УДК: 316.628.29
Vasilenkova A. V. student gr. 05001611 department: sociology and organization of work with youth
National Research University Russia, Belgorod
Annotation: The article discusses the key factors influencing the choice of the youth profession, main activities of young people in career. Main problems of vocational guidance and self-determination were studied.
Key words: career guidance, professional advice, professional education, professional diagnostics
A particularly relevant topic today is professional orientation among young people. There are a lot of factors that has influence on the choice of the future profession and future life of young citizen.
The term of professional orientation is a complex of psychological, pedagogical and medical measures aimed at optimizing the process of youth employment in accordance with the desires, inclinations and formed abilities and taking into account the need for specialists of the national economy and society as well5.
Everybody knows how difficult it is to face the choice of profession and what to avoid a global mistake that will entail many different problems in the future. However, the choice of profession is a quite difficult and at the same time, responsible step in the life of any person. The right choice of profession helps people to find their place in life. That's why haste or frivolity are not allowed in this situation, as these criteria can upset life aspirations and make a person unhappy6.
Having made various researches in the field of vocational guidance from the middle of the 20th century to the present day, we came to the conclusion that a person's features relied on the requirements of the profession itself, and not on the nature of individuality. Does a person have the thinking, attention and memory as well as motor skills and speed of reaction to various situations, the requirements that are necessary for the profession? It means that the "person - profession" attitude was analyzed only in the direction of profession to person. Based on this, professional choice was made. Thus, the society believed that this principle of profession choice will never change, but the world of professions is extremely dynamic and subject to any kind of changings, what's clear nowadays. Therefore, the choice of profession in the 21st century is based on the predisposition of a person to any field of activity or on a purposeful series of actions that will help him to work
5 Beletskaya, S. Your child and his success / S. Beletskaya. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 270s.
6 Bolotova, A. Psychology of development and age psychology / A. Bolotova. - Moscow: Publishing house of the Higher school of Economics, 2012. - 528c.
in the future7.
Now there isn't such a profession in which the student can start to work without prior psychological work on himself. The individualized structure of person's abilities which is claimed at the different fields of activities is formed only in the process of this activity and because of efforts of the person himself. Motivation, perseverance, activity and independence of the students themselves has a great importance while preparing and choosing of the profession.
Educational structures do not perform their functions of forming professional self-determination. As a result, the younger generation needs to adapt to the difficult conditions of society. However, the negative consequences of this process are obvious, as there are problems associated with the employment of those students who graduate from higher education. They are discrepancy between the structure of training and the need of the national economy, as well as a contradiction between the labor market and the market of specialists.
The views of young people about professions and the labor market in most cases don't coincide with reality, as the decision-making process of choosing a profession among today's young people is often dictated by the priority of external status values, poor knowledge of their abilities and opportunities. Young people focus on professions that are entrenched in society as "modern", "prestigious" and "profitable". Analyzing the reality, we can say that the economy is developing in a way that the need for working professions, especially skilled ones, does not decrease. It grows, indicating the lack of formed professional self-determination among young people8.
All parents are interested in the profession choice of their children would be the best for them. They want to be sure that this education will be the basis for the gradual movement towards a successful career. This confidence can be exercised only if the principle of professional self-determination is respected.
The principle of professional self-determination implies a conscious independent choice of profession9.
There are also a number of psychological and pedagogical reasons for choosing a profession. Like any person living on the planet, everybody needs the recognition of the people around them, because they want to be appreciated. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to choose a profession that will help to distinguish them from other people, which will entail their emotional satisfaction. Due to the high level of self-esteem, everybody will be able to achieve greater success in professional activities, therefore, will be able to realize the goal10.
Despite the favorable conditions for choosing a profession, every year this topic becomes more difficult to solve, as the society is becoming more complicated.
7 Seer, E. Psychology of professional development: a textbook for psycho-logics/ E. seer. - Moscow: Academy, 2012. - 3rd ed. - 239 p.
8 Klimov, A. Psychology of professional self-determination / A. Klimov. - Moscow: Academy, 2013. - 304 p.
9 Prokudina, O. Socio-economic essence of professional orientation / O. Prokudina.- M.: journal of Creative economy, 2015. - Volume 9. - №6. - 696c.
10 Prjazhnikov N. Activating consulting: theory, methods, programs / N. Prjazhnikov. - Moscow: Academy, 2014. -219c.
Researching the decision-making process from the psychological science's point of view, first of all, psychological concepts will be able to explain why and on what grounds this decision was made in a certain period of time. Within this approach, a consistent type of career guidance is formed as a psychological phenomenon, which consists of two related parties:
* decision about the professional choice;
* influence on the psyche in order to form professional intentions in accordance with social needs11.
Usually, in career counseling there are the following directions:
* professional information,
* propietaria,
* professional education,
* professional selection,
* professional consultation12.
Also, there are four main methods of career guidance, the first of which are educational methods of information. They include:
* job description is a brief description of the professions; •reference literature;
* information retrieval systems-IPS:
o written (cards, forms, card files, etc.)), o computerized (databases - "cloud»); o professional advertising and agitation;
o various kinds of excursions at enterprises and educational institutions; o meetings having the character of MC and "workshop" with specialists of various professional activities;
o informative and educational lectures on solving problems in self-determination;
o various video formats;
o the use of mass media (mass media) has an opportunity to be quite effective, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account their specificity;
* holding various "trade fairs", as well as their variations, which have proven to be a positive side in the effective assistance to the younger generation in career guidance.
The second group of methods are methods of professional psychodiagnosis, they include:
* closed interviews;
* open interviews;
* questionnaires of professional motivation;
* skill questionnaires;
* "personal "questionnaires; the test for "personality" is a manifestation of one's moral position in any "trifles" of life, i.e. it is very difficult to assess a person
11 Pryazhnikov, N. Self-determination and professional orientation of students / N. Pryazhnikov, L. Rumyantseva. -Moscow: Academy, 2013. - 208 p.
12 Rezepkin, Psychology and choice of profession / G. Rezepkin. - M.: Genesis, 2014-6th ed. - 208 p.
in everyday life;
* methods of observation are one of the main scientific and practical methods of the psychologist;
* collection of indirect information from friends, parents and friends, as well as from teachers and other specialists about the claimed person;
* psychophysiological examinations;
* simulation of different situations in the form of games or trainings. This will give any idea regarding the future professional behavior of the participants in these procedures;
* research and observation of the object directly in the workplace;
The third group consists of methods of moral and emotional support of the client, these include:
* communication groups used to create a positive atmosphere of interaction;
* communication trainings that allow participants to learn some communication skills of behavior in hiring, as well as in various business interactions;
* complex methods of individual and group psychotherapy. These methods are aimed at improving the awareness of the choice of a particular activity by the participant;
* public speaking, which with skillful use can create a serious motivational basis for self-determination of customers, but in other cases can be also a strong means of manipulation for gullible customers;
* career guidance and preconsultation activating methods (game), including elements of psycho;
* various positive examples of self-determination, which can be referred to by the professional consultant in order to increase the confidence of the object to implement solutions to their problems;
The final fourth group of methods includes such methods as-assistance in a specific choice and decision-making.
in build phases, ensuring the realization of the goals and perspectives used to visually (graphically) to represent the participant and the vocational counselor possible life Outlook self-determining person;
* building a system of different options for the participant's actions that lead to a specific goal, allowing to identify the most optimal options for prospects;
* the use of different schemes of alternative choice from the already available options for choosing a profession (used in the final stages of the consultation)13.
For the most complete study of the problem of career guidance choice of young people, we conducted a pilot sociological study. The study involved 70 respondents aged 14 to 30 years.
As a result of the study, the main reasons that guide young people in choosing a profession were identified.
Based on the data obtained, we come to conclusion of the most popular
13 Solovyov, A. choice of profession / A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2013.- 408 PP.
reasons of choosing different professions among young people. The most significant reason is the interest in the profession of 57.6%, it is important for young people their working days to be more intense. Unfortunately, less than a half (42.4%) of respondents are guided by their own abilities and inclinations when choosing a specialty. It can lead to sad consequences, in particular, to the inability of the ready specialist to work and realize himself in the direction to which he is not inclined. The ability to earn well has an important meaning for 33,3 % of young people. Only 39.4% of the respondents studied the working conditions well, which indicates that the vocational guidance activities of educational institutions are not effective enough. 30.3% of respondents want to get a profession through which young people can benefit society. One of the factors influencing the choice of profession is the childhood dream of 27.3%. The situation on the labor market in the choice of specialization is guided by only 24.2 per cent of respondents. Such results are due to the lack of awareness among young people of the labour market situation in a given period of time, which leads to unemployment. The seventh line was divided by several factors:" people of this profession enjoy special respect in society"," most of all I know about this profession"," with this profession I will be able to achieve more in life than parents " - 12.1%. Under the pressure of parents fall 9.1% of respondents, and under the influence of teachers 3%, the opinion of friends is usually not taken into account. 6.1% of respondents fall under the influence of friends, telling about their work. The same percentage of respondents choose the easy way and prefer a profession that is easy to learn. Recognition of acquaintances and ease of work is important only for 3% of young people, as well as the attractiveness of the profession on the pages of books and television screens.
Based on the result of the survey, the most attractive areas of youth activity were identified. It can be concluded that there are not enough specialists in the country whose activities are related to the Exact sciences, Natural sciences and Art. If the lack of personnel in the field of Art can be argued low wages, the reluctance of young people to study Natural sciences and Exact sciences is associated with a difficult, capacious and longer learning process than, for example, the study of Humanities.
Having studied the results of the survey, several areas of activity were identified in which young people want to be implemented. According to the results of the survey, the majority of respondents, to be more precious, 25%, shows interest in the field of entrepreneurship and business. 20% of respondents chose the direction related to administrative activities. Also, it should be noted that the highest priority was given to the field of literature and art, this area was preferred by 10% of respondents, which may indicate the development of imagination and creative skills in modern youth. Less interest was the field of sport (7,4%), Military affairs (7,8), education (7.6 percent), manufacturing (7.5 per cent) and medicine (7.2 percent). The least interest was expressed for: the service sector of 5% and a policy of 2.5%.
This is evidenced by the fact that directions associated with state structures, less interested in contemporary youth than running your own business.
Quite a significant problem in the process of career guidance and self-determination of a young person is a lack of awareness of the tasks and principles of the chosen profession. The results of the study show that only 31.7% of respondents know about their profession. 65.9% would like to know more about their specialty, and 2.5% are not competent in this matter. The lack of information forms a misconception of young people about the professions and the labor market.
The study identified the most popular sources of information about the professions chosen by young people. Having studied the data, we can conclude that the most popular sources of information about the professions of young people is media - 73.2%. 31.7% of respondents learned about their favorite profession at school. 26.8% of respondents learned about the profession from the stories of their parents. Only 4.9% of young people have been on excursions to the workplace. It is important to say that 26.8% of the respondents, once tried themself at work, decided to associate with it his future career.
Different methods of career guidance are used while teaching. The study identified the most popular of them. Absolute primacy belongs to open days in universities and colleges - 53.5%. Meetings with representatives of various professions are on the second line - 27.9%. Only 25.5% of respondents talked about professions at school. 20.9% of respondents studied information materials on educational institutions and attended vocational guidance activities of young people. 18.6% of young people attended excursions to the production facilities. Evenings, contests, quizzes and talks with specialists held at the school helped only 2.3% of the respondents.
Summing up, we can say that it is necessary to improve the quality of information for students in case the modern young generation not to face with any problems when choosing a future profession. Thus, teachers should conduct with students the latest and modernized special trainings at schools. They can be both psychological and cognitive, as well as various kinds of career guidance testing. If we implement the above activities, the school will be able to perform the task of assisting graduates in choosing a profession. The time of professional search would be reduced to a minimum, young people will be able to realize themselves in their chosen profession. Their work in the future will bring them not only material rewards, but also moral satisfaction and they will be able to choose the profession that will be in demand in the labor market.
1. Beletskaya, S. Your child and his success / S. Beletskaya. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. -270s.
2. Bolotova, A. Psychology of development and age psychology / A. Bolotova. -Moscow: Publishing house of the Higher school of Economics, 2012. - 528c.
3. Seer, E. Psychology of professional development: a textbook for psycho-logics/ E. seer.- Moscow: Academy, 2012. - 3rd ed. - 239 p.
4. Klimov, A. Psychology of professional self-determination / A. Klimov. -Moscow: Academy, 2013. - 304 p.
5. Prokudina, O. Socio-economic essence of professional orientation / O.
Prokudina.- M.: journal of Creative economy, 2015. - Volume 9. - №6. - 696c.
6. Prjazhnikov N. Activating consulting: theory, methods, programs / N. Prjazhnikov. - Moscow: Academy, 2014. - 219c.
7. Pryazhnikov, N. Self-determination and professional orientation of students / N. Pryazhnikov, L. Rumyantseva. - Moscow: Academy, 2013. - 208 p.
8. Rezepkin, Psychology and choice of profession / G. Rezepkin. - M.: Genesis, 2014-6th ed. - 208 p.
9. Solovyov, A. choice of profession / A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2013.- 408 PP.
10.Burakiewicz, F., Problems of vocational choice of today's youth / F. Drill-kevich, K. Kashnikova. - M.: Cyberleninka, 2016.