national level - to ensure long-term food security of the country, it is necessary to weaken the dependence of food industry enterprises on imported equipment, it is advisable to organize the production of local means of production for food industry enterprises, to achieve sustainable growth of agricultural production, to create an institutional framework, infrastructure and an effective food regulation system.
The result of the above measures should be an increase in the level of processed products, the local market for high-quality food products, formed through participation in the international division of labor. Regional and sectorial levels of management will prioritize economic growth in the food industry, expand the regional tax base for the food industry and increase production capacity in the small food industry, taking into account its promising scientifically grounded specialization through the formation of an optimal structure, the food industry in the region should ensure high-quality reproduction. Therefore, such topical issues as increasing the export potential, investment attractiveness of enterprises, expanding the production of import-substituting national food products, creating effective ways of supplying consumer goods to the domestic market and, thus, the transformation of the food industry should become one of the most promising long-term plans today [5].
Summarizing the above, we can conclude that well-coordinated work on standardization and certification at enterprises has a great positive effect on improving product quality, increasing the competitiveness of products, which is an important factor in the further development of food enterprises. List of used literature:
1. Khamrakulovna, O. N., Khojimamatovich, E. A., & Nasridinovna, T. O. (2021). // Description of organizational and economic activity of the society in the republic of Uzbekistan and marketing activity in its foreign economic relations. // Psychology and Education Journal, 58(2), 5014-5023.
2. Олимова, Н. Х. (2015). // Оценка и анализ уровня использования основных фондов текстильного предприятия «AYNUR UNIVERSAL PO». // Научный журнал «COGNITIO RERUM», 8(2015), 25.
3. Олимова, Н. Х. (2021). // Состояние внешнеэкономических связей промышленных предприятий страны и пути повышения их экспортного потенциала (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ООО" LOS GIGANTES TEXTILES"). // Архивариус, 7(2 (56)).
4. Ортиков, А. Б. У. (2021). //Перспективные направления развития предприятий легкой промышленности Узбекистана. // Архивариус, 7(2 (56)).
5. Эргашев, А. Х., & Уринбаева, Д. Х. (2019). // Анализ использования маркетинговых стратегий в организации и конкурентоспособности маркетинговой деятельности дизайн-центра ооо «SHARQ LIBOSLARI». // Тенденции развития мировой торговли в XXI веке: Материалы VIII, 123.
6. 24.03.2018. Мамлакат озик,-овк,ат хавфсизлигини хукумат таъминлайди
© Olimova Nodira Kh., Yulchiev Asiljon O., 2021
УДК: 339.138:330.3(575.13)
Olimova Nodira Kh. Ergashev Alijon Kh.
Fergana, Uzbekistan
It is known that today various kinds of research are being carried out to develop the effective use of
marketing strategies and conduct an active investment policy in the activities of enterprises. Ensuring a high level of competitiveness of each enterprise, along with other factors, also depends on investments. Based on this, this paper discusses the issues of effective use of opportunities to increase investment potential and the development of marketing strategies in the development of enterprises in the Fergana region.
Enterprise, potential, marketing, strategies, investments, perspective.
Олимова Нодира Хамракуловна Эргашев Алижон Хожимаматович
г. Фергана, Узбекистан
Известно, что на сегодняшний день проводятся разного родя исследования по разработке эффективного использования маркетинговых стратегий и проведения активной инвестиционной политики в деятельности предприятий. Обеспечение высокого уровня конкурентоспособности каждого предприятия на ряду с другими факторами, зависит в том числе и от инвестиций. Исходя из этого, в данной работе рассматриваются вопросы эффективного использования возможностей увеличения инвестиционного потенциала и разработки маркетинговых стратегий в развития предприятий Ферганской области.
Ключевые слова
Предприятие, потенциал, маркетинг, стратегии, инвестиции, перспектива.
It is known, that in the world practice in various spheres targeted marketing strategies are used, aimed at ensuring the socio-economic development of regions, increasing their investment activity, as well as the production of competitive products. As an end result, the strategy of socio-economic development and a step-by-step increase in the competitiveness of the enterprise is based on the determination of the goals and objectives of the formation of regional competitiveness; substantiation of the main priorities and goals, as well as the rational use of comparative competitive advantages and resource potential.
The main directions for the development and implementation of long-term strategies for economic development and competitiveness are:
- taking into account national interests and priorities of economic modernization at the national level;
- creation of a single business enterprise and the development of interregional economic integration;
- compliance of the interests of the state, region and industry in the regulation of socio-economic development;
- taking into account the peculiarities of the natural and economic potential of each enterprise, their competitive advantages due to the capabilities of the clustering method;
- the formation of legal, economic and organizational mechanisms for the implementation of the strategy of socio-economic development, strengthening competitiveness at various regional levels, etc.
Purposeful strategic approaches to the socio-economic development of enterprises in our country are defined as a fundamental system for developing an Action Strategy:
- ensuring the comprehensive and effective use of the natural, mineral, industrial, agricultural, tourist and labor potential of each enterprise to accelerate socio-economic development, improve the living
standards and incomes of the population;
- expanding the scale of modernization and diversification of the economy of enterprises, reducing the gap in the level of socio-economic development of regions due to the advanced development of relatively undersized districts and cities, primarily due to increasing industrial and export potential;
- accelerated development of small towns and villages through the creation of new industrial enterprises and service centers, the creation of small industrial zones, the attraction of funds from large business associations, bank loans and private foreign investments;
- reduction of subsidized districts and cities and expansion of the revenue base of local budgets due to the rapid development of industry and services.
The strategies of enterprises in order to create favorable conditions for the location of industrial enterprises and other production facilities, the development of private entrepreneurship and the improvement of the living conditions of the population are divided into groups for the further development and modernization of the production, engineering, communication and social infrastructure of enterprises, and in theories of enterprise marketing, marketing strategies aimed at the socio-economic development of an enterprise are divided mainly according to the characteristics of the enterprise, aimed at attracting investors, developing production and export-oriented.
It is advisable to express the conventionally designated strategies as follows:
- image marketing strategy;
- relationship marketing strategy;
- communication marketing strategy;
- consumer-oriented marketing strategy.
The main priorities of the image strategy for increasing the investment activity of enterprises in our region are the tourist opportunities of the Fergana region, the presence of objects of historical and cultural heritage, rich natural and climatic conditions, etc.
To attract investments in the Fergana region and increase its investment attractiveness, it is recommended to use a marketing strategy for working with investors. The main approach of the marketing strategy for investor relations is effective communication with investors and the formation of a loyal attitude towards the enterprise in them, and the following forms of this marketing strategy can be recommended for practical implementation:
- direct relations with investors;
- individual relations with investors;
- relationships over time.
The main feature of the communication strategy aimed at attracting investment to the region is the use of effective communications with investors. Its following forms are recommended:
- communication through the media;
-use of internet marketing.
The essence of the consumer marketing strategy aimed at attracting investment to Fergana is that any investment in the region should be aimed at effectively meeting the needs of the population and the region, improving living standards, increasing real incomes and employment.
The main activities aimed at developing marketing strategies for the investment development of the region, approved by the draft government decree, are as follows:
Objective 1: Development of a system of benefits and incentives by the administration of the Fergana region to increase the investment activity of the region and create an economic, legal and market environment for organizing an innovative business;
Objective 2: To promote the creation of investment infrastructure and the creation of effective
investment facilities, the formation of investment infrastructure facilities and the expansion of existing ones, the formation of a special permanent working group of scientists;
Objective 3: Take measures to ensure the adequacy of efforts to attract investment and increase investment attractiveness in order to create conditions for the development of an integrated and effective investment market to solve urgent problems of industrial complexes of the Fergana region-
Objective 4: Inform the general public through the media about the work done to implement investment activities to create the company's image and the effective use of marketing communications.
The above tasks represent a kind of marketing strategy aimed at innovative and investment development of the Fergana region, according to which it is advisable to prepare a draft resolution and submit it for approval.
List of used literature:
1. Khamrakulovna, O. N., Khojimamatovich, E. A., & Nasridinovna, T. O. (2021). Description of organizational and economic activity of the society in the Republic of Uzbekistan and marketing activity in its foreign economic relations. // Psychology and Education Journal, 58(2), 5014-5023.
2. Эргашев, А. Х., Уринбаева, Д. Х., & Гайбуллаева, Г. М. (2015). Способы развития предприятий реального сектора с помощью государственных инвестиционных программ. // Научный журнал «COGNITIO RERUM», 8(2015), 31.
3. Эргашев, А. Х. (2017). Программа воздействия маркетинговой стратегии на прибыль предприятий Ферганского региона. // Новый университет. Серия «Экономика и право», (1 (71)).
4. Олимова, Н. Х., & Ахунова, О. Э. (2020). Способы эффективного развития инвестиционной деятельности предприятий реального сектора. Архивариус, (7 (52)).
5. Олимова, Н. Х. (2019). Роль свободных экономических зон в развивающихся странах и анализ привлеченных инвестиций в их экономическое развитие. // Тенденции развития мировой торговли в XXI веке: Материалы VIII, 349.
6. Олимова, Н. Х. (2021). Состояние внешнеэкономических связей промышленных предприятий страны и пути повышения их экспортного потенциала (на примере ООО" LOS GIGANTES TEXTILES"). Архивариус, 7(2 (56)).
© Olimova Nodira Kh., Ergashev A.Kh., 2021
УДК: 332+336.027.2
Olimova Nodira Kh. Sotvoldiev Nurmukhammad N.
Fergana, Uzbekistan
Today, there is an objective need for the preparation of financial statements of domestic enterprises based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). To enter the world market, obtain international loans and attract foreign investment, it is advisable to draw up financial statements in accordance with IFRS. This is because the opportunity to increase the transparency of the financial statements of enterprises