system is a mechanism that can provide an appropriate response to threats in a highly competitive environment in terms of internal and external interests. The main task of the analysis is to determine the share of enterprises in the structure of the competitiveness of the object under study, to develop and implement measures to improve the quality of products.
Assessing the real level of an enterprise in the market, determining the tools for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise and developing an appropriate strategy are very important steps in the process of managing the competitiveness of light industry enterprises. When developing an enterprise development strategy, it is important to take into account the fact that in modern economic conditions, market requirements, that is, the specific needs of consumers for a product, are developing.
At the same time, attention is paid to the quality of raw materials and the modernization of equipment and technologies to achieve competitiveness. It was found that little attention is paid to human resources, marketing activities and the management system. It is impossible to create a competitive product with high added value without the introduction of new, modern approaches to the economy.
The creation of the first pilot production cluster was aimed at:
- further deepening of structural changes and reduction of state participation in agriculture;
- attracting foreign investment to create an integrated cluster system for innovative development of the agro-industrial complex;
- introduction of effective methods of growing raw cotton and organization of deep processing of
agricultural raw materials;
- increasing the efficiency of production and wages in agriculture.
The ultimate goal of this pilot industrial cluster was to produce competitive regional products with high added value and, on this basis, solve many problems in the regions, such as the efficient use of labor and material resources, replenishment of the budget, expansion of export opportunities, and social issues.
The following are the conclusions and recommendations for improving the competitiveness of light industry enterprises:
- time itself requires the development of innovations, investments, work on promising projects, an optimal policy for the quality and price of products, work on new assortments, production of finished textile products, and this whole process should be designated as the main mission of the enterprise in a competitive environment;
- the lack of a clear focus in achieving the competitiveness of the enterprise indicates the complexity of the concept, various factors can affect the competitiveness of the enterprise, so it is necessary to carefully analyze all the factors affecting its activities;
- in the process of managing competitiveness, it is necessary to assess the real level of the enterprise in the market, determine the means of increasing competitiveness, develop an appropriate strategy, take into account the development of specific consumer needs in modern economic conditions, etc.
In conclusion, it should be noted that in many foreign countries with developed market economies over the past 15-20 years, more and more attention has been paid to the creation, improvement and certification of product quality management systems, the formation of a new managerial thinking in the field of quality. Such quality management is used not only in large industrial enterprises, but also in medium and small enterprises.
List of used literature:
1. Олимова, Н.Х. (2022). Зарубежный опыт оценки эффективности корпоративного управления в акционерных обществах. Eurasian Journal of Law, Finance and Applied Sciences, 2(2), 93-99.
2. Тешабаева, О.Н., & Шерматова, Х.М. (2022). Современные информационные услуги в обеспечение конкурентоспособности коммерческих банков. Scientific progress, 3(1), 44-51.
3. Олимова, Н.Х. (2019). Инновационные методы исчисления показателей эффективности и использование инновационных технологий в обеспечении конкурентоспособности продукции предприятия. / Тенденции развития мировой торговли в XXI веке (pp. 69-73).
© Ergashev A., Usmonaliyev I., Kholbekova D., 2022
УДК 338.24
Аннамурадов Бегли
Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления
г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан Научный руководитель: Муханов Абдыкерим Тиркешович
Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления
г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан
В работе рассмотрено современное понятие финансовой системы страны, его основные виды и